Burning Moscow

Chapter 134

133 Contest (Part 2)

Leviakin walked to my side, patted me on the shoulder, and said friendlyly: “Don’t be so polite, I am also saving my life.” After a pause, he then asked: “What are your plans for the next step.” ?”

“Call the political commissar. I want to ask him what the overall situation of the army is now.” As the commander of the first division, although I stay on the front and command operations, I still need to keep abreast of the situation of the entire army in time.

“Lida, you finally called. How’s the situation on your side?” As soon as the call was connected, the anxious voice of political commissar Yegorov came from the other side.

“I’m fine, the troops are fighting the enemy tenaciously.” I replied vaguely, lest he worry, and then asked: “How is the situation with the troops who withdrew from the city?”

“According to your orders, the 1073 regiment stood firm in the fortifications built outside the city. It has already repelled a German attack. The 1075 regiment, which is the reserve team, is undergoing a break.”

“How many troops are there in the two regiments?” I am concerned about how many troops can be mobilized.

“Due to the prolonged battle, the two regiments have suffered more than half of the casualties. Although several supplements have been made midway, there are currently 1,900 people left in the 1073 regiment and 2,300 in the 1075 regiment. The total strength is only more than 4,000. “The political commissar should have already memorized these data by heart. Hearing my question, he immediately answered me unambiguously.

If someone who does not know the inside information hears these data, they will be complacent, thinking that the organization of the army is almost complete. But the actual situation is: the initial configuration of these regiments was 5,000 personnel, and after several supplements in the middle, the actual strength of each regiment should exceed 10,000, and now only a mere one-fifth of them is left. The strength of the troops, and how cruel the battle they have experienced can be imagined from this.

When I was calculating the strength of my troops, the voice of the political commissar came again. He said with concern: “Lida, I think you should just withdraw from the city immediately. Your position is in the division headquarters, not like an ordinary soldier. Face to face with the enemy on the front line to fight to death and death.”

“Yes, comrade commander.” Standing next to him, Leviakin probably heard what the political commissar said and helped him persuade me: “The troops here are under my command. You can go back to the command post with peace of mind.”

“No, not now.” I frowned and said categorically: “The enemy’s offensive has just begun. I will stay and wait until the soldiers beat them back.”

After hanging up the phone, I waved to Leviakin, interrupted what he wanted to say, and explained: “You don’t need to say, the soldiers are bleeding and sacrifice. As their teacher, I must not leave at this time. My combat position.”

My words seemed to move the people present, but only I understood it in my heart, saying that was just a high-profile, joking, there was such a fierce fight outside, I want to withdraw from the building at this time, it is estimated that I have not traveled very far. Will be beaten into a sieve by German guns, so I don’t take this risk.

“Okay, let’s go outside and have a look.” To prevent them from continuing to talk, I took the initiative to change the subject. When I got up, I habitually took the submachine gun that was on the table, but grabbed it empty. Then I remembered that I didn’t know where it was thrown when I ran for my life just now.

Although I have no weapons, I still take the lead to go out. As soon as I opened the door, the sound of guns outside suddenly became clearer, and a team of soldiers with live ammunition ran in front of me to support the place where the fighting was going on.

I went back to the observation point just now and found that the wall of a section of the corridor had been collapsed by artillery shells. Several soldiers were lying on the bricks and shooting outside. I stood by the window and looked out carefully, and found that the German tanks were approaching downstairs, and there were two other armored vehicles, covering hundreds of German soldiers coming towards us.

Looking at the tanks that are getting closer and closer, I can’t help feeling nervous. Our army does not have any decent anti-tank weapons. Faced with such a behemoth, the soldiers can only rush over and explode with Molotov cocktails, but under the enemy’s offensive, Do they have such an opportunity?

While thinking about it, suddenly there was a dull explosion from downstairs. I went out to check again, and unexpectedly found a thick smoke coming out of the track on the right side of the German tank.

“It’s great, the German tank has landed on our landmine.” Leviakin’s excited voice came next to him.

“What’s the matter?” I asked the general who was standing opposite me puzzled.

“The tank fell on the mine we planted. Although it is only an infantry mine, if it happens to hit an important part of the tank, it will still be finished.”

seemed to be an explanation of his words, the top of the smoking tank slammed open, and two tankers in black uniforms crawled out of it. Before they jumped out of the tank, a fat soldier stretched out his gun from the window next to me and swept at them. Numerous blood spatters burst out of the tanker’s body, shaking his body a few times, and he fell on the tank.

The machine gunner on the armored car behind, raised the machine gun and fired at us violently. Stormy bullets hit the walls and window frames, and a ricochet flew past my ears, scared me to shrink my head and hide behind the wall. The fat soldier who shot was not so lucky. A series of bullets hit him impartially I saw his body stiff, the weapon in his hand fell to the ground, and then the whole person fell on his back. Down, lying motionless on the ground.

Seeing this soldier sacrifice in front of me, I didn’t have the slightest mood swing. Perhaps I had seen more life and death, and became numb to these things. When the enemy stopped shooting at us, I went out again to check the situation. The armored vehicle has been driven to the side of the damaged tank, and the machine gun on it is frantically suppressing the firepower of our army.

I saw the arrogant expression of the German machine gunner, and blood was pouring up, and I shouted at Leviakin next to him: “Comrade General, find me a rifle.”

Soon a rifle was handed over from the hands of other soldiers. I set the gun on the windowsill and pointed it in the direction of the armored vehicle. I barely aimed at it, so I pulled the trigger directly. Following the gunshot, the machine gunner tilted his head back, and then the whole person lay on the machine gun.

“The commander is really good marksmanship!” Leviakin praised me next to me.

“Help me load the bullet.” Instead of answering him, I handed the gun to him. I couldn’t pull the bolt with one hand. While the general helped me load the bullet, I looked down with a telescope.

Another armored vehicle was parked far away, and there was an officer gesticulating on it to command the troops to rush upwards. Looking through the binoculars, I think this officer is quite familiar, as if he has seen him somewhere.

Before I could figure it out, Leviakin had already passed the rifle. I took the gun and put it on the windowsill again, intending to kill the German commander. But unexpectedly found that this officer disappeared from my field of vision.

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