Burning Moscow

Chapter 1643

Chapter 1642 Elementary version of electronic jamming

The moment I met Rokosovsky, I realized that he already knew about the crash of my plane. Because he saw the first reaction after I walked into the command post, he rushed in front of me, reached out and grabbed my hands, and asked with concern: “Lida, are you okay, are you not injured? ”

“Comrade Marshal, thank you for your concern.” Although I felt a little dizzy, I forced a smile and said: “I’m fine, but I was shaken at 6 o’clock when the plane was on the plane. Look, am I okay now?”

Rokosovsky looked at me carefully, and when he saw that I was indeed okay, he nodded and changed the subject: “Lida, I haven’t congratulated you yet, congratulations on getting a higher rank. . And, “He screamed at the two new medals hanging on my right chest,” the first class Kutuzov medal and the first class Bogdan Khmelnitsky medal, these two levels of medals, Although they are all commanders at or above the level of the group army, not many people have been obtained so far.”

Then, I shook hands with Military Commissioner Terekin, Artillery Commander Kazakov, Tank Force Director Orel, and Engineering Force Director Proshlyakov one by one, and accepted their congratulations.

After completing this set of meeting procedures, I followed Rokosovsky to the map hung on the wall and asked curiously: “Comrade Marshal, as far as I know, our army is in Serotskden 6 In the field, there are six divisions deployed, all guard divisions, how could they be driven to the Narew River by the Germans in such a short period of time?”

“It’s all my fault,” I heard Batov’s voice suddenly, and turned my head to see that he was hurriedly walking in from outside. “It’s because I underestimated the enemy. I saw that the Germans had been standing still around the 6th field we established, and I was a little taken lightly. Two days ago I drew the troops of three divisions and went to the rear to conduct offensive drills. It may be. The Germans took control of our actions. As soon as the troops in the six games became empty, the enemy attacked.”

“How is the current situation?” Rokosovsky asked.

“As the newly aided tank brigade crossed the Narew River, the offensive of the fascist bandits was completely contained.” Batov looked at Rokosovsky and replied: “At present, our troops have recaptured. Serotsk town, the rest of the lost positions, are also recovering in the 6th continuation. It is estimated that all the enemies who rushed into the 6th games will be driven out before dawn.”

I stared at Batov’s epaulettes, and now he did not know when he was promoted to general, and then I think of the general who I met not long ago. I seem to understand the reason for my sudden promotion this time. Several commanders of the group army are now generals. As a deputy commander of the front, if I have the same rank as them, it is obviously inappropriate. It may be for this reason that Stalin temporarily decided to promote me.

“It’s a pity that the weather is bad,” said General Orel, the director of the tank troops. “Otherwise, with the support of the air force, we can achieve greater results.”

“The Modlin fortress has always made our confidants a big trouble.” Batov frowned and said: “As long as our army is using armored forces on a large scale, they will use fortress artillery to bombard, causing huge casualties to our army. ”

Orel continued according to his own thoughts: “When the weather improves, we can dispatch bombers to bomb the Modlin Fortress, and reduce the pressure on our assault troops by suppressing the opposing fortress artillery. As long as the German offensive forces lose With artillery support from the fortress, they will soon be defeated by us.”

“Comrade General, you are too optimistic.” As soon as Orel finished speaking, Batov retorted: “As long as the weather allows us to dispatch the air force, German aircraft will also appear on the battlefield and intercept us near the fortress. In addition to the well-equipped air defense system in the fortress, our bomber formation is bound to cause huge losses in this situation.”

Rokosovsky did not speak, but listened with interest to the debate between the two subordinates. When he realized that I had not spoken, he turned his head and looked at me and asked, “Lida, when you came from Moscow, did Zhukov and Vasilevsky give you any instructions to resolve the current crisis.”

I nodded and said solemnly: “Comrade Marshal, you are right. Before I came here, Marshals Zhukov and Vasilevsky did formulate a combat plan, but whether it worked, It also needs to be tested on the battlefield.”

“I believe that the method they can come up with must be very effective.” When Rokosovsky heard me say this, he was immediately overjoyed and urged me: “Hurry up and listen.”

“We received a batch of radio equipment from the United States today.” Seeing that everyone was focusing on me, I slowed down so that everyone could hear and understand what I said. “This is a very sophisticated electronic jammer that can be mounted on a bomber. Before our army attacks the enemy, we can let the bomber equipped with the electronic jammer fly over the enemy’s defense zone and interfere with their The radio communication interrupted their communication with each other, so that the enemy’s commander could not understand the situation on the battlefield in time, and could not give effective instructions in time.”

After I finished speaking, the expressions on everyone’s faces were very plain, and no one seemed to be interested in what I said. After a while, Terekin asked, “Comrade Oshanina, I think even if it interferes with the German radio communication, the German commander can communicate with the troops ahead in time via a wired phone. Let me come. Having said that, I think the so-called electronic jammers provided to us by the Americans are useless.”

Seeing that everyone is not interested in electronic jammers, I am afraid that this kind of treasure will be shelved, and quickly added: “As early as January 1943, the British used a certain function of this electronic jammer to directly cut into Germany. The air force’s communication frequency gives opposite instructions and provides false information to the enemy’s aircraft.”

What I said here, finally attracted Rokosovsky’s great attention. He looked at me and asked: “Lida, if I don’t understand the wrong thing, after we cut into the German communication channel, we can let people who understand German imitate the personnel of the German ground control station, and make German pilots who don’t know the truth be fooled. Deceived. Right?”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal.” Seeing that someone finally understood my intentions, my mood suddenly improved a lot: “For example, we can cut into the communication channel of the German bomber formation, indicate the wrong target for them, and let them all All of the bombs were dropped on their own heads.”

“It sounds very good.” After listening to me, Kazakov said thoughtfully: “But in actual combat, is it really effective? For example, German bomber pilots received new orders. Afterwards, will they not immediately verify with the airport? After all, the communication between their aircraft and the ground console is very convenient.”

“General Kazakov, I just said that electronic jammers can interfere with German radio communications. Even if the German pilots ask, they can’t get in touch with the real ground console.” I smiled and said to him: “As for As long as it has been tested on the battlefield, you will understand the effect.”

Regarding everything I said, Rokosovsky did not immediately express his position. Instead, he directly dialed back to the front army headquarters and found General Maximenko, the director of the communications unit: “…Comrade General, do you think we are using electronic The jammer, cut into the German communication channel and gave them wrong instructions. Can this be done?”

After listening to Rokosovsky’s question, Maximenko was silent for a long time before speaking: “Comrade Marshal, as far as I know, this is entirely possible. You must know that the British were there as early as 1943. I did so, and the electronic jammers that the Americans provided to us, I have read the instructions, all are the latest products, I believe that in the process of using, the effect achieved will exceed our imagination.”

After obtaining the approval of the professional Maximenko, Rokosovsky immediately became confident. He immediately ordered the staff officers who followed: “Call Lieutenant General Porenin and order him to immediately arrange manpower. To install the newly arrived electronic equipment on the bomber.”

Rokosovsky then asked Proshlyakov, Director of the Engineering Forces: “Comrade General According to the weather forecast, the heavy rains for several days will stop tomorrow. You can build more on the Narew River. How many pontoons to allow more tank brigades to cross the river and enter Serock for 6 games?”

Hearing Rokosovsky’s question, Proshlyakov’s face showed a smile: “Don’t worry, Comrade Marshal, the Narew River is not as narrow as the Vistula River. The narrow area here is only four hundred. Meters, our engineers can easily erect pontoon bridges on the river.”

But Batov heard that he could be strengthened by more tank brigades, and the expression on his face became more relaxed. He walked up to Rokosovsky and assured him: “Comrade Marshal, please rest assured, as long as I have three to five tank brigades in my hand, I can double the current 6-game area. .”

Batov’s guarantee surprised Rokosovsky. After taking a look at the map, he said thoughtfully: “General Batov, if you can really expand the area of ​​six games, Then you can also transfer the 7o army of the general’s husband. I believe that with the strength of your two army groups, it is sufficient to block any size of German offensive.”

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