Burning Moscow

Chapter 1610

Chapter 1609 Drug authorization

Timothy was taken to the hospital, and after a series of examinations, he was confirmed to be pneumonia. According to military doctors, fortunately, we found it early and only needed a period of hospitalization to recover. If it is found too late, it will even be life-threatening.

Torbusin and I were sitting in the dean’s room of the hospital. After listening to the dean’s introduction, Torbusin quickly stood up and held the other’s hand, and said anxiously, “Comrade Dean, Timothy During the time the Marshal was in hospital, I beg you. Please let him recover as soon as possible anyway.”

The dean heard Torbusin’s words, and quickly replied with trepidation, “Comrade General, please rest assured, we will do our best. But…”

Seeing that the dean said half of the words, Torbusin couldn’t help but asked anxiously: “Comrade Dean, are you in trouble? If so, please speak out and we will try our best to help you. solved.”

The dean said hesitatingly: “Comrade Marshal got viral pneumonia and needs special antibacterial drugs for antibacterial treatment. At present, the best curative effect is a drug called Penicillin. There are several in our hospital.”

“Comrade Dean, is there not enough?” Torbuhin asked tentatively, “If there are not enough, I can find some way for you.”

Hearing Torbuhin’s words, the dean hurriedly waved his hand and said, “Comrade General, you have misunderstood what I mean. I took the initiative to mention Penicillin not because the quantity is not enough, but the health department has regulations to give senior generals. The use of this drug must be authorized by Moscow.”

“What, do you need Moscow’s authorization to administer medicine to the patient?” Tolbhin’s eyes widened as if he heard a big joke when he heard the dean say this. But seeing the dean nodded with a wry smile, he finally understood that this was not a fantasy, so he could only sigh and ask carefully: “Comrade Dean, if penicillin is not used, can pneumonia be cured?”

“Comrade General, I can’t guarantee this.” The dean sat up straight and said with a serious face: “I can only say that we will do our best to alleviate the pain of Marshal Timuxin and strive for a speedy recovery. ”

Hearing that the dean said that the use of penicillin for high-ranking generals requires Stalin’s authorization, I suddenly remembered Vatutin, who passed away a few months ago. I have read many posts in later generations, which said that if Stalin were not worried that the penicillin aided by the United States would poison his generals and were not allowed to use it on senior generals, Vatutin might not have died.

At this moment, Timothy is also facing the same situation. Although I don’t know whether penicillin has a good effect on pneumonia, I can only take a risk now. Seeing the two men sitting there with big eyes and small eyes with embarrassment, I gave a soft cough, and after attracting their attention, I said, “Comrade Dean, if Penicillin can really cure the Marshal. Pneumonia, I am willing to apply to Moscow to let them authorize you to use penicillin.”

“Great, this is great.” Hearing what I said, the dean immediately stood up, grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously, and said excitedly: “Comrade female commander, don’t worry, you only need two stitches. Comrade Marshal can be cured in a short period of time with two injections.”

If in later generations, it is impossible to treat pneumonia with two injections of penicillin. However, in this era, penicillin has just come out and there is no antibody production yet, so I think what the dean said is quite reliable. .

“Comrade Dean, I believe in your hospital. Leave the authorized matters to me. Don’t worry.” After finishing speaking, I shook my head at Torbuhin, who was sitting next to him, and said, “Comrade General Let’s go back to the headquarters, I think the phone there is more convenient to use.”

“Yes, yes, you are right. If you want to call Moscow, you should go back to the headquarters.” Torbuhin said, stood up, reached out to the dean, and said solemnly: “Temousin Brother Marshal, please give it to you.”

After the two of us returned to the headquarters, Torbuhin’s military commissar and chief of staff surrounded him and asked with concern: “How is Comrade Marshal now? Is the situation serious?”

Torbuhin shook his head, and replied with a serious expression: “The situation is very bad. The doctor said it is viral pneumonia. If the treatment is not timely, it may be life-threatening.”

“My god,” Gertov’s face immediately showed an anxious expression upon hearing Torbuhin say this: “Is he okay when he came back here? How come a few hours later, his body Has it suddenly become so bad?”

Seeing that his deputy was so anxious, Torbuhin said blankly: “The dean of the military hospital said that if a new drug called penicillin can be used, Comrade Marshal can recover as soon as possible.”

“Is there such a medicine in our hospital?” The Chief of Staff Biryuzov heard this and immediately asked hurriedly: “If not, we can allocate this medicine from other troops.”

“There is this medicine in the military hospital.” Torbusin nodded and said with difficulty, “But it cannot be used without authorization.”

“Authorization? What authorization?” Biruzov said angrily: “What kind of medicine is needed to treat the disease, and authorization is required. This is ridiculous. I want to know who gave such a foolish order.”

“It’s the Supreme Commander himself.” Although I kept saying this name in my heart, I never said it. In the end, Torbuhin said the person concerned with a bitter expression.

Hearing that Stalin personally issued this order, Biryuzov was speechless. I could only sit aside dingy and sigh.

“Comrades,” Seeing that everyone was silent, I stood up and said carefully: “In order to let Marshal Timuxin recover his health as soon as possible, I want to call Comrade Stalin and ask him to authorize the use of Penicillin.”

“General Oshanina,” Gertov asked in a puzzled manner, “I want to ask, why do you have to get the authorization of the Supreme Commander to use a new drug like Penicillin?”

I organized a vocabulary in my mind, and then said cautiously: “Comrades, military commissars, because our country is still unable to produce this new type of anti-inflammatory drug, it is aided by the United States. As for whether this drug is as effective as the Americans say. The effect is unknown to us. Therefore, out of prudent consideration, the Supreme Commander issued an order like this.”

Gertov paused for a moment, and then asked: “Are you confident to convince the Supreme Commander himself to obtain authorization?”

Thinking of Vatutin’s tragedy, I really have no confidence in whether Stalin agrees to let Timoshenko use penicillin, but in order to reassure everyone, I still bite the bullet and said: “At most, I can only be sure of 30%.”

After my words were spoken, both Zhertov and Biryuzov showed disappointed expressions on their faces, but Torbusin said excitedly: “General Oshanina, I thought you would say I’m not sure of the success. I didn’t expect it to be 30%, so why don’t you hesitate? Hurry up and call Moscow.”

It is impossible to make a direct call to Stalin. You have to transfer it through Poskrebeshev. When I heard Poskrebeshev’s voice from the earphones, I was very nervous and said: “Hello, Poskrebeshev, can you connect me to Comrade Stalin? I have something important. Things need to be reported to him.”

After I finished speaking, there was silence in the headset. I knew that this was Poskrebeshev’s thinking about whether or not to connect my phone, so I didn’t dare to speak, so I could only wait silently. Although it was only a short period of one or two minutes, it seemed as long as a week to me, anxious.

“Lida, do you have anything to do?” Stalin’s voice soon came out of the earphones.

“That’s it, Comrade Stalin.” I didn’t expect Boskrebshev to connect me to Stalin’s office without saying a word, and said in a panic: “I have important things to tell you. report……”

“Is it about Bulgaria?” Stalin said slowly on the other end of the phone, “Don’t worry about this. Wait until they elect a new government and see how they treat us.”

“No, Comrade Stalin, it’s not Bulgarian.” I took two deep breaths while Stalin was speaking, and after calming my mood a little bit, I continued, “It’s about Marshal Timuxin.”

“Brother Timuxin?!” The voice from the headphones suddenly became serious, “What happened to Brother Timuxin?”

“Comrade Marshal is sick.” I was afraid that I could not express it clearly enough, so I quickly added: “It is pneumonia, according to the doctor, it is viral pneumonia.”

“Didn’t he be fine a few hours ago?” Stalin asked me puzzledly after listening to me, “Why is he sick in a blink of an eye? Where is he now?”

“In the hospital,” I quickly replied, “The doctor said that he is very ill and needs absolute bed rest.”

“Lida, tell me, how did he get sick?” Stalin ordered in a harsh tone.

“Comrade Stalin, according to the doctor, Marshal Timuxin may have caught a cold due to the rain, coupled with the fact that he was getting older and mentally stressed, so he suddenly became ill.”

“is it serious?”

“Very serious.” After I said this, I tried to repeat what the dean had just said to Stalin again: “It was a dry cough at first, but after arriving at the hospital, the cough became more severe and accompanied by severe His chest pain, which is acupuncture-like, worsens with coughing or deep breathing, and radiates to the shoulders and abdomen… In addition, there are symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and even sleepiness and confusion.”

After I finished talking about Timoshing’s condition in one breath, I raised my hand and wiped the sweat from my forehead. It was quite choking for me to recite so many special medical terms for a layman.

After listening to my narration, Stalin also became anxious: “Can you send him back to Moscow as soon as possible?”

I turned my head and glanced at Torbuhin, who was sitting next to me. Seeing that he shook his head slightly at me, I said into the microphone, “Comrade Stalin, maybe not. The doctor said, he needs absolute bed rest and moves without authorization. If you do, it will endanger his life.”

“Lida, you immediately confess to the dean of the hospital and ask him to do everything possible to save Comrade Timoshenko’s life.” Stalin explained to me: “I will immediately send the best medical staff and the necessary Medicine, rushed to you by plane.”

“Comrade Stalin,” I waited for Stalin to finish saying, “In fact, there is a special medicine in the military hospital. The dean said that with just two injections, Marshal Timuxin can recover his health in a short period of time.”

“Lida, since there are special medicines, you can just let the hospital use them. If you don’t have enough, I will arrange for them to be transported by air immediately.” Stalin said a little displeased: “Can’t you even do this kind of thing? Lord?”

Hearing Stalin’s rebuke to me really made me feel a little bit dumbfounded, but for the life of Brother Timusin, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: “Yes, Comrade Stalin, I really can’t do this thing. . Not only I can’t call the shots, even General Torbuhin can not call the shots. Because the hospital must get your personal authorization to use this medicine.”

“What, the use of drugs in the hospital requires my personal authorization?” Stalin asked confusedly: “Why don’t I remember that I gave such an order?”

Just when I wanted to remind him, I heard him suddenly say: “Oh, now I remember, wouldn’t you mean Penicillin?”

“Yes, that’s right, Comrade Stalin, it’s Penicillin.” I was overjoyed when I heard him say the name of the medicine at once, and quickly added: “The doctor said, this is the best anti-inflammatory medicine for Comrade Marshal. The viral pneumonia in China couldn’t be more appropriate.”

After I finished speaking, Stalin was silent for a long time, and finally hesitated to say: “Lida You should know that our country does not produce this kind of medicine. The existing penicillin is an American ally to assist us. Yes, after using this medicine, can it really achieve the kind of effect they said?”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin,” I heard Stalin’s tone loose, and said quickly while the iron was hot: “I believe what the doctor said, since they said this medicine can restore the health of the Marshal in a short time, Comrade Marshal will soon After that, they can recover. After all, they are professionals and I believe them.”

After Stalin was silent again for a long time, he still asked dubiously: “Lida, are you really sure that this medicine can cure Timothy and not have an adverse effect?”

“Comrade Stalin, please rest assured.” In order to encourage Stalin to make up his mind, I decided to lie appropriately: “When I visited the hospital with Comrade Molotov last year, I saw the magical effect of this new medicine. I believe that as long as the Marshal uses this medicine, it won’t take long for him to fully recover.”

Maybe Stalin saw that I was so confident, and after thinking about it, he finally said: “Well, Lida, since you said that, then we will try. I now formally authorize you and allow him to work for Timusin. During the treatment of Comrade Brother, Penicillin from the United States was used.”

I heard Stalin say this, and just grinned to laugh, I heard him add another sentence: “Two needles, you have to remember, you can only use two needles of nicillin for Timothy!” rw

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