Burning Moscow

Chapter 1662

Chapter 1661 Crazy plan

After the temporary military meeting, Zhukov said to me apologetically: “Lida, I know that the decision I made to cancel the air supply line has disappointed you. But I once again remind you that in the next In the battle, we cannot defeat the Germans by relying on our front army alone. In order to achieve effective cooperation with the friendly forces, it is absolutely necessary for us to make some sacrifices.”

In fact, even if Zhukov didn’t say this to me, I wanted to understand in my heart, this so-called copycat version of the “air supply line” was originally the air line that I imitated the US military a few years later, not my own original creation, since it has been completed Because of the historical mission of quickly supplying the two landing sites, the cancellation was cancelled.

Before I could speak, Malinin asked, “Comrade Marshal, I want to know, when will we launch an attack on the Germans?”

“At present, our troops are still being assembled, and trains and cars are still transporting weapons, ammunition and military supplies towards Lublin.” Zhukov said with a serious expression: “But for me, these supplies are far from enough. We still need to hoard supplies for at least two months before we can attack the enemy on the front.”

“Two months later,” Ma Lining silently counted the time and said, “In other words, we must wait until mid-January at the earliest to attack the enemy?”

“Yes, I am planning to launch a new round of offensive against the enemy in mid-January.” Zhukov said affirmatively: “According to my calculations, by then our troops will have stockpiled materials that can be used for at least forty days. It is more than enough for the enemy to fight a battle.”

When the two of them were talking, I was thinking about another thing: after a series of strikes from the Allied forces, the Germans seemed to have engaged in a counterattack… well, come to think of it, it was called “Arden Strikes Back”… once. The Allied forces were beaten into a panic. Two regiment heads of the 106th Division of the U.S. Army, more than 8,000 Americans became prisoners…

“Lida!” When I was trying to remember the specific time of the Ardennes counterattack, I suddenly heard Zhukov calling me, and quickly responded: “Comrade Marshal, what instructions do you have?”

“I want to ask you, before the Belarusian campaign, the guerrillas active behind enemy lines gave us tremendous support. If it hadn’t been for them to disrupt the rear of the German campaign, prevent the German army from sending reserves to the front, and use the radio to report the movement of the German army. Especially. It was between June 20 and 23 that they brought the railway to the most important section to a halt and disrupted the operation of other railway lines. Without their support, we would have to win the Belarusian battle, and we would have to pay a heavier price. .”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal,” I nodded and replied to Zhukov’s statement: “It is easy to put the battle in a stalemate by relying solely on frontal offenses. The guerrillas must be assisted behind enemy lines to cause interference and fight against the enemy. Only by messing with their deployment, we can win more easily.”

“But we are now fighting on Polish territory, and the Polish guerrillas active behind enemy lines are unwilling to cooperate with us. This can be seen when you enter the Old Town of Warsaw.” Zhukov asked me humbly. Said: “Do you have any good way to make the rear of the Germans unclear?”

I was just thinking about the “Arden’s counterattack”. After hearing Zhukov’s question, I immediately linked the two together, so I could quickly answer: “Comrade Marshal, I have a way to effectively Disturb the enemy’s rear and prevent them from concentrating on our offensive forces.”

“Oh, do you have a way?” Zhukov heard me say this, and his eyes lit up and urged me: “Hurry up and listen.”

What I think of is naturally Otto Skolzner, the leader of the German special forces. In April 1943, because of his outstanding performance in combat, he entered the sixth division of the German Central Security Agency to work in special operations. In September of the same year, he became famous because he was ordered to lead the special forces troops to rescue Mussolini who was under house arrest without bloodshed.

In October of this year, he once again led the special forces and successfully hijacked Admiral Horti, the regent of Hungary who planned to sign an armistice agreement with the Soviet Union, and forced Hungary to stay in the Axis camp.

Before the start of the Ardennes counterattack, Skorzeny personally selected about 2,000 English-speaking German soldiers to form an assault squad, put on the uniforms of the US military, and boldly interspersed behind the US defense line in a US jeep. Attacks on American soldiers, cut off telephone lines, reversed road signs, and planted false landmine signs, etc., causing chaos in the rear of the U.S. military and everyone in danger.

In order to search for these German squads, the US military set up cards everywhere to intercept relevant vehicles for inspection. Anyone who raises suspicion when answering questions will be immediately taken into custody and await follow-up screening. In this way, hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops would cross-examine each other as long as they met on the road.

After the initial success of the operation, Skorzner planned to start the second move, that is, order all officers and soldiers of the 150th Armored Brigade to wear American tank uniforms and drive American tanks from the north wing of the front straight into the bridge over the Maas River. It is a pity that this extremely bold interspersed operation was aborted due to the interception of the combat plan by the US military, otherwise it would cause even greater chaos and destruction to the US military.

So I changed Skolzner’s plan to to Zhukov, and finally said: “We can now gather people who understand German to conduct secret training, and one week before the start of the battle, They were sent to the enemy’s rear to disrupt and disrupt the enemy’s deployment. And even after the battle started, they could still wreak havoc on the German telephone lines, change the marching directions, and even pretend to be the military police to point the German troops on the reinforcements to the wrong direction. The direction of the German army has brought huge losses.”

After listening to all of my plans, Zhukov did not speak for a long time, but frowned and thought hard. I stared into his eyes and thought nervously: “He won’t deny this plan of mine, will he?”

But the facts quickly proved that my worry was unnecessary. His brows stretched out and a satisfied smile appeared on his face: “Lida, your plan is crazy, but it sounds very good. I personally think it is. It is completely feasible. Since the enemy can dress up as our soldiers at the beginning of the war and go deep into our army to destroy them, we can also deal with them in the same way today. I will immediately report this plan to the Supreme Command. As soon as they pass, we will immediately select commanders who understand German from the army to start training.”

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