Burning Moscow

Chapter 149

148 The Mysterious Subway Train (Part 2)

“Краснопреснерская”, I read the place name silently again in my heart, “Red Blissnow Station”, if I remember correctly, it should be a station on the Circle Line subway line, but the brown line is only 50 years old. How come there is this station now when it is in operation?

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel,” Xie Liaosha interrupted my thoughts and introduced me: “This is a newly built subway that has now been transformed into a Tibetan Army Cave. The troops responsible for defending this street are usually except for a few. People are on duty in the barricade, and the rest of the soldiers stay here. Once the worst happens, the Germans invade Moscow. From here, they can quickly enter the barricade and start street fighting with the invaders.”

He pointed to the neatly lined up soldiers in the middle of the hall and said; “These are the brave soldiers.” Then he pointed to the material piled up in the corner of the hall and covered by tarpaulins and said: “Here are the weapons and ammunition needed by the troops. , The reserves of food and medicine are enough for three months.”

I nodded, and then walked towards the line in the middle of the hall. The team lined up in eight neat rows. I counted them. There were 30 people in each row. The whole team had 240 people. With the ten commanders standing in the front of the line, there were almost 260 people.

I was far away just now, I only heard the commander in front of the queue speaking loudly to the soldiers, and when I approached, I heard clearly what he was saying, “…in order to ensure the defense of Moscow and stop the German fascist spies. For the subversive activities of the elements and other agents, the National Defense Commission made a decision: first, to enforce martial law in Moscow from October 20, 1941; second, all those who disrupt order must be immediately held accountable and handed over to a military court. Come to the trial; the German fascist instigators, spies and other agents who disrupt order can be executed on the spot…”

Hearing this, I stopped and asked Sergei quietly: “Comrade Lieutenant, didn’t this Comrade Stalin’s order be issued last month? Why are they just passing it on now?”

“I don’t know,” he said, shaking his head, with a look of confusion on his face, “I’ll go to their commander and ask.”

After Xie Liaosha left, I looked back to see what Ramis and Grisa were doing. When they turned their heads, they found that they were staring at the ceiling dumbfounded. I walked over and asked curiously: “What are you looking at?”

Ramis pointed to the top and said to himself: “The dome of the hall is decorated with all kinds of gorgeous chandeliers, and the giant murals are magnificent under the crystal lamps. It really makes people feel so beautiful. ”

I chuckled and said, “Don’t look, we don’t know how long we will stay here. You will see enough later. Now accompany me to see the other’s commander.” Hearing me say this, two The talent replied from the state of loss of soul. Quickly agreed, followed behind me, and walked towards the opposing commander.

Sergei and two officers-like people greeted me, stopped two or three steps apart, and reported to me: “These two are commanders of the army. I will bring them over to see you. “After that, he turned to the side and let the two officers come forward.

The officer who reported first is a little bit older, about forty years old, with the rank of captain on his collar. He reported: “I am the acting battalion commander of the destroyer battalion, Captain Bukov.”

“Acting battalion commander?!” When I heard his position, I asked curiously, “Where did the battalion commander go?”

“When the battalion commander went out for inspection yesterday, he encountered an air attack. The barricade he was on was directly hit by a bomb. Four soldiers died on the spot. The battalion commander and two other soldiers were seriously injured and were taken to the hospital for rescue.” I became a little shy, and explained embarrassingly: “I was originally just a company commander. The superior called me and said that the destroyer battalion must not be without the battalion commander. You should act as an agent. In this way, I became this destroyer battalion. Acting Battalion Commander.”

“Haha!” I smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said friendlyly: “Do it well! It won’t be long before you can get rid of the title of ‘agent’ and become the real battalion commander.”

“Hey hey,” he laughed embarrassedly, “That’s a good feeling.”

I turned my gaze to another young officer. His rank was much lower than that of Bukov. He was just a second lieutenant, but he was reading Stalin’s martial law order to the soldiers, so I asked him curiously: “This command Comrade, what should I call you? And just now I heard you read the martial law order issued by Comrade Stalin last month.”

The young officer saluted me and reported loudly: “Report to Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I am Second Lieutenant Dolnikov of the People’s Committee of the Interior.” After a pause, he added: “Except for assisting the Destroyer Battalion’s defense of the barricade. At the same time, I am also charged with the task of eliminating German fascist instigators and subversive elements. I read out the martial law order to the soldiers every day, so that everyone can be more vigilant and be able to spot the hostile elements hidden beside us in time.”

“Understood! I understand!!!” Dealing with the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs always made me feel uncomfortable, so I agreed repeatedly and turned the topic off: “Comrade Lieutenant, the defense here seems to be too loose. Just now. Why didn’t we see the soldiers on duty when we came in.”

Hearing this, the second lieutenant blushed and said embarrassingly: “I have gathered everyone here, and there is no one to keep on duty outside.”

I was particularly dissatisfied with the negligence he had caused by his self-righteousness. I sternly said, “Comrade Lieutenant, this is during the war. You can’t relax your vigilance at any time. If it is not us who came today, but the Germans sneak in. Attacking you, how many people do you think will survive in the end?”

My wording may be too harsh. The ensign’s cheeks were immediately red. He lowered his head and said, “I’m sorry, Comrade Commander, I was wrong. But I did this to better accomplish my task, you know. Under the current situation, various saboteurs emerge in an endless stream, and we can’t defend against it…”

“Wait a minute, Comrade Lieutenant.” I interrupted him and said impatiently: “I am not your superior, so you don’t need to say sorry to me. I say this to you, not to teach you, but to mention to you. So wake up and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Since the outbreak of the war, we have suffered too much.” At this point, I can’t help but think of the sacrificed General Panfilov, who died in the German sneak attack. He, my nose is sour from time to time.

“Comrade Commander, I know you.” Bukov next to him suddenly said, breaking the embarrassing situation.

“Oh?! Have we seen it before?” I looked up and down Bukov in front of me, trying to remember where I had seen this officer before. But after thinking about it for a long time, I still didn’t have a clue. I had to shook my head, smiled and said embarrassedly: “Sorry, Comrade Captain, I have no impression of you at all. I really can’t remember where I saw you.”

“Have you forgotten? On the day of the October Revolutionary Day military parade, you brought a troop to the Red Square to participate in the military parade. After getting off the car, you had a chat with Lieutenant Colonel Bezikov, and I was standing there at the time. Behind the lieutenant colonel.”

Hearing what he said, I was somewhat impressed. It seemed that I saw two officers standing not far behind Bezikov, but I was patronizing Bezikov and chatting at that time, and I didn’t pay attention to what the commander looked like behind him. . In any case, he is considered to be an acquaintance. I screamed, with a look of sudden realization on my face, stepped forward and shook his hand vigorously, saying, “So it’s you, if you don’t say red I really didn’t think of the military parade.”

He held my hand with both hands and said in a respectful tone: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I have heard Lieutenant Colonel Bezikov mention you many times, saying that you are really an amazing woman. She has participated in many battles. He won three medals for his bravery in combat. In just a few months, he changed from an ordinary soldier to an intermediate officer of our army, and now he even personally commands a unit on the front line. In our garrison There are many young people in the headquarters who regard you as their idol.”

Idol, when I heard this term, I couldn’t help but want to laugh. I didn’t expect that in this era, I still have my own fans. In this era, I just want to live in peace. I don’t want to be the target of public criticism. I have to keep a low profile in everything. I took my hand out of his palm, looked at the soldiers standing neatly in the hall, and turned the subject away again and said, “You can disband the soldiers first. After arranging the manpower to go out on duty, take me. Go visit the place where the soldiers rest and sleep.”

“Do you want to see where the soldiers sleep?” He took a step back, turned his body to the side, and made a please gesture, “Please come with me, and I will show you where the soldiers live. “Then said to Lieutenant Dolnikov: “Comrade Lieutenant, please go and let the soldiers disband, and arrange the personnel on duty at the barricade.”

On the right side of the hall is a row of arches next to each other. Through the arches, you will reach the subway platform. Relying on the light from the door, I saw densely packed tents neatly lined up on the track under the platform. He briefed me on the situation and said: “This subway station is a station on the circular subway under construction. This side was originally the platform of the upper line subway. Due to the outbreak of the war, workers and technicians were either evacuated to the rear or went to the front line to participate. The army, so the construction of the entire project has completely stopped….”

As soon as he said this, Xie Liaosha interrupted him and asked: “What is the on-line subway?”

“This is a term.” Bukov explained patiently: “Because it is a circular subway, the subway that runs clockwise is called the upper line subway; otherwise, it is called the down line subway.”

I looked at the tent under the platform, and asked, “If you put the soldiers here, will it affect the operation of the subway?”

“No.” He replied affirmatively: “Because the project terminated very suddenly, there was not even time to lay the railroad tracks.” After speaking, he pointed to the platform in the opposite direction and said, “The platform over there is The railroad tracks were laid, but they only reached the entrance of the tunnel away from the station.”

I pointed to the lighting on the top again, and asked curiously again: “I think the hall is brightly lit, and there are lights installed here, why not lighting it?”

Bukov shook his head and said, “I don’t know what’s going on. When we came here, we found that although the lights in the hall were brightly lit, the platforms on both sides were completely dark. They reported this to their superiors, but they also I don’t know which department is responsible for supplying electricity here. So we can only let it go and maintain the status quo.” After speaking, we came to the nearest arch and made a gesture of asking and asked me to follow him in.

I followed him back into the hall and came to the material storage area. Only then did I find that there was a desk and some chairs in the corner. He greeted us to sit down and picked up the teapot to pour us tea.

There was an explosion outside, and the lights in the hall flashed. Bukov looked up, and then continued to pour tea for us nonchalantly, saying: “It’s okay, here is more than ten meters deep from the ground, and the bomb can’t fall here. Now it’s dangerous outside, you still Drink tea here with peace of mind.”

Hearing what he said, the corners of my mouth curled up to say a few words, but at last I resisted not speaking. In fairness, except for the inevitable itinerary, I am reluctant to take the subway, because there are so many different kinds of spiritual events in the Moscow subway, and the thought of these makes me shudder.

To be far away, I experienced it myself in 2009. Going home late that day, there were not many people in the carriage. Although there were still spaces, many people still stood habitually. I was reading a book with my back leaning against the car door. There was an old man standing on my left, and a beautiful woman was standing not far ahead. I even glanced at her several times. Soon after the car started, the beauty girl suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed all over. The carriage was suddenly disrupted, and the men and women sitting next to them rushed up, pressing their hands and feet, and two women holding her head, squeezing her mouth open, and holding a long-handled key. Reached in to pry her confined teeth away.

While I was in a daze, the old man next to me suddenly pushed me hard from the side, yelled at me loudly, and rushed to the walkie-talkie by the door to inform the conductor that there was a patient in the car. After saying a few words, he turned his head and saw that I was still in a daze, and then yelled at me a few more words, and then I realized that he was asking me to help. I stuffed the book into my bag and ran over to help hold Meimei’s leg.

Although there are five or six people with me to hold Meimei’s leg, but in the case of her violent twitching, it still makes us feel powerless. At this time, someone shouted something I didn’t understand, and then I found that the crotch of her jeans was wet, and it quickly spread to the entire pants. After a while, a strong smell of urine filled the compartment. I realized with hindsight that the man was shouting just now that Meimei had urinated incontinence.

When the train arrived, the doctor in the subway station rushed to give first aid and brought a stretcher. After getting in the car, the doctor did not see the patient, but directly asked everyone if there was a seizure in a young woman. At the time, I thought the doctor was really amazing. Before I saw the patient, I could guess who got the disease.

The doctor put down the medicine box, and the first thing he took out was a roll of bandage. An old lady who helped me couldn’t see it, and accused the doctor of saying: “Someone else is having a seizure What are you doing with the bandage?”

The doctor said calmly: “When she fell, she must have broken the back of her head.” He said hello everyone turned over the girl who was no longer twitching, and when he looked at the back of her head, there was a bleeding wound. .

The old lady said in surprise: “Doctor, you are so amazing, you can even judge this.”

The doctor bandaged the cuties and mumbled: “It’s not that I am magical, but that three young girls have had seizures in the car in a row this week, and they are in the same car every time. It’s a hell.

Back home, I checked the news on the Internet, only to know that on the night of September 9th, someone had photographed the face of a young woman in an empty subway car. As soon as the photo was taken, a young girl in the car developed epilepsy, fell to the ground and convulsed, and knocked the back of her head when she fell to the ground. But what is strange is that after the young girl was sent to the hospital, she was found to have no epilepsy at all after an examination. A week later, another young girl became ill in the same carriage. The symptoms were exactly the same as those of the previous one. Of course, the results of the examination when she was sent to the hospital were still the same. According to online reports, there are ghosts wandering in the subway station, and they come out and wander around at night. And what I encountered in the subway today happened to be the third case. Later, two similar incidents occurred one after another. It was not until the relevant department asked the pastor to go to the subway to do the law once, and the subway became peaceful again.

Now that I am staying in an unfinished subway station, don’t I have more chances of encountering ghosts? As soon as I think of what I said on the Internet, I feel a chill in my back. I secretly made up my mind to leave here as soon as the air raid is over.

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