Burning Moscow

Chapter 1640

Chapter 1639 The power of role models

In the following days, I continued to stay as a faculty member at the Frunze Military Academy located on the banks of the Moscow River. Since I was out of stock in my stomach, I could only take out the battles I participated in in class and present them to everyone to analyze and comment on the lessons learned from this battle. Unexpectedly, I was unintentionally inserting willows and willows into the shadows. My way of teaching was so popular with the students. For this, Budjoni and Voroshilov have verbally praised me several times.

One day in October, after class, I walked across the playground to the school gate, planning to take the subway home nearby. Many students gathered in the playground, from majors to major generals. According to the degree of closeness between each other, they formed different circles. When they saw me passing by, these students would stop talking and raise their hands to salute me.

From time to time, I raised my hand to return salute to the students, and at the same time accelerated my pace and walked towards the school gate. “Comrade General,” at this moment, I heard a timid voice calling me. I quickly stopped, turned my head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a handsome young officer standing there. Not far from me.

I quickly glanced at the military rank on his shoulder, and then asked politely: “Comrade Major, are you calling me?”

Perhaps the major recognized the alienation in my politeness and quickly reminded me: “Comrade General, don’t you remember me?”

I carefully looked at the major in front of me, trying to find an image that matched him in my mind. I thought about it for a long time. Although I thought he was familiar with him, I couldn’t remember where I saw him. I could only tentatively ask: “Major, which class are you a student, have I taught you?”

“Comrade General, I am not honored to listen to your lecture yet.” The major replied with a smile on his face, “Don’t you really remember me?”

I secretly said in my heart who you are, you are not a big man, why should I remember you? I didn’t have the mind to play a riddle with him, so I said impatiently: “I’m sorry, Comrade Major, although you are a bit familiar, I really can’t remember where I saw you.”

The major heard me say this, with a disappointed expression on his face: “Comrade General, you really don’t know me anymore.”

“I don’t know!” I said coldly.

Just when I was about to turn around and walk away, I suddenly heard the major say again: “Do you remember the five officers that you met in the dean a few days ago, those who were fighting in the cafeteria?”

As soon as he talked about the officers fighting in the cafeteria, my mind immediately began to recall the situation that day. At the head of the line was a colonel, followed by two lieutenants and two majors. Is this one of the two majors? A member of? I looked at the major carefully and compared it with the two people in my memory. The more I looked at him, the more he looked like the major with a swollen nose and a swollen nose at the end of the line.

So I pointed at him: “You are the deputy commander of the 254th Guards Regiment of the 56th Guards Division, Major Shasa!”

“That’s right, Comrade General, it’s me.” When Shasa heard me call out his position and name accurately, she couldn’t help but said excitedly: “Your memory is so good, you still remember me.”

For his compliment, I couldn’t help but smile again and again in my heart, and said in my heart that if it weren’t for your reminder, I guess I would never think of who you are. I smiled at him and asked, “Major, is the wound on your face gone?”

“It’s already done,” Shasa said to me with a smile, “Thank you for your concern!”

After clarifying the identity of the major, I immediately contacted Matlosov, because later heroes appeared in various countries who used him as an example to block the enemy’s guns. Therefore, I was very interested in this hero and asked curiously. Shasa: “Comrade Major, can you tell me the story of Matlosov? You know, if it wasn’t for the unpleasant thing that happened that day, I really didn’t know that such a good hero had come out.”

“Comrade General, I will show you something. After you read it, you can understand what kind of hero Matrosov is.” He took out his military ID card from his jacket pocket and took out a fold out of it. Squared paper.

I hurriedly reached out to take the piece of paper in his hand and unfolded it in front of my eyes. I saw it read: “The People’s Commission for National Defense Order No.

On February 23, 1943, the 254th Guards Assault Regiment of the 56th Guards Division, the Ordinary Guardsman Alexander Matjoyevich Matlosov, competed for the village of Chernosz, and At the decisive moment of the German fascist robbers fighting, after rushing to an enemy’s firepower point, he covered the gun with his body and sacrificed himself, thus guaranteeing the victory of the wrong offensive.

On June 19, 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union issued an order to ratify Comrade Matlosov, a soldier of the Common Guard, as a Hero of the Soviet Union. Comrade Matlosov’s great feats should be an example of bravery and heroism for all the Red Army officers and men.

In order to permanently commemorate the hero of the Soviet Union and ordinary Guardsman Alexander Matjoyevich Matlosov, my order is as follows:

1. The 254th Guards Regiment of the 56th Guards Division was officially named the 254th Guards Regiment of Alexander Matlosov;

2. The name of Alexander Matlosov, hero of the Soviet Union and ordinary Guards soldier, will always be included in the roster of the first company of the 254th Guards of Alexander Matlosov.

Soviet Marshal Stalin of the People’s Committee for National Defense”

I finally understand why Zhukov threatened the colonel that night, saying that he insulted the hero who was personally ratified by Stalin and sent him to a military court. According to the order in hand, Matrosov is a hero appointed by Stalin, and anyone questioning his heroic behavior is not allowed. It may be because of this. Although Major Shasa first started beating people a few days ago, and he was still an officer with a higher rank than his own, in the end Voroshilov turned everything into a big deal.

I pointed to the second item of the order and asked curiously: “Comrade Major, I want to ask, what does it mean to permanently include Matlosov’s name in the roster of the first company?”

Shasa glanced at me with a surprised look, and answered truthfully: “It means that as long as the first company exists, Matrosov’s name will be on the roster. When I read his name for a long time, all the soldiers must answer collectively!”

Through Shasa’s explanation, I couldn’t help thinking of Lei Feng. It is said that when the car he was in was called every morning, as long as he clicked his name every morning, all the soldiers would replied loudly at the same time: “Here!”

“Major,” I folded the order signed by Stalin himself and handed it back to Shasa again, and asked: “After Matlosov was posthumously awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union, it was an encouragement to all the soldiers. Yet?”

“Yes, Comrade General.” Sasha carefully put the order in the soldier’s card, and then replied: “On the day of receiving the order signed by Comrade Stalin, the commanders and soldiers of our regiment were in front of the brand new Guards Corps flag. Oath: I will learn from Comrade Matlosov and use my blood and life to serve my country.”

“I think the fighters should have fulfilled their promise?”

“Yes, Comrade General, you are right. The soldiers of our regiment have proved this by their actions in countless battles.” Shasa said solemnly to me: “Once we were capturing one. At the important high ground, it was stubbornly blocked by the German army, and the enemy was repelled by the enemy for three consecutive charges. Even the instructor, Lieutenant Frennov, braved the enemy’s intensive firepower, stood up and shouted at the soldiers: Comrades, if anyone feels If you are afraid, whoever feels difficult, think about Matlosov. Follow me, brothers, for the motherland, for Stalin, and move forward!

At the call of Fronov, the soldiers bravely stood up from their hidden place and charged again towards the enemy’s position. After a fierce battle, we drove the enemy away from the high ground. ”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but say: “The power of role models is infinite!”

“That’s not right, Comrade General.” When Shasa heard me say this, as if she had found a soulmate, she continued to talk nonstop: “Later, when our regiment was performing an interspersed mission, a platoon soldier seized a high ground. Stayed in the German retreat…. They repelled the enemy’s wave after wave of offensives, and in the end there was only one soldier left in the platoon. When he called to report to the company commander, the company commander asked him: You have left How many people are dropped?

The soldier replied: Matlosov and I are fighting side by side! ”

When it comes to Matlosov, the deputy commander of the Matrosov Guards regiment seems to have so much to say that I don’t even have a chance to interrupt. After finally waiting for him to come to an end, I quickly changed the subject: “Comrade Major, you haven’t clashed with that colonel anymore these days, right?”

“No Shasa shook her head and said: “Later, I met him twice in the cafeteria. He apologized to me for drunk and made inappropriate remarks that night. ”

I raised my hand and looked at my watch, and found that I had been talking to Shasa for almost an hour without knowing it. I quickly said: “Comrade Major, I have another business. Let’s talk about it another day.” He waved his hand, didn’t pay attention to him, and walked quickly toward the school gate.

As soon as I walked out of the school gate, I saw a black car driving from north to south along the Moskva River. I took a look at the license plate of the car. It belongs to the General Staff Headquarters. I was still saying that from the perspective of the direction, it should have just come out of the Kremlin. I don’t know if it is Antonov or the rest of the members.

Unexpectedly, when the car drove to my side, it stopped unexpectedly. The rear window was rolled down, revealing the familiar face of Vasilievsky. He leaned out and waved his head from me: “Lida, get in the car and follow me to the General Staff Headquarters. Marshal Zhukov wants to see you. ”

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