Burning Moscow

Chapter 1698

Chapter 1697 Searchlight tactics

The battle to hide the German army in the Qing Suppression Forest lasted for ten days. We captured more than 21,700 German officers and soldiers, killed more than 320, and seized a large amount of weapons and ammunition. The battle I commanded achieved an unprecedented victory.

Seeing that there was no established German army in the forest, I asked Kulakin and Marchenko to lead their troops back to the construction, and returned to the front headquarters alone to see if there is something suitable for me to take charge. jobs.

When I returned to the headquarters, I saw Zhukov was on the phone. From the anger on his face, I knew he was definitely not happy at the moment, so I didn’t go forward to find it by myself. Instead, I pulled Malining aside and asked quietly: “Chief of Staff, what’s the matter? , The marshal’s appearance seemed very unhappy depending on the situation.”

“It’s weird to be happy.” Malinin said to me in a low voice: “General Katukov’s battle in the Pomerania area was not going well. The marshal ordered the 9th tank army and the cavalry guards last night. The 7th Army and a large number of artillery, engineering units and materials were also transferred there, hoping to eliminate the Germans in the dozen or so divisions as soon as possible.”

I heard that Katukov spent more than ten days without waiting to smash the enemy in Pomerania. I also feel very nervous. Is there any deviation in history here? Thinking of this, I continued to ask Malinen: “Chief of Staff, I remember that Marshal Rokosovsky’s troops are near Pomerania. Didn’t they send out to cooperate with our army?”

“Who said no,” Malinin took a look at Zhukov, who was violently on the phone, and then said: “The base camp orders Marshal Rokosovsky to command the Second Front from the Grodenz-Latzeburg area. Attack, crush the enemies of Eastern Pomerania, occupy Danzig, and go out to the Baltic coast. But…”

I saw Ma Lining hesitating to speak, and hurriedly said instead of him: “But their strength and technical equipment are not enough, so they can’t carry out this order from the base camp, right?”

“Yes, that’s the situation.” Ma Lining answered truthfully: “However, due to insufficient troops, the Second Front Army was unable to complete all the tasks it received.”

“So, if you want to continue the offensive, you must first replenish Marshal Rokosovsky’s troops?” Upon hearing this, I felt as if I had guessed the reason for Zhukov’s rage, and then asked: “I don’t know. When will the base camp supplement the Second Front Army?”

“The base camp has decided to place the 19th Army under the command of Marshal Rokosovsky. But…” Malinin said bitterly: “From the current transportation capacity, the 19th Army must be in place, at least. Waiting for ten days and a half month, Comrade Marshal is on fire for this.”

After I figured out the cause of Zhukov’s fire, I finally felt at ease. It turned out that he was rushing into the transportation department, so I don’t have to worry about getting hurt. I re-searched a topic and asked Malinen: “The Chief of Staff, as far as I know, the commander of the 19th Army, Lieutenant General Kozlov, was unfortunately injured in the fighting in November last year. The injury should not have healed yet. I don’t know why. Who will replace him in command of this force?”

“It’s Lieutenant General Romanovsky, he is also a commander with rich combat experience,” Malinin introduced to me the resume of the new commander of the group army: “In April 1942, he succeeded Vasily Ivanovich. Kuznetsov served as commander of the First Assault Army and participated in the Battle of Demyansk; in December he became commander of the Second Assault Army, and as the main force of the Volkhov Front, he broke through the German blockade of Leningrad. 44 years 1 In May, the deputy commander of the 4th Ukrainian Front served as Tolbhin’s deputy, mainly to learn how to break through…”

When I heard Kuznetsov’s name, I suddenly remembered that the soldiers who planted the red flag on the top floor of the Reichstag in Berlin were Kuznetsov’s subordinates, but they belonged to the 3rd Assault Army. The commander of the group army is also Lieutenant General Simonyak, and will not be changed to General Kuznetsov until March. If our army did invade Berlin at the end of February, then the effort to liberate Berlin would have nothing to do with Kuznetsov, and fall on Simoniak.

Just when I was thinking that Kuznetsov might pass by such a feat, Zhukov had already finished the phone call. He saw that he was chatting with Ma Lining and immediately greeted me: “Lida, come to me.”

I quickly walked towards Zhukov, stood straight in front of him, and waited respectfully for his instructions. Zhukov looked up at me and asked, “All the enemies in the forest are eliminated?”

“Yes, Comrade Marshal,” I was very proud of what he asked, and I quickly replied: “We have cleared the entire forest. There are no longer any remnants of the German army in it.” After that, I took the prepared report from my pocket and handed it to him.

After reading the battle report, Zhukov nodded in satisfaction, then looked up at me again and said, “Lida, since the German forces on the east bank of the Oder River have been resolved, then we can concentrate all our forces to deal with the enemies on the left bank. Now. Do you have any good ideas?”

“No!” I replied very decisively, “I just returned to the headquarters and I don’t know the situation on the left bank yet, so I can’t provide any good solutions. If you can give me two to three days, let me come in person. Go on the ground and investigate, maybe I can find a good way.”

“After Katukov’s troops return from Pomerania, our focus will be on the Zerauf Heights on the left bank. This is the last barrier to Berlin. As long as we take this high ground, we will The road to Berlin will be unimpeded.” Zhukov looked at me with trust and said, “I know you have many ideas, so I hope you can go to the front to see more. After understanding the situation on the battlefield, work out a plan. A practical offensive plan to take the high ground as soon as possible.”

I didn’t expect that Zhukov would entrust such a difficult task to himself as soon as I returned to the headquarters. Although I remember that the attack on the Zerauf Heights in the movie only took a few minutes, but it is not an easy task to take the Zerauf Heights after being in this environment.

Not to mention the high ground that is about to be captured, at this moment, it is like the same wall blocking our forehead, even if the attack is made, only a few small ones on the left bank will appear in 6 games. The more than one hundred and two hundred thousand troops involved in the battle are simply unable to deploy in such a small area, and once the German army has assembled our army and carried out fierce shelling, it will inevitably cause heavy casualties to our army.

Zhukov saw me standing in place and couldn’t help asking: “Lida, what are you thinking about?”

“Comrade Marshal,” in front of Zhukov, I didn’t want to hide my true thoughts: “Our 6 games on the left bank of the Oder River are limited in area, so we can’t deploy too many offensive troops…”

“Don’t worry about this.” Zhukov interrupted me before I was finished, and said to himself: “The surface of the Oder River is narrow, and the narrowest place is only one or two hundred meters. Even if the offensive battle begins. After that, it is too late to cross the river with the troops on the east bank.”

Just after Zhukov said this, he seemed to think of something. He frowned slightly, called Malinen over, and said to him: “In order to disintegrate the German military, what do you think we should do when we are attacking? ”

“Do something?” Hearing Zhukov’s question, Malinin frowned and thought about it. For a long time, he said tentatively: “Can we use the loudspeaker to talk to the German army every day or play music to persuade them to surrender? ?”

“This is unrealistic.” Zhukov did not hesitate to deny Malinin’s proposal: “The enemy’s defense depth has reached five or six kilometers. Even if the enemy surrenders to us in a few areas, it will not have a big impact on the overall situation. ”

When I heard this, a thought came to my mind, and my heart said: Zhukov will not put forward a plan to use searchlights in offense at this time, right? I quickly held my breath and waited patiently for Zhukov to continue.

“Comrade Chief of Staff, you have misunderstood what I meant. I was talking about what measures should we take to deter the enemy when the troops attack.” He was afraid that Malinin and I would not understand him, and he gave an example: “In the battle to liberate Kiev, Lebarko’s tank unit used buzzer on the tank to psychologically deter the German defenders.”

After listening to Zhukov’s words, Ma Lining said helplessly: “Comrade Marshal, the left bank is all hilly areas. We can’t put a large number of tanks into battle at the same time, so I think it’s inappropriate to use the buzzer.”

Zhukov waved his hand and said: “You still didn’t mean to me immediately. I mean that the tweeter interfered with the minds of the German troops and played a deterrent effect on them, but it does not mean that when we attacked the Zerauf Heights, we also To use the buzzer, we can use other equipment.”

As soon as Zhukov finished speaking, I felt like a mirror in my heart, knowing that he really planned to use searchlights to illuminate the attack. However, in order not to become the sacred stick in his mind, I did not immediately tell his plan, but pretended to be confused and asked Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal, what should we use?”

“Searchlight!” As expected, Zhukov said the searchlight, but in order to cooperate with him, I still pretended to be surprised: “Comrade Marshal, I don’t know how we should use searchlights to deter the enemy?”

“It’s very simple.” Seeing that neither Ma Lining nor I had guessed the plan he had envisaged, Zhukov quickly showed a smug smile, and he continued: “I plan to use one hundred and fifty high-power searchlights after the attack begins. Illuminate to the enemy’s defensive positions, so that the enemy hiding in the trenches will be invisible, and at the same time point out the direction of attack for our commanders.”

Hearing what Zhukov said, I quickly turned my gaze to Malinin to see if he would raise any objections. I saw Ma Lining frowned. After a moment of silence, I finally raised my objection: “Comrade Marshal, I think this is a bit inappropriate.”

“What’s wrong?” Zhukov heard Malinin’s words, a look of displeasure flashed across his face.

“If you use searchlights to illuminate it, I don’t think it will do much.” Malinin did not notice the dissatisfaction on Zhukov’s face, but said to himself: “On the contrary, the enemy can see our offensive troops clearly. In this way, our commanders and fighters may become targets for German shooting. Comrade Marshal, please carefully consider not using such risky and inappropriate things.”

After listening to Malinin’s words, Zhukov’s face was cast a shadow, he turned his gaze to me, and asked coldly: “Lida, what do you think?”

The question of whether searchlights should be used in the attack on the Zerauf Heights has been debated in later generations. The front side felt that the searchlight in the offensive did deter the German army and pointed the direction for the offensive troops; while the opposite side believed that due to the interference of gunpowder and mist, the Soviet searchlight was not bright and did not illuminate the road for the troops, on the contrary, it was bright and dark. The uncertain light made the offensive troops confused about the true direction of the offensive. At the same time, the Germans could clearly see the Soviet commanders and fighters on the offensive, and thus eliminated countless commanders and fighters before their fortifications like a target.

Because these two disputes have been at odds with each other, I also feel very confused. I don’t know whether I should support Zhukov or stand on Malinin’s side.

Seeing my delay in speaking, Zhukov seemed a little impatient. He urged: “Lida, what do you think, just say it. Even if you say something wrong, I won’t blame you. You don’t need to have any mentality. burden.”

Hearing Zhukov urging me, I couldn’t help but shocked, and at the same time I secretly made up my mind. Anyway, in real history, Zhukov did use searchlights during the attack on the Zerauf Heights, so I should support him. There is nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, I replied decisively: “Comrade Marshal, I agree with your point of view. When attacking, use 15o high-power searchlights to illuminate the German defensive positions, deter them, and point out the direction for our offensive troops Lida,” Ma Lining became anxious as soon as I finished speaking, “I think it is inappropriate to use searchlights when attacking…”

Seeing that Ma Lining was still stubborn, I was afraid that Zhukov would be angry with him, so I quickly came out and said: “But Comrade Marshal, whether to use searchlights, we should still test it through practice. I think we should find a place to try. The effect, do you see this okay?”

My proposal was acceptable to both Zhukov and Malinin. After the two nodded in agreement, Zhukov told Malinin: “Chief of Staff, I will give you full responsibility for the test.”

“Don’t worry, Comrade Marshal.” Ma Lining patted his chest and assured Zhukov: “I will make arrangements, I will not be disappointed in you.” After speaking, he came to the spot and stood at attention, then turned and walked out. I went to the headquarters and went to handle related matters.

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