Burning Moscow

Chapter 1587

Chapter 1586 Garrison with chaotic military disciplin

After having lunch in the headquarters, Cui Kefu suddenly asked on a whim: “Lida, do you want to visit a nearby village?”

“A nearby village?” After hearing Cui Kefu’s suggestion, I couldn’t help but be taken aback. I wondered if there was anything to see in the nearby villages. I might have to endure the hatred look of the villagers in the village, but I was afraid of hurting Cui Kefu’s self-esteem , In the second half of the sentence, I just thought about it in my heart and didn’t say it.

But Cuikov didn’t notice my hesitation, and he said to himself: “Before my troops forcibly crossed the Vistula River, I personally took people to the river to conduct reconnaissance. I don’t know what festival it was that day, or it was a Polish peasant. Celebrating that we rescued them from German rule. Although there were Germans on the other side and the village was within range of enemy artillery, they still held a grand celebration.”

What Cui Kefu said aroused my interest. Thinking of the insurgents in Warsaw, they are not lukewarm to us; while in the countryside in the outskirts, the peasants are friendly enough to our army. Thinking of this, I stood up, smiled and said to Cui Kefu: “Well, Comrade General, anyway, there is nothing wrong now. Let’s take a walk to the nearby village.”

Our car drove out of the town along the street towards the Vistula River. On the way, I asked Cui Kefu curiously: “Comrade General, do you know where my Sixth Guards Army is now?”

“After you left Belarus, they were placed under General Petrov’s Second Belarusian Front.” Trikov looked at me and said, “After the end of the Belarusian campaign, they were placed under General Yelyomenko’s Second Front of the Baltic Sea. Now they are in the Liuban area to clear out the remnants of the German army near Leningrad.”

When I heard the place name Liuban, my heart couldn’t help but chuckle. I wanted to be able to return to Liuban now, if I didn’t run around in the past few months, and command the troops to destroy the Germans and wash away those captured there in the past. Shame. Thinking of Liuban, I naturally think of von Thomas, who once saved me. I don’t know where he is now and whether he is still alive.

Seeing that I was thinking, Cui Kefu turned his head and looked out the window without disturbing me. Unexpectedly, just after watching for a while, he exclaimed: “Damn it, **** it, stop, stop!”

Seeing the car stopped, the driver turned to look at Cui Kefu who was sitting in the back row. And I also looked at him confusedly and asked, “Comrade General, what happened?”

Cui Koff said nothing, he pushed the door and jumped down. I didn’t know what happened, so I pushed open the door on the other side and got out of the car. When I walked around from the rear of the car to the other end of the car, I realized that we had reached the outside of a village without knowing it. At this moment, Cui Kefu was standing in front of a soldier with a full face.

The soldier was sitting on the ground without a hat, leaning against a well platform, holding a bottle of unbranded liquor in his hand, looking at Cui Kefu with a drunken smile, as if he didn’t recognize the one standing in front of them, it was them. Commander Cui Kefu.

Cui Koff winked at the staff who got out of the car. The staff hurriedly walked to the well platform, lifted the bucket on the side of the platform, scooped up half of the bucket of water, and poured it directly on top of the soldier’s head.

Although it is summer, the water from the well is still biting. The warrior who was soaked in the soup, Ji Lingling fought a cold war, and the wine suddenly woke up. Waiting to see clearly that it was Cui Kefu standing in front of him, he quickly threw the bottle in his hand aside, stood up and raised his hand to his forehead, and tremblingly reported: “Comrade Commander, the Reconnaissance Company of the 79th Guards Division Sliarik reports to you, we…”

“Where are the people in your team?” Cui Kefu didn’t give him a good face, and asked fiercely: “Is all the same as you, drinking? Don’t you know that this is the front line, and the Germans are on the other side of the river.”

After a training session, Liarik lowered his head deeply. He should understand in his heart that defending himself at this time will only add fuel to Cui Kefu’s fire, and it is better to be honest.

After Cui Kefu cursed for a while, he took a few deep breaths and told the other party: “Sergeant, take us to the village to find your captain.”

Leah nodded, turned and led us towards the village. I secretly asked Cui Kefu: “Comrade General, didn’t it mean that the troops of the 79th Guards Division were maimed in the early battles and have been transferred to the rear to rest? Where did they come from of?”

“Yes, the 79th Guards Division has withdrawn to the rear to rest.” Cuikov explained to me in a low voice, “But the reconnaissance unit they had sent to the west bank of the Vistula stayed. Vasily Gera Captain Vchikov was the commander of this unit. He led the unit to cross the Vistula River smoothly at night and successfully occupied the German position on the West Bank. He was also awarded a medal for this.”

“Hey, Liarik.” A woman’s shout suddenly came from a yard by the road. I turned my head and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw a girl with a turban and freckles, lying on the wooden fence. Greeting to Liarik, who led us, she said in crappy Russian: “My dear, come to my house and have a bar. I have prepared a good drink for you.” After speaking, she blew a kiss without anyone else.

Liarik, who was walking in front of us, did not dare to speak, but waved at the girl and led us to move forward.

Seeing this situation, I couldn’t help but frown, looked at Cui Kefu sideways and said displeasedly: “Comrade General, this is your hero unit. Although I haven’t seen the performance on the battlefield. But in this village. Here, their military-civilian relationship is pretty good.”

My irony made Cui Kefu blush. But he didn’t say anything, just followed Liarik in front of him without saying a word, and continued to walk forward along the country road.

Leak led us to a big house. After pushing open the wooden fence door, he stood by the door and said respectfully: “Comrade Commander, Captain Grafchikov is here.”

I walked into the yard together with Cui Kefu and looked at the situation clearly. My nose was crooked with anger. There was a large wooden table in the middle of the yard. The table was messy. On the ground were seven or eight soldiers wearing only white shirts. They were already drunk and unconscious. Even the body of a famous soldier still pressed the fallen bench, but it did not affect his sleep in the slightest. He held the bench with both hands and snored like thunder.

“Comrade General,” I looked at these drunks lying on the ground, and asked in disgust, “I don’t know who is Captain Grafchikov?”

After looking down at the drunk who was lying on the ground, Trikov shook his head and said, “He’s not here.” Then he turned his head and angrily asked Lialik who was standing behind, “Tell me, Captain Gravchikov is here. Where are the rest of the soldiers?”

Liarik pointed to the house in front of him and said, “In…in…that…house…house.”

Cui Kefu snorted. When he raised his leg and was about to walk forward, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a naked girl ran out of it with a smile. When she found a lot of people standing in the yard, she screamed. With a sound, he knelt down, picked up a military uniform on the ground, and covered his body.

“Let me see where you run…” At this moment, a naked man wearing only shorts stumbled out of the room, shouting vaguely: “I…if I…if I catch you, Absolutely…Absolutely forgive…I can’t forgive you.” His mind may have been burnt with alcohol, and he didn’t notice the people standing in the yard, not his subordinates. He actually ran into Cui Kefu head-on.

“Pop!” Cui Kefu slapped him severely, and at the same time hated iron and steel and said: “You **** drunkard!”

A slap in the face of Trikov made Captain Grafchikov stunned. He clutched his beaten face and looked at us for a long time, only to realize that Cui Kefu was standing in front of him, and he hurriedly stood on the spot. Although he tried to keep his body balanced, he was shaking back and forth due to the effect of alcohol. As long as anyone pushed him gently, he would fall on his back.

Cui Kefu ignored him, but turned around and asked the staff officer behind him: “Is there a phone here?”

The staff officer should have been to this village. After hearing this question from Cui Koff, he immediately nodded and said, “Yes, Comrade Commander, there is a phone call.” With that, he ran out towards Captain Grafchikov. The room pointed, “There is a telephone in there, you can directly contact the headquarters.”

“Go and call the headquarters.” Cui Kefu frowned and ordered the staff: “Let them send a company immediately to sober up these drunks.”

Half an hour later, the guard company coming from the headquarters dragged the drunks scattered around from the room and threw them all in the middle of the road, pouring cold well water on them to sober them up. After they were awake for a while, they took them to the dried valley field in the village.

Taking advantage of the busy work of the guards, I said to Cui Kefu: “Comrade General, according to what I know, the soldiers stationed in the village are scattered in the villagers’ homes. Because there are only women, old people and children left in the village www. I can’t see adult men at all. Now that there are so many strong young men living in their own homes, those women are all ready to hook up with our soldiers with their own wine, and then they get entangled together. If so. If left alone, it won’t be long before our troops will completely lose their combat effectiveness.”

“Lida, you are right. This matter must be dealt with seriously and must not be tolerated.” Cui Koff said to me with a serious expression: “The army was originally prepared to apply for the title of Captain Grafchikov as the Hero of the Soviet Union to his superiors. But after this incident, I feel that not only can he be awarded the honorary title, but on the contrary, he must be punished, shut down, and demoted.”

How to deal with Captain Grafchikov is an internal matter of the 8th Guards Army. I will not interfere casually. After Cui Kefu finished speaking, I reminded him: “Since the situation in this village is like this, I believe that the other villages will not be much better. In order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, from now on, the troops stationed in the village It’s not allowed to live in villagers’ homes. Military camps should be established nearby so that they can all live in military camps. This is also convenient for our management.”

I also understand in my heart that even if the commanders and fighters are brought together and locked up in the barracks, there will still be people trying to sneak out at night to find a girl nearby. But in any case, it is better than the soldiers scattered in houses.

Regarding my suggestion, Cui Kefu only thought for a moment, and then nodded in agreement: “Lida, your suggestion is very good. Let all the soldiers live in one place, which is also convenient for our management.” He is still drunk at those who are still drunk. After seeing it, his subordinates said angrily, “When they wake up from alcohol, let them build their own houses.”

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