Burning Moscow

Chapter 1684

Chapter 1683 Failed shelling

I really didn’t expect that after hearing my name, the German officers and soldiers stationed in the residential area actually put down their weapons and came out with white flags to surrender to our army.

After an urgent interrogation of the prisoners, I learned that the German troops stationed in the residential area are different from the formed defenders in the fortress. They are just the stragglers of the 151st and 45th divisions that were defeated by our army, plus one to two thousand improvised pieces. The People’s Stormtroopers of China have no combat effectiveness at all, so they easily lay down their weapons and surrender.

Cui Kefu and I were standing on the side of the road, looking at the people of the People’s Stormtrooper in civilian clothes passing in front of us, Cui Kefu shook his head and said, “It seems that the end of the fascist bandits is not far away, Lida, look at what they call The militias in China are full of teenagers or old men in their 60s and 70s, and they have not received any military training. Isn’t it the same as sending them to death if they are thrown into battle?”

I sneered and changed the subject: “General Cui Koff, since our access to the fortress has been opened, can you see if the artillery can fire at the fortress and destroy the German fortifications so that our infantry can attack the fortress as soon as possible? ”

“Let’s go, let’s go back to the headquarters first, and then discuss how to attack the German fortresses.”

Back at the headquarters, Cui Kefu immediately summoned the commanders of all divisions and assigned them combat tasks: “The 27th and 74th Guards Infantry Divisions carried out major assaults from the south…The 39th Guards Infantry Division launched from the north. attack……”

After deploying the mission, Cui Kefu looked at everyone and asked, “Are there any questions?”

After a brief silence, Kuragin, the commander of the 35th Guards Division, stood up. He raised his voice and said: “Comrade Commander, I have observed the fortress area of ​​Poznan at close range. This is composed of a castle and surrounding areas. These fortifications are indestructible. The walls are about three meters thick and can withstand the fire of our army’s field artillery. If you want to siege the city, the 152mm artillery is obviously not enough.”

His words caused a lot of discussion among the following people. Just as everyone was whispering, Pronin said: “General Kulakin, I don’t know where you heard such rumors, maybe it is a rumor spread by German agents deliberately. , Is to combat our confidence in siege operations.

It’s not been a day or two since I participated in the battle. I have never seen a fortification that cannot be destroyed by a 152mm artillery. Are you a bit too alarmist? ”

Seeing that Pronin had set the tone for this matter, the others couldn’t say anything. They just asked Cui Kefu when the artillery and armored troops could enter the battlefield, and they left one after another.

Cui Koff used three hundred artillery pieces of different calibers and shelled the main entrance of the German fortress at the same time. After the shelling lasted for half an hour, Cuikov officially issued the order to attack.

But not long after, reports from the following divisions followed one after another, saying that the offensive troops rushed to the fortress and were blocked by a wide trench and were unable to move forward.

Cui Kefu was very annoyed when he heard these reports. He shouted into the microphone: “Let the tank troops rush to the trenches, suppress the German firepower with artillery fire, and cover our engineers to build bridges over the trenches.”

“No, Comrade Commander.” Another deputy commander in front of the commander, General Guttmann reported: “The fortress and the triangular fort are covered with a three-meter layer of soil. There is a wide and deep strip outside the fortress. We’re inaccessible from the outside. The Germans can block this trench with side fire from a dark fort, but we cannot find the perforation at our location. The two walls of the trench are made of bricks, and the height is 5-8. Meters so that our tanks cannot pass this obstacle.

We once had a few tanks rushed to the side of the trench, but before they opened fire, they were destroyed by the hidden anti-tank firepower of the Germans. So I request artillery support, I hope you can deploy heavy artillery to support us. ”

“Well, General Guttmann.” Cuikov replied, “I will contact the artillery commander immediately and ask them to send heavy artillery to support you.”

After Trikov finished the conversation with Guttmann, he immediately dialed the artillery commander Pozharski’s phone. He hurriedly said: “Hey, Comrade Pozharski, the troops attacking the fortress are now being intensively fired by the Germans. Blocked out of the trench, I order you to immediately adjust the heavy artillery to support the offensive troops. Understand?”

“Understood, Comrade Commander.” Pozharski replied loudly, “I immediately mobilized the 203mm caliber b-4 howitzer to support the troops’ offensive.”

Cui Koff put down the phone and said with a relaxed expression: “Lida, as soon as our b-4 howitzer comes out, it is only a matter of time before we take down the German fortress. This type of heavy howitzer is usually 200-300. At a distance of meters, direct shooting was launched at the exposed German fortifications or barricades.”

Seeing that Cui Kefu was also planning to use the “bayonet on the cannon” tactic, I couldn’t help but smile, and then asked: “I don’t know how powerful this artillery is?”

Cui Koff pointed to a building outside the window and said to me: “Lida, have you seen that building? If our b-4 howitzer fires, that building will become ruins.”

“So powerful?” I really didn’t know that the Soviet artillery had such a domineering weapon, and I couldn’t help asking in surprise: “I wonder if it will take long to deploy this artillery?”

My answer surprised Cui Kefu. He stared at me for a while and said, “Don’t you know that this type of heavy howitzer is mounted on the base of a heavy crawler tractor and is a self-propelled artillery?”

I shook my head and said embarrassingly: “I have never seen this kind of artillery, but I believe that using it to destroy German fortresses is very effective.”

“But the disadvantage of this type of artillery is that the rate of fire is too slow.” Cui Koff said with some regret: “It takes almost four minutes to produce a shell. It is estimated that it will take some time for them to destroy the German defense.”

“No hurry, General Cuikov, don’t worry.” Seeing Cuikov being a little restless, I quickly comforted them: “The task of capturing Poznan was originally given to the 69th Army of General Korpacchi. They were previously held back by the German army and couldn’t advance here quickly. We have enough time here to wait for their arrival.”

The second round of shelling of the fortress unfolded again after half an hour. This time, Cui Kefu and I boarded the roof of the building and watched the artillery show there.

With the order of Pozharsky, hundreds of guns of different calibers were fired at the main entrance to the east of the German army at the same time. In the loud noise of the landslide, the fortress burst into a dazzling halo, and clusters of fireballs rose into the sky. The intensive artillery shells of our army smashed down endlessly. I couldn’t see the explosion points at all. I only saw explosions and fires everywhere, and the German fortress was shrouded in a sea of ​​fire and gunpowder.

Feeling the floor trembling slightly under my feet, I put down my telescope and turned my head and said to Cui Koff: “General Cui Koff, facing such intensive shelling by our army, the German fortress will definitely not be able to support it.”

Cui Koff also put down his binoculars and said with a sneer: “Our b-4 howitzer can destroy a building with one gun. What’s more, this time 36 guns fired at the same time, but there are dozens of large-caliber howitzers and With the cooperation of the cannon, I believe that after the shelling is over, the German fortress will become a ruin.”

I turned my head and asked Tkachenko, Director of Engineering, “Comrade General, are the engineers and soldiers ready to build the bridge?”

“Yes, Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army,” Tkachenko said, looking at the battlefield billowing in the distance. “The bridge engineers are deployed at a distance of 500 meters from the fortress. Once the shelling is over, they will Immediately rush to the trench to erect a bridge for the tank to pass.”

I heard that the engineers are ready to be in place, and I feel more at ease. As long as our tanks can pass through the wide trench in front, attacking the core fortress of the German army will be much easier.

However, our beautiful wishes were all vanished with the end of the shelling and the smoke spreading over the fortress. I saw the German outer fortresses, which had been violently shelled by heavy artillery, still remained largely intact. There are pits and bumps on the walls, and there are few places where they are penetrated. The shells fell on the soil cover of the fortress and the triangular fort, leaving only one crater after the explosion, just like digging the cultivated land with a shovel.

“Damn it, what the **** is going on?” When Cui Kefu saw this scene, he couldn’t help being stunned. He hurriedly grabbed the phone next to him, asked the operator to connect to the artillery headquarters, and asked loudly into the microphone: ” Hello, General Pozharski, did you tell me that you just bombarded the German fortress with b-4 howitzers?”

“Yes, Comrade Commander,” Pozharski replied affirmatively: “36 b-4 howitzers participated in the bombardment just now, but the strength of the German fortress is obviously beyond our imagination. If you want to To destroy the enemy’s fortress, I think it can only use a special concrete destruction bomb.”

“Can it be effective?” Cui Kefu asked.

“It’s hard to tell, Comrade Commander.” Pozharsky said embarrassedly: “As far as we know, the walls of the German fortress are three meters thick, and our concrete destruction bomb penetrates only 0.7 meters, and the aftereffect of the explosion is destroyed. 0.3 meters, the thickness of the total damaged concrete is one meter…”

“Okay, don’t tell me any more technical terms.” Before the other party finished speaking, Cui Kefu interrupted his words: “You just need to tell me, can the concrete destructive bomb destroy the German fortress?”

“It is theoretically possible,” Pozharsky said carefully: “As long as our shells hit the same position three times in a row, we can penetrate the walls of the German fortress, but it takes a little longer.”

“As long as you can penetrate the enemy’s fortress wall,” Cui Kefu said a little anxiously: “You immediately arrange for someone to prepare this shell. We must break through the defense of the German fortress in the shortest time.”

However, this kind of special artillery shells are not intended to be ready for use immediately. It takes at least one or two days to be transported from the rear. During this time, we can only adopt the tactics of besieging the fortress and not attacking.

Cui Kefu walked back and forth in the headquarters with his hands back, stopping from time to time and sighing. I had the heart to persuade him to say something, but found that I had nothing to say and could only remain silent, sitting in the position and staring at him walking back and forth.

After walking back and forth in the room for ten minutes, he suddenly stopped as if thinking of something. After standing there for a few minutes, he walked quickly to me and asked carefully: “Lida, I remember that you developed a self-made artillery during the defense of Stalingrad. It was very effective against the German position. Effective.”

When I heard Cui Kefu’s question, I immediately guessed that he was talking about “unconscionable thunder”, and hurriedly asked, “General Cui Kefu, are you talking about the kind of explosives package that happened in a gasoline drum?”

“That’s right, it’s this kind of simple artillery.” Cui Kefu asked me nervously, “Do you remember how it was made?”

“Of course I remember.” As I said, I called the Director of Engineering, and while drawing a sketch, I explained to him how to make the “Unconscionable Cannon”. I think Cui Koff suddenly asked about this weapon, it must be used to attack the fortress, so I specifically reminded him: “General Cui Koff, this kind of simple artillery uses a parabolic method to launch explosive packets. The top of the German fortress. The cover is so thick, I am worried that after the dynamite bag is dropped, it will not have any effect.”

“Pozharsky’s special artillery shells will not be shipped until a day or two. During this time we can’t do nothing, right?” Cui Kefu said helplessly. Since this kind of self-made artillery had such a good attack effect at the beginning, the effect should be similar to that used to deal with the German fortress.”

Although I know it won’t have much effect, since Cui Kefu is so stubborn, it doesn’t matter to try it, it’s better than letting the commanders sit idle. In this way, the engineers rushed to produce fifty “unconscionable cannons” within an hour, ready to be used against the German fortresses.

The infantry fighters with “unconscionable artillery”, using the cover of the ruined wall, approached within 80 meters of the fortress, and set up empty oil drums on the rubble. After stuffing the explosive package into the oil drum, they lit the fuze and then hid in a safe place to observe the effect of the attack.

The dynamite bag fell on the top cover of the fortress, and a series of earth-shaking noises burst out, giving the impression that nothing can survive such an explosion. But when the gunpowder dissipated, I still saw the German fortress standing in my telescope lens. The explosion just now was nothing but a scratch to it.

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