Burning Moscow

Chapter 1678

Chapter 1677 Liberation of Rhodes

I received the telegram and saw Pronin comforting Cui Kefu: “Comrade Commander, don’t be sad. This is the war. Every one of us may be injured or even sacrificed. I hope that God will bless General Weinrub, and there will be no problems.”

“Comrade Military Commissioner,” Cuikov said with a pained expression: “He is a brave, honest, and fighting spirit commander. This is the third time since the war broke out. He has been wounded in the western part of Belarus. The course of the battle to the Volga River has withstood the test of the Battle of Stalingrad, and then joined me, across the entire Ukraine from the Volga River to Poland. Such comrades were injured and made me feel extremely sad.”

When Cui Koff recalled to Pronin the little by little he and Weinrub, I also thought to myself that since I came to this era, I have been injured many times, especially during the defense of Moscow, if it weren’t mine. Fortunately, as long as the German bayonet is two inches lower, it can pierce me to the heart.

Thinking of the list of Soviet generals that I saw, I hadn’t seen Weinrub’s order, so I learned from Pronin to comfort Cui Koff and said, “Don’t worry, General Cui Koff. Just as Comrade Military Commissioner said, God will definitely do it. Bless General Weinrub, let him be safe and sound.”

When Cui Kefu’s mood stabilized, I picked up the battle report he put aside and looked at it, and found that the German resistance in the city was not firm. The reason why the fighting in the western suburbs of the city was so fierce that Wein Rube, who commanded the armored forces, was injured. It was entirely because the Germans jumped the wall and broke through in that direction desperately. Today, Katukov’s 1st Guards Tank Army has continued to advance westward. If you want to eliminate the German troops in the western suburbs, you can only put the nearby 11th and 9th tanks into battle. Destroy the German goal as soon as possible.

With this in mind, I asked the communications staff to report to the two tank corps commanders of the 11th and 9th tanks in my name, so that they would immediately engage in the attack on Rhodes.

Tank troops alone are not enough. The air force must also cooperate. So I sent Zhukov a telegram asking him to send an air force to support our attack on Rhodes. In order to prevent the air force from finding the target, I also asked Zhukov to let the air force commander establish contact with Trikov’s headquarters so that he can attack those important targets under the guidance of the ground forces.

The tanks of the 11th and 9th Corps did not arrive on the outskirts of Lodz until five o’clock in the afternoon. At this time, the planes sent by the 16th and 18th Army Groups of the Air Force had completed bombing of important German defense targets. Facing the direction of the destroyed German army, the tanks of the two tank corps violently smashed through the obstacles placed at the intersection, and then placed in a formation that was read, along the spacious street, toward the center of the city. Drive.

At 7 o’clock in the evening, Cui Kefu received a call from the Chief of Operations. The other party reported to him excitedly: “Comrade Commander, I tell you the good news that our troops have already occupied most of the city. The remaining German troops have been We are compressed in a small area in the west of the city, and believe that we will be able to deal with this enemy before dawn tomorrow.”

“It’s great, this is great.” Hearing this good news, Cui Kefu was overjoyed. He repeatedly said in a good voice, “Comrade Chief of Operations, please convey my gratitude to the officers and soldiers, and tell them at the same time. Now is a great time to build meritorious deeds, and we must eliminate the enemies in the city in the shortest possible time.”

After I saw Cui Kefu finished these few words, I planned to hang up, and quickly stopped him: “General Cui Kefu, please wait a moment, I want to say a few words with the Director of Operations.”

Although Cui Kefu didn’t know what I was going to say to his subordinates, he still passed the microphone into my hand. I said into the microphone: “Comrade Chief of Operations, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on your great victory. Next, what I want to talk to you is that you not only want to fight military wars, but you also need to learn how to fight politics. Fighting. Judging from today’s fighting situation, the German army’s will to resist is not very strong. The reason why they have not been wiped out is because they tried to escape from our encirclement, so they resisted stubbornly.

In addition to sending troops to continue the offensive, you must send soldiers who understand German to shout at the German officers and soldiers hiding in the fortifications or buildings, urging them to lay down their weapons and surrender to us. We will definitely guarantee their personal safety. Once the war is over, they will be sent home to reunite with their loved ones. ”

“Understood, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army.” After listening to my words, the Chief of Operations immediately stated: “I will immediately arrange for soldiers who understand German to speak to the enemies who are still fighting, and try to get them to lay down their weapons and surrender soon. .”

Occupying most of the city of Lodz is certainly a happy thing, but the good news that came next made Cui Kefu weep with joy. Major General Vladimirov, who was still in the rear, called and reported to Cuikov: “Comrade Commander, I am now visiting General Weinrub in the military hospital.”

When the Chief of Staff said that he was visiting Wei Yinlubu in the military hospital, Cui Kefu couldn’t help but mention his throat. He asked in a nervous voice that changed his tone: “How is his injury now?”

“The operation has just ended,” Vladimirov replied, “According to the military doctor, the operation was successful and all the shrapnel on the chest had been removed. If there are no accidents, Comrade Weinrub will wake up tonight or early tomorrow morning. Come here. As long as he stays in the hospital for a month or two, he can be discharged alive and well.”

“Thank you Thank you, Comrade Chief of Staff.” Hearing that Weinrub was out of danger, and Cuikov’s eyes were moist. He said into the microphone: “I hope you can report Weinrub’s injury once a day. Happening.”

“Understood, Comrade Commander, I will report to you every day.” After saying this, the chief of staff asked tentatively: “Has the city of Rhodes taken down?”

“Not yet.” Cui Kefu said confidently: “However, most of the city has been occupied by our army. I believe that we will be able to occupy the entire city before dawn tomorrow.”

The battle in Lodz went on all night. The German army, compressed in the west of the city, finally stopped resisting under the strong military and political offensive of our army. After they played the white flag, they walked out of their hiding place with their hands high, and surrendered to the surrounding army.

The city of Lodz was liberated by our army in the early morning of January 5.

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