Burning Moscow

Chapter 166

Section 165 Rescue (Part II)

The other party confirmed my identity. I lowered the muzzle, but my finger did not leave the trigger. Once I found something was wrong with the other party, I could immediately pull the trigger and raise my hand to sweep the bullet out of the gun. I looked up and down the young officer of medium stature, and then asked unhurriedly: “Sabotage mission, what kind of sabotage mission?”

“Report to Comrade Lieutenant Colonel,” said Captain Starcea in the dry tone of the subordinate’s answer to the superior: “The order my battalion received was: After Kling parachuted down, cut off the route from Kling to Voloko. Ramsk, the road from Volokoramsk to Lotoshilo, the road from Klin to Novopetrovskoye, and the railway from Shakhskaya to Novopetrovskoye.”

When I heard that their combat range is so large, can they have enough troops? I removed my finger from the trigger and asked with interest: “How many people are in your battalion, can you complete the combat missions in the above-mentioned areas at the same time?”

“The whole battalion has a total of 415 people, a total of three companies. The deputy battalion commander led a company to destroy the railway from Shakhoskaya to Novopetrovskoye. I led the second company to ambush the German troops that might pass by. Here it is. In a few days of fighting, our battalion destroyed ten German trucks, and hundreds of enemies were killed by us…”

“Lamis, let’s go!” I was not interested in listening to the captain’s description of their combat experience, so I called Ramis, turned and walked away with the gun.

“Then where are the three companies of soldiers?” Ramis who followed me asked curiously.

“According to the order of the brigade, I have deployed them in Peshki Village.”

“What?! Peshki Village?!” I had already walked a few steps towards the position of the car, and suddenly heard the name of the place mentioned by the captain, I stopped, and went back to the captain’s side a few steps, looking at it. The captain asked uncertainly: “Comrade Captain, what are you talking about? Is Peshki Village?”

“Yes, Comrade Commander.” The captain was taken aback by my unusual behavior. Although he didn’t understand why he suddenly asked, he respectfully gave an affirmative answer.

“How is the situation in the village, is it in our hands or the Germans?” I stepped forward and grabbed the captain by the collar, and asked anxiously.

Captain    took a step back, gently freed the collar from my grip, and replied a little embarrassingly: “Comrade Commander, I can’t answer your question for the time being, I’m sorry.”

I realized my gaffe, and quickly put my hand down, smiled weirdly, apologized to the captain with embarrassment, and then repeated the question again.

“I don’t know this. Maybe it’s in the hands of our army, or it may be taken by the Germans.” The captain shook his head and gave me an ambiguous answer. Seeing the disappointed look on my face, I quickly added: “Please don’t worry, I will immediately ask how things are going on Sanlian.”

“How do you ask?”

“There is a phone in the shelter department to contact them directly, please!” After saying that, he turned to the side and made a gesture of inviting me, and then he took a step forward to lead us.

Following the battalion commander, our group came to the forest. I found out that there was a long trench in the middle of the forest. In the middle of the trench, there was a heavy machine gun position built with snow. Soldiers on duty. When we saw us entering the trenches, they stood up and saluted us.

walked along the traffic trench to the depths of the forest. After walking about seven or eighty meters, after turning a bend, he saw a shelter made of wood. The captain stopped and turned around and said, “This is my battalion headquarters, please come in!” He opened the curtain and walked in first.

As soon as I walked into the shelter, I felt that the light in the room was very dim, and it took a while to get used to it. On the simple wooden table in the middle of the room, there was a map and a steam lamp, which dazzled people. There is also a table in the corner of the wall with a boxy machine, and next to it sits a famous soldier waiting for the headset.

The captain pointed to the communication equipment and introduced to me: “This is a walkie-talkie aided by the American allies. It is a portable, low-power wireless telephone transceiver that can be contacted even during the march.” After that, he said. He took off the headset from the head of the communicator, put it on his head, then picked up the microphone and began to shout: “Parachute, parachute! I am a glider, I am a glider! Please answer if you hear it!”

After he repeated it several times, the other party’s answer came from the headset: “I am a parachute, I am a parachute.”

Captain    turned his head and glanced at me, then asked, “Where is your company now?”

“My company is currently one kilometer south of Peshki Village.”

“The village is in our hands, or is it occupied by Germans?”

Perhaps this question was asked too abruptly. The other party obviously paused before repliing: “In the hands of our army. Two days ago, almost a regiment of troops entered the village and built a lot of defenses in the north of the village. Fortifications.”

“Have any battle happened recently?”

“No, there has been no fighting, and there is not even a German shadow seen nearby.”

After listening to the other party’s report, the captain removed the microphone and took off the headset, turned his head and said to me: “Comrade Commander, I just asked, Peshki Village is still in the hands of our army.”

I carried the submachine gun on my shoulders, and paced in the shelter with my hands behind my back, with a wry smile in my heart: It was ridiculous, it was just an ordinary dream. I actually believed it to be true, and also rushed Stalin to transfer a regiment from the reserve team. Forces to defend this little-known village. It would be fine if the Germans attacked. If they did not attack, there would be no face for me to see Stalin in the future.

After walking around the room a few times, I looked up and saw that the captain was still holding the headset microphone in his hand, and he said casually: “Comrade Captain, can you ask him again, has there been any commander of the Western Front in the village recently? ”

Captain    put on the headset again, and asked into the microphone: “Have any commander of the Western Front entered the village in the past two days?”

“Yes, an investigation team from the Western Front entered the village two days ago. The team led by two generals.”

As soon as I heard the word investigation team, my eyes lit up, and I quickly ran to the captain’s side and urged him: “Quickly ask, did the investigation team leave?”

“No,” the other party said categorically before the captain could question, “Absolutely not! They have never left since they entered the village.”

“Are you sure?” I rushed ahead of the captain again and asked the other party It is absolutely certain, Comrade Commander! “The other party replied: “I have arranged manpower around the village, no matter which direction they leave from, I can find out in time. ……” He just said here, he suddenly yelled, and said in a little surprise: “They have left, and the investigation team’s car is coming towards our highway. ”

“Are you sure?” It was the captain who asked this this time.

“Yes, Comrade Battalion Commander,” the other party replied dryly: “A total of four black cars drove out of the village and drove northeast along the highway. It seemed that they were planning to go to the defense zone of the Eighth Division of Guards. .”

Captain    took off the headset again, handed it to the communicator along with the microphone, and asked me: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, can I do anything else for you?”

“Yes,” I confirmed the intelligence that the front army’s investigation team was in the village and had just left. My confidence is enough. At least part of my dream is true. I will wait and see if the rest will happen. But I can’t wait passively. I should do something. So I continued: “Comrade Captain, can you give me some fighters and let me take them to Peshki Village to check it out?”

Captain Starcea frowned in embarrassment, and then resolutely nodded and said: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, this is no problem, I will take someone there myself.”

I nodded with satisfaction and said, “Thank you, Comrade Captain, but you’d better transfer the command to your deputy first. I will go out and wait for you first.” I patted and stood beside him silently. Mies, “Go, let’s return to the car.”

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