Burning Moscow

Chapter 128

127 Battle Deployment (Part 2)

Back to the command post, I first discovered the crater in the room. I don’t know when it had been filled and even the two steps that were damaged by the explosion were repaired.

A few of us sat down around the table, and the political commissar began to introduce me to the heads of the delegation. Due to the long-term fierce fighting, not only the soldiers were attrition severely, but even the regiment-level commanders were almost completely replaced. Of the three regiments present here, apart from General Leviakin, I don’t even know the other two.

The political commissar first pointed to the tall officer sitting on my right and said, “This is Colonel Chistyakov, the commander of the 1075 regiment.”

The officer stood up, saluted me, and said respectfully, “Hello, comrade commander!”

I also stood up, did not return the courtesy, but reached out and shook hands with him, and said politely: “Hello, nice to meet you!”

The lieutenant colonel who was winking with Lieutenant Ramis stood up, stood at attention and saluted me, and said loudly: “Reporter, comrade commander, I am the head of the 1073 regiment, Serebryavko.”

After the two commanders and I shook hands one by one, we greeted everyone to sit down and started discussing the next combat mission.

The political commissar said: “…The task given to us by our superiors is to defend Volosramsk at all costs. However, from the current situation, it is very difficult to complete this task. The German army is moving from the north, west, and south directions at the same time. Coming over us, because our army does not have air supremacy and sufficient technical equipment, facing the three-dimensional offensive composed of German aircraft, tanks and artillery, our soldiers can only fight with their own flesh and blood, and the price paid is heavy. …”

“Yes,” Colonel Chistyakov continued: “Our regiment defended the west side of the city, although after several supplements, now there are only more than two thousand people left…”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Serebryavko also echoed: “Before every German attack, they used planes to bombard and bombard them, and then they sent tanks to cover the infantry charge. Due to the lack of artillery and anti-tank weapons, we The warriors had to strap explosives to their bodies and rushed to die with the enemy tanks….”

My ears listened to what a few people were saying, and I stared at the map of Volosramsk city on the table. Judging from the sign of friend and foe above, nearly half of the city has been occupied by German troops. Moreover, judging from the current situation, the Soviet army still shows signs of retreat. What should I do?

I looked up and asked Leviakin: “Comrade General, in which direction is your regiment?”

“Here.” His finger placed on the map without hesitation. I followed his finger and looked at it. It turned out that it was in the north of the city, and that was the area where the Germans focused on attack. In this way, the casualties of the 1077 regiment should not be small. I was about to look away and express my opinion to everyone, but I accidentally caught a glimpse of a place next to his finger that said “Station”. When I saw the name of this place, I immediately thought of the sacrificed Felstorf and Pav. Love, Aguminte, Aji and the others, the corners of their mouths twitched, turned to look at Leviakin, and asked in a low voice, “Is the station still in our hands?”

Leviakin shook his head and said regretfully: “No, the station is currently occupied by the Germans. When the station was first lost, we organized a counterattack. But because the enemy’s firepower was too strong, our several attacks Failed.”

Colonel Chistyakov asked the political commissar: “Comrade political comrade, when will the reserve team assigned to my division by the superior arrive?”

Yegorov sighed and said: “The German army is launching a fierce attack on us. The defense area of ​​the group army is too large. It is impossible to send a reserve team to us without being supplemented. We can only rely on our own. Ability to fight stubbornly with the Germans here.”

“The group army does not have a reserve, should there be one in the front army?” The colonel asked the political commissar tentatively.

“No.” Regarding the situation of the front army reserve, I have the most say, so I will answer the colonel’s question: “According to the order of the base camp, all front army reserve teams have been engaged in the counterattack a few days ago. The German troops are firmly confined in the area near Volosramsk. If you want to defend the city, you can only rely on our existing strength.”

After hearing my answer, several regiment leaders present were shocked. Lieutenant Colonel Serebryavko first asked: “Comrade Commander, are you sure that you can rely on our existing forces to defend the city?”

I pondered for a moment, and then said: “I am not sure about it, but we can try it. Maybe we can repel the German offensive.” Even so, what kind of weapons and equipment does the German army have? I don’t know how to deploy. The only thing we know is that the Germans are launching a frantic attack on our positions. To be honest, how should this battle be fought? There is nothing in my heart.

“How did you think about it? Let’s listen to it, let us study whether the plan is feasible.” The person most concerned about the situation of the battle is always General Leviakin, who is a soldier.

I tapped the map lightly with my finger, and said carefully: “From the current situation, our army’s technical equipment is far inferior to the German army. If we fight head-on with them like this, we will suffer a lot. No matter how stubborn our soldiers are, if there is no reserve team to supplement, once the troops are all gone, the city will still be unable to defend. So I think we should abandon the existing positional warfare and switch to street fighting with the Germans.”

“Street fighting?!” Hearing what I said, the political commissar raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: “How to play?”

I understand in my heart that there is no technology at all in a head-on battle like this kind of head-to-head battle. What you fight is weaponry and strength. Knowing that this is an inevitable war of attrition, it is not worth the gain to continue to fight the enemy attrition without receiving any supplements. Compared with the German army, we were originally at a disadvantage in terms of technical equipment. If the number of people falls further, this battle will undoubtedly be lost.

I scanned the three regiment leaders present, and then asked: “Are you communicating with the frontline troops now?”

“Of course,” Lieutenant Colonel Serebryavko took the lead and replied confidently: “Our regiment’s communications are unimpeded. I can directly issue combat orders to any company unit below.”

“Our regiment is too.” Colonel Kistyakov echoed.

Facing my inquiring gaze, Leviakin nodded vigorously, indicating that this is also the case in his regiment.

The communication between the command headquarters and the company below was smooth, and my plan was half successful. So I stood up and began to give orders: “I order: Except for the 1077 regiment remaining in the city, the 1073 regiment and the 1075 regiment are immediately withdrawn from the city….”

“Huh?!” Hearing my deployment, everyone was stunned.

The reaction to them was as early as my expectation. I ignored them and continued to give orders regardless of the fact: “When the troops retreat, pay attention to leaving the necessary troops for cover to avoid excessive casualties. From the city. After withdrawing, the 1073 regiment was in the east of the city, relying on the original fortifications to build a new line of defense. As for the 1075 regiment, it should be rushed to the position of the division headquarters to assemble and act as the division’s reserve team in a timely manner. Rest…”

“Shut up, Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina!” The political commissar suddenly slapped the table and stood up, calling my name sternly, and his face flushed red, and asked me loudly: “I don’t know who made this absurd. Do you know that this is a crime? Let’s hand over the city to the fascist bandits. This can’t be done! Even if we only have the last warrior left, he will be like a nail. Nail firmly on the ground, and never take a step back. I want to report to the command of the group army to have Commander Rokosovsky revoke your position as commander!” He had already grabbed the table and placed it on the table. Phone, began to shake the handle.

“Wait a minute, Comrade Political Commissar.” I grabbed his hand holding the microphone and said to him in a sincere tone: “Please don’t worry, listen to me finish the rest.”

“Say something quickly.” He threw the microphone on the table and sat back angrily to his place.

“Comrade political commissar, I asked the two regiments to withdraw from the city. It was just an adjustment of the operational deployment. I did not give the city to the Germans.” I patiently explained my intentions to the political commissar: “Sometimes I take my fists back for more. Fight well.”

“Huh!” The political commissar just snorted and said nothing.

So I continue to talk about it, but it is mainly aimed at Leviakin, because the following play will rely on his troops to play the leading role: “Stay behind in the 1077 regiment in the city, and spread the troops out in companies and platoons in the city. In the fight against the enemy in guerrilla warfare. After the dispersal of the troops, we must rely on streets and buildings to deal with the enemy, and do not fight unnecessary wars of attrition. The enemy will give them wherever they want, and when they take it lightly, we Then came out from behind them and beat them fiercely….”

“Comrade Commander!” It was General Leviakin who interrupted me this time. He asked: “With our current strength, how long do you think we can deal with fascist bandits in the city?”

“This?” He really stopped me when he asked. I pushed the military cap on my head with my hand, and then cautiously replied: “Do your best. You can drag it for as long as you can. The more Germans we drag here, the less pressure Moscow will endure. ”

“Our soldiers and the enemy are fighting guerrilla warfare in the city, is this sure?” The political commissar couldn’t help but asked, but his tone had already eased a lot.

“It should be no problem.” I replied confidently: “The Germans can have an advantage on the battlefield. UU reading www.uukanshu.com relies on nothing but their dominant aircraft cannon. Once our troops and them Entangled together in street fighting, then their aircraft and artillery will be useless. The German army without the support of these technical equipment will be greatly reduced in combat effectiveness…. “The reason why I am so confident is because I know clearly. I remember that in later Chechen battles, the Russian army suffered a big loss in the battle against the capital Grozny because it did not adapt to the urban guerrilla warfare of the Chechen armed forces. Even the commander of the airborne troops who commanded the battle was killed in the war.

“The mission has been clarified, so let’s carry it out immediately.” The political commissar stood up again and helped me issue combat orders to the three regiment leaders.

“Yes!” The three heads responded.

Lieutenant Colonel Serebryavko of the 1073 regiment walked to the door, turned around again, stood in front of the political commissar and me, and vomited: “Teacher commander, political commissar, I have a request. I don’t know if it should be. Say?”

“Let’s talk about it, what’s the matter?” the political commissar asked in a serious tone.

“Since the 1075 regiment is going to be stationed near the division headquarters, can the company that I came to reinforce the division headquarters be allowed to return? After all, our regiment suffered a lot of casualties in the battle, and its strength was severely insufficient.”

“No!” Without waiting for the political commissar to speak, I said first: “The safety of the division is the top priority. If the command system is defeated by the enemy, how can this battle be fought? Needless to say, your company will stay. Be the guard company of the division. If there is nothing to do, you can go back to the regiment and execute the order I just ordered.”

“Yes!” The lieutenant colonel reluctantly saluted us and turned to leave.

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