Burning Moscow

Chapter 168

167 Search and Rescue

As the order was issued, the squad immediately spread out and spread out. The soldiers carried their weapons one by one, and rushed towards the direction of the gunfire following Captain Starcea. The bazooka was carried on the right shoulder by a burly soldier with a box of shells under his left armpit. Although he was not lightly loaded, he ran very fast, almost always in the middle of the team.

I was sighing the strength of this soldier. Ramis, who had been standing next to me with a gun, suddenly asked me: “Comrade Commander, what shall we do?”

“What should I do?” I glanced at him puzzledly, and replied in a very natural tone: “What else can I do, keep up with them.” After that, I also chased him with the gun.

It’s only more than two hundred meters away from the edge of the forest, but the thick snow has greatly affected my running speed. When I ran out of the forest panting, the soldiers had already been with the German soldiers who were rushing over under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles. The infantry caught fire. Without saying anything, I threw my head on the snow, aimed at the figure in front of me, and pulled the trigger.

just hit the shuttle halfway, and suddenly heard an abnormal noise, and then a dazzling flame burst out not far from him, behind which was trailing a long white tail smoke. I stopped shooting involuntarily, staring at the trajectory of the flame. I saw this flame dragging a long white smoke, drawing a dazzling and beautiful arc in the twilight, and then plunged straight into the German attacking queue. As I watched, the fire light hit a German tank. A thick smoke came out of the tank body, and at the same time a huge fireball rose into the sky, followed by a loud explosion. It turned out that the rocket fired by our army accurately hit the German tank.

I lifted my body to take a closer look at how the German tank was blown up. Before I could see clearly, someone suddenly rushed over and overwhelmed me on the snow. I was caught off guard and plunged my face into the snow. Fortunately, the snow is relatively deep, otherwise, such a big impact will knock on the ground, and it will definitely break the phase.

I raised my head with difficulty, just about to scold this reckless guy a few words, suddenly heard a strange sound of “chichichichi”, like the sound of tearing cloth, and then I saw the rocket launch not far away. The battlefield was hit by dense bullets like a pot, and the snow on the ground rose high.

When everything calmed down, I saw a loaded bazooka thrown on the snow, and two **** soldiers lay motionless in a pool of blood, dead to death. Seeing all this, I couldn’t help being frightened. What kind of weapon did this German use? It was so powerful?

“Comrade Commander,” when the person pressing on my back spoke, I immediately recognized Ramis. He moved his body slightly, and then said, “This is the MG42 general machine gun that the German has just equipped the troops with. Quickly lethal, if someone is unfortunately hit, then he will be shot several times in an instant, and the chance of survival is very small. A few days ago, my division was on the way to transfer, and the 1075 regiment was equipped with this machine gun. The German encountered it, and almost one battalion of soldiers fell under the gun.”

“What?” I’m not a fan of the military, and I don’t know the impressive record of this machine gun in World War II, but I heard that so many people of my subordinates lost their lives under the gun, and I couldn’t help being furious. I looked up at the position of the German army and found that the machine gun was mounted on an armored vehicle. The shooter had turned the muzzle and went to fire other areas of our army.

I turned my head and looked at the rocket launcher on the snow that was not far away, put down the submachine gun in my hand, took a deep breath, and rolled aside. As there were no obstacles such as bushes on the snowy ground in the middle, I only rolled a few laps and successfully rolled to the side of the rocket launcher.

I put the bazooka to my shoulder, and without getting up, I lay on the ground, pointed in the direction of the armored vehicle, and pulled the trigger. The rocket drove the long white smoke towards the German army’s formation. I didn’t care about checking the result of the battle. I threw the rocket launcher aside, and then hurriedly rolled to where I was just now.

Just rolling back to the original position, there was a violent explosion. I didn’t even look at it. I knew it was a blind cat and a dead mouse, and it accurately hit the armored vehicle.

“Good job, comrade teacher.” Ramis slumped on the snowy ground beside me and complimented me sincerely.

Before I was humble, there were continuous explosions and screams in front of me. I looked up, and it turned out that the ammunition in the armored car was smashed, causing the German soldiers next to the car to cry.

“Brothers, follow me!” Following the voice of Captain Starcea, a dozen soldiers in white camouflage uniforms stood nearby and rushed towards the enemy with their weapons.

I originally wanted to rush forward, but after looking at the burning tanks and armored vehicles, there were only seven or eight figures shaking. The captain and the others were enough to deal with, so I stopped after running a few steps. Ramis, who is responsible for protecting my safety, asked strangely: “Comrade Commander, why didn’t you rush?”

While watching the battle between the captain and the Germans, I replied lightly: “No, these Germans, the captain can easily solve it.” In fact, I was saying in my heart that the battle is almost over, I If he rushed forward recklessly and was killed by a stray bullet, that would be wrong, and it would be safer to stand here and watch the battle.

There was no suspense in the battle. After the squad rushed up, the German soldiers who had not been defeated raised their hands and surrendered.

When I was about to go with Ramis, I saw Captain Starcea hurriedly running over with the communicator. A few steps away from me, he yelled anxiously: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, it’s not good, something has happened!”

Listening to him shouting like this, my heart can’t help but sink, and I said to myself: Could it be that Rokosovsky had an accident? He took a few steps forward quickly, grabbed the clothes on his shoulders, and asked nervously: “What’s the matter? What’s the matter?”

Captain    lowered his head and replied in a low voice: “I just received a report from the parachute that several black cars were destroyed on the side of the road, and most of the commanders in the car were sacrificed.”

Although I was anxious, I still remained awake. I heard that most of the commanders had sacrificed, not all of them. So I asked with luck, “Where is the rescued commander?”

“The parachute is in the process of rescue. They should be able to save life.”

“Take me to see!” I grabbed his clothes, and I couldn’t help but want to lead him.

Captain    carefully removed my hand from his clothes, and then said: “Come with me!”

followed the captain and them for about a few hundred meters. When I reached the edge of the village, I saw a group of people approaching me on the opposite side, so I instinctively raised the gun. The captain saw my action and quickly grabbed the muzzle and gently dialed it aside, and kindly reminded me: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, please don’t be nervous, it’s your own.”

After we joined the group of soldiers, an officer walked out across from him and reported the battle to the captain, but I looked around to see where the wrecked car was. Maybe it was blocked by the surrounding buildings. I didn’t see anything.

Looking around, Captain Starcea brought the commander to me and said, “This is my company commander. He is in charge of the area around the village of Peshki.”

The commander listened to the captain’s introduction of his identity and stepped forward to salute me. When he was about to report his position and rank and name in accordance with the regulations, I was interrupted unceremoniously: “Comrade commander, I want to ask. I’m asking you, isn’t there a regiment and a detachment of tanks stationed in the village? Where did they go when the battle took place?”

The commander turned his gaze to the captain next to him, and when he nodded his head, he answered me: “The village was originally stationed with troops transferred from the reserve team, but they left early this morning, as if they were a defensive line somewhere. It’s tight and they need reinforcements. As for the tank unit, I just had lunch, except for the tank that was left on guard, all the others drove away. I later heard from a soldier said that these tanks seemed to be somewhere else. Go to refuel.”

Hearing what he said, I sighed inwardly. It’s really not as good as heaven. Finally, Stalin sent a regiment of troops to be stationed here. I didn’t expect to leave early and leave late, just because the enemy came. The pre-offensive transfer is gone, and it seems that Rokosovsky is not lucky enough. But I still asked with a hint of luck: “I heard that you saved a few commanders, where are they now?”

“I have placed them in a nearby residence.” The commander glanced at the captain beside me, then turned his side and said to me politely: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, please come with me, I Take you to see them.”

The house where the commander of the 16th Group Army was housed was not far away. It was only 20 or 30 meters away. I saw two soldiers standing guard at the door, and when I saw us walking by, the soldiers stood at attention and saluted. I didn’t even bother to return the gift, so I opened the door and walked in. In the dimly lit room, there was a large wooden table, and around the wooden table sat seven or eight dejected officers. I walked in, and before I could see the face clearly, I asked anxiously, “Which one of you is the commander of the highest rank?”

“Lida!” A familiar voice suddenly appeared. “is it you?”

This voice sounded familiar, as if it was the voice of Colonel Ma Lining, Chief of Staff of the Group Army. I hurriedly asked: “Colon Malinin?”

“It’s me, Lida.” Malinin stood up from the table, leaped over and grabbed my shoulders with both hands, shaking vigorously and saying, “Something has happened, something has happened \!”

It didn’t take long for the wound on my shoulder to heal, but I couldn’t stand his old man’s shaking method, so I quickly grabbed his hand and asked with concern: “What’s the matter? Comrade Chief of Staff, don’t worry and speak slowly.

He replied cryingly: “When we were moving, we were attacked by German tanks and the convoy was broken up. Fortunately, we met the soldiers of the paratroopers. They destroyed the enemy’s tanks, wiped out the infantry, and saved us. Several. But when I went to look for it, I found that the commander’s car had been destroyed.”

“Do you mean that the commander has been killed?” I carefully asked this question that I cared about. You must know that Rokosovsky is an important person. If he died at this time, the entire history of the Great Patriotic War would have undergone major changes.

“We only found the body of the guard and the driver in the car, but did not see the commander. I don’t know if he was captured or fled to the woods.”

“Comrade Chief of Staff,” I felt more at ease when I heard that Rokosovsky’s body was not found, and I quickly comforted him: “Don’t worry, all the enemies who came in the crime should have been wiped out. The commander was captured. Probably it can be ruled out. According to my guess, he should have seen the danger and abandoned his car and fled into the forest.” After that, I turned around and asked Captain Starcea: “Comrade Battalion Commander, how much do you have? people?”

Captain    cried his face and said, “Originally there were more than 150 people, but in the previous battle, more than 60 soldiers were sacrificed, and there were more than a dozen wounded. The available force is only about 70 people.”

only had more than seventy people. To search such a large forest outside the village, the manpower was indeed a bit short, but there was no way to transfer manpower from other places in a hurry. When I was in a dilemma, the walkie-talkie brought by the captain rang suddenly. The communicator chatted with the other party, and then passed the headset and microphone to the captain.

Captain    listened for a while, and then told me: “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, there is a motorcade to the north of the village. The soldiers in charge of security have come forward to check. Is it our own unit?…”

Before he could speak, Ma Lining interrupted and asked, “Is it the army guarding the village?”

“No, Comrade Colonel.” The captain gave him a negative answer, then looked at me and said, “They said it was from the 1077 Regiment of the Eighth Guards Division. They were ordered to protect you back to the division headquarters.”

The troops of the Eighth Guards Division, how would they know that I am here? I cast my puzzled gaze to Ramis, who saw that I had noticed him. Ramis took a step forward and explained to me in a low voice: “I’m afraid you are in danger, so just now when Grisa left , I beckon him to go back and bring someone to protect you.”

After hearing this, I realized why Grisa had such a strange expression when driving away. But manpower is needed now, and the arrival of these fighters can solve the big problem for me. So I told Captain Starcea: “Comrade Captain, let your soldiers bring the convoy here.”

I don’t have much effort. I heard the sound of a car coming and said, “The car is coming, let me check it out.”

As soon as he walked out of the door, a convoy slowly drove over and stopped a few steps away from me. I took a closer look, and apart from the jeep driving in front, there were seven trucks with roofs behind. After the car stopped, two people jumped from the jeep and ran towards us. Although the sky was dark, I still saw that one of them was Grisa who broke up an hour ago. UU Reading www. uukanshu.com is another major.

The two came to me and stood at attention and saluted. Grisa spoke first: “Comrade Commander, the driver Grisa will report to you. I am ordered by General Leviakin and Comrades Comrades to bring the troops to pick you up to the division. Command.”

“I’ll talk about the return to the division headquarters later,” I said, turning my eyes to the major. Seeing me staring at myself, the major was a little nervous, so he quickly reported to me: “Comrade Commander, Major of the 1st Battalion of the 1077th Infantry Regiment…”

Before he could finish speaking, I interrupted him and asked seriously, “Comrade Major, how many people did you bring?”

The major did not expect that I would ask in such a straightforward manner. After a while, he replied, “There are one hundred and ninety-three people in the whole camp.”

Someone like a battalion? I couldn’t help but sighed secretly, the attrition was so severe, the cruelty of the battle was evident from this. But I quickly stabilized my mood and issued an order to him: “Comrade Major, General Rokosovsky, commander of the group army, is missing. You immediately order the soldiers to get out of the car and go to the forest outside the village in groups of five. To search inside.”

“Yes!” He promised and turned around to run.

“Wait a minute,” I stopped him, and told him, “Search carefully. If you want to see people, even if the commander is killed, he will be brought back. Do you understand?”

“Understood. Comrade commander, please rest assured, I promise to complete the task.” After saying that he gave a military salute, turned and ran towards the convoy.

Soon his voice rang from the side of the convoy: “The whole camp has it, listen to my order, get out of the car!”

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