Burning Moscow

Chapter 1579

Chapter 1578 New friends (below)

Khrushchev was also impatient. After speaking, he hurried back to his desk, picked up the red confidential phone on the desk, dialed a number, and said into the microphone: “I am Khru Xiaofu, pick me up Moscow!”

While Khrushchev was on the phone, I sat on a chair at the conference table, lowered my head and thought to myself: “I am the deputy commander of the Ukrainian First Front, but Stalin asked Khrushchev to Asking for my views on the Warsaw Uprising, is he going to transfer me to Belarus to assist Rokosovsky?”

After Khrushchev finished calling Stalin, he walked up to me and said with a smile: “Lida, I did not expect that your opinion coincides with Comrade Stalin. He just praised you on the phone. .”

I grinned and smiled silently, then looked at Khrushchev and asked: “Comrade Khrushchev, I want to ask, when does Comrade Stalin plan to let me go back to the front?”

“Return to the front line, don’t worry for now.” Khrushchev slapped haha ​​and cleverly changed the subject: “I heard that you went to contact the school for your child today?”

Seeing that Khrushchev avoided talking about letting me return to the front line, I immediately understood in my heart that it might be Stalin’s intention to let me stay in Kiev for an indefinite vacation. Regarding the arrangement of the Supreme Commander himself, no one can change it, and I can only settle down as I come.

I nodded and replied: “Yes, I spent a lot of time today to deal with the matter of children enrolling in school.” Then, I told Khrushchev what happened today in detail. Even Monakov pursued me on the road, I did not hide it.

After listening to what I said, Khrushchev thoughtfully said: “Lida, you have been on the front line for the past few years, fighting face to face with the Germans. Now the Germans are not far away from the day of their final destruction, so you should Try to live the life of ordinary people, I guess this is also the reason why your superiors suddenly let you take a vacation in Kiev.

Your son will come to Kiev soon. It is also very difficult for you to take your children alone. If you can have a partner to take care of you, I think this is the best ending. I wonder how you feel about this Major Monakov? If you are interested in him, I will arrange for someone to understand everything about him as soon as possible. As long as he is worthy of you, I will definitely match you up. ”

Hearing that Khrushchev suddenly remembered to be a matchmaker for me, I was shocked. You know, although I have occupied Lida’s body for almost three years, psychologically, I am still a man. Regarding Khrushchev’s kindness, I quickly waved and refused: “Dear Nikita Sergeyevich, thank you for your kindness. Don’t you think I’m already a neutral person? My gender has been erased, at least I don’t want others to think of me as a woman at the moment.”

Seeing that I was so stubborn, Khrushchev did not force him. He nodded and continued: “Since you don’t want to talk about marriage now, I don’t force you. But you are too lonely to stay in this city by yourself. Yes, I should make more friends. By the way, I know the Borisova you just mentioned. She is a kind, smart and capable woman. According to the report submitted by the leaders of Kiev City, they plan to You can associate with her a lot when you get promoted to her position.”

I left Khrushchev’s office and returned to my residence. I walked to the door and knocked **** the door a few times. Soon the small window on the door opened, revealing Su Na’s watchful eyes.

“Hello, Suna!” I smiled and said to her: “I’m back, please open the door!”

“Lida, you are back!” Suna opened the door and said enthusiastically, holding my hand, “When you were not there, a handsome commander came to you, and I said you go to the school to handle the matters for the children. The enrollment procedures went, and then he left. I don’t know if he found you?”

“I found it, I found it, Aunt Suna!” I said to Suna with a smile on my face: “The commander found me in the school.”

I chatted with Su Na, took the key hanging in the duty room, and was about to go back to her room upstairs, Su Na stopped me, closed and asked: “Lida, have you had dinner? ?”

“Not yet.” I shook my head and said, “I’ll go back to eat later.”

Hearing that I hadn’t eaten dinner yet, Su Na picked up a paper bag on the table and put it in my hand without knowing it. At the same time, she said, “I guess you must have not eaten anything yet. It’s all ready for you.” I didn’t refuse Suna’s kindness. After thanking her, I took the paper bag she gave me and went upstairs.

When I returned home, I opened the paper bag and saw a few slices of bread inside. Sliced ​​salo is sandwiched in the middle of the bread, and a thick layer of butter is spread, and a slice of salmon sashimi is placed on the top of the bread slice.

Just as I was about to start eating the dinner Suna prepared for me, the phone in the living room rang suddenly. I quickly put down the slices of bread and went to the living room to answer the phone.

“Hello, hello!” I asked politely into the microphone: “Who am I having the honour to talk to?”

There was a burst of hearty laughter in the earpiece, and then Borisova’s voice reached my ears: “Hello, Lida, this is Borisova. Do you have time now?”

I did not give Borisova an accurate answer, but instead asked: “Is there anything you want?”

“That’s it, Lida.” Borisova said enthusiastically, “I want to invite you to my house as a guest.” Maybe because I was worried that I would refuse her, she added specifically, “Tania will come too. , She is going to talk to you about the child’s enrollment.”

I heard that the principal of the school was there, and I knew that I had to go to the party tonight, and quickly asked, “Borisova, can you give me an address?”

“Take it down.” Borisova might be worried that my recording speed could not keep up. She deliberately slowed down and said: “My home is at 72 Lenin Street in the Opolonsky District. After you arrive, Ask the attendant at the door to find out my home.”

I thought that since it was Borisova’s treat, there must be a lot of delicious food in her house, so I re-wrapped the bread Suna gave me and put it on the dining table. Then he rinsed briefly and went downstairs with his bag on his back.

Seeing me walking downstairs, Su Na asked curiously: “Lida, are you going out?”

“Yes, Aunt Suna.” I smiled and replied, “I want to be a guest at a friend’s house in Opolonsky District. Do you know how to get on the bus?”

“If it was before the war, I would definitely suggest you take the subway.” Su Na said regretfully: “But now the subway is closed at 6pm. If you want to go there, you can only take a taxi at the door. .”

I was standing on the side of the road to take a taxi. After a while, several military vehicles stopped in front of me. The driver poked his head out of the window and asked enthusiastically: “Girl, where are you going?”

When I was a guest at someone else’s house, I would definitely not be able to stop a military vehicle. For the kindness of these drivers, I had to politely decline: “Comrade soldier, thank you! The place I go is far away, and it is not convenient to take a military vehicle.

After waiting for a long time, a black car finally stopped in front of me. A middle-aged man with a big beard rolled down the car window and looked at me and asked, “Girl, where are you going?” ”

I hurriedly walked to the window, leaned down and said to the middle-aged driver, “I think of the Opolonsky District. I don’t know how much money is needed.”

The middle-aged driver thought for a while, then raised his hand and made a five-pointer. “Five rubles.” Although I don’t know the prices of this period, it would be too expensive for me to collect five rubles for a ride.

Just when I was about to bargain with him, he seemed to see what I was thinking and said first: “Girl, 50 kopecks, if you think the price is right, get in the car, if it’s not suitable, you can find another car. , I’m not bargaining.”

Even in later Russia, because the number of taxis is scarce, people take taxis and ride in this kind of private vehicles. If the price is negotiated, they will get on the taxi. If the price is not negotiated, they will find other vehicles. There is no such thing as a black car. At this moment, when the driver took the initiative to say the price of 50 kopecks, I felt it was very fair. I immediately opened the door and got into the car without saying a word.

The driver is a very talkative person. He was obviously happy that I was able to go to Opolonski in his car. He drove and talked to me: “My home lives in Opolonski, just on the way. You are going Is a friend’s house a guest?”

“Yes, I will be a guest at my friend’s house.” I replied softly.

“Is it a relative?” the driver asked.

I turned my face and looked out the window, and said softly, “I have no relatives in Kiev. My relatives were almost gone after the war broke out.”

“I’m sorry,” the driver quickly apologized to me and said, “I shouldn’t say these things that make you sad.”

“It’s okay,” I turned my face to look at the driver, and said faintly: “This is war. There are countless people like me who have lost their relatives in the war.”

“Girl, what do you do for work?” The driver gave me a quick glance, then focused his attention on the front: “Is it a salesperson in a store or a waiter in a hotel?”

“I don’t have a job.” Upon hearing this question from the driver, I replied with some difficulty: “I am now waiting to be assigned a job.”

“Waiting for the job assignment?” The driver heard me say this, snorted softly, and then said: “After the liberation of Kiev, the residents of the city came back one after another, but due to the limited number of factories resuming work, not all of them You can find a job.” The driver paused for a while, as if he was thinking about something. Finally, he made up his mind and said, “If you don’t dislike it, you can come to Kyiv University to find me. My name is Peter, and I work in the logistics department. I can arrange a job as a procurement or cleaner for you so that you can work at least every day. Food and clothing can be guaranteed.”

“Peter, thank you!” I was very moved to see this uncle who was so enthusiastic. I gratefully said to him: “But my job should be settled soon, so I won’t bother you.”

Although I was rejected, there was no disappointed expression on Peter’s face. He continued: “It’s okay. If you need my help, you can come to me at any time. By the way, you only said that you are going to Austria. In the Polonsky District, there is no specific location yet.”

I quickly took out a note recording the address of Borisova’s house and read the address on it to the driver’s uncle.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the address, Peter immediately asked: “If I didn’t guess wrong, are you going to find Borisova?”

“Ah?!” I didn’t expect the driver to know about Borisova, so I couldn’t help asking in surprise, “Peter, do you know Borisova?”

Seeing that I was as surprised as I expected, the driver said triumphantly: “Borisova is a celebrity with us. Don’t think she is only working in the neighborhood committee, but everyone knows that with her ability, it won’t be long. You can be transferred to the city or state to work.”

The car quickly reached the destination. When I got off the car, I realized that this No. 72 is actually a residential area. Looking at the dozens of houses in the surrounding wall, I couldn’t help but feel dumbfounded. Just when I was about to ask the guard at the door, Peter yelled at me from behind: “Borisova lives in Building 31 and walks forward along the road. The one at the end of the road is the one at the end.”

When I knocked on the door of Borisova’s house, I saw that there were already quite a few guests in the house. In addition to Tanya, I also saw Monakov who was chatting with Anuna, and even the annoying dean. The middle-aged man with glasses sitting next to her should be her husband. . There are also a couple of men and women I don’t know each other, they should all be colleagues or friends of Borisova.

Seeing my arrival, Tanya and the others immediately greeted me and greeted me enthusiastically. After the greeting, the dean of academic affairs walked up to me, lowered his head and said with an awkward expression: “Comrade General, please forgive me for being rude to you today. The principal has already criticized me severely, and I know I am wrong. I hope you can forgive me.”

Although I hate this unsmiling dean of dean in my heart, under the current circumstances, I waved my hand and pretended to be generous: “Well, comrade dean of dean, this matter is over, please Don’t worry about it anymore.”

Seeing that I no longer pursue the matter, the dean of academic affairs was relieved with a sigh of relief, and quickly pulled the man standing next to me and introduced to me: “Comrade General, let me introduce you. This is my husband. He is the city. Work in the Education Bureau.”

I heard that the dean’s husband is the leader of the Education Bureau, and I immediately understood why the dean behaved so rebelliously. It turned out to be relying on his own background. I reached out and shook the spectacle man gently, and greeted Monakov, who was standing by: “Hello, Comrade Major, we meet again.”

Monakov nodded at me, reached out his hand to me, and said in a low voice: “Hello, Comrade General, I am glad to see you here.”

When I shook hands with Monakov, I glanced at Anuna, who was standing not far away, and asked casually, “Major, when are you going to invite Anuna back to your home as a guest?”

Unexpectedly, Monakov replied with a bitter expression: “Comrade General, I guess there is no time. I just received a notice to catch the train tomorrow afternoon to return to the army.”

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