Burning Moscow

Chapter 1632

Chapter 1631 Cancelled offense

After Askarepov’s troops successfully landed on the east bank and counted the casualties, they rushed to the headquarters of the front army in Lublin.

Entering the headquarters, I shook hands with Rokosovsky, Malinin, and General Terekin, the military commissioner, and then reported to everyone the casualties of the two troops fighting across the river: “… The third division suffered 3,764 casualties in the battle on the West Bank. The current number of the division is less than 800. It needs to be supplemented immediately, otherwise the troops will not be able to participate in new battles in the short term.

The six battalions under the command of General Askarepov had a third of the casualties, but they wiped out 2,000 people from the German Dielewange Special Brigade, as well as forty tanks and armored vehicles…”

After listening to my report, Rokosovsky waved his hand at me, and then said: “Okay, Lida, our fighting in the Old Town of Warsaw on the west bank of the Vistula River has completely stopped now. Next, the focus of our attack is in the direction of Modlin to the north.”

Malinen stood in front of the map hung on the wall, facing me and said: “After this period of fighting, the Germans are still holding a triangular area on the east bank of the Vistula and Narew rivers. We will be in the next stage. The focus of the offensive is to seize this area from the enemy.”

When I heard Malinen like this, I thought with disapproval: The German army only has a triangle area left on the east bank, and it is not a trivial matter to solve them. But after hearing Malinin’s words, my expression became serious. The reason why Rokosovsky solemnly this is the focus of our next stage of offensive, because here is not only the complex terrain, but also our army’s attacks. The routes are all within the range of the German fortress artillery fire. Not only do we use infantry to charge, or use a torrent of steel, under the powerful German artillery fire, we will pay a huge price.

After I waited for Malinin’s content, I asked Rokosovsky tentatively: “Comrade Marshal, how do we seize this triangle controlled by the Germans?”

“I plan to use Gusev’s 47th Army and Popov’s 70th Army to attack the German triangle.” Rokosovsky stared at the map and said: “But before the official attack, we need to carry out an attack. The necessary temptation to find out what the German defense force is in this area.”

“This triangle is much higher than the terrain where our troops are located, so that when we attack here, we can only use feint attacks.” Ma Linin added: “All the offensive routes are under the cover of cross-fire from the enemy on the West Bank, and The Modlin Fortress at the top of the triangle can also directly bombard our offensive forces with the fortress.”

“Comrade Marshal,” I asked Rokosovsky cautiously, “I don’t know when we will launch an attack on the enemy in this area?”

“We had made the 70th Army’s troops tentatively launch an offensive two days ago. The troops suffered huge losses under the enemy’s artillery fire, but the results achieved were very limited.” Rokosovsky said blankly. : “The artillery is still hoarding ammunition. It may take two to three days before we can attack this area again.”

According to Rokosovsky’s idea, it is best to attack the triangle in early October. As a result, less than a day later, he received a call from Stalin from Moscow. Stalin asked him a little unhappily: “Comrade Rokosovsky, what’s the matter with you? Why are your troops stopped by the Vistula River without any movement? When do you plan to clean up the Vistula River and Narew The German triangle between the river?”

“Comrade Stalin,” Rokosovsky replied respectfully: “Because the troops have just gone through a great war, the soldiers, weapons and ammunition have lost a lot, and it will take some time to replenish them. So I plan to wait until early October and then The area launched an offensive.”

“No, it’s too late.” Stalin said mercilessly: “Today is September 24th. Your troops should launch an offensive against the triangle tomorrow at the latest. You must not allow the Germans to remain threatening enough on the East Bank. A safe position for our military.”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin.” Although Rokosovsky was very uncomfortable with Stalin’s overbearing arrangements, the sea bit the bullet and replied: “I immediately conveyed orders to the troops below to prepare them for battle as soon as possible. .”

After Rokosovsky ended the call with Stalin, he immediately called Gusev and Popov to inform them that they would launch an attack on the triangle on the east coast tomorrow.

Both of them were shocked when they heard this order. Especially Popov, his troops suffered a big loss here a few days ago, so he carefully reminded Rokosovsky: “Comrade Marshal, if we don’t get rid of the German artillery, we will treat this area The offense will inevitably cost huge casualties.”

Hearing Popov’s reminder, Rokosovsky held the microphone and thought for a while, and then said: “General Popov, I understand what you mean. Let’s do this, for the sake of safety, before the official attack tomorrow, we Artillery reconnaissance will be carried out on the German defensive positions, and I will also go to the front line to observe. If I think the conditions for the offensive are ripe, I will send a red flare. After you see the flare, you will direct the troops to attack…”

“What if the conditions for the offense are not mature?” Popov asked before Rokosovsky was finished.

“If the conditions are not ripe,” Rokosovsky resolutely said: “I will fire a green flare to announce the cancellation of the offensive plan. Do you understand?”

Gusev and Popov, who were on the phone with Rokosovsky at the same time, immediately replied loudly, “Understood!”

Rokosovsky called General Kazakov, the artillery commander, and told him: “Comrade Kazakov, at dawn tomorrow, you will use all your artillery to carry out intensive actions on the triangle occupied by the Germans. Shelling.”

Regarding Rokosovsky’s order, his old friend hesitated: “Comrade Marshal, if we use all the artillery fire to bombard the German triangle, it will expose our artillery position. Once the Germans The countermeasures of the artillery in China will cause us huge losses.”

“Comrade Artillery Commander,” Rokosovs said with a stern face: “Only by doing this, we can figure out the strength of the German army in this area. Don’t worry that the artillery will be lost, and the superiors will promptly give us this. supplementary.”

After receiving Rokosovsky’s promise, Kazakov nodded: “Well, I will immediately give the artillery an order to prepare them to fire at dawn.”


In the early morning of the next day, Rokosovsky took me and two staff officers and hurriedly rushed to a forward observation post of the 47th Army. Several soldiers in the observation post were frightened and at a loss when they saw Rokosovsky’s sudden appearance.

Rokosovsky asked a soldier casually: “What’s the situation on the other side?”

“Very calm,” the soldier replied in a flustered manner: “The German position seemed very calm, there was no movement at all, and it might be still sleeping.”

Rokosovsky walked to the observation port, raised his binoculars and looked at the quiet German position in the distance for a while, and said: “Let them sleep, maybe when our cannon fires, they will be able to sleep forever. ”

He raised his hand to look at his watch, walked to the center of the observation post, picked up the phone that the staff officer had just connected, and said into the microphone: “Comrade Artillery Commander, time is almost up, let our artillery fire!”

Only a minute or two after the order was issued, there was a piercing screaming sound in the air. Then, I saw the German position in the distance turned into an erupting volcanic crater, wrapped in black smoke. The smoke exploded one piece after another, one wave after another, there were explosions and fires everywhere.

“It’s great, it’s great!” Seeing that the German army’s position was covered by our gunfire, Rokosovsky showed a satisfied smile on his face. He said to himself: “If the German artillery If I don’t fight back, after the shelling is over, I will fire a red flare to let the troops charge this highland.”

The shelling lasted only a few minutes, and the German artillery began to show off. Thousands of artillery shells fell on our artillery from the opposite bank of the Narew and Vistula, and from the fortress’s fort. As the artillery fire in the artillery triangle became sparse, I knew in my heart that this was the result of our artillery positions being countered by enemy artillery, such as self-propelled artillery and rocket artillery, after they were launched, they could shift their positions in time. The price of the cannon position under the German artillery fire must be very heavy.

Rokosovsky listened to the movement outside, with interest: “The Germans fired cannons of various calibers, from fortress heavy artillery to ordinary mortars and six-barreled guns. They were not at all. The stingy shells seem to want to show us that they have enough artillery to suppress our artillery fire.”

“Comrade Marshal,” I waited for Rokosovsky to finish talking to himself, and then asked cautiously: “What shall we do next? Should the troops continue the attack or cancel the attack?”

“As long as the enemy’s artillery fire is not suppressed, we will not be able to launch an attack on the triangle because their artillery fire is enough to cost our offensive troops a terrible price.” Rokosovsky said with a serious expression: “Don’t let it. Our commanders went to death in vain.”

After finishing these remarks, he directed at a staff officer standing next to him: “You go outside and fire a green flare to inform the participating troops that this attack is cancelled.”

The staff officer nodded and walked out of the observation post quickly. It didn’t take long before I saw a green signal bomb rose into the air. But Rokosovsky still seemed uneasy. He was afraid that Gusev and Popov would not be able to see the flare he sent. He called the two of them and told them in person that the offensive plan was cancelled and all offensives should be stopped. Preparations.

When Rokosovsky and I returned to the front army headquarters, Malinin immediately asked with concern: “Comrade Marshal, has the offensive been cancelled?”

“Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff.” Rokosovsky nodded and said: “Our army is currently unable to suppress the fierce German artillery fire, so it is very unwise to launch an offensive under such circumstances.”

“Do you need to report to the Supreme Command?” Ma Lining asked cautiously after waiting for him.

Rokosovsky nodded and picked up the high-frequency telephone on the table: “I will personally report to Comrade Stalin!”

Stalin did not immediately express his opinion after listening to Rokosovsky’s report. After a long silence, he slowly said: “Comrade Rokosovsky, I have to seek the advice of the General Staff Headquarters on this matter. , I will call you again when the results are obtained.” After that, he didn’t give Rokosovsky a chance to speak, so he hung up the phone.

Malinen saw Rokosovsky put down the phone and asked tentatively: “Comrade Marshal, will your Supreme Commander himself agree that we cancel this attack?”

“I don’t know.” Rokosovsky replied unexpectedly: “He wants to discuss with the staff headquarters and tell me the final result. That is, the possibility of him ordering us to attack the triangle is still very high. ”

After he finished his remarks, he walked to the map and studied with us if the Supreme Command still insisted on launching an attack, from which location and method we should attack, in order to minimize the casualties of the troops.

Just when we worked out a set of battle plans that were barely visible Stalin’s call finally came. After hearing Rokosovsky’s voice, he unhurriedly said: “Comrade Rokosovsky, after discussing with Antonov and Ivanov, I feel that under the current circumstances , The conditions for launching an offensive into the German-controlled triangle are not yet available. So I order you to stop offensive operations in this area, and the Belarusian First Front Army will switch to the defense on the spot and begin preparations for a new offensive campaign. ”

The people around Rokosovsky heard this new order from Stalin, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Rokosovsky put down the phone, Malinen hurriedly said: “Comrade Marshal, it is completely correct to temporarily stop the offensive and switch to defense on the spot. Our troops have been fighting for a long time, and the commanders and fighters are very tired. They need a period of time. Time to rest and replenish, so that we can enter the new battle in a better state.”

After taking a deep breath, Rokosovsky instructed Malinen: “Chief of Staff, you immediately prepare an order to temporarily stop combat operations, and after turning to defense on the spot, take time to rest and replenish, so as to be able to replenish in the shortest time. To restore combat effectiveness within a period of time.”

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