Burning Moscow

Chapter 1591

Chapter 1590 Infighting in Warsaw

Cui Koff poured a cup of tea, handed it to Crook’s hand, and said cheerfully, “Comrade Crook, don’t worry, drink a glass of water… the fastest update”

Crook thanked Trikov, and then drank the tea in his cup, and then began to tell what happened in the city: “Yesterday morning, we received a call from the headquarters of the rebel army to inform us to go to the Warsaw River. Weapons and ammunition are collected in Moresin Park on the West Bank. In the entire Warsaw city, our Ludov Guards have the worst equipment. More than 500 soldiers only have more than 200 rifles and more than a dozen pistols, and one machine gun. nothing.

After receiving the call, the battalion commander Serkiak was very happy, because we all know that as long as we can get the supplement of weapons and equipment, the combat effectiveness of the troops can be greatly improved. The battalion commander and I took a company of soldiers and hurried to Morezin Park, ready to go there to receive equipment.

Unexpectedly, we just approached the ruins of Moresin Park, when we were surrounded and disarmed by the Krajov Army in ambush. The battalion commander and I, as well as all the officers, were escorted to a nearby library, but ordinary soldiers were taken to other places by them.

When we arrived at the library, I found that there were hundreds of people detained here. Judging from the signs on their bodies, they were all commanders of various units. I found an acquaintance who was also detained here to inquire, and learned that they, like us, also brought the troops to the park near the park and were disarmed after receiving a notice to receive equipment. ”

“Wait a minute, Comrade Crook.” When Cuikov heard this, he couldn’t help interrupting Crook’s words: “I want to ask, which troops are these commanders?”

Crook glanced at Cui Koff, and said with a grievance: “Which army can it be? Of course, they are all commanders of the Lyudov Army or the Lyudov Guards.”

“I don’t understand, why are all the commanders of the Lyudov Army?” Cui Koff asked in a puzzled manner: “Is there no officer of the Krajov Army?”

“No, Comrade General, there are absolutely no officers of the Krajov Army.” Crook shook his head affirmatively: “Although the emblems worn by our rebels are confusing, whether the opponent belongs to the Krajov Army or the Lyudov Army. It can be seen at a glance.”

After Crook finished his remarks, seeing that Trikov didn’t ask any more questions, he continued: “When it was getting dark, a guard told bad news that Krajov’s army was going to slaughter the Jews in Wola, west of the city. After learning of this news, it immediately caused panic among the commanders detained in the library.”

At this moment, Cui Kefu interrupted again and asked: “Aren’t you all belonging to the rebel army, why did you kill each other? Maybe this is a rumor spread by the Germans, just to provoke the conflict between your two armies.”

“General Komorowski, the leader of the Warsaw Uprising, was loyal to the leader of the government-in-exile, Mikolechik. He believed that only the Polish government-in-exile in London was the government representing the Polish people, and the new government in Lublin The government is just a puppet supported by Russia.” Crook said in a disdainful tone: “He hopes that this campaign against Nazis should be led by Poles instead of Russians. For him, the Russians will be A new oppressor, the army and civilians who follow them, should be eliminated mercilessly.

You may not know it yet. Komorowski received news of Hitler’s attempted assassination on July 21. He believed that the Germans had collapsed and would evacuate Warsaw in a short period of time, so he drew up a plan for an uprising: Concentration The troops captured several key government buildings in Warsaw, and 12 hours before the Russians entered Warsaw, it was announced that the Polish government in exile had resumed its exercise of power. In order not to hinder the withdrawal of German troops westward, they even left some important transportation hubs for the Germans, including several very important bridges on the Vistula River. ”

After Crook’s words were over, there was silence in the headquarters. Everyone was trying to digest what he was saying, but I kept wondering who Mikolechik was? It seems that I have never heard this name.

In the end, I was the first to break the silence: “Comrade Crook, can you tell us how you got out of danger?”

Crook glanced at me, and after seeing my epaulettes clearly, he nodded, and then told the story of what happened in the city: “At midnight, we heard the faint sound of guns coming from the south, and they were locked in the library. The commanders suddenly became excited. It must have been the Soviet attack from the south.

But just as we were happy, people from Krajov’s Army showed up. After the soldiers with live ammunition entered the room, they randomly selected ten people from the crowd, tied them up with ropes and took them away. In a short while, we heard a burst of gunfire outside. At this moment, everyone knew in their hearts that the Krajov Army planned to shoot us all. When the soldiers reappeared, the commander, who did not want to wait for death, swarmed up, fought with them, and tried to **** the guns in their hands.

The soldiers of the frenzied Krajov Army stood at the door, shooting with submachine guns at the commander of the Lyudov Army in the house. Seeing that the situation was not good, I quickly smashed the window with a chair, jumped off the second floor, and escaped the place with the help of the ruins.

When I fled to the south of the city where I had an appointment with the regular army, I found that they were being assaulted by the German army. Fortunately, I was familiar with the terrain. Colonel Vareshak, the commander of the third division, was considered to have successfully escaped. ”

After he recounted his experience, Varesak quickly added: “Yes, comrades commanders, the wooden boat that Crook hurriedly boarded happened to be my ride. I learned about Warsaw from his mouth. After what happened in the city, he was brought here.”

“Comrade Colonel, you are doing the right thing.” As soon as Vareshak’s words fell, Rokosovsky nodded: “I think Comrade Crook must be tired and hungry. You take him first. Eat something and find a place to rest.”

After Vareshak and Crook raised their hands to salute us, they turned and walked out of the headquarters.

As soon as the two left, Rokosovsky looked around and asked: “Comrades, the situation in Warsaw is more serious than we thought. Facing the siege of the superior German army, the city’s Not only did the insurgents fail to fight the enemy with all their strength, on the contrary, they were killing each other. Even if the Germans did not attack, their strength would be exhausted in this kind of infighting before long.”

After Rokosovsky finished, Bellinger, who was already a godless man, asked in a flustered expression: “Comrade Marshal, what should we do now?”

“This matter needs to be reported to Moscow immediately.” After Rokosowski made this important decision, he said to Bellinger: “If you want to save Warsaw, the Polish army alone is not enough. We need assistance from our troops. General Bellinger, what do you think?”

“Yes, that’s right,” Bellinger replied with nodding rattle: “We currently only have a few divisions. If we want to occupy Warsaw, our strength is still a little weak. If we can get the support of Soviet comrades, I think it will be more. Appropriate.”

When I saw Bellinger’s reaction, I couldn’t help but feel a little stunned. I felt that Bellinger today is so different from last night. The arrogant expression when talking with Rokosovsky is gone, and it’s more to please. And compliments; especially on the issue of whether we need the cooperation of our army, his attitude has taken a big turn of 180 degrees. Last night, even a division was unwilling to ask for help. At this moment, I hope we will send the entire front army. Go support them.

“We now have limited river crossing equipment.” Thinking that most of the river crossing equipment he provided to the Polish army were destroyed, Cui Koff said with a bitter expression: “Don’t transport technical equipment such as tanks and artillery to the other side of the river, even if Transporting infantry and military supplies has also become very difficult.”

“General Cui Kefu, please rest assured.” Bellinger may have thought of his troops and ruined the river crossing equipment provided by Cui Kefu almost. A little embarrassed, he took the initiative to pat his chest and promised: “I will transfer Liubans immediately. Colonel Ji’s first brigade of engineers came over and built a pontoon bridge over the Vistula.”

“It is difficult to use the pontoon bridge.” Cui Koff shook his head: “In order to prevent our army from crossing the river, the Germans blew up all the bridges on the river. In addition to continuously bombarding the Vistula River, they also dispatched planes from time to time. Air patrols will launch dive bombings on the ground once they find signs of our army building a bridge by the river.

“The anti-aircraft artillery division of Colonel Prokopovich just arrived in Lublin yesterday.” Bellinger said enthusiastically: “After the engineers set up the pontoon over the Vistula, I will deploy this artillery division in yours. Defensive zone, let them ensure the safety of the pontoon.”

Seeing that Bellinger showed such sincerity, Rokosovsky was deeply afraid of what Trikov would want, and quickly stood up and held Bellinger’s hand, enthusiastically: “General Bellinger, thank you for your generosity, I I believe that the friendship between our Su and Bo two teams will definitely stand the test of time.”

“Comrade Marshal is right.” Cui Koff was also a smart man. Hearing Rokosovsky’s words, he quickly echoed: “With our joint efforts, we will surely defeat the fascists, the most ferocious enemy of mankind.”

They chatted for a long time, and finally the military commissioner Zavacki interrupted: “Comrade commanders, I think we’d better find time to talk. The first thing to do now is to appease the retreat from the west bank of the Vistula. The soldiers who came, let them know that this defeat is only temporary, and the one who won the final victory must be us.”

After receiving Zavatsky’s reminder, Bellinger also felt that it was inappropriate for him to stay in Trikov’s headquarters, so he got up to say goodbye to us, and at the same time said to Cuikov: “General Trikov, Polish antiaircraft artillery. The division and the engineer brigade will rush to the bank of the Vistula River in the shortest possible time. I hope you can send someone to assist them by then.”

“Don’t worry, General Bellinger.” Cui Kefu smiled: “We are friendly forces. Even if you don’t have these little things, I will send someone to help.”

When there were only three of us left in the room, Cuikov reduced the smile on his face and looked at Rokosovsky with a serious expression: “Comrade Marshal, the comrade from Poland just now is here. You may have something wrong. Right? There are only three of us here, can you give it to us?”

“Comrade Cui Koff, you guessed it right, I did not know something.” Rokosovsky took a sip from the teacup in front of him, and then said: “On the 26th and 27th of last month. In time, our country and the Polish National Liberation Committee signed an agreement, deciding to determine the new eastern border of Poland with the “Cuzon Line” drawn by the Allied Powers in 1919. This agreement stipulates that after our army enters the Polish border, the warring area The supreme power is in my control, and the power of the liberated areas belongs to the Polish National Liberation Committee, which creates the new Polish government and reorganizes the Polish army. Comrade Burganin, the military commissioner of the Front Army, acts as our representative to cooperate with Poland. The National Liberation Committee worked together.

At the same time, in order to express our utmost sincerity and comfort all sectors of Polish society, on July 27th, the Soviet People’s Committee for Foreign Affairs issued a statement, emphasizing that our army’s goal is to help the Polish people get rid of the shackles of the German aggressors and rebuild a democracy. An independent and powerful Poland. The statement also pointed out that Poland is regarded as a sovereign country friendly to our country. Therefore, we do not intend to establish our own institutions in Poland. All affairs of Poland should be decided by the Polish people themselves. ”

After Rokosovsky finished his remarks, he stood up and straightened the military cap on his head, and said to us: “To liberate Warsaw, blindly want to rely on the Polish army, I think it is unrealistic, so we should Take active actions to achieve our strategic intentions. Comrade Cui Koff, you have to send someone to sneak into Warsaw to conduct reconnaissance to find out the distribution of German forces in the city and the truth about the internal conflicts in the rebel army. ”

“Don’t worry, Comrade Marshal.” In response to the order Rokosovsky gave, Trikov nodded and replied: “I will immediately contact Major Monakov, who is active behind enemy lines, so that he can dispatch personnel as soon as possible. Enter the city of Warsaw.”

When Trikov mentioned Monakov’s troops landing behind enemy lines, Rokosovsky raised his eyebrows and asked: “They didn’t participate in the Polish army’s march to Warsaw last night, right?”

“It shouldn’t be,” Trikov shook his head. “From what I know about Monakov, he won’t take any risks until he gets new instructions.”

“If this is the case, that would be great.” Rokosovsky finished, reached out and shook hands with the two of us one by one, and finally said “Good luck to you!” Then he strode out of the headquarters.

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