Burning Moscow

Chapter 10

Section 9 Highland Defense (4)

The enemy plane ran away, and the female soldiers rushed to my side and kissed my cheek desperately. Originally this was a good opportunity to hug left and right, but I sat blankly in front of the machine gun. When I fought the enemy plane, I was calm and calm; even when the battle was over, I started to be scared, and my whole body was like sifting chaff. The ground was shaking.

“What’s the matter with you?” Jeanne next to me asked caringly, her name for me has changed from “you” to “you”.

“It’s nothing, it’s just a bit cold.” I found a more appropriate reason to hide my gaffe. The temperature difference between morning and evening in Russia in autumn is too great. When I rushed out of the house just now, because I was nervous, I had not felt the chill of the morning. I really feel a bit cold at this time.

Karenina came over, took my shoulders and said, “Let’s go, Lida. Let’s go back for breakfast, and we can’t let the **** German devils delay our breakfast.” I agreed and jumped out of my seat. , Returned to the house surrounded by the female soldiers.

There is a long wooden table in the house. It is probably the table where the female soldiers usually eat. On it is placed sliced ​​brown bread, pickles, cheese, sausage, and even a pot of green apples.

Just about to start eating, suddenly a man’s voice came from the door: “Can we come in?” I looked towards the door, and I saw Captain Holopov and Captain Klopov standing at the door with a smile. outer. I quickly stood up and greeted the past, and said repeatedly: “Comrade Commander, welcome your coming.”

The two sat down at the table, took off their helmets and placed them on the table. Klopov was a little excited and said to everyone: “Girls, you are really great! Before you came, there was no air defense in this position, so the German Devil’s plane had to fly over the high ground every day to go in circles, a little bit. Don’t put us in your eyes. You taught them severely today, and it is estimated that they will not dare to be so arrogant in the future.”

“Okay, my comrade political instructor,” the captain interrupted him. “It’s time for breakfast. If you want to say it, wait until you finish eating.” He put a military bag on the table and put it on the table. The contents were laid out on the table one by one: rusks, lard and a can of condensed milk. Although there are not many things, I clearly know that these things that usually seem ordinary were extremely precious food in the war years.

“Girls, this is my gift to you.” The captain greeted everyone: “You are welcome, come and eat. Your normal breakfast time has been delayed by the German devil’s plane, so hurry up and eat. I won’t be disturbed by German devils again.”

“Boom!” As soon as his voice fell, there was an explosion outside. There was only one sound at first, and then the explosion of “boom, boom, boom!”

“No,” the captain’s face changed immediately. “The German devils have begun bombarding the position again. Captain, let’s go to the observation post.” Grabbing the helmet on the table and rushing out, Klopov also Rushed out immediately afterwards.

“I’m torture, the captain is really a crow mouth.” I cursed in Chinese in a low voice, then stood up and said loudly to my deputy platoon leader: “Karenina, except for leaving a few necessary personnel on the anti-aircraft gun. On guard, everyone else is concealed in the anti-cannon hole.”

“Lida,” Karenina said a little hesitantly, “but we stayed in the house during the usual shelling. Comrade battalion commander also said that this house was built on the back of the mountain, and artillery fire would not be possible. It is very safe.”

I was really dumbfounded when I heard this. Maybe the German artillery can’t hit the location of the house, but it doesn’t mean that the plane can’t blow it up. Dozens of people were nestled in a dilapidated wooden house, and all the aerial bombs fell down. So I resolutely said: “No, all go to the blastholes to hide, this is an order.”

After giving the order, I grabbed a few slices of bread from the table, and walked out of the wooden house while eating, followed the two commanders, and went to the observation post on the hillside.

In addition to the battalion commander and instructor who are watching the enemy with a telescope in the observation post, there is also a male telegraph operator with headphones holding a microphone and shouting loudly: “Hey, hello, the division, the division, I am an unnamed highland. I am an unnamed highland here.······”

“Boom, boom, boom!” I lay in front of the observation port and watched German artillery shells explode one after another on the high ground. Smoke and dust soared, covering half of the sky.

However, the situation here is not the most serious, and the high ground on the left has received more intense shelling. The various sturdy fortifications on the hillside are like paper toys, torn to pieces by the power of the explosion, and then lifted high into the air. The mines in the minefield were constantly detonated, the barbed wire in front of the trenches was torn to pieces, and the soldiers hidden in the trenches were blown into pieces…

The division’s phone was finally going through, and the lieutenant reported the situation loudly to the division commander: “…German devils bombarded the high ground fiercely, and the infantry is gathering in the back. Depending on the situation, they are preparing to adopt the old tactics. , Use artillery to suppress firepower on the high ground on both sides of us, and then organize troops to carry out assaults on the main peak position.······”

With a loud noise of “Boom!”, a shell exploded near the observation post, and large and small clods of soil on the roof fell like a torrential rain. I screamed in fright and hurriedly left the observation port and squatted with my head in my arms. On the ground. Large groups of pungent gunpowder smoke were blown in by the wind, UU reading www. uukanshu.com choked me a little bit out of breath.

The captain who had just finished the call gave me a dissatisfied look. He was about to criticize me, a panicked person. Klopov, who had been observing the enemy situation outside, suddenly said loudly, “Oh, it’s not good.”

“What’s the matter?” The captain rushed over, grabbed the telescope placed in the observation port and looked out nervously.

“Lord, you see, there are tanks and armored transport vehicles covering the German infantry who are passing by the right side of our position. They want to directly attack the defense line on the Kiev road.”

“Hurry up and report to your superiors.” The captain turned around and grabbed the phone and started calling out loudly: “Division, Division! I am the Unknown Highland! I am the Unknown Highland!” He suddenly dropped the microphone and said angrily, “Damn it,” The telephone line was blown up.” Then he told the correspondent: “You hurry up and check the line.”

“Did the division commander say anything?” As soon as the signalman left, Klopov asked the lieutenant with concern.

“After that, I still have those few words: I’d rather let the bones be exposed in the wilderness, never discard the high ground; as long as there is one person, he must be nailed to the ground like a nail, and he can’t take a step back.”

“Boom!” Another shell fell nearby, and a thick layer of soil fell on my body. It’s too dangerous here. I might be hit by a cannonball directly after a while. I don’t want to be unclear. I should go to the blasthole to find the soldiers in the platoon. At least stay there and not be killed by the cannonball. . Thinking of this, I didn’t say hello to them either. I stood up quietly and sneaked out of the observation post. As soon as I left the door, I kicked my feet and ran to the blasthole.

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