Burning Moscow

Chapter 119

118 Victory Pursuit

The German army is retreating.

But it was not a retreat, it was just a retreat after the offensive was frustrated, and always maintained a relatively complete formation. From this point of view, once they gain the superiority in firepower and military strength again, they can launch a counterattack against our army at any time.

The frontier 18th Division did not attack, only relying on the position and using light and heavy weapons to kill the retreating German forces with firepower.

Soldiers from the 78th Infantry Division from Siberia were in charge of the attack. They lined up in loose formations, shouting slogans, and charging forward with their heads high. The forward had followed the tank brigade and approached the trench, while the troops behind were still pouring out of the forest.

German artillery shells fell into our army’s queues and exploded from time to time, blowing up the frozen ground to splashes of mud. The scattered queue has reduced some casualties, but it is only reduced, the casualties are still not small. From time to time, soldiers screamed and fell to the ground, and the neat formation of the first few rows suddenly became sparse. The living soldiers did not waver at all. They stepped past the bodies of their comrades, shouting slogans and continued to charge forward without hesitation. As for the soldiers who fell on the ground, if they were only injured, there would naturally be health workers from behind to treat them; if unfortunately, they died, there would be no way. War, there are no undead.

Seeing all this, I can’t help but sigh with emotion: The charm of this music is so great that it can make the soldiers who hear the singing have a lot of confidence. Judging from the current situation of the battle, repelling the Germans is a sure thing. But the fly in the ointment is that this old Maozi’s vocabulary is too poor. Every time the troops charge, there seems to be no other slogan to shout except “Wula!”. Like the current charge, no matter how exciting slogans such as “Catch Guderian alive” must be shouted.

Although judging from the current situation, our army occupies a great advantage. But I know very well in my heart that this partial advantage is only a superficial phenomenon. The 16th Army lacks sufficient reserves in depth. In order to defend the current line of defense, Rokosovsky had to take risks and keep some of his troops out of danger for the time being. The lot was removed and transferred to a direction where the enemy might break through.

Everyone knows that he was doing this for gambling and taking risks. Because the number of enemies surpassed our army by many, with huge mobility and absolute air support, it was easier for them to establish assault groups during the battle. The freezing of the earth is beneficial to them. They can carry out assaults anywhere at any time, leaving us exhausted.

The tanks of the Katukov brigade have already rushed into the German queue. Our artillerymen were afraid of accidentally injuring their own people, so they began to extend their shooting.

Seeing that his back was cut off, the tanks were also destroyed one after another, and the soldiers rushing towards them like a tide, the German army began to panic. Some of the Siberian soldiers rushing forward with their rifles ran a few steps before squatting down and firing a shot, then stood up and rushed forward; others rushed forward and rushed to the enemy, directly raising the bayonet. Stab past. The German army was already crushed, unable to stop the tiger-like soldiers. The few weak-willed soldiers turned around and ran away, fearing each other like infectious diseases. At first it was just one or two soldiers escaping, and soon more and more. The soldiers joined the fleeing queue, and the whole team roared like a headless fly. You crowded me and ran aimlessly.

The Siberians full of fighting enthusiasm eagerly pursued them. With the support of the Guards Tank Brigade and the artillery of the group army, they successively occupied several starting positions of the German army and drove them far away from our defensive positions. The enemy was defeated, the originally precarious line of defense was stabilized, and the heroic performance of the soldiers of the 78th Division saved the unfavorable situation of our army.

The battle lasted until noon, and our offensive troops had already assaulted places I couldn’t see. Seeing that the battle is moving in a favorable direction, I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and put down the telescope that had been held for almost a morning. Just about to turn around, he felt dizzy and his body fell backward involuntarily. Fortunately, someone supported me in time, so I didn’t fall to the ground.

Turned his head and saw that it was Rokosovsky. He asked with concern: “Lida, are you okay?”

His concern made my heart warm. I quickly stood up straight and replied: “Comrade Commander, I’m fine, maybe I’ve been standing for a long time and I’m a little dizzy.”

He took my shoulders, helped me to sit down at the table, and lowered his head to ask for my opinion: “Your injury does not seem to be minor. You need me to arrange someone to send you back to Moscow, right?”

“Huh?” Hearing what he said suddenly, I couldn’t help but froze for a moment before I came to my senses, and immediately rejected his kindness without thinking: “Thank you, Comrade Commander, my injury is not serious. It will take ten days to recover. “This is not for the sake of being brave, but for a little selfish consideration of my own. I finally got acquainted with these future celebrities. If I go back to the hospital to recuperate at this time, I still don’t know where my superiors will arrange me to go. Even if I can return to the army, it may not necessarily be able to return to the Western Front. Then the popularity that I had accumulated before will be zero. If there is any other leading comrade out of concern, I will be assigned to work in the rear agency. Just kidding, the rear organization is not a place where everyone can stay. As a traverser, many of my views and opinions are deviant or even rebellious to people in this era. On the front line, the day-to-day fighting life has exhausted everyone’s extra energy. Few people will notice these details. Even if someone notices it, most of them just laugh it off. If you are in an agency, it is really like walking on thin ice. If you are not careful, you will be grabbed by someone. Not to mention the impact of promotion, and even lose his own life. In this way, I still stay on the front line honestly, so that my life will be more secure.

Although I have repeatedly emphasized that my injury is not serious, Rokosovsky still sent someone out to find a female hygienist to take care of me. As soon as the female hygienist entered the door I recognized it immediately. This was the same hygienist I saw last night. At this moment, her face was full of gunpowder, and her military uniform was stained with blood and mud. It seemed that she had been treating the wounded on the battlefield before entering the command post.

The hygienist saw me running over immediately, and said: “Comrade Commander, so you are here! I was looking for you just now, it’s time to change the dressing!”

I squeezed a smile at her. Before I could speak, Rokosovsky next to him took the conversation: “Comrade Hygiene, I order you to accompany Comrade Lieutenant Colonel to change the dressing immediately!”

“Yes!” The female hygienist agreed to stop in place and salute the commander. Just came to help me.

I stood up with the help of the medical staff, and greeted the commander, political commissar, chief of staff and others, and then the medical staff helped me go to the emergency camp to change the medicine.

In the first aid camp deep in the forest, the ground is covered with marching felt, on which lie heavily wounded soldiers. Due to the fierce fighting, too many wounded, and limited medical rescue capabilities, many of the severely wounded rescued from the battlefield escaped the painful end of the curtain.

When I passed among the wounded, I found that many of the wounded on the felt were already motionless. The felt under some people was soaked with blood even the ground was soaked with blood, the blood was frozen, and the surroundings turned into purple and black ground. As for the wounded wounded by the shells, it is even more terrible.

Although I have seen too many lives and deaths, but at this time, I also feel that my eyes are hot, and some can’t help myself. If the female hygienist had not helped me into the tent in time, I guess I would not be able to restrain my grief and squatted there and howled. Crying.

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