Burning Moscow

Chapter 138

137 Breakthrough (Part 1)

“Fall down!” When the second shell fell near us, General Leviakin yelled. In fact, his shout was completely unnecessary. The shells were still roaring and flying over, and no one was needed. Reminder, we are all lying on the ground, this is an instinct to survive.

In addition to our soldiers, even the German prisoners were all down. They knew better than anyone else that artillery shells could not tell the enemy and us. Not only could they blow up Soviet soldiers, but they could also blow them to pieces. So everyone reacted quickly, and they lay together almost as soon as the first shell exploded. Down.

I was lying on the ground, and my eyes were blackened by the huge explosion sound wave. I instinctively covered my head with my uninjured hands. The rest of my body was hit by the falling rocks in the air. Even if I was injured, it would not be too heavy. If the stone hits the head directly, it is entirely possible to lose his life.

Artillery shells that flew over from time to time exploded around us, and the bricks and tiles in the rubble were lifted high into the air by the air wave, and then fell from the heights in a crashing manner. A few rubble hit my back like a heavy hammer, and the pain caused tears to come out of my eyes. I can’t help but regret the pain that comes from me. The command post does not wait. I have to run to the front to direct the battle myself. Was my original decision too hasty?

While I was struggling secretly, there was a sudden intensive gunfire in the distance, and the bombardment of German tanks on our place suddenly stopped. I slowly lifted my body with my hands, and looked in the direction where the guns were the densest. I saw fire and gunpowder from the direction where the German reinforcements came from time to time. It seems that our troops on both sides of the road are launching an attack on the Germans.

I was about to stand up, when suddenly a few people passed me and ran towards the fierce battle. Before I could come back to my senses, an angry voice rang around me: “Stop! Stop all for me!!!” I turned my head blankly and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a soldier blushing. , Rushing towards me while shouting.

“You **** Germans, go to death!” He rushed to my side, stopped, raised the submachine gun in his hand, and squeezed the trigger at the few figures rushing in front of him. “Da da da!” With a series of gunshots, the bodies of several people who were running all leaned back, stumbled forward and ran two steps before falling to the ground.

I can see that there were a few German prisoners who wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escaped, but they were discovered by highly vigilant soldiers and shot dead on the spot. Looking at the soldier who fired, I also know the soldier who went to the command post to report the situation to Leviakin in the morning. Although he saw that the several prisoners who had fled were shot down by him, he still refused to give up. He carried the gun and walked forward angrily, and next to the several prisoners who fell to the ground, they made up shots one by one.

“Lieutenant colonel girl, I protest!” Major Tolman didn’t know when he stood in front of me, shouting angrily: “Since we have surrendered to you, please give us a prisoner of war the treatment we deserve. Killing like you The actions of unarmed prisoners of war are a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions….”

“Enough! If they weren’t trying to escape, this kind of thing wouldn’t have happened.” I got up from the ground, interrupted him unceremoniously, glanced at the major with an angry face like pig liver, and continued. : “If you want to avoid a similar tragedy from happening again, you should restrain your subordinates and let them be prisoners honestly.”

“Yes!” He heard what I said, reluctantly agreed, and then yelled a few words in German loudly to the side. As he shouted, the remaining ten or so prisoners gathered in front of him, neatly lined up in a row. Seeing that his troops were assembled, he turned around, walked to me, saluted a military salute, and said, “I have assembled the troops, please take us where we should go!”

I looked around and found that General Leviakin was standing on my right side, and asked him in a low voice: “Comrade General, where are these prisoners set up, can they be sent out of the city?”

He shook his head and said, “I’m afraid it won’t work. We have been surrounded by German troops. It is almost impossible to send these prisoners out smoothly.” He looked up at the German prisoners standing in front of us, gently He sighed and said quietly to me: “Or, temporarily put them downstairs in the headquarters. There are already many German prisoners there, and they can be locked together.”

I turned my head and saw the soldier carrying the gun. He was standing not far from me and quickly waved to him: “Comrade soldier, come here.” He ran in front of me in three steps and two steps. The gun was slung over his shoulder, and then he stood and saluted me respectfully. I did not respond, pointing to the building behind me, and directly instructed him: “Take these prisoners into the building.”

“Yes!” He promised, then took off the submachine gun again, aimed at the German prisoners of war, and shouted loudly: “All follow me honestly. Whoever wants to escape again, these people just now are your role models. ”

He shouted these words in Russian, and no one except Major Tolman could understand them. I gave a wry smile, just trying to remind him that Tolman nodded at me, then shouted a few loudly at his subordinates, as if he was translating the soldiers’ words for everyone. After he finished shouting, he turned to salute me again, and then led his men to follow the soldiers into the building.

Watching the prisoners walk away, Leviakin walked to my side, opened his mouth and wanted to talk. “Tick tick tick tick…” The loud Charge horn suddenly sounded. I looked back in surprise and saw soldiers with various weapons pouring out from every corner and rushing towards the fierce battle. .

“Let’s go back to the headquarters, comrade commander.” Leviakin’s words dispelled my idea of ​​charging with the troops. He went on to say, “There, you can better command all the troops in the city.”

“Well then!” I just hesitated for a moment, and then agreed to his suggestion. After all, I am now the commander of a division, no longer a company platoon commander There is no need to lead the soldiers to charge. Staying in the command center, I can play a bigger role.

As soon as we entered the headquarters, a famous ensign greeted us and saluted us and reported: “Comrade Commander, I am going down to look for you. I have a call for you.” Seeing me looking at him blankly, Explain quickly: “It’s from the political commissar.”

I grabbed the phone and said to the inside: “Comrade Political Commissar, hello! I’m Oshanina.”

“How is the situation in the city now?” The political commissar did not say anything polite, but could not wait to ask me: “You are not injured, are you?”

“Not bad,” I was quite satisfied with the results of today’s battle. I looked at Leviakin standing next to him, and answered the political commissar in a happy mood: “We fought two battles with the German army that entered the city, and wiped it out at a very small price. A lot of enemies. How’s the situation on your side?”

“Comrade commander, I am calling you now to bring you bad news.” The political commissar said hesitantly on the phone: “I just received the latest order from the commander of the group army Rokosovsky…”

“What’s the order?” Before he was finished, I interrupted him and asked according to my own thoughts: “Is the commander still like yesterday, ordering my teacher to guard the city at all costs, like a nail The same nailed here, you are not allowed to take a step back?”

“No! The order I received was just the opposite. The commander ordered our division to abandon Volokolamsk, and all the troops immediately retreated to the Istrian region and established a new defense there.”

“What?!” Leviakin and I were stunned by the news almost at the same time.

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