Burning Moscow

Chapter 1608

Chapter 1607 Cabinet resignation

Although Lao Maozi’s work efficiency has always been known for his inefficiency, he performed thoroughly the task that Stalin personally explained. Early in the morning of the second day, as a representative of the base camp, I boarded a special plane to Feijicht. The headquarters of the Ukrainian Third Front is located here. Our negotiations with representatives of the Bulgarian government will also be held here. Do it here.

When the plane landed at a military airport and was still taxiing on the runway, I saw a black GAZ car driving into the runway and galloping behind the plane.

When I got off the plane from the opened gangway, I found that the GAZ car had already been parked more than 20 meters away from the plane. A general standing by the car saw me getting off the plane and quickly walked over. He extended his hand to me from a long distance and said politely, “It’s General Oshanina, I’m the chief of staff of the front army.” Lieutenant General Biryuzov is here to greet you on the orders of Marshal Timosin and General Tolbhin. Welcome to Fejishit!”

I shook hands with Bilyuzov and got into the GAZ car specially prepared for me. After closing the door of the car, Biryuzov directly ordered the driver: “Go back to the front headquarters!”

After the car started, I asked curiously: “Comrade Chief of Staff, I don’t know where Marshal Timusin is?”

I thought he would answer me. Timosin was at the front army headquarters, but he did not expect him to say leisurely: “Comrade Marshal went to the Ukrainian Second Front yesterday, and he should be able to come back at noon.”

When our car was passing through a small town, Biryuzov, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, turned around and smiled at me: “General Oshanina, look to the left. It is the Chernovo Danube Bridge. .”

Hearing this to Biruzov, I quickly turned my head and looked out of the car window, and saw that there was indeed a bridge over the river in the distance. The bridge was full of trucks and soldiers on foot.

“What kind of bridge is this?” Since I am not familiar with Bulgaria at all, I asked Biryuzov curiously.

“It’s the Chernovo Danube Bridge,” Biryuzov replied: “During the war, in order to disrupt the cargo transportation between the port of Constanta and other important areas in Romania, we bombed the bridge many times with planes. Today, it is through this bridge that we have transported troops and supplies to the Bulgarian border.”

As the car approached the front gate, I saw Torbukhin standing outside with a few generals behind him. The GAZ car stopped a few steps away from them. I didn’t dare to hold it up. I waited for Torbusin to come and open the door for me. He hurriedly pushed the door and got out of the car, reaching out to him first, warmly. : “Hello, Comrade General, I am glad to see you here.”

“Hello, General Oshanina.” Torbusin shook my hand with a smile on his face: “On behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the Third Ukrainian Army, I welcome you and hope you can be a witness to our liberation of Bulgaria. ”

“Comrade General, I think your wish will be realized,” I responded politely: “We can witness the suffering of the Bulgarian people, with the help of our army, regain their freedom and liberation.”

After these remarks, he leaned on his side and introduced me to the group of generals who followed him: “This front military commissar Lieutenant General Gertov, Lieutenant General Sharoshin, commander of the 37th Army, and commander of the 46th Army. Lieutenant General Shi Lieming, Lieutenant General Gargan, commander of the 57th Army…”

After waiting patiently for me to shake hands with his men, Torbuhin led me into his command post. The headquarters is divided into two rooms: the inside and the outside. The outside is the place for meetings and offices. The cabin inside. I went in and took a look. It was a telecommunication room full of various communication equipment.

After I was seated, Torbuhin asked: “General Oshanina, I have received instructions from my superiors that you are here to assist Marshal Timosin to negotiate with the representatives of Bulgaria. While the talks are not yet in progress. At the beginning, I want to ask one thing. If it is not convenient for you to answer, you can not answer at all.”

Hearing this question raised by Torbuhin, the commanders sitting around the conference table all turned sideways and turned their eyes to me, quietly waiting for me to answer this question.

From the expressions on everyone’s faces, I guess that Torbukhin called all the commanders of the group army under him, and he definitely wanted to know what measures the Supreme Command planned to take to solve the Bulgarian problem.

The purpose of my visit this time is to assist Timoshenko in negotiations with Bulgarian representatives. Therefore, it is unnecessary to conceal the true intentions of this trip from these senior commanders. I organized a vocabulary in my head and said, “Comrades, I am here to negotiate with the representatives sent by Bulgaria from Feitehit to find a way that everyone can accept to resolve Bulgaria’s problems. problem.”

“General Oshanina,” a commander of the group army asked politely, “may I ask, what did the superior think about, and would war against Bulgaria?”

“Comrade General, we do not rule out the use of war methods against them.” I nodded to the commander, and then said: “This time our negotiations with the Bulgarian government, regardless of the final result, we will enter Bulgaria. If the negotiation succeeds, we will enter Bulgaria peacefully; if the negotiation breaks down, then we will resort to force.”

My answer gave everyone a sigh of relief, and Sharokhin excitedly said: “That’s great, this is really great. We thought that as long as the negotiation succeeds, our troops will not be allowed to enter Bulgaria. It’s too bad. If our army has to enter Bulgaria regardless of the outcome of the negotiations, then the next battle will be easy.”

“General Sharosin,” I looked at the commander of the 37th Army and asked curiously: “Why do you want our army not to enter Bulgaria, the situation will be too bad?”

“General Oshanina, let me answer this question instead of Commander Sharokhin.” Before Sharohin could answer my question, Tolbushin took the topic with a smile: “To be honest, we are right. The current Bulgarian government does not trust. Even if they agree to sever ties with fascist Germany, if our army does not enter Bulgarian territory, German warships will still be anchored in Bulgarian ports, and hundreds of thousands will continue to hide on the land. The German soldiers we defeated.

The more critical point is that the German submarines moored in the port continue to threaten the safety of our ships in the Black Sea and the safety of our military’s coastal flanks. All of this forced our army to enter Bulgaria. ”

At this point, he paused for a moment, glanced at his subordinates with ease, and continued down: “If it is really like you, no matter what the outcome of this negotiation is, our army will enter Bulgaria and treat us. The next combat action will be very beneficial.”

Before our meeting was over, Timoshenko hurried back. When I saw him appearing at the door, I immediately stood up, walked around Torbusin who was sitting next to me, and greeted him quickly. When the commanders here saw me standing up suddenly, they looked at the door curiously, and when they saw that it was Brother Timuxin who had returned, they all stood up from their seats.

Brother Timuxin shook hands with me. After a few simple greetings, he walked to the center and said to the generals who were still standing: “Well, comrades, there is nothing more to do here. You all go back to your troops.”

When there were only a few front army chiefs left in the command center, Timoshenko couldn’t wait to ask: “Lida, what about Comrade Stalin’s report on the conduct of the campaign in Bulgaria?”

I was shocked when I heard this question from Brother Timusin, and then answered truthfully: “I’m sorry, Comrade Marshal, I have never heard any report of a campaign in Bulgaria.”

A disappointed expression suddenly appeared on Ge Timusin’s face, and he turned to Torbusin with a frustrated expression: “Comrade Torbusin, I think it’s up to you to introduce this report to Lida.”

Tolbukhin nodded in response to Timoshenko’s request, and then introduced me to the battle plan: “Based on our research and judgment on the current situation, we feel that we should use the strength of the Ukrainian Third Front, the Black Sea Fleet and the Danube Fleet. Destroy the enemies in the Bulgarian land and territorial waters.”

At this point, Torbuhin cast a wink at the chief of staff next to him, who immediately walked to the desk with comprehension, picked up a roll of maps, walked over, and spread it out in front of me. “We plan to use the southern area of ​​Dobrogea as the starting point for the offensive. The main direction of the assault is directed at Atos and Burgas…. The important ports of Varna and Burgas where German warships are stationed, the Black Sea Fleet and the Front The assault group seizes together…”

After I waited for Torbuhin to introduce the whole situation, I nodded approvingly: “Comrade General, you have considered very comprehensively. I think if today’s negotiations are unsuccessful and military action must be taken against Bulgaria, the Supreme Command will use Your battle plan.”

Brother Timusin raised his hand to look at his watch, and then asked me: “Lida, the negotiation time with the Bulgarian representative is 3 o’clock in the afternoon. What do you think we will achieve?

“Comrade Marshal,” I replied confidently after hearing Timosin’s new question: “Today, the strategic posture of the campaign in the entire southern direction is beneficial to our side. The Ukrainian Second Front is successfully smashing the German army. After the West Kishinev Group and the liberation of most of Romania, they are rapidly advancing westward through the Wallachia Plain. Transylvania and the Carpathian Mountains, as well as the German forces in Greece, Yugoslavia, and Albania have Divided and severed in various ways. The Black Sea’s maritime dominance is held by the Black Sea Fleet, and the air supremacy air force in this area is in the hands.”

After simply repeating the situation I knew, I made the final conclusion decisively: “I absolutely do not know what choice to make as long as the representatives of the Bulgarian government are not fools.”

“Very good!” Brother Timuxin was very satisfied with my answer. He nodded: “Since you are so confident, I believe that in the afternoon’s negotiations, we will be able to reach our ideal goal.”

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the Bulgarian delegation came to negotiate. There are six of them. The leader is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, a middle-aged man with round eyes and unsmiling eyes.

He first shook hands with Brother Timuxin, and when he looked up and saw me, his face couldn’t help showing a surprised expression. The translator next to him hurriedly approached his ear and introduced my identity to him in a low voice. After listening to the translation, he frowned slightly, and shook his hand lightly with me, then turned and shook hands with Torbuhin.

After both of us sat down on both sides of the conference table, Timoshenko spoke first: “Sirs, we are sitting here today to discuss with you what the Soviet Union and Bulgaria should maintain in the coming days. Relationship!”

“Mr. Marshal,” the foreign minister opposite said politely, “we would like to hear the details!”

Timoshenko was not polite, so he gave out our terms carelessly: “Our terms are as follows: sign an armistice agreement with the Soviet Union, and conclude a covenant to establish a relationship of trust; sever ties with fascist Germany, and will be stationed here. The German troops in Bulgaria and the German troops who entered the country will disarm all; disband all fascist organizations, release those arrested for opposing Bulgarian poisonous vegetables and government authorities that are allied with Germany, and implement an unconditional amnesty…”

After finishing our set of conditions, Brother Timuxin turned his head and asked me, “Lida, do you have anything to add?”

Since the Bulgarian delegation hasn’t made any comments yet, I don’t think I can focus on anything at this time, so I shook my head and signaled that I would not express my views for the time being.

After listening to the translation, the Bulgarian minister frowned. After a while, he slowly said: “Mr. Marshal, our country can implement strict neutrality in foreign policy, treat you and the Germans equally, absolutely. Will not intervene in the war between you…”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but sneer in my heart. If you want to intervene in the war between us and the Germans, you must have this strength. Bulgaria was a hapless man in the entire World War II. Both world wars were defeated countries. , Today is actually still here to talk about terms without shame.

“Okay, Mr. Minister.” I listened patiently for a while, and saw that he wanted to reject the conditions proposed by Timoshing both inside and out, so I interrupted him and said in an unceremonious tone: “If your government If you cannot agree to our terms and sever ties with fascist Germany, then we can only think that your current policy is actually to conduct anti-Soviet actions on the German side, and we will not rule out the use of force to solve the Bulgarian issue.”

After listening to the translation, the minister flushed his face and asked Timuxin angrily: “Mr. Marshal, I want to ask, who gave this woman the right to interrupt me during negotiations between our two sides?”

Brother Timuxin turned his head and glanced at me with a look of approval in his eyes. He looked at the other party neither humble nor arrogant: “Mr. Minister, General Oshanina is the representative of the base camp to participate in this negotiation, that is, she is On behalf of our Supreme Commander himself. Do you have any questions?”

“No more, no more.” The minister replied in a flustered manner: “I am too gaffe.”

“If there are no problems, can our negotiations continue?” Timoshing asked in a mocking tone.

“I don’t know how long is your deadline?” the minister asked tentatively.

“Tomorrow!” After seeing the eyes of Brother Timuxin at me, I said decisively: “You must give your final answer by tomorrow at the latest. This is our ultimatum, otherwise we will give you an official Declare war.”

After discussing a few words in a low voice with the colleagues on the left and right, the minister cautiously asked Timuxin: “Mr. Marshal, can we contact the country and pass your conditions back?”

“Yes.” Temusin said generously: “Our telecommunication room here can directly talk to your government departments.”

After getting permission from Timoshing, the minister stood up and, accompanied by a colleague, walked into the telecommunication room next to him.

Torbuhin asked Timusin in a low voice: “Comrade Marshal, can you agree to our terms in China?”

“How about you, Lida?” The cunning Timoshine actually pushed this question to me.

If Bulgaria is a powerful country, I really don’t know how to answer Torbukhin, but at the moment I am confident: “Don’t worry, their strength is not on the same level as ours. If they can’t be at the negotiating table If it succeeds we can resort to force to solve it.”

After almost half an hour, the minister and his colleagues walked out with sullen expressions, stood opposite us, bowed deeply, and then apologized: “I’m sorry, Mr. Marshal, we think we can only negotiate Stopped.”

The Minister’s words stunned all of us. Especially me, I kept muttering in my heart, is it possible that the leader of Bulgaria is so kind, knowing that the strength is far inferior to ours, dare to be so tough?

“Why?” Brother Timuxin stood up and asked with an anger. “Why should we reject the conditions we offered.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Marshal.” The minister replied respectfully: “I now formally inform you that the cabinet of the Bagrianov government has resigned collectively five minutes ago, so we can only return to Sofia immediately and wait for the new government. After the establishment, another delegation will be sent to continue negotiations with you.”r

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