Burning Moscow

Chapter 1570

Chapter 1569 Leaving and leaving of the 18th Guards C

When all the commanders of the group army who were notified were all present, Konev also hurriedly rushed to Lviv.

As soon as he walked into the church, the adjutant next to him shouted loudly: “Marshal Konev is here!”

As the adjutant shouted, the commanders sitting at the table immediately got up from their seats, and the staff officers walking around on the other side of the church hall also stopped and kept facing the incoming Konev. Standing at attention.

I smiled and greeted Konev, took the initiative to reach out to him, and said politely: “Comrade Marshal, welcome to Lviv!”

“Hello, Lida.” Konev shook my hand twice, nodded and said, “Thanks for your hard work these past two days.”

After letting go of my hand, he hurried to the place reserved for him, swept his gaze on the face of the commander standing on both sides of the conference table, then raised his hands and pressed it down, commanding extremely majestic :”please sit down!”

The commanders of the standing armies sat down neatly in accordance with his order, then tilted their heads, waiting for him to speak to everyone.

“Comrades,” Konev said after a pause, “I congratulate you on your successful capture of Lviv and the liberation of the Ukrainian people who have been enslaved by fascist bandits for three full years.” Speaking of which, He suddenly fell silent. From the excited expression on his face, I guess that some past events may have disrupted the speech he prepared in advance.

After a while, Konev went on to say: “Before I came here, I had already reported the good news about our army’s seizure of Lviv and reported it to Comrade Stalin. Comrade Stalin was very happy to hear the news. He said today In the evening, the salute will be fired again on the Red Square in Moscow to celebrate our successful liberation of this large city in western Ukraine.”

Konev’s words excited the commanders who participated in the meeting, and everyone began to whisper to each other. In the past, Konev would still pat the table with dissatisfaction and make a few words to the commanders who did not guard the meeting place. However, he didn’t say anything today, just looked at everyone with a smile.

www#qiuxiaoshuo#com??С???   After everyone was quiet again, Konev went on to say: “Comrades commanders, with the liberation of Lviv, the Lviv-San The Battle of Domej has come to an end. In these two weeks, we successfully broke through the German defenses in the direction of Rawa and Lviv, encircled and annihilated the Southwest German Army Group in Brod, and forcibly crossed the San River. Successfully liberated the Russian cities of Rawa, Peremeshli, Lviv and Stanislav.”

“Comrade Commander, what is our next task?” Rebarco couldn’t help but interject.

Konev looked at Rebarko and said with a smile: “General Rebarko, our next phase of the task is to transfer the main force of the front from Lviv-Peremeshli to Sandomierz. , Forcibly cross the Vistula River, and establish a large battle landing field in the Sandomierz region.

The troops on the right wing and in the middle of our front army fought inextricably with the Germans. On the 23rd, the 18th Army of General Zhuravlev moved into the offensive. The 1st Guards Army of General Grechko, with the cooperation of the right-wing corps of the 18th Army, expanded its achievements, and today liberated the city of Stanislav, the center of the Carpathian Mountains. At present, the troops of the 18th Army have moved out to the south of Kalush. ”

After Konev arranged the next tasks of the various armies, he glanced over the commanders who attended the meeting, and then asked, “Do you have any questions?”

The commanders here neatly agreed: “No.”

“Since everyone’s mission is clear, the meeting is over here.” Konev said in a tone of voice: “Comrades, now the meeting is over, everyone should hurry back to their troops as soon as possible.”

When only Konev and I were left at the conference table, he suddenly said to me politely: “Lida, there is something, I want to discuss it with you.”

When I heard Konev talking to me like this, I couldn’t help but chuckle, wondering if something big happened? I didn’t speak, but stared at Konev nervously, waiting for him to continue.

w#ww@qiuxiaoshuo com????? С?   Konev waited for a while, and saw that I was silent, and then continued: “The Supreme Command wants to transfer Afunin’s 18th Guards Corps away. ”

“Remove the 18th Guards Corps?!” I could not help but shiver when I heard this, and asked nervously, “Is there something wrong with them?”

“What’s the problem?” Konev was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said: “Lida, you are misunderstood. The reason why the superiors wanted to transfer the 18th Guards Corps was not because of something wrong with them, on the contrary. Because they performed very well in this battle.”

Seeing that I was still at a loss, Konev began to tell me the results of the 18th Guards Corps in this battle: “…they first defeated the German 1st which carried out a counter-assault on our army. And the 8th Armored Division… They captured the city of Trumach and Stanislav respectively… Before I came here, I heard Comrade Stalin personally said that I was going to grant this outstanding combat unit the “Stanislav Army”. Honorable title.”

“Comrade Marshal, I don’t understand. If they are so prominent, why should they be transferred.” I asked in a puzzled manner: “If they stay in the composition of our front army, they will surely achieve even more glorious achievements. The result of the battle.”

“To be honest, I am also reluctant to let my superiors transfer this unit away.” Konev sighed and said regretfully: “But this is an order from a superior. There is no room for bargaining. I can only execute it unconditionally. Except Ah. Funing’s guards and Zhuravlev’s 18th Army were also transferred away. They will formally enter the battle sequence of the Fourth Ukrainian Front before August 5.”

I thought that two months ago, the 18th Guards Corps of Afunin was not seen because most of the members of the army were rescued prisoners of war. Unexpectedly, in this battle, they have become the most sought-after goods for their military exploits. I was really unwilling to transfer such a unit that I had devoted a lot of effort to, so I asked Konev: “Comrade Marshal, this army has received a lot of unfair treatment due to the replenishment of a large number of prisoners of war. I am worried. After they go to the new army, they will be discriminated against.”

W@[email protected]$com   Konev listened to my words, chuckled, and then said: “Lida, you are worried about this. Don’t worry, wait for this unit to get the Stanislav Army. After the title, no one dared to discriminate against them.

By the way, Comrade Beria asked me to tell you one thing, saying that after repeated verifications, Ponetjelin did not betray the motherland so I intend to cancel the accusation against him and restore him. Honor and rank. ”

“Comrade Marshal, if I understand correctly, from now on, the chief of staff of the new division, Major Ponegelin, will become Major General Ponegelin?”

“Yes, that’s the case.” Konev said to me with a smile on his face: “I want you to inform Comrade Ponetjelin of this decision by your own mouth.”

I know Konev wanted to make Bonjeelin grateful to me. After all, I took the risk to keep him. But I thought about it again. The rank of the chief of staff of a division is actually higher than that of the two commanders and deputy commanders. It is a bit too funny, so I reminded Konev: “Comrade Marshal, now that General Bonjelin has been rehabilitated, let him be Is the deputy commander of the new division a bit too talented? You must know that the commander of the division is just a colonel, and the commander A Funing is only a major general.”

“I have also considered the problem you mentioned.” Konev said thoughtfully: “According to his qualifications, it was not a problem to be a deputy commander of the group army, but he had been out of the army for too long. The common sense of command that I had mastered is a bit outdated, and I still need to continue to run in. But to take care of his emotions, I plan to promote him to the deputy commander of the army before the troops are transferred.

I waited for him to finish, and then asked: “After General Bonjelin was transferred, the chief of staff of the new division appeared free, Comrade Marshal, do you have any suitable candidates?”

Konev thought for a while, and then said: “In this battle, the army has produced many excellent middle and low-level commanders. I believe that General Afunin will be able to select suitable candidates among these people. Go to be the chief of staff of the new editor.”

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