Burning Moscow

Chapter 1584

Chapter 1583 Landing behind enemy lines (part 2)

While Marchenko explained the combat mission to Monakov, Rezhov walked over and asked in a low voice: “Comrade Deputy Commander, I want to ask whether the military will stay here or follow the 39th Guards Division. Turn into?”

After hearing this question from Lei Ruofu, I suddenly remembered something that I had neglected, and quickly asked: “Comrade Commander, I forgot to ask which army your army belongs to?”

My words made Lei Ruofu a little dumbfounded. He stared at me for a long time, as if trying to figure out whether I was joking with him. Seeing my serious look, he said, “We belong to the Eighth Guards Army. The headquarters is now located on the east bank of the Vistula.”

“The Eighth Guards Army?!” I couldn’t help laughing when Leizhov said the number of the troops. This world is so small. I actually met an acquaintance again. I asked casually, “Is the commander General Cui Kefu?” ”

“That’s right, it is General Cui Kefu.” Lei Ruofu asked in surprise, “Do you know him?”

“Of course, Comrade Commander.” I explained with a smile: “During the Defence of Stalingrad, I was a division commander under General Trikov, responsible for the defense of Mamayev Hill.”

“The defense carried out by Mamayevgang, I have heard from Commander Trikov.” Rezhov heard that I was the commander of the army that sticks to Mamayevgang, and he immediately awed in awe: “The enemy has used it back and forth. Several divisions attacked Mamayev Hill in turn, attempting to seize the high ground and then occupy the port, cutting off the ties between the defenders and the east coast. But under your command, the enemy’s numerous attacks have been Shattered.”

Although I also like to mention my glorious past, I was anxious to see Cui Kefu at the moment, so I raised my hand to interrupt him, and asked tentatively: “Comrade commander, I plan to go to the headquarters of the group army, can you give me Send a driver to take me there?”

“Of course it’s okay, Comrade Deputy Commander.” After Rezhov finished this sentence, he called a staff officer and told the other party: “You are responsible for driving Comrade Deputy Commander to the headquarters of the group army, understand?”

The staff officer nodded, walked in front of me, made a gesture of inviting outside, and said politely: “Comrade General, please come to me, I will send you to the headquarters of the group army.”

On the way to the Cuikov headquarters, I saw the infantry queue and the convoy transporting supplies, which were out of sight, continuously marching towards the bank of the Vistula River. In addition to the ambulances, the convoy on the opposite side was also full of ordinary trucks with the wounded.

Four or five kilometers away from the east bank of the Vistula River, there is a small town called Zherekhov, where Cuikov’s Eighth Guards Army headquarters is located. As soon as the jeep I was in entered the town, it was stopped by the patrol. The ensign who led the team stood outside the car and said politely to me: “Comrade General, please show your credentials.”

Before I could speak, the staff officer driving next to him clearly knew the other person. He shouted directly: “Hey, Belozor, the new deputy commander of the front. She is in a hurry to see Commander Cuikov.”

Lieutenant Belozor outside the window, after hearing my identity, he quickly backed up two steps, straightened his body and stood upright, and raised his hand in a gesture of asking to pass.

The jeep drove a distance along the street again. I saw a two-story building in front of a building with sandbags piled up, and a dozen soldiers stood guard at the door. Seeing such a formation, I felt that this place should be where Cui Kefu’s headquarters is located, so I ordered the staff: “Stop!”

The staff officer parked the car steadily on the side of the road, turned his head and asked me curiously: “Comrade General, the headquarters is still in front.”

I waved to the staff and said, “I will walk the rest of the road. You can drive the car back first, thank you!” After I said that, I pushed the door and got out of the car.

When I came to the entrance, a captain came over and raised his hand to salute, and asked in a formal manner: “Comrade General, who are you, what can I do here?” When he said this, his He also glanced in the direction where the jeep was leaving.

“Comrade Lieutenant,” I smiled at him and said politely: “Please go report to General Cui Kefu, saying that his old subordinate Oshanina is visiting him from the Front Army Headquarters.”

“Hello, General Oshanina!” After hearing my self-name, the captain suddenly showed a smile on his face. He flashed aside, leaning to the side and making a gesture of inviting politeness: “Please come in, I think Comrade Commander is very happy to see you there.”

I smiled at the captain and nodded, and strode inside. Behind him came a vague dialogue from the soldiers:

“Who is she?”

“You don’t even know General Oshanina?! It’s the commander who sticks to Mamayev Hill.”

“Ah, it was her. I didn’t expect that now, the rank is as high as our commander.”

Since the captain did not report, I walked directly into the command post, so that when Cui Kefu saw me there, he was still sitting in a daze. I walked up to him and asked with a smile: “General Cui Kefu, don’t you recognize me?”

“My God!” Trikov heard my voice and jumped up from his seat. He shook my hand and asked curiously: “Lida, you are not serving as Konev in Ukraine. Marshal’s deputy, why has time to come to me today?”

“General Cuikov, your information is too outdated.” After I let go of his hand, I deliberately said with a straight face: “I have just been appointed by the Supreme High Command as the deputy commander of the Belarusian First Front.”

“You are the new Deputy Commander of the Front Army?!” Cui Kefu took a step back quickly, stood at attention, and continued with his head upright: “Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, General Cui Kefu, commander of the Eighth Army of Guards, will report to you. I Follow your orders, please direct!”

It made me feel a little embarrassed to see Cui Kefu put himself in a subordinate position. Cui Kefu seemed to be aware of this. After completing the report according to the regulations, he deliberately said to me in a casual tone: “Lida, why are you still standing, please sit down quickly.”

After I sat down, he asked curiously: “Lida, is there anything important when you came to me today?”

I thought that Lei Ruofu was his subordinate and was about to perform the mission. It was not necessary for him to keep it secret, so I briefly introduced the situation to him. Before I said that I was planning to send a transport plane to carry troops to land, he hesitated and said: “Lida, the enemy has built strong fortifications near our army’s landing site. Our troops must pass through their defenses. It’s almost impossible.”

“Don’t worry, General Cuikov.” I said confidently: “Our troops fought the Germans half a distance near the Vistula River, which has given the enemy the illusion that we are going to break through their defenses. We can only fight on the ground. This time we will use a way that surprises them and implement a breakthrough from the air.”

“Breakthrough in the air?” Cui Kefu frowned and asked, “Are you going to let the paratroopers drop through the enemy’s rear to cooperate with our frontal offensive troops and break through the German defense line? But if you want to adopt such a tactic, use transport aircraft and There will be hundreds of fighter planes serving as cover. I doubt very much whether our air force can provide so many planes?”

“Not so many planes.” I explained to him: “Only ten transport planes and the same number of gliders need to be dispatched, and after dark, one battalion of troops will be lowered to the rear of the enemy. I believe that one battalion will be used. The troops are enough to destroy or severely damage this notorious Kaminsky brigade.”

“Lida, I don’t know if you have considered the enemy’s anti-aircraft fire?” Cui Koff asked with a serious expression: “We don’t have any self-capable transport planes and gliders. The Germans are shooting targets in the air. I am worried that our troops will It was completely wiped out by the Germans in the air.”

“General Cui Kefu, come and see.” I pointed to the map lying on the table and said to him: “I don’t deny that the kind of danger you mentioned does exist, but because the flight range of our flight is too short, It will not take more than half an hour to land. Maybe the German air defense firepower has not recovered yet, our transport plane has already landed successfully.”

“Lida, you are right!” After hearing what I said, Cui Koff nodded and said in agreement: “I think we are worth the risk. As long as there is a troop that successfully landed behind the German army. , Then not only can the Kaminsky brigade be hit hard, but it can also harass the German logistics supply line…”

Next, I mentioned the fact that the 39th Guards Division will cross the river tonight. Cui Koff’s face showed a surprised expression: “I wanted to move more troops to the West Bank, but Rokoso Marshal Fvsky refused. He said that the focus of our army’s defense is not on the West Bank but on the North, so I have only deployed four divisions on the West Bank. Now the 39th Division of the Guards can be transferred to strengthen our presence in Puwa. The strength of the dimensional region.”

“Comrade General, how many ships do you have?” I continued to ask.

“It turns out that there are more than 300 ships and motorboats of various types that can cross the river with 3,500 people at once. However, in the recent battles, the ship lost more than half and the transportation capacity was greatly reduced.” Cui Kefu briefly calculated. , And finally said to me: “Nowadays, we can only transport about 1,200 people at a time.”

Hearing that the ship has suffered serious damage, I can’t help but ask curiously: “General Cuikov, can you tell me why your ship has suffered such a serious loss?”

“When the troops crossed the Vistula River, they lost 70 or 80 ships.” Cui Koff said bitterly: “Because we can’t build a bridge over the river, we can only go through the ships and transfer the weapons and ammunition needed on the other side of the river. All kinds of military supplies fainted and brought back the wounded from the other side. The enemy’s artillery kept bombarding the river surface. This is how most of our ships were lost.”


After dark, the commanders of the 39th Guards Division, who had already assembled on the east bank, boarded the boats parked by the river. Following the commander’s order, the soldiers in charge of rowing immediately waved the oars in their hands desperately, causing the ship full of soldiers to quickly sail to the opposite shore.

At the same time, General Kulakin, who was crossing the river during the day, also called me, saying that the squad was ready and ready to carry out the task of crossing the German defense zone.

After listening to his report, I held the microphone and thought for a while. I felt that the squad directly through the German defense line was still in danger of exposure, so I told Kurakin: “Comrade General, let the soldiers of the 65th Regiment of the Guards Artillery We, carry out a ten-minute bombardment on the German defensive positions.”

“Carry out shelling on the German positions?” After hearing my order, Kurakin asked puzzledly: “Comrade Deputy Commander, our squad will soon pass through the enemy’s line of defense. At this time, shelling will be carried out. , Will you be accidentally injured?”

“General Kulakin, the reason why I let you bombard the German positions is because I feel that in all the plans for crossing the German defense lines, only by using artillery to attract the attention of the enemy can our squad The enemy passes where the defense is weak.” I paused for a moment, and added: “Also, the tactics of the squads are all dressed in German uniforms so that they are not easily detected by the Germans.”

“Understood,” Kurakin replied loudly, “I will follow your instructions immediately.”


After daybreak, I received a call from General Kulakin again, and he said relievedly: “Report to the deputy commander, I just received a telegram from the squad that they have successfully passed through the German defense line. And successfully arrived at the place where the plane landed, and is setting up a bonfire for navigation.”

“Good job, General Kulakin, what a great job!” Hearing that the squad had successfully penetrated behind the enemy line, the big rock hanging in my heart finally landed, “What’s the latest situation, immediately tell me report!”

After putting down the phone, I said to Cui Koff who was reading the report: “General Cui Koff, the unit of the 35th Guards Division has successfully passed through the German defense line and reached the landing site.”

After listening to Cui Kefu, he smiled and nodded, then handed me the document in his hand and said, “Lida, look at this, not only did more than 4,000 people from the 39th Guards Division be sent to the other side last night, but also A large number of weapons, ammunition and materials needed by the West Bank were sent, especially artillery shells urgently needed.”

Seeing that everything is moving in a good direction, my mood has become especially happy. I called Rezhov and asked, “Comrade Commander, are you ready to join the upcoming army?”

“Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander, they are all ready.” After speaking, Rezhov was silent for a moment, and then continued: “But there was a small accident.”

“Small accident?!” When I heard Lei Ruofu say this, I couldn’t help but chuckle: “What’s the small accident, what happened to you?”

“No, Comrade Deputy Commander, nothing happened.” Rezhov hurriedly explained to me: “Major Monakov took the troops to the airport and found that the Air Force provided us with a plane that could carry at least 500 people. , Do you think you should send more people behind enemy lines?”

“No, comrade commander. Since it is said that there are 400 people, only 400 people can be carried.” I am afraid that Rezhov will do something to cut first and then play specially emphasized to him: “Mona The troops under the command of Major Cove will not receive any supplements for a long time, so you have to use the extra space to carry more weapons, ammunition and military materials, understand?”

“Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander, I understand.” Upon my reminder, Rezhov immediately understood the importance of carrying more weapons and ammunition on transport planes and gliders, and quickly replied: “I will arrange for manpower and more ammunition. And the materials were transported on the plane.”


The transport plane and glider carrying the troops took off at one o’clock in the morning. The Germans are the most tired and the least vigilant at this time, and our planes are easier to fly over their air defense firepower nets safely.

Ever since I heard the plane take off, I have been restless, afraid that there will be some bad news. And Cui Kefu, just like me, was waiting for news from the airborne troops amidst anxiety. He called Leizhov almost every ten minutes to ask if there was any latest news.

And Rezhov always answered the same thing: “No, Comrade Commander, there is no news yet!”

Nearly two o’clock in the morning, a phone in the headquarters finally rang. Cui Kefu and I involuntarily took a step towards the position of the telephone, but stopped shortly, because there was a correspondent sitting next to the telephone, and we could not cross over and interfere with the work of the correspondent on duty.

The correspondent picked up the phone and listened for a while, and then reported in an excited and incoherent but clear voice: “Comrade Commander, according to General Rezhov’s report, our troops have successfully landed behind enemy lines. They are moving weapons, ammunition and various materials off the plane.”

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