Burning Moscow

Chapter 1711

Chapter 1710 Die before leaving the school

Once upon a time, I hoped that when the Soviet and American armies met on the Elbe, I would also be one of the participants, so that there would be a chance to be recorded in the annals of history. But at this moment, I have no interest in such a big event as the reunion, because the 8th Guards Army under the command of Cui Koff and I is only a step away from the center of Berlin. As long as the troops go straight to the Chancellery and capture Hitler or the rest of the Nazi brains alive, it will be a gem.

After capturing the Tiergarten area, the troops continued to move forward. Trikov’s troops marched towards the parliament building; while Kuznetsov’s troops were ordered to attack the side of Voss Street to the intersection with Wilhelm Street. The new Imperial Chancellery of the mouth.

The smoke on the street cleared, and I saw a busy scene below: the offensive troops lined up in a three-way column, advancing quickly along one side of the street; members of the logistics unit, carrying ammunition boxes and The troops are advancing side by side; the ambulance team is rescuing the wounded on the street, or removing the remains of the victims; the workers in the repair station drove the armored tractor to tow the tanks that were destroyed on the road, for the upcoming tanks and The artillery cleared a road.

The troops of the 79th Division of Guards, which rushed forward, were soon blocked by the Landwell Canal. Although the river was not wide, the attacking troops had to temporarily stop advancing because the bridge on the river had been blown up by the Germans and there were no river crossing equipment. After receiving the report, the division commander, Colonel Semchenkov, immediately ordered the troops to cross the Landwehr Canal as quickly as possible to occupy the German communications hub and cut off Berlin’s main communications with the outside world.

No one expected that the cunning Germans deployed numerous firepower points on the embankment on the opposite bank. When a company of commanders put the taken off uniforms and weapons on their heads, they just descended into the biting river, ready to swim towards the opposite bank. At that time, the German machine gun suddenly fired. A dozen machine guns tilted down from the embankment, like a large handful of sand spilled from left to right over and over again, sweeping down the commanders and fighters of our army who had not yet woken up.

After just a few minutes, there was no more living person on the river, only nearly a hundred mutilated corpses were half-floating and half-sinking on the water, and the blood of the commanders and soldiers stained the Landville Canal red.

Seeing that the Germans had deployed numerous machine gun firepower points on the opposite bank, Colonel Semchenkov immediately reported to Trikov that there was an enemy firepower point on the opposite bank of the Landville Canal and requested artillery support.

When we received Semchenkov’s report, we had just arrived at the newly established headquarters. Pozharsky, who was standing by Cuikov, nodded and told him: “Commander of the artillery, the enemy has deployed a lot of firepower on the opposite bank of the Landville Canal, and immediately wiped them out with fierce artillery fire.”

After half an hour of artillery bombardment, the troops of the 79th Guards Division, who were ready to cross the river, carried out a forced crossing again. Although no enemy was shooting at the top of the embankment this time, a lot of shooting holes popped up on the embankment near the water. The enemy hiding inside blocked the river again with intensive firepower, which caused extreme damage to our troops crossing the river. Large casualties.

At the position of the 22nd Regiment of the division, the commanders and fighters found a complete arched bridge and immediately attacked with two tanks. Unexpectedly, the opposite side of the bridge was heavily guarded by German troops. As soon as our tanks drove to the middle of the bridge, they were fired by the tiger tanks hidden in the fortifications on the opposite bank. After a few gunshots, our tanks stopped. The bridge surface burned, and the tank soldiers had to abandon their vehicles and retreat.

Hearing that the 79th Division of the Guards had suffered setbacks in many offensives, Cuikov ordered them to suspend the offensive, rest on the south side of the Landville Canal, and wait for a new offensive tomorrow.

As soon as Cuikov put down the phone, he immediately called Pozharsky over again, and discussed with him: “Comrade Artillery Commander, the German army has many shooting holes on the **** on the north bank, which happens to be the dead spot of our artillery. Do you have any way to solve them?”

Pozharsky looked down at the map, and then said: “On the south bank of the canal, there are still many complete buildings. I can let the artillery put the artillery in the building and destroy the shooting holes in the embankment from a high level. But the premise is to figure out the specific location of these shooting holes first.”

“This is no problem,” Cui Kefu nodded and said, “I will send someone to figure out the enemy’s firepower point immediately.”

After Pozharsky left, Trikov turned his head and asked me: “Lida, do you have any good way to figure out the exact location of the German firepower point?”

“It’s actually not difficult to figure out the location of the German firepower.” If I want to hide from the sky and complete the forcible mission, I have a way. At this moment, upon hearing Cui Kefu’s question, I immediately pointed to the map and said to him: “General Cui Kefu, wait. After it gets dark, let the soldiers pack something that can float in sacks and throw them into the water. If the Germans detect something on the water, they will definitely think that our army is smuggling, and they will intercept firepower. The firepower will be exposed. After dawn, our artillery will clear them one by one with artillery fire from a high ground in a building by the river.”

“This is a good method.” After hearing this, Trikov nodded repeatedly, calling Vladimirov over and instructing: “Call Colonel Semchenkov back and ask him to send someone to carry out reconnaissance tonight.”

“Understood,” after Vladimirov agreed, he reported to Trikov: “Comrade Commander, I just got the news that the 3rd Assault Army of General Kuznetsov, after crossing the canal, They were divided into two routes, all the way to the new German Chancellery, and all the way they attacked the secret police building outside the Reichstag building. However, they were stubbornly defended by the Germans in both places and did not achieve any results.”

When I heard Vladimirov mention the new German Chancellery again, my heart beat faster, because I knew in my heart that Hitler’s hiding place was there. The current history has shifted, and perhaps Kuznetsov’s subordinates will capture Hitler and the Nazis’ brains alive by mistakes.

However, which force will attack which position is arranged by the front army headquarters. Without Zhukov’s permission, no one can change it at will, so that I know Hitler’s hiding place, but I can only change this The opportunity to make contributions is left to others.

That evening, I learned from Malinen that the five armies belonging to the front army that participated in the attack on Berlin had surrounded the Tiergarden Sandbar Regiment where Berlin’s city center was located. To the southeast are the three armies of Berzalin’s 5th Assault Army: the 26th Guards Infantry Corps, the 32nd Infantry Army and the 6th Army; to the south are the two armies of Cuikov’s Guards 8th Army: Guards No. 4 and 29th Corps; to the west are the 2nd Army of Bogdanov’s Guard Tanks and Perkhorovich’s 47th Army; to the north are the two corps of Kuznetsov’s 3rd Assault Army: The 12th Guards Infantry Corps and the 79th Infantry Corps. The Reichstag is the ultimate offensive target of our army in the Battle of Berlin. Which troop takes the lead in capturing this building will be recorded in the annals of history.

As soon as the next day broke, there was a rumble of artillery outside. This was the artillery of the group army, bombarding the German positions on the opposite bank. The artillery deployed by Pozharsky on the south bank of the canal, according to the instructions of the scouts, first used direct-pointed artillery to destroy the German firepower points hidden on the dam.

Once the shelling was over, the officers and soldiers of the 22nd Guards Regiment, under the cover of the tank battalion, rushed towards the opposite side of the arch bridge. Regrettably, although most of the German firepower points were destroyed in the bombing just now, the two German Tiger tanks hiding in the fortifications were still intact. They saw our army charged, and immediately fired artillery, destroying the three tanks at the forefront, and then used machine guns to frantically fired at our troops on the bridge. After the 22° Regiment’s offensive was frustrated, it was forced to retreat to Qiaonan and regroup in a safe place.

The news of the defeat of the 22nd Regiment to capture the arch bridge quickly spread to the headquarters of the group army. Cui Kefu couldn’t help frowning: “Our infantry can cross the river with boats from other sections, but without a bridge, our tanks and artillery can’t cross the river.”

Pozharsky also said with a headache: “I asked the artillery commander in the area. He said that according to observations, the German tanks are hidden in the blind spots of our artillery fire. Even if we bombard again, the effect will be very good. limited.”

Vladimirov looked at me and asked, “Comrade Deputy Commander, you have a lot of ideas. Do you have any good way to let our tanks cross the canal?”

As soon as his words fell, the eyes of Trikov and Pozharsky also focused on me. I stared at the map for a while, and then said: “General Cui Koff, there are actually many ways to eliminate the German tanks on the other side. For example, after crossing the river in another section, our commanders can detour back to where the enemy tanks are. Use anti-tank weapons to destroy it; there is another way, I saw that there seems to be a subway passing under the canal. If we can send a troop into the subway and let them advance along the rails, it can also be reached. The other side.”

“Good way, this is a good way,” Vladimirov applauded as soon as I finished speaking. He couldn’t wait to say to Cui Koff: “Comrade Commander, there are also German troops defending in the subway. I suggest immediately withdrawing a battalion from the group army’s direct units to form an assault battalion, and use the subway to cross the canal from the ground to seize the enemy. German positions.”

Regarding Vladimirov’s suggestion, Trikov immediately agreed, and at the time he also specially reminded Vladimirov: “I guess there is a German field hospital in the subway, and there are a large number of civilians, so you have to tell the commando, Regardless of whether the opponent is a soldier or a civilian, as long as they do not have weapons in their hands, don’t hurt them casually.

At noon, Cuikov’s troops successfully cleared the tiger tanks from the German positions on the opposite bank, and continued to drive the tanks and artillery 6 to the north bank of the canal through the arch bridge. After a fierce battle, the troops of the 79th Guards Division occupied the German communications hub and cut off Berlin’s communications with the outside world.

At the same time, the 15th and 171st Divisions of Kuznetsov’s 79th Infantry Corps continued to attack the secret police building; while the 12th Guards Infantry Corps was attacking the German Chancellery. The German troops holding these two areas were extremely tenacious, and even if there was only one person left on the battlefield, they would never take a step back. Even some of the seriously wounded, taking advantage of our army commanders and combatants approaching them, decisively rang the grenades hidden in their bodies and burned them all.

On the morning of March 5th, we received an exciting news that the 117th regiment of the 39th Guards Division, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Gritsenko, had appeared in the Reichstag square after clearing out the German fortifications along the way. On the opposite side, they prepared to attack the Capitol after a short break.

After receiving this news, Cui Koff was really overjoyed, because the 117th Guards Regiment was the first unit to settle the Reichstag in the entire Soviet army. They will be recorded in the annals of history because of this.

But I am not as optimistic as Cui Kefu, because there are two thousand of the most elite SS guards in the Capitol, and it is a bit too whimsical to want to take this place with an incomplete regiment. I quickly reminded everyone who was a little overwhelmed: “The Capitol is not an ordinary place. I think the enemy must have deployed heavy troops for defense. The 117th Guards Regiment is a lightly armed regiment. There are no heavy weapons, let alone tanks and artillery. It is very difficult to seize this place alone. Do you think they should stop temporarily and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive before attacking?”

“Comrade Deputy Commander, what’s the matter with you?” As soon as I finished speaking, Vladimirov retorted me: “Look at the other army groups rushing towards the Parliament building from all directions. If we don’t If you act as soon as possible, the honor of this building will fall into the hands of other troops.”

“Yes, the chief of staff is right.” I thought Cui Koff could listen to my advice, but he said confidently: “I know Lieutenant Colonel Gritsenko. He is resourceful, determined and very brave. People Let him direct the troops to attack the Capitol, I am very relieved. If we order them to stop and wait for the follow-up troops now, then it is very likely that the friendly forces will rush into the Capitol first, so we must Let’s try to attack first and figure out the deployment of German firepower.”

Seeing everyone advocating for the Gritsenko regiment to launch a tentative offensive, I can’t say anything else. After all, Cui Koff is the commander of the group army. Although I have a higher rank than him, I can’t do it on behalf of me and give orders to the troops below. For the matter, they could only acquiesce in their order to send death to the 117th Guards Regiment.

After less than half an hour, we received a report from the front. The 117th Guards Regiment that attacked the Capitol was hit by German fire from the Kroll Theater hidden across the square, and the German artillery stationed on top of the Capitol directly bombarded our troops on the square. Commander.

The attack on the Capitol failed. The troops with heavy casualties had to retreat to a safe place, and the regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel Gritsenko, was also killed by seven bullets in the process of commanding the troops to retreat.

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