Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 903 - :doubt

Angels have n’t planned to destroy the star map. In fact, it ’s not easy. Their flying height is insufficient, so high, they will be discovered by the star map, and they will be attacked in advance if they are found. Less cost.

But the angel’s intention to detect along the line of the magic eye is already obvious.

Chucheng now has no magic circle, so it is not easy to contact Jiang Yuan. He communicates the star chart with a badge and sends the message back to the star chart. This is not immediate, and he cannot speak to Jiang Yuan immediately.

Chucheng could only tell Jiang Yuan what he judged.

In fact, the angel he met just now is probably only one of ten thousand, and there are many hidden in the distance. There are clouds in the sky. The clouds of Gaia can also affect the glance of the consciousness. Chu City does not need to waste that energy.

After the information was passed, he did not have the trouble of looking for the angel and flew all the way to Gube City.

The flight was a long one. An hour later, Chu Cheng received Jiang Yuan ’s message, and when he met the angel again, he grabbed a few samples. If he caught it, he went to Xilu first and passed it to him by teleport.

Chucheng promised to come down, and a huge white crane rose into the sky, no longer flying at low altitude.

What is the concept of a kilometer wingspan is one kilometer in width.

Bai He straightened up and rose to a height of more than 500 miles in a blink of an eye. A group of angels panicked and swallowed dozens of them in a single bite.

Although it is a visual map, it already has the ability to transform between nothingness and reality. If you fight directly, you can defeat most of the same level of Warcraft in melee.

Baihe’s speed is not something that angels can avoid. In the second bite, Baihe swallowed hundreds of angels.

After these angels were imprisoned, they were thrown into the flag of Dutian Battle.

Baihe was flying at this height, and the chance of hitting an angel suddenly increased a lot. He flew all the way back, and Luo Yan did not lower his altitude any more, swallowing thousands of angels back and forth.

These angels are not the same as they have seen before, because they can fly for a long time and still maintain their combat effectiveness.

Chu Cheng immediately used it for research and found that it was a sacrifice of life.

These long-flying angels do not sacrifice their combat effectiveness. Angels who could have long lifespan now have only a few decades left.

Angels originally had very long lifespans, and they were few in tens of thousands of years.

In addition to fighting, angels also have an important function, which is to praise gods. Such things as praising the gods are to accumulate continuously, and a short lifespan is not appropriate, otherwise why the gods give the heroes that long lifespan.

Really thought it rewarded your efforts in the world? It’s just to continue to squeeze.

Because of the short flight time of angels, the temple’s correction is really rapid, but changing the lifespan and increasing the flying ability is such a means of the pope or the gods?

If it is a god, it is simple. Even the Pope, even if it is a ninth rank, it is not easy to get it.

Counting the appearance of the star chart, the angels resisted the opposite attack of the star chart, and it didn’t take long. If it wasn’t for the gods, the research power of the temple in the world is really quite powerful.

These angels are not from the same temple, they are collective actions of many gods.

Then there is no angel of tomorrow and angel of dawn, but Chucheng has been searching for a long time and has been capturing all the way.

Chu Cheng picked two angels from each kind and sent them to Jiang Yuan with a teleportation array. The consumption was naturally counted on Jiang Yuan ’s head. Fortunately, the angels ’ranks were not high either. All less.

Although there are many angels in the Angel’s Gate, the sixth order is already the peak power that can be taken out. Walking on the earth, the angels are suppressed by the rule of Gaia, and there is no favor.

It doesn’t matter that the theater is here. There are many flying units sent by Chucheng to monitor the sky.

Besides, the information network here has a large collection of magic eyes, and it is still mainly based on the plague magic eyes. The metal magic eyes are only for auxiliary use.

Even if the metal magic eye is broken, the information will not be broken.

The war zone is small, unlike the vast sea, Chucheng cannot afford it. His plague magic eyes, even the Four Gods Island, are connected, but they can’t even connect to the Sun Continent.

Westland is 100,000 miles away from the Gods Continent, and further to Shenzhou Continent, not to mention Warcraft Continent and the distant Golden Continent.

It is a long process to link all continents with information.

Moreover, the metal magic eye is really not good, just temporary, the biochemical magic eye is the best, there is no such demand in Chucheng, but Daxia is studying the magic eye that specializes in transmitting information. Chucheng didn’t have so much money, he still used the battle magic eye instead, after all, his magic eye cost can be adjusted.

Chu Cheng didn’t understand the reason why the angel wanted to destroy the communication line. He always thought it was an incredible thing. Because although communication magic is expensive, the three continents are not incapable of spending money. Even if the information network of the Magic Eye is destroyed, at most people use magic arrays to deliver messages.

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan talked about their doubts, and then sent the question down to solicit your opinions.

On Sishen Island, Wang Qingyi was the first to give Chu Cheng an answer.

“Maybe it’s a drill?”


Chu Cheng immediately found it reasonable that the angels wanted to destroy the magic eyes in the theater. The magic eyes in the theater were in droves. The fighting power was not weak. The angel’s speed caused them to run away.

Suppose the speed of the angel can increase to a terrible level, sacrifice something, and a space door walks past.

In that case, the magic eyes can only fight head-on.

But the angel did not know **** the magic eye. It was good to practice the magic eye of the communication network and clean it up by the way. The density of the magic eyes in the theater is too high, and in some places the information delay is relatively small.

If it is destroyed, the meaning is quite significant. Because this thing is easier than going back and communicating with the magic circle.

In the battle of the angels, it has been found that soldiers on the ground can exchange information with each other through the high-altitude magic eyes. Without these magic eyes, not only will air strikes be lost, but communications will also take a big step backwards.

It should be known that building communication stations on the ground is more likely to be destroyed and more likely to be interfered with.

“Another big trouble, what is the temple doing?”

Luo Yan’s doubts are also the doubts of Chu Cheng. Such a big move in the temple will definitely not be as simple as just killing the magic eyes. It will not be changed to Chucheng, because the devil’s eye is to eliminate the unclean, only to reduce the density.

“They know the existence of Biochemical Demon Eye and intend to turn Biochemical Demon Eye into an angel.” Although Tiancao Cangyuan is not here, they can also participate in the meeting through the communication magic array. His words made everyone feel horrified.

Because the manufacturing of magic eyes is essentially much cheaper than angels, and the lifespan is not too short. It is not a problem for senior magic eyes to live for hundreds of years.

How about adding divinity? Will survive longer.

Chu Cheng and others, relying on the magic eyes, can launch a blow against the three empires, making the empires tired. If the gods mastered this technology, the sky would no longer be the site of the galaxy universe.

“Assuming it is true, what we should consider is not how to stop it, we can’t stop it. We can only think of ways to improve the technology.” When Chu Cheng said this, it was a bit painful.

The monopoly of knowledge in the temple, and the ignorance of the people, does not mean that the temple itself has no ability to study and create.

In the days to come, if the temple really imitates this path, what the galaxy universe creates, what the temple imitates, then the war will become very difficult.

There are also angels in the shrine. The number is huge. If there is a breakthrough in technology, Chucheng will not even see the hope of winning.

Thinking, Jiang Yuan communicated with him again.

“Chucheng, do you have any new ideas?”

“Your Majesty, you speak first.”

“The temple is planning, it is definitely not to destroy our communication lines. I think that the temple should imitate our magic eye technology to counter our air superiority.”

“Yes, if the other party creates a divine eye in the angel’s door, we can’t even destroy the production base.”

“anything else?”

“We have an advantage on the ground now, and we are leading the technology. If the temple imitates, manufactures cheaper biochemical weapons, and manufactures chariots like mobile magic towers, then our losses will increase more than ten times.

“Join the password agreement.” Jiang Yuan said to Chu Cheng.

Chu Cheng hesitated and said, “I have an independent password.”

The temple of his plague creatures cannot be imitated, and the core biological program is blasphemy. Therefore, the Big Dipper map cannot be deceived by divine art, but can only be destroyed, not purified.


“Forget it, now my trade is over, what good do I want, Your Majesty, I don’t need to mention this matter.”

Jiang Yuan no longer insisted that the cryptographic agreement is a biochemical weapon technology agreement signed by the three continents, each controlling a section of biological password to ensure the destruction of attributes. As long as it is a joint weapon, there are three destroy passwords. No one can attack each other.

This was originally intended, and Chu Cheng had refused to join before.

Joining, in fact, can not be independent, playing games within their framework.

Chu Cheng would rather not earn a penny, and would not join, unless he is the leader and has absolute control.

“You make a new design, safety part, I want to check.” Jiang Yuan said to Chucheng Road.

“I will not join the security agreement ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ If your majesty feels that my things are not safe, I can ban them from entering the Daxia land, I have no opinion.

“Why are you so persistent?” Jiang Yuan didn’t understand.

“In Daxia, there must be minions.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“Your Majesty, you are at the top of the ninth order, can’t you feel something?”

“Just for a little doubt?”

“No, I have my way of perception.” Chu Cheng couldn’t tell Jiang Yuan that I was born again. At that time, Daxia collapsed so quickly because of the traitors.

Such words, even in Gaia, will be treated as neuropathy.

Through time and space, how could the giant Gaia reverse time and rebirth? Who can pry the laws of Gaia?

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