Burning Moscow

Chapter 1655

Chapter 1654 After the military parade

The military parade on October Revolution Day still officially started at 9 o’clock in the morning on November 7.

When the big clock on the Spasco Bell Tower just rang, Stalin took the members of the highest base camp and stepped onto the reviewing platform at the top of Lenin’s tomb.

“Comrades,” Stalin’s voice soon came from the speakers arranged on the walls of the Red Palace and the GUM shopping mall: “Today, we are here to solemnly commemorate the 27th anniversary of the great October Revolution…”

Thousands of commanders and fighters waiting to be reviewed on the Red Square, as well as those standing on the observatory on the left and right sides of Lenin’s Tomb, listened quietly to the voice of Stalin. Stalin’s voice echoed over the Red Square. His speech was mainly about the current situation. He said that in the three years since the beginning of the war, due to the victories on various battlefields, especially the Battle of Belarus and the Battle of Right Bank Ukraine, the forces between the enemy and us have been compared. After fundamental changes, with Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and other countries joining our camp, the enemy is now at a dead end. The dawn of victory is right in front of us, and it only takes less than a year before we can fundamentally defeat fascist Germany…

After the military parade began, everyone soon discovered a strange situation. It turned out to be a strange army marching behind the military band. The uniforms on them suddenly looked like the German uniforms, but the collar was bright red.

Seeing the emergence of this army, the person in civilian clothes next to me started talking in a low voice: “Damn it, where did that army emerge from? Is it a German who surrendered to us?”

“It’s impossible.” Another person said in a disgusting tone: “Even the German troops who surrendered to our army were not eligible to participate in the Red Square parade. They could only be prisoners of war. Under our escort, they were watching the crowd. Spit down and cross the streets of Moscow.”

In fact, the moment this unit appeared, I was also confused for a moment, but after seeing the flag held by the flag bearer, I immediately understood what was going on. He turned to look at Rokosovsky, who was sitting on the left. He was sitting in his seat without saying a word, looking at the troop marching on the Red Square with indifferent expression.

I sighed softly, then looked at the two people who were in a puzzled state, and said to them: “Comrades, don’t worry, this is our ally, the Bulgarian army. They are now also on the anti-fascist front. One member.”

“It turned out to be the Bulgarian army,” listening to my explanation, the people around suddenly realized, “The main reason is that their military uniforms are too similar to the German uniforms, so we will admit our mistakes.”

Following Bulgaria are the troops of Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Judging from their somewhat messy marching pace, they should have been temporarily drawn from these newly liberated countries. After these allied forces of the anti-fascist front are over, it is our army’s accepted team that will appear.

I carefully observed the weapons in the hands of the commanders and fighters. The common Mosin Lagan rifles in the past. Except for the Moscow militia, which is still equipped, the guards are all military submachine guns and a considerable number of assaults. rifle.

After the infantry phalanx was over, the tanks and artillery units that had been seen appeared.

“Lida,” Rokosovsky, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: “Look carefully, what is the difference between the tanks and artillery units that you read today?”

Hearing what he said, I quickly focused my attention on the tank and towed artillery that were passing in front of me. After watching for a while, I tentatively replied: “It seems that I haven’t seen the new type of tank that showed great power last year.”

“That’s right,” Rokosovsky said, nodding his head, “not only that new type of tank is not there, even the double-barrel self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and large-caliber self-propelled artillery did not appear.

According to my thoughts, at least some new equipment will be displayed in this military parade. As a result, not only is there no new equipment, but even the several future equipment that made the limelight last year have disappeared inexplicably. I approached Rokosovsky and asked in a low voice, “Comrade Marshal, why is this happening?”

Rokosovsky looked around, and then said, “There are too many people here. After the military parade is over, I will talk to you in detail.”

Due to the technical equipment I was looking forward to, it somehow disappeared from the parade, and the rest of the parade suddenly became dull. After finally waiting for the end of the military parade, and when the people on the viewing platform were almost gone, I got up and Rokosovsky walked off the viewing platform.

Although many areas around the Red Square are under martial law and only exit and no entry, Rokosovsky and I are obviously not in the restricted area. Seeing us walking past, the policemen and soldiers at the intersection immediately removed the iron fence blocking the road and flashed to the side of the road to raise their hands to salute us.

Rokosovsky took me to a coffee shop and sat down in an unremarkable corner. After the waiter brought us coffee and left, he asked, “Lida, do you know why there was so much lack of advanced technology and equipment in today’s military parade?”

I shook my head and said tentatively: “Perhaps it was because I was afraid that German spies would steal the top-secret information of these technical equipment, so I took such a hiding measure.”

“Lida, you should know that these technical equipment have long been installed in some troops.” Rokosovsky waved at me and said: “These new types of technical equipment have not only caused the Germans a big loss. But at the same time a part of it was captured by the enemy. To them, it has long been no secret.”

“That should be to guard against countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States,” thinking that many members of the United Kingdom and the United States were present on the viewing platform today, I continued to guess: “There are no eternal friends between countries, and there is no eternal Enemies have only eternal interests. Don’t think that Britain and the United States are our friends today, but maybe they will become our enemies in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to take necessary secrecy measures against them.”

After Rokosovsky repeated what I called the “Law of Friends and Enemies”, he nodded and said: “Lida, your summary is very brilliant, but as soldiers, we should focus on how to obtain war. Regarding the victory, it’s better to be less involved in political matters. Forget it, I don’t think you can guess the reason. Let me tell you. The reason for the lack of so many technical equipment in this military parade , It’s entirely because these equipment were all discontinued as early as the beginning of the year.”

“All production has been discontinued?” Rokosovsky’s words surprised me. No wonder I saw fewer and fewer new equipment in the army. I thought it was insufficient production and limited capacity that caused the new equipment to be released. The number of troops was reduced, but I didn’t expect that production would be completely shut down a long time ago, so I asked curiously: “Why?”

“Because a person in charge of the Technical Equipment Department said that the special armor plates and motives used in the new equipment were all produced in the United States,” Rokosovsky said in a disdainful tone: “If we continue to mass-produce new equipment, It will become dependent on the steel imported by the United States. Once the Soviet Union and the United States have a antagonistic relationship and the other party stops supplying us, it will have serious consequences.”

Although Rokosovsky did not say who made this absurd view, nor did he say what serious consequences it would cause, I understand in my heart that in the next war, history will return to its original track. , The tanks and artillery used by the Soviet army will become the same as in real history. The only comfort is the assault rifle installed by the infantry.

Just as Rokosovsky and I were silent and sitting in silence for coffee, an officer barged in from outside the coffee shop. He stood at the door and looked around, then walked towards us quickly. He stopped in front of us, raised his hand to salute, and then stared at me and said, “General Oshanina, I’m here to find you.”

“Look for me?” I looked up at the strange officer in front of me, and asked in surprise: “Who is looking for me?”

“Marshal Zhukov,” the officer quickly replied, “he said he has important things to see you, please report to him immediately!”

I stood up and asked the officer curiously: “Comrade officer, how did you know that I am here?”

The officer shrugged and replied: “Actually, Marshal Zhukov saw you when you and Marshal Rokosovsky left the viewing platform. After I received the order to find you, I followed your path, all the way After asking, I found it naturally.”

“Lida, go quickly.” Rokosovsky said to me: “Zhukov is looking for you. There must be something very important. You should go and see him.”

“Comrade Marshal, we will have a period later.” After I said this, I raised my hand to my forehead and saluted Rokosovsky, then turned and followed the officer and left the cafe.

I thought Zhukov would see me in the Kremlin, but when I went out, I saw a black car parked outside. The officer ran over and opened the rear door and respectfully invited me into the car.

“Comrade officer, where are we going?” I closed the car door and asked the officer sitting in the co-pilot position.

The officer half turned around and said respectfully to me: “General Oshanina, Marshal Zhukov has now returned to the staff headquarters and he will meet you there.” After that, he turned and told the driver, ” Drive!”

Due to today’s celebration, many streets were closed, and the residents of the city were going to hold a celebration parade, so the car we took could only change the route and shuttle through the alleys. At first I could recognize a few familiar buildings, but soon I lost my sense of direction.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of a tall building, and the officer turned his head and said to me: “General Oshanina, we are here, please get off!”

I pushed the car door and poked my head out, but unexpectedly found that this is not a staff headquarters at all. He retracted his head and asked the officer sternly, “Comrade officer, what is going on here? This is not the staff headquarters at all. Did you come to the wrong place?”

“Yes, Comrade General.” A sneer suddenly appeared on the officer’s face: “This is where you are coming-Lubyanka, the headquarters building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

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