Burning Moscow

Chapter 1557

Chapter 1556 1 way to the west (up)

With the full cooperation of local transportation vehicles, by daybreak, the artillery positions piled up like a mountain, enough to cope with two days of high-density shelling. Fastest update

After receiving this news, Konev couldn’t help but smile. He smiled and said to us: “Comrades, since our artillery has sufficient ammunition, then we can let the Germans taste the power of our artillery fire.” At this point, he turned his gaze to Sokolovsky, “Chief of Staff, our main direction of attack today is Kovel in the north, ordering the artillery of the second echelon to move forward, and the artillery of the first echelon deployed at the forward. At the same time bombard the German defensive positions.”

“Comrade Marshal,” as soon as Konev finished speaking, Military Commissioner Krenyukov interrupted and said: “Our army’s current artillery density in the direction of Kovel has reached about 100 per kilometer. I don’t think it is necessary. Increased again.”

“Comrade Military Commissioner,” Konev said to him with a smile on his face: “Comrade Stalin once said: Artillery is the **** of war. Although our army has a density of 100 artillery per kilometer in the direction of Kovel, I think it’s far from enough. Now that we have enough artillery shells, we should mobilize more artillery units to smash the German defense.”

After Konev finished speaking, I also echoed: “Comrade Military Commissioner, Marshal Konev is right. Since we have sufficient artillery shells, it is absolutely necessary to increase the density of frontier artillery. The reason why the Belarusian campaign was able to achieve great The result of this battle is the large and concentrated use of artillery. As far as I know, the average density of artillery in each front army’s breakthrough area is 150,200 artillery and mortars per kilometer.”

“Chief of Staff, give orders to the following troops.” Konev raised his hand to look at his watch, and added: “It is four o’clock in the morning. Our artillery should take action against the German defensive positions at eight o’clock in the morning. Intensive shelling.”

As soon as Sokolovsky walked away, the phone in front of Konev rang. I thought it was Stalin, and I was afraid that I could not listen to the content of his conversation with Konev, so I walked to the conference table not far away with interest. As a result, after two steps, he was called by Konev from behind: “Lida, you don’t have to avoid it. Khrushchev is calling.”

After he said this, he smiled into the microphone and said, “Comrade Khrushchev, please express my sincere gratitude to the drivers who participated in the delivery last night on behalf of me. Without their help. , Our artillery has no way to hoard so many ammunition overnight.”

“Comrade Konev, you are too polite.” Khrushchev also said in a relaxed mood: “In order to defeat the fascist invaders and drive them out of our land completely, we just did something we could. That’s it. By the way, I want to ask, what is the current situation on the battlefield and what kind of results have been achieved?”

Due to Khrushchev’s special identity, Konev did not hide his question from him, but truthfully replied: “The situation is not very good. In the battle yesterday, our army was in Kové. Li direction broke through the first line of defense of the German army and advanced eight kilometers away; in the direction of Lviv, no progress was made.”

“What about the direction of the Carpathians?” Khrushchev asked, “As far as I know, your front and second fronts have deployed several armies there. Did they exchange fire with the Germans?”

“Not yet.” Konev took a look at me, and then said: “Because Lida preliminarily carried out feints in the area, misled the judgment of the German army and made them think that our army’s primary attack direction was there, so They deployed the 3rd Panzer Corps of the Battle Reserve in this direction.”

Hearing Konev’s words, Khrushchev said in an admiring tone: “It seems that the deception tactics implemented by Lida are still quite effective, and they confuse excellent German commanders like Model. You are here. Did you exchange fire with the German armored forces in the battle yesterday?”

“The German armored divisions are deployed in the direction where our army may carry out assaults, 15-20 kilometers away from the front, as long as they are used to compete with our army for tactical defensive area. They have constructed a main defense zone with a depth of 4-6 kilometers 2 3 positions. Our army successfully occupied this area after a day of fierce battle yesterday.” Konev carefully introduced the situation on the battlefield to Khrushchev: “…the enemy’s second defense zone is set up. At a distance of 10 to 15 kilometers from the front, this will be the focus of our offensive today. Only by taking this place can we advance to the third defensive zone they constructed along the west bank of the Sibug and Gnirayalpa rivers.”

Long after the phone call between Konev and Khrushchev, Sokolovsky came back and reported to him: “Comrade Marshal, I have given your order to the artillery commander in the direction of Kovel. He said that the artillery of the second echelon can reach the designated position before eight o’clock. In this way, our artillery density in the direction of Kovel can reach 200 artillery per kilometer.”

“Two hundred artillery per kilometer?” Krenyukov was shocked when Sokolovsky said this. He said to Konev in an incredible tone: “Comrade Marshal, just a few A month ago, we had less than two hundred artillery in a defensive area. Now, we can easily increase the density of artillery to two hundred per kilometer in an offensive area. This is incredible. ”

“Comrade Military Commissioner, this is because our army has become stronger.” Konev said confidently: “I believe that under such a intensive artillery fire, the strong defensive positions of the German army will also be torn apart by us. .”

When the time was approaching eight o’clock, Sokolovsky, standing not far away with a microphone in his hand, asked Konev respectfully: “Comrade Marshal, the artillery commander called to ask if he can be on time. Prepare for artillery fire?”

“Are the artillery in place?” Konev asked.

Sokolovsky hurriedly asked into the microphone: “Did all the artillery units enter the designated positions?” After listening to the other party’s answer, he reported to Konev, “There are about four artillery regiments and The two rocket battalions are still on the way.”

“The artillery fire is ready to proceed on time. As for the artillery units that have not reached the designated position, we will not wait for them for the time being.” Konev paused for a while after saying this, in order to prevent Sokolovsky from misunderstanding According to his own intention, he added: “After they arrive at their destination, they must also quickly unfold and participate in the preparation for this artillery fire.”

Sokolovsky waited for Konev to finish speaking, and rushed into the microphone, and repeated Konev’s words to the artillery commander on the other end of the phone.

Due to sufficient shells, preparations for this artillery fire lasted a full one and a half hours. More than two thousand artillery bombarded the second defense zone of the German army at the same time, and the firepower density was as high as six rounds per second. Not only did the German anti-tank obstacles set up in front of the position be completely cleared, but even the fortifications on their main position were severely damaged.

The bombardment of    howitzers and cannons just ended, and a dozen more guards rocket battalions used thousands of rockets to cover the German position once. When the artillery began to extend its firepower to suppress the target in depth, three red flare flares rose above our army’s position, which was a signal to attack.

Seeing the signal of the offensive, the first to attack was the 76th Infantry Corps of the 3rd Guards Army. Under the guidance of the tanks of the 1st Guards Brigade, they shouted slogans and bravely rushed to the German positions.

The second defensive zone of the German army has two lines of defense. However, due to our army’s intensive artillery fire, when the enemy got out of the hidden bunker, it was discovered that not only the firepower points were completely destroyed, but even the trenches were bombed. They can only seize the time and use the engineering shovel to dig out individual bunkers one after another, hide inside and shoot at our assault troops.

However, today’s situation is different from yesterday. The anti-tank barriers that stood in front of the fortifications were destroyed by artillery fire. Even the insurmountable anti-tank trenches were also filled with floating soil and debris from the artillery fire. Our tanks You can easily pass through this zone. The infantry on the charge hid behind the tanks, and the sparse firepower on the German positions caused very limited damage to them. Occasionally, two firepower points were resurrected, but the machine guns inside were often destroyed by tank guns without even firing a shuttle.

Our infantry unit launched the charge at 9:30. By ten o’clock, there was a report from the front, saying that our army had rushed into the first line of defense and was clearing out the remaining German troops in the area and preparing for it. Launch an impact on the second line of defense.

“That’s great, this…this is great.” Seeing such a report, everyone in the command center was smiling and full of confidence in the next battle. Konev raised the telegram in his hand and told Sokolovsky: “The Chief of Staff, immediately forward this telegram to the General Staff Headquarters, so that Moscow will also see what we have achieved.”

Compared with Konev, I behaved extra calmly. After all, I already knew the end of the ongoing battle. What I can do now is to accelerate the demise of the German army based on the historical knowledge I have. Therefore, after I waited for Konev’s mood to stabilize a little bit, I said to him: “Comrade Marshal, although our main direction of attack today is here in Kovel, we will also adopt the same in the direction of Lviv and the Carpathians. Meng Lie’s actions have made the enemy confused as to where we are the main attack and where we are only restraining the action.”

“Lida, what you said is reasonable. I will call the artillery commanders in these two directions and ask them to also shell the German artillery positions so that the enemy can’t tell where our main attack is.” After that, he grabbed the phone in front of him and started calling the other two artillery commanders.

When I watched Konev giving orders to the microphone, I was thinking to myself: If there is no plan I put forward for civilian vehicles to transport the shells for us, then Konev will also order several directions at the same time, to the German army. Does the defensive position carry out shelling? This will certainly not be because there is not enough artillery shells, so he can only order tank troops to cover the infantry and attack the German defensive positions after a brief artillery preparation.

At noon, our army’s offensive in the direction of Kovel made great progress. After clearing the Germans from the first line of defense, the troops of the 3rd Guards Army attacked the second line of defense.

After reading the battle report, I suggested to Konev: “Comrade Marshal, since we have made great progress in the direction of Kovel, I suggest that the 1st Army of Guards Tanks of General Katukov should be put into battle. Prevent the German armored forces from launching counter-assaults on breakthroughs in our army’s control.”

“You are very thoughtful.” After hearing what I said, Konev nodded and said: “The Germans have not used their armored divisions so far. I think that Model will definitely send armored divisions immediately. , To counterattack the troops of the 3rd Guards Army to close the breach opened by our army.”

Fortunately, the suggestion I made to Konev was very timely. After Katukov received the order to attack , he immediately commanded his army and rushed to the breach opened by our army. As soon as the tank brigade rushing to the forefront reached the breach, it encountered the oncoming German armored division.

This is a well-matched tank battle. The German army has an advantage in numbers, while our army has an advantage in equipment. Although a small number of T-54/55 caused huge casualties to German tanks, the remaining T-34 suffered heavy losses under the attack of the German Tiger and the enhanced version of the fourth tank.

But this tank battle lasted only half an hour. As more and more Chinese tanks joined the battlefield, the German tanks suddenly fell below. Most of the more than 130 German tanks that participated in the assault were destroyed by our army, and the rest quickly opened the hatch and waved the white flag to surrender to our army. In order to show sincerity, the turret was tilted to one side, only four or five. The tank escaped by luck.

Such a battle report immediately made us rejoice. After reading the battle report, Sokolovsky said excitedly to Konev: “Comrade Marshal, I did not expect that a German armored division, under our attack, did not hold on to it for even an hour. The army is destroyed.”

Although Konev was very happy, he was not dazzled by the victory. He calmly issued the latest combat order: “Order the troops to speed up the attack, and we must completely seize the German defense before dark. zone.”

“Relax, Comrade Marshal.” Sokolovsky said triumphantly: “According to this style of play, our troops will have no problem capturing the German second defense zone before dark. If you are lucky. , Maybe we can still attack the enemy’s third defensive zone.”rw

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