Burning Moscow

Chapter 1689

Chapter 1688 Conditions for surrender

Seeing that the German soldiers who came out were all killed by their own people, Cui Kefu couldn’t help but itch with anger. He said viciously: “These vicious fascists seem to be going to fight to the end. Otherwise, they would not be so frenzied to suppress these soldiers who are trying to restore their sanity.”

We went back to the command post downstairs and discussed how to seize this strong core fort. I heard Shemenkov say to Trikov: “Comrade Commander, the fortifications of the core fortress and the fortifications outside the fortress are guaranteed. The shooting holes and dark firepower points of their blockade trenches are all exposed to the ground. In this way, we will be exposed to the ground. It is impossible to use explosive barrel blasting to destroy German firepower points.”

“On the way here, I saw a lot of self-propelled artillery and heavy howitzer positions outside,” Cuikov said, looking up at Shemenkov: “We can use artillery to destroy the German fortifications and then blow up the trenches. Pave a road that can be used by tanks.”

“Comrade Commander,” Shemenkov sighed and said in a regretful tone: “Judging from our bombardment with 203mm heavy howitzers, the effect is not obvious. Our heavy artillery can only be used on the enemy’s fortifications. Under the humble crater, it will take a long time to explode the fortress wall.”

“Maybe we can besiege the core fort without attacking,” Deputy Commander Dukhanov said: “Frequent attacks will only increase the unnecessary sacrifices of the troops, so I think as long as the enemy is surrounded, they will not be able to persist. What a long time.”

“This is useless,” Cui Kefu said, shaking his head. “According to what we know, the defenders of the core fort have water, food and medicine reserves that can last for one or two months. Even if they are besieged by us, they will not Cause panic among the enemy.”

“Let me just say a few words.” Seeing that everyone was at a loss, I couldn’t help but interject: “We should replenish the artillery and tank units with ammunition, and let them concentrate their artillery fire on the shooting holes of the core fort. I I believe it won’t take long before we can blast a gap in the fortress wall, and then we will send engineers to enter the gap and place explosives for blasting to open a path for tanks to pass.”

“This is a good way.” After Dukhanov heard what I said, he looked at Cuikov and said: “If concrete destructive bombs are used, maybe we can speed up the process.”

“The artillery’s concrete destructive shells are not infinite,” Cui Kefu said a little frustrated: “A total of more than a hundred rounds. We consumed a lot when we broke through the fortress area in the early stage. Now even if we spend all the rest on It is estimated that this area will not be able to blow up the fortress wall.”

As a result of the final discussion, even if the artillery and tanks were ordered to continuously bombard the German fortresses, we had to use the most stupid method to bite down the German core fortress bit by bit.

When I returned to the headquarters of the Group Army, I called Zhukov, and after reporting the situation to him, I asked casually: “Comrade Marshal, do you have any encouraging news?”

“The troops of the Fifth Assault Army have entered Kinitz.” Zhukov said unexpectedly: “Because our troops have successfully crossed the Oder River, their advancing speed is so fast that when the tanks rushed into the city , The Germans have not yet reacted. The German soldiers patrolling the streets, watching the long line of tanks passing by them, thought they were troops withdrawn from the front line. And many officers were still sitting leisurely in the coffee After drinking coffee in the hall, I became our captive in a daze…”

I quickly found the location of Kinitz on the map and said in surprise: “Comrade Marshal, here is only 70 kilometers from Berlin. If an armored force is sent to carry out an assault, it will take up to two hours to reach Berlin. ”

“In theory, your calculation is correct.” Zhukov was rarely in a happy mood and chatted with me: “However, after our army occupied Kinitz, the Germans increased their vigilance and were on the road to Berlin. The defense has been strengthened. In particular, the Zerauf Heights, which has been heavily deployed, has entered the first level of combat readiness. We have already missed the best time to rush into Berlin.”

“That’s really a shame.” When I think of Berlin, which is only 70 kilometers away from our vanguard, I feel very excited. I think that as long as we solve the enemy in the core of Poznan, Cuikov’s guard will The 8th Army will be able to move towards Berlin to capture the capital of the Third Reich, “But I believe that in two or three months at most, our troops will be able to enter Berlin and destroy the lair of fascist bandits.”

As soon as he saw me put down the phone, Cui Kefu immediately asked: “Lida, what did you and Marshal Zhukov talk about? I seem to have heard you mention Berlin several times. Is there any change in the enemy’s situation in that direction?”

“Yes, yeah, General Cuikov, the situation in the Berlin direction has indeed changed, but it is developing in a direction that is beneficial to our army.” After satisfying their appetite, I announced in shock, “Our fifth place. The vanguard of the assault army has successfully occupied Kinitz.”

“Kinitz City!” Upon hearing this place name, several army chiefs immediately turned their eyes to the map on the table. When they quickly found the city I was talking about, they couldn’t help exclaiming: “My God, we The vanguard of the army is only 70 kilometers away from the city of Berlin. If the armored forces are allowed to launch an assault, at most two to three hours, our tanks can rush into the city of Berlin.”

I think the speaker was Chief of Staff Vladimirov, and he quickly reminded him: “Comrade Chief of Staff, don’t forget, halfway from the Oder River to Berlin, there is a Zerauf Heights. A heavy military group is deployed here. If we do not occupy this place, then marching to Berlin will be nothing but empty words.”

After studying the map carefully, Cui Kefu raised his head and said to me: “No wonder Marshal Zhukov urged us so eagerly. It turned out that our army’s offensive strength was weakened. Without our strengthening, they would not be able to pass through the Zerauf Heights. ”

“General Cui Koff,” although I also understand the truth that haste is not enough, but seeing that the vanguard of our army is only 70 kilometers away from Berlin, I can’t help becoming a little anxious: “If we speed up the attack, it will take a few days. Can you win the German core fort?”

“We haven’t even broken through the enemy’s fortress wall now.” Cui Kefu said embarrassedly: “Even if the troops rushed into the core fort, it will take at least four or five days to eliminate the enemy in the fortress.”

Trikov’s words made me calm down again, and I couldn’t help but think of Brest Fortress. This fortress was attacked by the German army without preparation. The commanders in the fortress persisted intermittently for a month despite lack of food and clothing. Today’s core fortress is no worse than Brest Fortress. If you want to quickly seize this fortress, it will only increase casualties and it will be difficult to achieve your goal.

Seeing everyone fell silent, Dukhanov hurriedly broke the silence: “I will talk about my own views. When our gunfire destroys the shooting holes of the German army, we can send assault engineers with flamethrowers to spray inside. The flame burns to death or burns away the enemies hiding in the fortifications. After controlling some areas, blasting explosives in important areas, blasting a gap in the fortress wall, and opening up a channel for our tank troops.”

Cuikov thought about Dukhanov’s proposal for a long time, and finally nodded and said: “Well, the deputy commander’s method is good, so let’s do it!”

After two consecutive days of shelling and blasting, we finally blasted a gap in the outer wall of the fortress. After supplementary blasting, a five-meter-wide channel appeared on the wall, and the trench was filled with gravel and dirt from the blasting, so that the 259th Regiment of our tanks and the 34th Regiment of heavy tanks penetrated into the core. Fort.

Seeing that our army’s tanks entered the core fort one after another, the Germans immediately launched a wave of fierce counter-assaults. But due to their lack of tank cooperation, our commanders easily repelled their attack.

Seeing that the tanks and infantry units of our army had gained a firm foothold in the core fort, I immediately ordered Cuikov: “General Cuikov, immediately arrange for political workers who understand German to enter the core fort and call for those areas that are still occupied by the Germans. Fight for it. Use a powerful political offensive to disintegrate the German defense.”

The task of persuading the surrender was General Pronin, the military commissar of the group army. Less than an hour after he entered the core fort, he called Cui Kefu and said excitedly: “Comrade Commander, after our persuasion to surrender, the German army began to form Put down the weapon and walked out with the white flag to surrender to our army.”

“Surrender in an organizational system?” When Cui Koff heard Pronin’s report, his eyes lit up, and he quickly asked: “What scale of organizational system is it?”

“With company as a unit.” Pronin continued to report: “It was ordinary Wehrmacht soldiers who surrendered to us. According to the captive’s confession, Major General Goner, the commander of the fortress, sent SS officers to each company to supervise. Officers at all levels fought to prevent them from surrendering to our army. Now the German commander saw that our army’s armored units had rushed into the core fort, and knew that there was no point in resisting, so they killed the SS officer who oversaw them. , Led the troops to surrender to us.”

In the afternoon, Major General Glebov, commander of the 27th Guards Division, reported to Trikov: “…The triangle fort on the west side of the core fort was blocked by the guards of our division and the tanks of the 259th Regiment of Tanks and the 34th Regiment of Heavy Tanks. Deputy. The division commander General Duka issued an ultimatum to the defenders of the Triangle Fort, asking them to immediately lay down their weapons and surrender to our army.

But his proposal was rejected by the fascist officer, and the enemy continued to resist in the triangle fort. General Duka used to be the deputy commander of a certain guerrilla regiment in Belarus, and he used the usual methods used by the guerrillas to deal with the enemy. They burned the large barrels full of heavy oil and then rolled down the **** to the main entrance in the triangle fort. The scorching, suffocating smoke choked the fascist bandits out of their lair. They climbed out of the triangular fort and surrendered with their hands high. ”

There are many reports of this kind of war. The enemy was forced to lay down his weapons and surrender to our army when they were desperate. By the time it got dark, Cui Kefu’s men had captured more than 4,000 prisoners.

After listening to the number of captured German troops, Cui Kefu smiled and said: “Comrades, the results of today’s battle are not bad, not counting those killed by our army. We just captured four thousand prisoners. As far as I know, the core The defending enemy in the fort is only a little more than 20,000. If this trend continues, at most three days, the enemy in the core fort should be annihilated.”

Cui Kefu’s words aroused everyone’s laughter and at the same time let everyone see the dawn of victory. Chief of Staff Vladimirov proposed to Trikov: “Comrade Commander, since our officers and fighters have played so well, do you think we should not stop, continue to attack the enemy, and strive to annihilate them all at an early date.”

Regarding Vladimirov’s proposal, Trikov shook his head and said, “No, Comrade Chief of Staff. Although we have achieved good results, we should also see that our commanders and fighters are very tired. They should be given a good rest. One night, after dawn tomorrow, we will attack the enemy again.”

Early the next morning, General Bakanov, the commander of the 74th Guards Infantry Division, called Trikov. He hurriedly reported on the phone: “Comrade Commander I just received the call and said The German negotiators arrived at the main entrance of the core fort and hoped to negotiate with us there.”

After hearing this, Trikov said to General Bakanov: “Then you go quickly and listen to what the Germans have to say.”

After half an hour, Bakanov called again and reported to him: “Comrade Commander, the garrison of the fortress is preparing to surrender, and the former commander of the fortress, General Matten, is by his side. What do you think? ?”

“What, the former commander of the fortress is with you?” After listening to General Bakanov’s report, Trikov hesitated for a moment, and then ordered: “Take him to the National Theater immediately, and I will see him there. .”

When we arrived at Shemenkov’s headquarters by car, General Bakanov and a chubby German general were already waiting there. Seeing us appear, General Bakanov immediately greeted us and introduced us: “This is Major General Mattern, the former commander of the fortress.”

When we arrived at Shemenkov’s headquarters by car, General Bakanov and a chubby German general were already waiting there. Seeing us appear, General Bakanov immediately greeted us and introduced us: “This is Major General Mattern, the former commander of the fortress.”

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