Burning Moscow

Chapter 115

114 The Special “Reserve” (Part 1)

I couldn’t bear to keep watching, so I squatted down and turned around, sitting on the ground with my back close to the earth wall, looking up at the roof made of big logs, my nose was sour. Although I tried my best to hold back my tears, when I thought of the tragic death of thousands of soldiers, tears of unsatisfactory flow came out of my eyes, and dropped on my clothes drop by drop along my cheeks.

“Lida, don’t be sad. This is war. There will always be sacrifices.” Rokosovsky noticed my strangeness, bent over and patted my shoulder, comforting me: “Remember these brave fighters. , They are all from the 17th Cavalry Division of Central Asia.”

“Yes, although the cavalry have sacrificed, this sacrifice is worthwhile. At least it will inspire the morale of the defenders outside and give them the courage to continue fighting again.” General Zakharov echoed.

“Courage!” When I heard this word, I couldn’t help but smile, and said to my heart: The soldiers squatting in the trenches were probably scared by the slaughter just now, and there may be people who were scared to pee their pants. Only due to the harsh military laws of the Soviet army, there was no further rout. To be honest, Rokosovsky is one of the few soldiers in the Soviet army. He only cares about how to block the enemy’s attack. He hasn’t taken into account the heavy casualties of his men at all. The other level cannot be compared with him. You can imagine how the commanders use their troops.

Rokosovsky walked to the table, grabbed the phone on the table, shook the handle vigorously, and said into the microphone: “I am the commander, please pick me up with Major General Kazakov.” It was almost connected, and I heard him ask loudly: “Comrade Kazakov, how is the situation on your side?”

As soon as I heard that it was the artillery commander, I immediately became interested. Under the current circumstances, if we can get the support of the artillery, our defense can be twice the result with half the effort. I heard General Kazakov, who was opposite the microphone, report loudly: “Comrade Commander, due to the drop in temperature, the cold has frozen the swamp. This time the German tanks and mechanized corps have gained freedom of movement. These tanks bypassed our defenses. Residential areas, advancing along the groves and bushes.”

“What measures did you take?”

“I sent a mobile artillery company, some artillery and tanks to fight back. They intercepted the fascist tanks and fired directly. The engineers played a very good role in the fight against the enemy’s “wandering” tanks. They rode The car laid mines on the road where the enemy might drive. This has achieved good results. The Hitler bandits have to pay a great price for every step on our land. They have lost a lot of technical equipment and their assault power has been weakened. .”

“When the 289th Anti-Tank Regiment I need can reach the defense zone of the 107th Motorized Division?”

“Comrade Commander, although the enemy has suffered our head-on attacks, their strength is still very strong, and they continue to carry out assaults without interruption. The 289th regiment is fighting, and it is temporarily unable to withdraw from the battle…”

“No!” Rokosovsky yelled, interrupted him, and then said categorically: “Now the German armored forces have been wedged into the joint of our Army and the 30th Army. We lack the necessary countermeasures. It is very difficult for tank forces to repel them. I order you to immediately find a way to withdraw Major Yevremenko’s 289th regiment from the position. An hour later, I hope to be in the command post of the 107th division. See him.” After speaking, he hung up the phone without saying.

Just as Rokosovsky put down the phone, a new round of German offensive began.

There was a huge engine roar. The German tanks and armored vehicles that had stopped moving increased their throttles, crossed the trenches, and rushed forward aggressively. The German infantry also crawled out of the trenches, holding their weapons in a skirmish formation, and launched a charge behind the tank.

As the German army approached, a intensive gunshot sounded on our defense line. The machine guns, submachine guns, and rifles placed in the trenches fired together to form a dense firepower net. After a few people were knocked down one after another, they were just now showing off. The German infantry had to lie on the ground. At first, only intensive gunfire and machine gun shooting could be heard, but soon the sound was overwhelmed by the sound of the bomb exploding. This is the tank rushing in front of the gun firing.

A tank shell exploded near the command post, shaking the soil on the roof and falling down on me. I swung my head to shake off the dust on my hat, and continued to look outside with my binoculars. I saw that the tanks were parked not far from the trenches and fired with artillery and machine guns. The German soldiers who were lying on the ground just got up. Slowly assembled behind the tank.

Seeing this situation, I couldn’t help but ask Rokosovsky standing next to him loudly: “Comrade Commander, what should we do now?”

“We must find a way to block them,” Rokosovsky said solemnly: “There are no troops behind us. If these tanks are not eliminated, our defensive troops will be wiped out, so the road to Moscow He will be opened up. This is what the enemy dreams of.” At this point, he turned and rushed to the group of staff officers standing behind and shouted: “Go to someone, go to the trenches and direct the soldiers to use anti-tank grenades and Molotov cocktails to destroy the enemy tanks. .” Hearing what he said, the staff officers in the command post looked at each other, and there was not even a volunteer who volunteered.

“Let’s go!” I put down my binoculars, bent over and grabbed the submachine gun that was placed against the soil wall, shot the staff in the room with contempt, and then strode outside.

“Lida, wait a minute.” Rokosovsky called to me from behind. I stopped and looked back. He walked to my side, put his hands on my shoulders, patted them lightly, and said in a concerned tone: “We must come back alive!”

I grinned and answered him with a smile: “I will, Comrade Commander.” After saluting, I turned around and rushed out of the command post and rushed towards the trenches.

As soon as I ran out of the forest, I heard the sound of shells roaring and hurriedly fell down on the ground. Then a shell exploded not far from the right side, and the mud and snow fell all over me. When I just wanted to get up, I heard the sharp whistling sound of the cannonballs, so I could only continue to lie on the ground and stay still. This time the cannonball exploded four or five meters away to my left.

Seeing that the explosive point of the shell is very close to me, I guess that nine out of ten times I was discovered by a German tank. I clearly know that if I stand up at this time, it may become a target for cannonballs or machine guns; but if you continue to lie down here, you may still be killed by the ensuing cannonballs. You can only venture forward and enter the trenches. It can be safer.

I used my hands and feet to crawl forward. As soon as I climbed to the vicinity of the crater, I hurriedly moved to the left and rolled directly in. As soon as I rolled into the crater, two shells landed one second after another. I slapped a spirit, and if I hadn’t just crawled over decisively and decisively, I might have been blown to the ground by now.

After a while, I didn’t hear any shells coming again, so I cautiously lay on the edge of the pit and looked out, and saw that the muzzle of the German tank pointed to the trench again. I looked at the nearest trench that was only a dozen meters away. If I ran past it, it would only take ten seconds, but I was afraid that the Germans would find it again. If the shells and bullets came together this time, I would die very much. Ugly. After hesitating again and again, I took the climbing method. Although it was a bit slower, the safety factor was higher.

I crawled out of the crater, and every two or three meters I climbed forward, I would roll to the left or right, so that even if the German soldiers found it, the bullet would not hit me easily.

When I jumped into the trenches, I felt that my vest was wet with sweat. Although it was only a few tens of meters, if there was a slight error in the middle, it was completely possible to lose my life.

Under the command of the company platoon commander, the soldiers in the trenches fired and dropped bombs desperately outside, firmly blocking the attacking German army 20 meters away, if it weren’t for the German tanks placed there and our army was helpless. , It is estimated that the countercharge was launched early.

The trench is more than half a person deep. If I bend down and run, I don’t have to worry about being hit by a stray bullet. I ran to a captain who was shooting with a rifle, squatted down, and told him: “Comrade Captain, I am Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina.”

The captain heard my voice and fired two more shots outside before squatting down. Holding the rifle in his left hand, he raised his right hand to salute me and said, “Comrade Commander, the third company is fighting, please give instructions. !”

“Boom!” A cannonball exploded on the edge of the trench, and the dust that was thrown up was spread on both of us. I shook my head, shook the mud from the hat, and then said: “The German tank is too threatening to us, you immediately find a way to send soldiers out to blow it up!”

“Yes!” The captain agreed very readily. Seeing him bend over and ran to the side to arrange for the manpower to attack, I felt much more at ease. The reason why he was able to execute my order simply is because the Soviet army’s regulations stipulate that the orders of higher authorities are not allowed to be discussed and must be carried out in full. In other words, even if I give the wrong order, they will follow the regulations.

Soon a soldier climbed out of the trenches and braved the enemy’s bullets to climb forward. When he was more than ten meters away from the tank, he actually stood up, scared me in a cold sweat watching the battle from behind, and yelled for him to get down and drop bombs. But my voice was completely obscured by the sound of guns, and he was beaten into a honeycomb without any suspense.

“Go on!” The captain continued to give orders beside me, so another soldier climbed out.

There are more warriors than the warrior elves just now. He crawled to a place ten meters away from the tank and stopped. He raised his hand on his side and threw an anti-tank grenade. But I soon regretted that he threw it too lightly, and the grenade fell two meters away from the tank and exploded. Seeing that he hadn’t hit the target, he turned his body to the side and raised his hand again, and another grenade flew out with a white-eyed grenade. This time the force was used a little bit more, flew from above the tank, fell into the infantry formation behind, and directly exploded several German soldiers to pieces.

“Oh! I missed it again!” The captain said regretfully: “If I fail to make another shot, I can only send another person to Why?” I was very curious about how the captain would suddenly be like this. Say.

“Because he only brought three grenades.”

“Oh.” Only then did I understand what was going on, and then I continued to look at the soldier who was about to blow up the tank.

The soldier learned the lessons of the previous two bombing mistakes, corrected the direction, and then threw the grenade for the third time. The grenade made a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the turret accurately. After the explosion, thick smoke came out of the tank.

“Awesome!” Seeing that the tank was blown up, the captain slapped the wall in excitement and exclaimed.

The soldier who bombed the tank has no grenade and no weapon on his body. All he can do at this time is to withdraw to the trench. Unexpectedly, he actually stood up and ran over here. The German soldiers spotted him and fired many guns at him. No matter how fast a person runs, he can’t run through a bullet. I saw him running, suddenly his upper body leaned back, and then fell straight on the snow, lying there, he didn’t move.

The other parts of the trench saw us blowing up a tank, and they immediately understood that they sent people to attack. Although they paid a lot of money, they also blew up several tanks.

The tanks were blown up one after another, and the Germans were also anxious. The remaining tanks and armored vehicles were restarted and rushed over aggressively. Although our army organized a lot of soldiers to go out and bomb the tanks, as soon as they came out of the trenches, they were overthrown by the infantry following the tanks.

Seeing the German tanks are getting closer and closer to us, my heart can’t help but ask: Is it true that the position can’t be defended?

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