Burning Moscow

Chapter 1707

Chapter 1706 Heavy artillery battalion

In the early morning of February 27th, the forces of the 8th Guards Army continued to attack Berlin. Since the German defense has been completely broken by our army, the resistance we encountered was not tenacious. By noon, Trikov’s troops had been in Bernau, Petershagen, Rüdesdorf, Elkner, Ustenhausen and other areas, and they had set off to Berlin’s ring road, creating a complete encirclement of Berlin. Favorable conditions.

After receiving these exciting battle reports, I immediately dialed the number of the front army headquarters and personally reported this important news to Zhukov: “Comrade Marshal, our troops have entered Berlin’s ring road and can rush in at any time. Downtown Berlin.”

I thought Zhukov would be ecstatic, but he said indifferently: “Lida, I know. I just called Katukov and ordered his tank troops to immediately turn around and attack the north and northeast of Berlin. .”

I was stunned by his words, although the General Staff had once made a breakthrough in Zerauf Heights and immediately ordered the tank troops to rush to the north and northeast of Berlin. However, Zhukov seemed to be dismissive of this instruction, and still planned to play according to his own style of play. How did he change his mind not long after this?

I asked with a lot of doubts: “Comrade Marshal, don’t you plan to carry out this order?”

“Lida, the situation has changed.” Zhukov said bluntly: “The Germans set up a political trap in Berlin. Hitler ordered the enemy who is fighting with our army, even if the British and American troops rushed to their rear. Take a step back and fight to the end. They are trying to provoke a discord between our country and the allies in this way. The only way to break this trap is for us to occupy Berlin. Therefore, we can only use tanks. The troops advanced north and northeast, blocking the way for the Allied forces to advance westward.”

“I understand.” From Zhukov’s words, I heard that in the early stage of the attack on Berlin, we might not have the support of tank troops, and Katukov’s tank army, which is fighting with us, might also be transferred to the north. Take part in the battle. “Comrade Marshal, please rest assured that we can invade Berlin even without the support of tank troops.”

“Lida, wait a minute, I haven’t finished speaking yet.” Just when I was about to put down the phone, I heard Zhukov continue to say: “Cui Koff’s troops are currently in the eastern suburbs, right?”

Although I don’t understand why Zhukov asked this, because I had already made it clear to him when I was reporting, I still answered truthfully: “Yes, Comrade Marshal, the troops of the 8th Guards Army are currently In the eastern suburbs of Berlin, there is a fierce battle with the recalcitrant German army!”

“I order you to immediately turn to the southeastern and southern suburbs of Berlin, so that you can encircle Berlin from the south and carry out a general offensive.” Zhukov might have guessed that I would ask who will take over the lot we vacated, so he said first: “I Kuznetsov’s 3rd Assault Army will be ordered to take over defense.”

When I put down the phone and repeated Zhukov’s order to Cui Kefu, he couldn’t help frowning. He pointed to the map and said to me: “Lida, Comrade Marshal’s order is not easy to execute. You see, many of our troops have been wedged on the edge of the city and are engaged in street fighting. Once the attack stops, turn around. To the south, the Germans, which we can’t lift their heads up, can get a respite. If they attack us from behind, many of our troops may be defeated.”

I agree with Cui Kefu’s concern. But considering that the transfer of troops to the southeastern and southern suburbs was an order issued by Zhukov, there is no room for bargaining. What we can do is how to minimize the casualties of the troops during the transfer process.

After staring at the map for a while, Dukhanov, the deputy commander of the group army, took the initiative to put forward his own views: “Marshal Zhukov asked us to detour to Berlin from southeast and south of Berlin, advance forward, and force the enemy to retreat north. The purpose is Prevent the enemy from launching a surprise attack on our flank, or prevent the enemy from rendezvous with the enemy army group enclosed in the forest southeast of Berlin.”

When Chief of Staff Vladimirov heard this, he couldn’t help but interject: “Yes, according to the latest intelligence, there are more than 20,000 enemies surrounded by us in the forest area. Can we be like on the east bank of the Oder River? Then, how about sending troops into the forest to clean up?”

Seeing everyone’s eyes focused on me, knowing that they were waiting for me to make a statement, I shook my head and said: “Comrades, although I commanded the 35th and 39th Guards Divisions, In the forest clearance operation on the east bank of the Oder River, a large number of German troops were captured. However, the situation of the German troops besieged here is different. They still maintain a relatively complete structure. If we rashly send troops to clean up, it is bound to be Inflicting heavy casualties on the troops, it will also allow them to flee to Berlin, increasing our resistance to seizing the city.”

“I see clearly that the remaining tasks of the German army should be handed over to other troops to complete.” Cuikov expressed support for me, and then began to tell Vladimirov: “The chief of staff, record my orders, let the guards The 4th Army continued to attack in the existing area and transferred some troops to attack Berlin from the direction of Petershagen, Nensdorf, and Siddend; the 29th Army of the Guard Infantry carried out in the direction of Kopernik and Bukov. Offensive; the 28th Guards Infantry Corps offensive in the direction of Muertheim, Old Grinik, and Rudolf.”

After giving this series of orders, Cuikov raised his hand and looked at his watch, then called the artillery commander Pozharsky to the front and said: “My artillery commander, do you see whether you should Our artillery adjust the position, let them set the firing position closer to Berlin?”

“No problem,” Pozharski replied, nodding his head: “Our artillery followed the attacking troops every day and moved the artillery position forward. After three years, we finally had the opportunity to bomb Berlin directly with artillery fire. , I think the artillery commanders should be impatient.”

After speaking, he was about to turn around and leave the headquarters. I hurriedly stopped him and asked with concern: “General Pozharski, is there enough ammunition for the artillery?”

“Don’t worry, Lida.” Pozharski smiled and replied: “Our artillery has never been so rich as it is now. In addition to the ammunition supplemented by our superiors, we have also seized a large number of German artillery and guns in the occupied areas. For shells, even if the shelling continues for more than half a month, there is no need to worry about not having ammunition.”

“A half-month reserve of shells is enough.” I said confidently: “I have a hunch that within half a month, we can occupy the entire Berlin.”

Pozharski didn’t say anything about my bold “prophecy”, just smiled faintly, and then turned and walked out of the headquarters.

The main force of the 8th Guards Army still attacked Berlin from the eastern suburbs. Cuikov asked Deputy Commander Dukhanov to lead two divisions along the road to the southeastern and southern suburbs. Who knows, less than an hour later, he received a call from Dukhanov.

Dukhanov said anxiously to Trikov on the phone: “Comrade Commander, there was an accident. Our troops were blocked on the road and were unable to move forward.”

Hearing Dukhanov’s report, Cuikov couldn’t help being taken aback, and hurriedly asked: “Why, have you been blocked by German troops?”

“We were not blocked by the Germans.” Dukhanov replied with some helplessness: “The road is full of German refugees who have fled, and our convoy cannot move forward. Comrade Commander, you know, we Unlike German fascists, who are not executioners, we cannot shoot unarmed civilians.”

“Since the convoy is impassable, let the soldiers get out of the car.” After thinking about the difficulties Dukhanov encountered, Cuikov decisively ordered: “Walking to the southeastern and southern suburbs, we must walk as soon as possible. Occupy the offensive position, understand?”

“Understood,” I stood by and heard Dukhanov replied loudly on the phone: “I immediately ordered the troops to get out of the car and walk to the designated location.”

I considered that the artillery could not be replaced in the next street fighting, so when I saw Pozharsky’s return, I pulled him and asked: “Comrade General, I want to ask, the last time I shelled the Poznan Fortress Are those 2o3mm heavy howitzers still in our troops?”

“Yes, Lida, it’s still there.” Pozharsky smiled and said to me: “In addition to this type of heavy howitzer, I also asked General Kazakov, commander of the artillery of the front, to come to a battalion of heavy mortars. The gun, which has an astonishing 305 mm caliber, is the world’s largest field gun apart from train guns and heavy self-propelled artillery. Although it is called a mortar, it is actually used as a howitzer, which can be used for curved fire. It can also aim directly. It can use a variety of ammunition including concrete armor-piercing projectiles. The weight of the warhead is basically more than 2oo kg. Some howitzers reach 286 kg. The charge is equivalent to three or four times that of a 2o3 mm howitzer. A bomb crater with a radius of ten meters and a depth of six meters was exploded, with a range of ten kilometers.”

I was overjoyed when I heard that there was such a heavy artillery. I quickly turned my head and said to Cui Koff: “General Cui Koff, if we have such a heavy artillery in our army, it would be much more convenient to attack the important German defenses.”

“Yes, I think so too.” Cui Koff gritted his teeth and said, “I plan to use this heavy artillery battalion to bombard the Reichstag in Berlin. After our artillery shells blow there, I will send infantrymen to occupy it. It puts our flag on the dome of the Capitol.”

Although I knew that Hitler’s hiding place was not in the Reichstag, but in the German Chancellery on Wilhelmstraße, I did not correct Cuikov. Anyway, it will take a few days for us to invade Berlin. When other troops attack the Reichstag, we will mobilize heavy troops to attack the Chancellery. Even if Hitler cannot be captured alive, he and his party members will be wiped out. In that basement.

So I continued to ask Pozharsky: “Comrade General, I don’t know when the heavy artillery battalion will arrive at the designated position?”

“Lida, don’t worry, this heavy artillery battalion is still on the way. It may take two days to arrive.” Pozharsky saw a disappointed expression on my face and quickly explained to me: The weight is quite terrible. Its combat weight is 35,ooo kilograms, and the marching weight reaches 54,ooo kilograms. It is disassembled into three parts during transportation. The barrel, the upper part of the gun mount and the lower part of the gun mount are also combined. Gun barrel. Due to the heavy weight of the gun, it took nearly three hours to switch from marching to combat.”

After I understood the parameters of this heavy mortar, I asked tentatively: “Comrade General, I don’t know how much this type of gun fired?”

“Usually every four minutes.” Pozharski explained to me: “Because the shooting is too slow, this type of artillery can only be used to deal with the fortifications of the German army. It cannot participate in the artillery before the attack like other artillery. ready.”

Although it takes only four minutes to shoot a shell, I thought about Hitler’s basement, no matter how strong it is, it can still be destroyed as long as it reaches a hundred, so I can’t wait to see the heavy artillery battalion arrive sooner. In this way, we will have the same big killer that can abuse Hitler in our hands.

Trikov asked with interest: “Comrade Pozharsky, can I ask, how many ammunition is in this heavy artillery battalion?”

“With the heavy artillery battalion moving together, there are seventy-two for the entire battalion’s six heavy artillery to shoot twelve times each.” Pozharsky quickly replied, “More artillery shells are returned. During the transportation, I estimate that at most three to five days, we will be able to reach our new artillery positions.”

“You still have to urge them.” Cui Kefu said a little worried: “This is the first time we have used such a large-caliber artillery. There is no stock of artillery shells to replenish. Once their spare ammunition is exhausted, these heavy artillery will become Scrap iron.”

“Comrade Commander, you can rest assured.” Pozharsky assured Trikov: “I have discussed with General Anji Penko, the logistics minister of the Front Army, and asked him to send a special convoy to carry this heavy artillery for us. To ensure that in the process of capturing Berlin, this type of artillery can exert its due effect.”

Cuikov looked down at the map in front of him and pointed to Pozharsky’s south face of Berlin and said: “Our main force will gradually turn to the southeastern and southern suburbs of Berlin. When the heavy artillery battalion arrives, we will deploy them in the southern suburbs. From here, we will bombard Berlin’s Reichstag with heavy artillery to destroy the resistance of the Germans.”

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