Burning Moscow

Chapter 112

111 Rout (Part 2)

Orel and I rushed out of the church and saw a mess outside.

Several German aircraft hovered in the air, diving down from time to time to drop bombs or strafing. In the smoke and fire, the anti-aircraft machine gun company that had constructed an air defense position yesterday was shooting violently into the air. Groups of soldiers with bare hands or with weapons were running around in panic. Several cooking squad men were running around in panic. The female soldier also ran behind the crowd with utensils.

“Hidden! Hurry up!” I ran forward a few steps and yelled at the female soldiers, but my voice was suppressed by the sound of explosions and anti-aircraft guns.

“Careful!” A person leaped up from behind and overwhelmed me on the snow. Almost at the same time, a bullet fired by a swooping enemy plane passed through where I was just standing.

“Hurry up and find a place to hide. I will evacuate the people from the headquarters.” When the person pressing on me spoke, I immediately heard that the deputy chief of staff Orel was the one who saved my life just now. I quickly loosened my back. Orel has gotten up and ran towards the church, yelling in his loud voice as he ran, “Everyone in the headquarters has left their positions and went outside to hide!… …”

Amid his shouts, I also heard a series of screams. Turning around, it turned out that the soldier standing guard at the door was shot in two by a machine gun. Because he died without a moment, his upper body was dragging his blood-red intestines, and he was tumbling amidst extremely painful screams. …

Seeing the tragic sight in front of me and smelling the strong blood, I just felt that the rivers and seas were tumbling between my chest and abdomen, and things were rushing upwards. I couldn’t bear it anymore, I just lay there and vomited.

The bombs dropped by the plane exploded everywhere in the village. I was thinking about where to hide. Although I had been calling everyone to hide, it was just an instinctive reaction. I don’t know if I want to hide, I should hide it as far as I can. Perhaps the safest place is lying on the ground.

Bombs fell into the crowd from time to time, and the blast of air lifted the soldiers high into the air, and then threw them down again. Amid the uninterrupted explosions, my hands and feet trembled involuntarily, and my body was lying in the snow and dared not to move, I was afraid that shrapnel flying around would hit me.

A **** arm suddenly slammed down in front of me, shocking me who was unprepared. When I settled down and took a closer look, I found that the skin of that arm was delicate and white, which should belong to a woman. The residents of the village have been evacuated long ago. Could it be that which female soldier in the cooking class has suffered misfortune?

I looked around and saw Damana, who helped me change my clothes a few days ago, lying covered in blood in the snow not far away, tumbling on the spot while vaguely from her mouth that was constantly pouring blood. Shouting something. I hurriedly climbed to her side with hands and feet, hugged her body, and asked loudly, “Damana, how are you?”

Damana looked at me with silent eyes, opened her mouth a few times, and said a few words in a very weak voice. Because the explosion around me was too loud, I didn’t hear what she was saying clearly. I just wanted to put my ear to her mouth to listen, but she already tilted her head and stopped breathing.

Seeing Damana who was sacrificed in his arms, a sorrow surged into my heart, and my eyes began to wet. death! It turned out to be that simple. On a battlefield full of war, it may only take a few seconds for a fresh life to become a cold corpse. My tears rolled in the astringent red eyes for a long time, and still couldn’t help but flow out, falling drop by drop on Damana’s face.

“Boom!” A bomb exploded not far away, and the mud and snow fell all over me.

looked up, it turned out that another enemy plane dived down and dropped a bomb on the village. Seeing the enemy plane raging in the air, I suddenly felt an uncontrollable impulse in my heart. I want revenge and knock down the **** enemy plane! Looking around, I saw the anti-aircraft machine guns in the air defense positions in the village were shooting desperately into the air. I wiped a tear, put down Damana’s body, stood up and rushed to the nearest air defense position.

I was terribly afraid of the explosion of the bomb just now, but now I don’t even do the instinctive neck-shrinking movement, I just bent over and ran towards the anti-aircraft gun. Seeing that there were about twenty steps left, a bomb fell beside the anti-aircraft machine gun, and the explosion of the blast collapsed the parapet built with sandbags, and the soldier who was shooting covered his head from his seat. When it was planted, the machine gun became dumb.

I speeded up my pace and rushed over, stepped over the collapsed sandbag, jumped onto the machine gun seat, turned the handle quickly, and aimed at the enemy plane in the air through the scope. A soldier nearby shouted at me: “Comrade Commander, is there anything I can help?”

“Help me load ammunition.” I said faintly, and then stepped on the button of the gun, a little bit stronger…

“Yes!” In response, the soldier quickly inserted the two ammunition boxes into the gun body.

The enemy plane’s target in the scope is getting bigger and bigger and clearer. “Maybe the soldier standing guard was split into two parts just now, and it was this plane that killed Damana.” I thought like this, and at the same time stepped on the button, and a string of bullets rushed out of the muzzle and shot. To the enemy plane.

The two ammunition magazines emptied quickly, but they didn’t even touch the side of the plane. At this moment, I suddenly remembered that when I was in Pulkovo Highland, I heard the female fighters talk about the trick to fighting enemy planes: rather than chase after! That is to say, when the enemy plane shoots head-on when it dives, the hit rate is higher than that of a **** spanking chasing the enemy plane. So I changed my strategy and continued to focus on the enemy aircraft in the air, while slowing down the rotation speed of the gun body.

The enemy plane was ready to dive again at a high altitude, and screamed towards the position. When the scope again caught the enemy plane, I stepped on the button without hesitation, and a series of bullets fired at the enemy plane.

The enemy plane was hit, dragging out a black smoke and sliding to the side. Although the enemy plane had been injured, I had no plan to let it go. I continued to lock it with the scope, and kept pressing on the button of the gun, and the machine gun bullets were sprayed at the enemy plane intensively. Suddenly, a loud noise was faintly heard, and the enemy plane exploded and disintegrated in the air, turning into pieces and floating down.

destroyed an enemy plane, my nervous mind and body suddenly relaxed, and my right foot released the button of the gun, and slumped weakly on the seat.

“Hurry up and hide!” The soldier who loaded me ammunition suddenly shouted and pushed me.

Although I didn’t know what was going on, I instinctively jumped off the anti-aircraft gun and ran to the side.

After a few steps, I was thrown down from behind, and then I heard a earth-shattering explosion from behind, and then the mud and snow covered the sky and buried me.

After a while, the person pressing on me moved and asked me in a low voice, “Comrade Commander, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, what happened just now?”

“The German devils saw that their plane was shot down, and the remaining ones all turned around and dived viciously toward us, so I let you hide.” The soldier said, stood up.

I felt light on my back, and immediately turned over and sat up. Seeing the place where the anti-aircraft machine gun was placed just now, it was blown into a big pit, and it was still emitting wisps of smoke. I got up from the ground with lingering fear, walked to the big pit, looked at the remains of the anti-aircraft machine gun, and cried out in my heart, if it weren’t for the soldier’s quick response, I guess there would be no bones left.

The enemy plane hovered over the village for a while. It was estimated that the bombs had been thrown away before they all turned around and flew away.

“Everyone, come and help!” Someone in the distance shouted, “The commanders are all buried in the church!”

Hearing this shout, I couldn’t help but shook my head and turned to look at the location of the church. I was surprised to find that the bombing had turned the church into a smoke-filled ruin, and a large dome covered with gold leaf. It was broken into pieces and scattered around. Many soldiers gathered around the church, and they were nervously looking for survivors.

“Orel just went into the church to take care of the evacuation, he will be fine, right?” I thought, and at the same time ran towards the original headquarters.

Coming to the ruins, I desperately tried to squeeze into the crowd, but I was dragged by someone from behind. Looking back, it was Orel. There was a bandage on his head, and blood oozes from his forehead.

“Are you all right?” “Are you all right?” We both asked each other in unison.

“It’s okay, great! How about you?” We both answered each other’s questions at the same time.

“Comrade Deputy Chief of Staff, what happened?” I asked him first this time.

He pointed to the ruins of the church and said emotionally: “At least five bombs hit the church just now, and then it collapsed.”

“How about the casualties?” I asked with concern.

He shook his head and said, “Although I commanded the evacuation just now, it was still a step slower. Before most of the commanders of the Intelligence Office and Operations Office had time to withdraw, the church collapsed and buried them inside. I am organizing personnel for rescue.”

I looked at the soldiers busy in the rubble, and I knew in my heart that if a person is buried in such ruins, the chance of surviving is very slim. After a pause, I asked again: “Is there any latest report on the situation?”

“Yes. This is the last document received by the Intelligence Service.” Orel took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, opened it and read to me: “The local counter-assault launched this morning according to the order of the front army has succeeded. Very slight. At first, due to our sudden attack, our army even successfully inserted into the enemy’s garrison for about 3 kilometers, but the enemy began to attack our army across the board at this time. The forces that we advanced were forced to return in a hurry. The Cavalry Army led by Dovator was in a particularly difficult situation The enemy fought them from all directions. Thanks to the clever commanders and the mobile cavalry, they were able to escape and avoid being completely surrounded.”

“The commander is back!” A soldier shouted excitedly next to him.

Orel and I looked towards the village, and a black car was swaying along the bumpy road. When the car got closer, I couldn’t help being taken aback. The front windshield was completely gone, and there were bullet holes all over the body. As soon as the car stopped, Commander Rokosovsky jumped out of the car. His image also surprised me. The long army coat was covered with mud, as if he had just been in the mud. It’s like rolling on the ground.

Orel greeted him and said with concern: “Comrade Commander, why are you back alone, political commissar?”

“After Comrade Lobachev and I came out of the 316th Division, they went directly to the Cadet Corps, where fierce fighting was also going on. I rushed back to the command post here to learn about the defenses of the troops in each area. I didn’t expect it. On the way back, the car was hit by German planes twice in a row.” After listening to Rokosovsky’s account, I realized why he seemed so embarrassed. It turned out that there was an air attack on the road. He walked quickly to the front of the church, pointed to the ruins and asked Orel: “What’s the matter?”

Orel lowered his head and replied sadly: “The enemy planes bombed our place just now. The church where the headquarters is located was hit by five bombs. Most of the comrades in the intelligence department and the combat department were killed.”

Looking at the mutilated corpse, Rokosowski’s expression became heavy. The hand was shaking constantly, obviously extremely excited.

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