Burning Moscow

Chapter 1671

Chapter 1670 New Year Offensive (6)

A sergeant walked in front of me. I recognized him as a platoon leader of the guard platoon, so I repeated the question again: “Comrade sergeant, can you tell us all, why are you killing? Are these German prisoners of war?”

“Comrade General,” the sergeant said to me, waiting with flushed eyes, “we want revenge!”

“Vengeance, what revenge?” Cui Kefu vaguely guessed something from the conversation between me and the sergeant, and quickly cooperated with me to ask the other party: “Comrade sergeant, tell everyone your reasons!”

When the sergeant heard Cui Kefu say this, he did not speak immediately, but cast an inquiring look at me. After seeing me nodding to give permission, he shouted at the commanders standing around: “Comrades, I used to be a prisoner of war. To be precise, I was a prisoner of war rescued from the Majdanek concentration camp. ”

He pointed to the soldiers standing in the pile of corpses, and then said: “They were rescued from the concentration camp just like me. What do we do in the prisoner of war camp? We collect the corpses. The corpses of the poisoned people in the gas chamber were transported to the crematorium to be burned. These poisoned people included our captured comrades as well as ordinary people, including the elderly, women and children…

In order to cover up their crimes, the German fascists would replace a batch of corpse collectors every few months. Where did the eliminated people go? Let me tell you, they were all sent into the gas chamber to be poisoned alive. If it were not for our troops to liberate Lublin in time, my comrades in arms and I would not escape the same fate…

I once swore in my heart to avenge every victim I sent to the crematorium. How many victims I push into the crematorium, I will kill as many Germans to avenge them…”

After the sergeant had finished speaking, the surroundings fell into a deadly silence, and it was obviously his story that shocked everyone. Just as my mind was thinking about how to resolve the current crisis, I don’t know which soldier raised his arms and shouted: “Defeat the fascist invaders and avenge our people!”

His shout was a command, and after a while, there was a tsunami-like shout from the entire square. At the end of the shouting, I only felt everyone shouting hoarse, but what they were shouting, I couldn’t understand at all.

When the square became quiet again, I felt my eardrums still humming. Looking at the sergeant and the dozens of soldiers in front of me, it made me feel very tricky. Firstly, I am the deputy commander of the front army. Secondly, these are my subordinates. If they are not handled properly, there will be endless troubles. Thinking of this, I looked sideways at Cui Kefu next to me and asked, “Comrade General, what do you think should be handled?”

Cui Koff smiled slightly and turned to face his subordinates and said loudly: “Comrades, these German prisoners just tried to seize our army’s weapons and carried out a riot here. Fortunately, they were discovered by the guard company of the deputy commander of the front and eliminated this enemy in time. . Everyone is right?”

Although Cui Kefu’s starting point was to relieve me, this practice of opening my eyes and telling nonsense made me feel extremely embarrassed. I was afraid that everyone would not buy it and I would not know how to end it.

Fortunately, after a short silence, a voice preemptively said: “Yes, it was the Germans who tried to **** our weapons and were killed by our soldiers.”

“Yes, that’s how it is.” More voices echoed: “We have seen it too!”

After the commanders on the square reached a consensus, Cui Kefu spread his hands, shrugged and said to me: “Lida, you have heard that it was a German prisoner of war who tried to riot and was completely wiped out. That’s how it happened. ”

With the mediation of Cui Kefu, the slaughter of prisoners of war was successfully resolved. But when a few of us got on the armored car, he reduced the smile on his face and said to me with a serious expression: “Lida, although you are my superior now, I still have a few words in my heart to tell you. .”

“Please tell me, Comrade General, I’m listening.” I owe Cui Kefu a favor. No matter how he criticizes me, I will accept it humbly.

“I suggest that after you go back, you should immediately spread this group of fighters and install them in various companies. Getting them together again is always a factor of instability.” Cui Kefu said to me with all his heart: “Only more than a hundred were killed today. Prisoners of war, we can still cover up this matter. If our troops enter the border of Germany in the future, they are going to burn and looting with this kind of hatred of the Germans. What should we do with them?”

“Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander.” After Cui Koff finished speaking, his military commissioner General Pronin went on to say: “When you were in the defense of Moscow, it was because you killed a group of German prisoners in revenge for Zoya. Was demoted and used. If today’s affairs are not handled properly and your attempts are further affected, it is estimated that the chance of turning over again will not be great.”

I think what Cui Koff and Pronin said are very reasonable. The Germans will surrender in a few months. If Stalin is demoted at this time, when the war is over, let alone the marshal, he can regain the general position. All become a problem. Therefore, I nodded vigorously and replied: “I understand, thank you for the reminder of the two generals. When I return to the front army headquarters, I will distribute these soldiers to various companies.”

When we returned to Trikov’s headquarters, we accidentally discovered that Katukov was also here. He came here specifically to discuss cooperation with Trikov.

As the army continues to move forward the supply of rear fuel, ammunition, and various military materials will be the top priority. Therefore, Cuikov appointed Pokaznikov, Minister of Logistics of the Group Army. The Major General, Colonel Brodsky, Chief of Staff of the Logistics Department, Colonel Bukarev, Minister of Ordnance, Colonel Akimov, Chief of the Fuels Division, Colonel Spasov, Director of Nutrition, and Colonel Boykov, Minister of Health, summoned to the military committee. . Negotiate and formulate a practical replenishment plan for fuel, ammunition and materials.

When it was dark, I received a call from Zhukov, and I really heard new good news from him: General Bogdanov’s Guards Tank 2nd Army was thrown into the area controlled by the Assault 5th Army in the morning. In the battle, they dashed forward 80 kilometers in one day and successfully reached the Sokhachev area, cutting off the German Warsaw Group’s retreat.

The tanks of the 11th and 9th Corps have rushed into Radom and are engaged in a fierce battle with the defenders in the city.

A part of the 61st Army successfully marched northward and completed the encirclement of Warsaw with the 47th Army and the Polish 1st Army.

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