Burning Moscow

Chapter 130

Section 129 Surrounded by 4 sides (middl

I grabbed the collar of the political commissar who ran out afterwards, and asked loudly, “Where can I find the car? I have to go to the city and have a look.”

“It’s too dangerous, so stay in the command post and wait for the news!”

“No, I have to go.” I was really anxious, and my voice was a little choked when I shouted. After all, the mobilization of the troops was an order personally issued by me. If they were destroyed by German artillery fire during the retreat, then my sin would be serious. The only thing I can do right now is to go to the city and find out what’s going on? See if there is any remedy.

The political commissar stood in front of me blankly, silent for a long time.

“Comrade political comrade, I personally arranged the deployment of this battle. I must go to the city myself. See how the troops are going. If I happen to meet a few commanders, I can still follow the specific situation. Let’s readjust my deployment. Do you understand?” I loosened my grip on the collar, took two steps back, and said to the political commissar again in a sincere tone.

The corners of the political commissar’s mouth moved, and he wanted to say something, but did he say it? Obviously, this matter is not easy for him. After a long silence, he said, “No! You are the leader of a division, shouldering the burden of commanding the whole division. You cannot leave your post without authorization. You should stay in the headquarters to coordinate the overall command of the troops.” Then he increased his tone. Said: “Besides, you are still injured. As a man, can I bring a wounded female commander to the front line? If I want to go, it is me.”

Since he raised the question to the level of whether to respect women, it really made me speechless for a while. After holding back for a long time, I retorted: “It is now during the war. There are only soldiers on the battlefield. There is no distinction between men and women. Moreover, you have been in the division for a long time, and the officers and men in the division know you. If you are in control of the troops, Ability, you are much better than me. Let you go to the city. If something happens, I can’t control the whole army.”

“But…” The political commissar wanted to say something, but was interrupted by me. I waved my hand and said, “There is nothing to do, so it’s settled. You stay in the headquarters, and there are more important things to do. To do, in addition to reporting the situation here to the command of the group army, you may also need to arrange manpower to accommodate the broken up troops.”

“Okay!” Hearing what I said, the political commissar finally reluctantly agreed to my request. He took two steps to the side and shouted loudly: “Lieutenant Ramis, Lieutenant Ramis!”

“Here!” Lieutenant Ramis agreed loudly, and ran out of a dirt hut not far away. He ran in front of us, came to stand at attention and salute, and then reported: “Lieutenant Ramis is ordered to come, please give instructions!”

The political commissar did not go around the circle and explained the task to him straightforwardly: “Comrade Lieutenant, Master Oshanina needs to rush to the city immediately, and you will accompany her personally. Remember, you must protect her life as you protect your eyes. Now, you go find a car first, and you will leave as soon as the car arrives.”

“Yes!” Ramis agreed, saluted again, turned and ran away.

While waiting for the bus, I couldn’t help feeling anxious as I listened to the bursts of guns coming from the direction of the city. If Volosramsk loses, there will be a huge gap in the defense of the Sixteenth Army. If the German army drove straight in from this gap, it would be a huge disaster for the group army without any reserve in the depth of defense. Once the troops were encircled, Zhukov’s carefully constructed line of defense would fall apart, and then the German army could approach Moscow. Although in the history I know, the defense of Moscow ended with the victory of the Soviet army and the defeat of the German army, but at this moment I dare not take the risk. Who can guarantee that history will not happen because of the emergence of me, a traverser. What about the deviation?

Seeing that the car had not come, I said hello to the political commissar: I went back to the headquarters to get the gun. The submachine gun was resting on the table. I grabbed the gun body and was about to pick it up, but I caught a glimpse of the phone on the table. I couldn’t help but hesitate whether I should report the situation to Rokosovsky or Zhukov. What?

Hesitated again and again, and thought it would be better not to say anything. The situation is not clear right now. Besides being reprimanded by them, rashly reporting will not help the situation at all. This kind of tricky matter should be left to the political commissar. Thinking of this, I carried my submachine gun and hurried out of the command post.

When he went out, he saw a car parked outside. The political commissar, Ramis and two soldiers were standing beside the car. Seeing the car I was about to ride, I couldn’t help being taken aback. I went around the car and made sure that I didn’t look at the dazzling eyes. What I parked in front of me was not the usual Soviet-made black car, but an American Jeep.

Seeing me turning around the car with a look of surprise on my face, the political commissar explained to me patiently: “This is a car given to us by the American ally, called a jeep. Some time ago, when the front army issued a US aid material, it was given to me. One is fitted. I’ll let them drive you to the city later.”

The political commissar helped me get into the passenger seat of the jeep, then took my hand and said with concern: “Lida, you must come back alive!” My eyes were a little wet, and I couldn’t speak for a while. Can nod vigorously.

The driver drove the car so fast, he was close to the edge of the city in less than two minutes. There are collapsed houses and dark craters everywhere on both sides of the road, and lying dead bodies and wounded soldiers can be seen everywhere. The closer you are to the city, the more dead bodies and wounded soldiers are. The German bombardment has not stopped. From time to time, the howling shells fell to the side of the road and exploded, exploding many soldiers who were fleeing. Seeing bursts of gun smoke passing by the car, the diffuse gun smoke was filled with a strong smell of blood. There was a sorrow in my heart, this is war!

I did not stop to check the wounded soldiers and corpses along the way, and urged the driver to drive forward. I know this is dangerous, but I can’t help but do it. Today’s tragic scene was caused by me alone. Moreover, I am now acting as a commander. If I don’t take the lead, I will definitely be looked down upon by the soldiers, and I am afraid it will be difficult to command the entire army in the future.

The car stopped for a while. The road ahead was blocked by bricks and rubble It was impossible to drive past, so I could only get out of the car and walk. I walked ahead with a submachine gun, Ramis and two other soldiers followed closely behind.

A group of fighters ran over in front of him. Ramis stepped forward and grabbed a fighter and asked loudly, “Which regiment are you from?”

The soldier replied: “The 2nd Battalion of the 1077 Regiment.”

When I heard this number, I couldn’t help but be overjoyed. I hurried over and asked: “Do you know where General Leviakin is?”

“Yes, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel!”

“Then take me quickly, I’m looking for him.”

The soldier glanced at me without saying a word. He was probably thinking about whether it was necessary to accompany me back to the dangerous place.

“This is Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina.” Ramis looked at the other party’s hesitation and immediately revealed my identity to him.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that you were the commander.” The soldier stood at attention and saluted me, saying, “Comrade commander, I know where the general is. I’ll take you there.”

“Okay, lead the way ahead!”

Due to the baptism of artillery fire for a long time, the entire city was almost in ruins, with bricks, rubble and ruined walls everywhere, and some blocks became unrecognizable. The soldier who led the way got lost several times and led us in circles in the ruins.

The sky gradually dimmed, and finally heard a cry of excitement from the soldier leading the way, and then pointed to a dilapidated building standing in the ruins not far ahead, and said, “Comrade Commander, look at it. The general and his command post In that house.”

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