Burning Moscow

Chapter 1559

Chapter 1558 1 way to the west (down)

After receiving the order to attack the German armored division, Afnin immediately summoned several of his division commanders to the headquarters to discuss the offensive. Fastest update

After listening to the combat mission, Rumyantsev, the commander of the 4th Division of the Guards Airborne Force, frowned and said: “Comrade commander, although we have an advantage in numbers, we are much inferior to the enemy in terms of equipment. I think it is almost impossible to eliminate the two armored divisions of the German army.”

“Yes, Comrade Commander!” After Rumyantsev’s words were finished, Colonel Konev, commander of the 3rd Division of the Guards Airborne Corps, went on to say: “We only have two military artillery regiments, one tank regiment, and several tank battalions. With such technical equipment and defense, the problem is not big; but if you want to take the initiative to attack, I think this is simply an incredible thing.”

After listening to the two of them, Ah Funing didn’t immediately express his opinion. Instead, he glanced at his most trusted second division commander, but saw that the other party was staring at the map in front of him, as if he was thinking about something. So he turned his gaze to the new editor and teacher on the other side, and asked: “Colonel Lu Jin, tell me what you think.”

“Comrade Commander,” Lu Jin said, staring at the map on the table, without looking up: “With our existing technology and equipment, if a frontal attack is adopted, it is estimated that not only will the enemy not be destroyed, but it will cause serious damage. casualties.”

“Then, do you have a good way?” Ah Funing asked calmly.

Lukin nodded, and said, “If my new editor takes over this offensive mission, I plan to use sneak attack tactics to attack the German camp…”

After listening to Lu Jin’s offensive plan patiently, Ah Funing still did not rush to express his opinion, but asked the other three division commanders: “Three division commanders, what are your opinions?”

After hearing Afunin’s question, the first to speak was the colonel with the same name as the marshal. He said solemnly: “Comrade commander, we must know that our army has never launched a regiment-level or higher level. The night attack. Now that we are going to take a division-level sneak attack on the German army, I am worried that in the dark environment at night, the army will be in chaos due to command problems. Then it will be difficult not only to eliminate the enemy, but also to protect itself. .”

After listening to Konev’s concerns, Afunin turned his head and asked Lukin: “Comrade Colonel, you can tell us the specific steps of the night attack. For example, what is your primary target of attack, and when the enemy counterattacks, How to deal with it. By the way, there is the most critical question, how do you distinguish between the enemy and ourselves in the night? I don’t want my troops to be accidentally injured by my own people in the night battle.”

The series of questions raised by Ah Funin made Lu Jin hesitate for a long time. But after all, he has fought a lot of night battles and has rich combat experience in this area. After thinking for a while, he replied: “Comrade commander, I plan to use the tank battalion to attack the German tanks first, and then use the infantry. Attack their station. As for the problem of distinguishing the enemy from us in the dark, I have no good way, because even if I tie a white towel on my arm, it won’t work. It really started fighting, everyone is all right. When shooting by feeling, who still has time to see if a towel is tied to the other’s arm.”

“Comrade Colonel,” Ah Funing said with a look of embarrassment after listening to Lu Jin’s words: “If you can’t tell the enemy from ourselves in the dark, once you fight, you can easily cause a lot of accidental injuries. Tell me how to solve this. ?”

“Comrade commander, I have a way to prevent this from happening.” Lu Jin pointed to the map and said to Afunin: “The night attack will be completed by our new division, and the rest of the troops will be from the two wings of the German army. , Detour back to them, and when they retreat, cut off their retreat unexpectedly.”

“Can you one division defeat the two armored divisions of the German army?” Major General Vasily, the commander of the 2nd Guards Airborne Division, who had not spoken, asked: “If the Germans are really so easy to deal with, they can still Within a few hours, have we continuously pierced through the defense lines of our two army groups and rushed to the vicinity of our defense area?”

“General Vasily,” Lukin waited for Vasily to finish, and explained to him with a smile: “The Germans are nominally two armored divisions, but after they break through our defenses, they will leave defensive troops along the way. , Even if the troops left in each place are limited, but their assault distance is so long, when they arrive at our place, there are not too many troops left. I am absolutely sure to defeat them.”

“Since Colonel Lukin is so confident,” Ah Funing saw that everyone was talking about it, so he came out to make a concluding statement: “Then the task of attacking the German garrison at night, let your division complete it.”

“Comrade commander, you can be cautious.” After taking a look at Lu Jin, Vasily added: “We need to know that the new division’s troops are formed for a short period of time. We still don’t know how effective they are. I don’t think it is appropriate to engage in such an important offensive battle.”

“Don’t worry, Commander Vasily.” Afnin waved his hand to Vasily, and said, “It means to let the new division be the main force of the night attack, which means the deputy commander of the front army. As a commander, you should know your superiors. The order can only be carried out, and discussion is not allowed. The matter of letting Colonel Lukin’s new editor be the main force of the night attack, it’s decided.


Two hours later, the new division led by Lu Jin approached the German armored division’s garrison. Standing on a high ground with several division-level commanders, he raised his binoculars and looked towards the dark German camp. It was vaguely visible that dozens of tanks were neatly placed on one side of the camp. There were quite a few tanks around. The figure was walking back and forth. He moved the camera to the side and saw that on the other side of the camp, there was a neat tent, which should be a resting place for tank soldiers and motorized infantry.

He put down his binoculars, turned around and said to Bukov and Ponetjelin standing behind him: “Comrade commanders, you have all seen. The German camp is a few kilometers away from us. As long as we launch an assault, It can turn things upside down there.”

Don’t look at Ponegelin as a general, but since he has spent the past few years in a prisoner-of-war camp, he is not familiar with this kind of night attack tactics. Therefore, after Lu Jingang finished speaking, he immediately raised his own question: “Comrade commander, from the observation, the front is the station of a German tank regiment. How can we highlight their defense?”

Hearing this question from Ponetjelin, Lu Jin couldn’t help being stunned, but then thinking of the opponent’s experience in the past few years and the outdated tactics he had mastered, he understood the reason for the opponent’s helplessness. He pointed to the enemy’s battalion and said: “After the night attack began, we first carried out an assault with the tank battalion, and used artillery to destroy the German tanks parked on the side of the camp, and then the armored vehicles rushed up and shot the enemy’s infantry with machine guns…”

After listening to Lu Jin’s narration, Bonjeelin asked uneasyly: “Is this all right?”

“Don’t worry, Comrade Chief of Staff,” Lu Jin was dissatisfied with Bonetjelin in his heart, but still patiently said to him: “Our night attack tactics can definitely be successful.”

“Comrade commander, I have an idea.” Seeing that Lukin was planning to go down the hill to arrange tasks, Bukov, who was standing beside him silently, suddenly said: “We can deploy the artillery battalion on the hillside and wait for the tanks to rush towards the Germans. While camping, bombard the parking spots of German tanks with artillery fire. What do you think?”

“It’s great, it’s really great.” Lukin was overjoyed when he heard Bukov say this. If this tactic is really adopted, even if the tank battalion is found on the way to the German camp, there will be nothing. It’s amazing, because the artillery deployed on the high ground can make the enemy in the camp overwhelmed: “You will be responsible for commanding the artillery to bombard the German camp later.”

As the order was issued, the twenty tanks of the tank battalion under Levchenko’s command formed a battle formation and rushed toward the enemy’s camp aggressively. Standing on the high ground, Bukov, seeing that the tank battalion was two kilometers away from the camp, decisively gave an order to fire.

When the dazzling fire light vacated the place where the German tanks were parked, the awakened tank soldiers and infantry came out of the tent one after another, but the artillery fire of our army prevented them from approaching the tank.

At this moment, the tank battalion commanded by Levchenko had rushed to a distance of two to three hundred meters from the camp. Twenty tanks slowed down, bombarded the German tanks parked aside with tank artillery, and used machine guns to shoot the chaos. Regiment of German soldiers. In order to prevent accidental injury to his tank unit, Bukov ordered the artillery to extend the fire to bombard the German tents farther away.

Although it was hit by our army’s artillery fire, most of the tanks were destroyed in the first place, but there were still fish that slipped through the net. Several German tank soldiers got into an undamaged tank, rammed a burning tank at full force, and slammed into our tank from the side. The huge inertia caused a t-34 to roll over. On the ground.

Seeing that the tanks of our army had been knocked over, the German tank soldiers were immediately rejoiced. They immediately reversed their car and planned to repeat their tricks and continue to hit other tanks of our army, but they were discovered by Levchenko who happened to drive the tank here. Following her order, a shell hit the German tank at close range and directly knocked off the opponent’s turret.

Immediately following the tanks into the German camp were a dozen armored vehicles full of commanders. The commanders jumped off the armored vehicle, and under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, they pressed the **** of a submachine gun or rifle against their abdomen, and pushed forward quickly with their waists down.

The resistance in the German camp was quickly destroyed. Thousands of German officers and soldiers who had completely collapsed were like frightened rabbits, fleeing back and forth in a swarm of life. The enemy was at large. Our shells were chasing and exploding, covering the fleeing soldiers in patches, and the shells burst in the team. Every loud noise can take away many soldiers, and the panicked German soldiers were blown to pieces in groups.

Another German camp was only seven or eight kilometers away. After learning that it had been raided by our army, tanks and motorized infantry were immediately sent for reinforcement. The artillery deployed on the high ground, with the help of the light from the burning camp in the distance, discovered this new enemy, and immediately smashed them with shells, smashing them to pieces.

When the battle progressed until dawn, the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Guards Airborne Divisions, who had detoured back to the enemy’s rear, had successfully cut off the German retreat, and cooperated with Lukin’s new division to launch a final encirclement and suppression of the enemy.

Konev was overjoyed after hearing the results reported by the 18th Guards Corps. After a while, he picked up the phone on the desk and dialed the 3rd Guards Tank Army Command. He opened the door and said to Rebarko: “Rebarko, the 18th Guards Corps, has successfully annihilated the two armored regiments of the German army, and the rest of the task is left to you.”

“Don’t worry, Comrade Marshal.” Rebarko said confidently: “I immediately order the troops to attack across the board. I must destroy the remaining German armored units in the shortest time.”

Soon, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Rebarko’s 3rd Guards Tank brigades of the 3rd Army also launched assaults against the Germans. Despite the fact that the German armored forces successfully cut off our offensive forces from the second echelon yesterday, the strength of those armored forces appeared to be extremely weak in the face of the new powerful offensive launched by our army.

According to the series of battle reports we received, the German armored units were all defeated or destroyed by Lebarko’s tank brigade in less than half an hour. With the destruction of the German armored units, the second echelon of the 38th and 60th Army merged with the vanguard, then truce briefly, and launched a new attack on the second defensive zone of the German Lviv Line.

By the evening, the troops of the two armies had advanced about 15 kilometers into the depth of the German defense. Just as Konev was preparing to report the good news to the General Staff Headquarters, Stalin called first, and he asked bluntly: “Comrade Konev, what is the current situation on the battlefield? It cut off the offensive forces from the second echelon. Has the enemy been wiped out?”

Konev was in a good mood and quickly replied: “Yes, Comrade Stalin, the German armored units that cut off our army have been completely smashed by our army. At present, the troops of Kurochkin and Moskalenko have continuously broken through. The multiple lines of defense of the German army are advancing smoothly to the west. I believe that it will take two to three days at most to successfully occupy Lviv.”

“Very well, Comrade Konev, you played very well.” After Stalin praised Konev, he suddenly said: “When the situation there is stable, you can temporarily transfer the command to Sokolovs. Comrade Ji, then come back to Moscow with Lida.”rw

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