Burning Moscow

Chapter 1669

Chapter 1668 New Year Offensive (4)

The attack on the first day fully achieved the goal we envisioned. Therefore, when the commanders’ offensive stopped completely, and they began to rest on the spot and strengthen the fortifications, Zhukov called Moscow and reported the good news to the Supreme Commander himself.

However, because Moscow was approaching midnight at this time, it was not possible to directly connect to Poskrebeshev’s office, and could only be transferred through the Kremlin’s switchboard. The person who answered the call may be a novice, and Zhukov did not identify himself. The other party said dryly in an official tone: “Comrade Commander, please tell me your contact code, otherwise I will not be able to connect you. The office of the Supreme Command.”

Zhukov was originally smiling. When he heard the male operator say this, his face was immediately covered with frost. He said in an unceremonious tone: “I am Zhukov, and I don’t have any contact code.”

If he was a smart person, he would definitely apologize to Zhukov immediately after hearing Zhukov’s identity, and immediately put through the phone in Poskrebeshev’s office. But the operator didn’t know whether it was deliberate, or he had a few brains, and he still said reluctantly, “I’m sorry, according to the regulations, it is not possible to connect you to the internal Kremlin phone without saying the contact code in the middle of the night. .”

I saw Zhukov’s hand trembling slightly, as if there were signs of anger, I quickly walked over and said carefully: “Comrade Marshal, let me try it?”

Zhukov nodded, handed me the microphone, and sat down angrily. I said politely into the microphone: “Hello, I am Oshanina, deputy commander of the Belarusian First Front. I have important military information and I need to report to Comrade Stalin immediately. Could you please help connect Boskrebeshe Comrade Husband’s office.”

“Sorry, Comrade General, I can’t connect you without the contact code…” His voice stopped abruptly before he finished his words. After a while, an unfamiliar woman’s voice came from the receiver: “Hello, General Oshanina, the operator just now is a newcomer and he doesn’t understand the rules, please forgive me. Please wait a moment, I will help you You connected to Comrade Poskrebeshev’s office.”

After hearing Poskrebeshev’s voice from the receiver, I immediately returned the microphone to Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal, Comrade Poskrebeshev is online!”

“Hello, Boskrebeshev!” Zhukov said loudly into the microphone: “Please connect me to Comrade Stalin’s office. I have exciting and good news to report to him.”

“Please wait a moment, Marshal Zhukov.” Boskrebeshev said politely, “I will immediately transfer the call to Comrade Stalin’s office!”

After listening to Zhukov’s report, Stalin asked slowly: “Comrade Zhukov, the commanders of the Belarusian First Front Army have realized very well. If this momentum develops, I believe we will be able to reach Germany in less than a month. The border is one step closer to Hitler’s bandit nest.”

“Yes, Comrade Stalin.” Zhukov said confidently: “Our results today were achieved without the help of the air force. As long as the weather turns clear, our air force will surely be able to take off and fight. Destroy the enemy’s defenses.”

“Do you have any plans for tomorrow?” Stalin then asked.

“The main offensive task is currently Cuikov’s Eighth Guards Army.” Zhukov reported to Stalin: “At present, he has assigned specific combat missions to the troops belonging to the Group Army: The 28th Guards Infantry Corps captures Bialob. Reki and Sheklyukki regions; the 29th Guards Corps captured the Sekelyuki and Yedlyanka regions; the 4th Guards Corps captured Yedlyanka and Yedrinsk regions; the tank units of the group army will fight together with the 4th Guards Infantry Corps And join forces with the 69th Army of Kolpakchi near Radom.”

“Comrade Zhukov,” after Stalin and Zhukov finished speaking, he specially reminded him: “Although our troops have achieved great victories in today’s battle, the enemy is cunning. They will definitely not be reconciled to their defeat. Fight back frantically. Please tell Cui Kefu, don’t rush forward, and coordinate with the friendly forces on the left and right wings, so as not to be separated by the enemy and fall into encirclement.

“Don’t worry, Comrade Stalin.” Zhukov replied with a smile: “The assault on the 5th and 69th Army on both wings of the 8th Guards Army also achieved ideal results in the daytime battles. Now the three armies are They are in a state of advancing side by side. Unless the Germans can concentrate more than 100,000 troops in this area at a time, they will not be able to encircle them.”

“If this is the case, then I am waiting for your good news!” After getting the answer he wanted, Stalin said with satisfaction: “Good luck to you!”

The attack on the second day still started from the area controlled by Cuikov’s troops.

Although the fog was too heavy for the air force to take off, the commanders of the 8th Guards Army attacked the enemy’s defensive positions immediately after the forty-minute shelling ended.

But our offensive was met with stubborn resistance from the German army. From the interrogation of the prisoners, we learned that the enemy had mobilized a reserve team at night to supplement the troops holding on to the third line of defense. In the area between the Pilica River and the Radomka River, the Germans even put the 19th and 25th Divisions of the 40th Panzer Corps into counterattacks in an attempt to smash our army’s attack.

However, under the strong artillery fire of our army, the German armored commando formation paid a huge price and had to withdraw from the battle temporarily. When Trikov’s troops attacked the enemy’s third line of defense under the cover of tanks, the troops of the 1st Army of Katukov’s Guards Tanks also entered the battlefield through the gap opened by the 8th Army of Guards.

In the face of our army’s increasingly fierce offensive, the Germans who stood firmly on the third line of defense could not support them. They were forced to abandon their positions and implement a general retreat to the Falkaladom railway line. And re-establish a new defense in this area to prevent our army from advancing deep into their defense.

Just when everything was going well on the front line, Zhukov suddenly said to me: “Lida, can you go to the front line now?”

I thought that in this battle, under Zhukov’s hand, I could only play a role of soy sauce, but I didn’t expect him to let me go to the forefront. In order to ensure my personal safety, I was determined not to take risks at the forefront at any time. But after sitting on a cold bench in the headquarters for a long time, my heart was ready to move. At this moment, hearing Zhukov say this, I immediately said without hesitation: “Comrade Marshal, I resolutely obey your orders!”

“You can go to the 1st Guards Army of Katukov.” Zhukov said to me: “A big factor depends on Cuikov’s 8th Guards Army if our army can achieve the goal of the campaign in a short period of time. , How did it go with Katukov’s Guards Tank 1st Army?”

I took a company of guards in an armored car and left Lublin and drove towards the front line where the fighting was going on. In the guard company, there was a platoon of fighters who had been rescued from the Majdanek concentration camp a few months ago. I didn’t expect to take them to the front line, and unexpectedly caused a minor disaster.

After more than four hours of bumps and bumps on the road, our team successfully found Katukov’s headquarters.

When I saw Katukov in the command car, I couldn’t help but stunned. I saw that he was wearing a brand-new uniform and his chest was covered with medals and medals. It was not so much that he stayed to command the war, it was better to say that he was preparing. It is more appropriate to review the troops.

Seeing my arrival, Katukov immediately opened his arms and came over and gave me a hug. Then he asked enthusiastically: “Lida, do you want to be on the front line today?”

Although I met Katukov at the pre-war combat meeting, there were too many things at the time and I didn’t pay attention to his rank. After looking at his epaulettes at this moment, I found that he was also promoted to the rank of general. He smiled and said to him: “General Katukov, I congratulate you on your better rank.”

“Tongxi, Tongxi!” He replied with a smile, “Aren’t you also a general now.”

“General Katukov, I came to the front line to understand the situation on the order of Marshal Zhukov.” After a brief greeting, I turned the topic to the main topic: “Tell me about your troops.”

Standing at the table, Katukov pointed to the map on the table and said to me: “My vanguard unit has joined the armored unit of the 8th Guards Army. They are gathering in the area north of Olishov village, preparing The battle for the railway roadbed was launched. The enemy relied on the buildings of the station and a large area of ​​adjacent forest to resist stubbornly. They used anti-tank guns and machine gun fire to block our army’s advancement.”

“Without the support of infantry, our tanks are anti-tank fighters who can’t deal with the enemy.” I stared at the map and asked, “Are there our infantry units nearby?”

“Yes,” Katukov replied, nodding his head, “The infantry of the 29th Guards Corps and the tank unit of General Weinrub’s two attacks on the railway embankment failed. They are regrouping and preparing to once again. Launch a new offense.”

Perhaps to let me understand the importance of capturing the railway embankment, he went on to say: “We must repel the enemy from the railway embankment. Only in this way can the tank army rush into the vast battle area and split the enemy’s defensive front. .”

After thinking about it for a while, I said to Katukov: “General Katukov, I think if you want to successfully seize the railway embankment from the Germans, you must first prepare for fierce artillery fire in this area. Then the infantry and tanks will be able to win with one blow.”

After I finished speaking, Katukov immediately nodded his head again and again: “Yes, that’s right, I thought about it the same way. But…”

“But what?” I hurriedly asked after seeing him hesitating to speak.

“My mechanized army is still on the move, and may not be able to participate in such an offensive for the time being.” Katukov said with some embarrassment: “Unless I can get the support of General Cuikov.”

“This is not a problem. I am here to coordinate the joint operations between the various units.” After I figured out what he was worried about, I said relaxedly: “Comrade General, can you please let someone contact the commander of the 8th Guards Army. Ministry, I want to speak with General Cui Kefu in person.”

The director of the communications unit, who received the order of Katukov, immediately began to call the headquarters of the 8th Guards Army. But after connecting, he regretfully told me: “I’m sorry, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, General Cui Kefu is not in his headquarters!”

“What, Cui Kefu is not in the command center?” I frowned when I heard the report from the communications director, walked over to answer the phone, and asked into the microphone, “I am Oshanina, who are you?”

“Hello, Comrade, Deputy Commander of the Front Army!” The other party respectfully reported to me and said: “I am Lieutenant General Dukhanov, Deputy Commander of the Group Army. What instructions do you have?”

“Hello, General Dukhanov! I have important things to get in touch with General Cuikov. Do you know how to get in touch with him?”

“Wait a minute, I will let you check where Comrade Commander is currently.” Dukhanov was afraid of me to blame, and explained to me: “At noon, he went with General Pronin, the military commissioner. The command of the 4th Guards Corps. I don’t know if he is still there. I need to call to confirm.”

A few minutes later, Dukhanov reported to me: “Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, I have already inquired clearly. Comrade Commander is now guarding the headquarters of the 29th Army.”

“Okay, I get it, thank you, Comrade General!” I put down the microphone and said to Katukov: “I have figured it out. General Cuikov is in the headquarters of the 29th Guards Corps at the moment.”

After some ups and downs I finally talked to Cui Koff: “General Cui Koff, I am at the headquarters of General Katukov at the moment. Hearing from him, if you want to successfully seize the German-occupied railway The roadbed must first carry out intensive artillery attacks on the enemy’s defensive positions, and then the infantry will be covered by tanks to launch assaults.”

“Lida, I think so too.” After Cui Kefu finished speaking, he immediately said, “I have given the commander of the artillery group army an order to immediately mobilize two guards rocket artillery brigades and rush to the guards. The area occupied by the 29th Army used artillery to support the infantry’s offensive.”

“This is really great.” I added to him: “I will stay at the headquarters of General Katukov. Once the artillery arrives at the defense zone of the 29th Guards Corps, you will immediately call me and notify me. You and General Katukov will study how the two forces can conduct joint operations.”

“Understood, Lida.” Cui Kefu readily agreed: “As soon as the artillery arrives, I will call you immediately.”

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