Burning Moscow

Chapter 1715

Chapter 1704 Searching for Hitler (middle)

After the opponent approached, I took advantage of the burning flames of the distant building to see clearly the epaulettes of the opponent’s army coat. It turned out to be a lieutenant colonel. When the lieutenant colonel came to me, he said in an apologetic tone: “Comrade Deputy Commander of the Front Army, I am the Chief of Staff of the 756th Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Volvo, and you are welcome to come here to us. Because there may be German soldiers ambushing nearby. Sniper, please forgive me for not being able to salute you.”

Hearing what the other party said, I said understandingly: “Take me to your headquarters.”

Under the guidance of Volvo, I came to the Chancellery not far away. It may be because the German army carried out a tenacious defense here. Our army had to use artillery to destroy the enemy’s firepower, so that the walls were everywhere. Blast the gap. Occasionally there are two walls that have not collapsed, and the walls are also full of pitted craters.

There was a newly built sandbag fortification at the gate, and a Maxim heavy machine gun was mounted behind it. The soldiers sitting in the fortifications saw the arrival of our group and hurriedly got up and straightened their backs to pay attention to us.

As soon as he walked into the hall, a few people greeted him immediately, and a colonel was walking in the front. Lieutenant Colonel Volvo quickly approached my ear and introduced to me: “This is the head of our regiment.”

The colonel walked in front of me, stood upright and reported to me: “Comrade General, I am the commander of the 756th regiment, Colonel Jinqinke, and I welcome you on behalf of the entire regiment!”

Before coming here, I always felt that the number of the 756th regiment was quite familiar, but I never remembered where I heard it. At this moment, when I heard the regimental leader report his own home, I immediately remembered, isn’t it the commander of this regiment who planted the red flag on the roof of the Capitol?

Thinking of this, I shook hands with Zinchenko and asked curiously: “Comrade Colonel, why is your regiment stationed in the new Chancellery of Germany?”

“Not long after our army occupied here, the commander of the Germans will counterattack, so we will leave our regiment.” Zinchenko said with regret: “Tomorrow, the other two regiments in the division will participate in the counterattack. For the attack on the Capitol, only our regiment stayed here as a reserve team.”

“Comrade Colonel, don’t worry, good steel needs to be used on the blade.” I smiled and said to the frustrated Zinchenko: “As far as I know, the enemies who stand by in the Reichstag are stubborn Nazis, even if they The last person in the battle will not lay down their weapons and surrender, so the attack there will be extremely cruel. I think your regiment will go up sooner or later.”

My words made Colonel Zinchenko happy. He turned to one side and made a gesture of asking: “Please, Comrade General, let’s go to the office and talk.”

As Zinchenko walked forward, I kept looking at the surrounding environment. The hall was full of concrete blocks falling off the top, as well as smashed helmets, empty first aid kits, blood-stained bandages, empty cans, empty magazines, and so on. Near the corner, there are still piles of corpses, which should be collected German corpses.

I just glanced at it casually, but soon there was something wrong. Among the corpses, several naked bodies were vaguely seen. Although it is March, the sky is still very cold. The officers and soldiers of the enemy and us are wearing military coats. Could it be possible that the defenders here go into battle shirtless?

I turned around, walked towards the corner, and stopped where there were a few more dead bodies. The light here is a bit dim, so I asked someone to find a steam lamp to illuminate it.

Under the shining of the light, although only the back of the naked body can be seen, from the fair and smooth skin, I can tell that these are a few female corpses. I turned my head to look at Zinchenko, and pointed my finger at the corpse and asked, “Comrade Colonel, can you explain to me what happened to these corpses?”

“Comrade General,” Zinchenko hurriedly replied after seeing me on fire. “It was not our soldiers who did it. After we occupied this place, these corpses are now in the corpses on the ground floor. I guess it was the Germans who did it.” .”

I stared at Zinchenko for a while, and saw that he did not look like a liar, so I nodded and said: “Comrade Colonel, I believe you, I believe your subordinates will not do things that are inferior to animals. Okay. , Now take me to your office!”

Zinchenko’s office is on the first floor. It should be a place easily occupied by our army. The desks, chairs and file cabinets in it are all intact, and there is no trace of fighting. However, the ground is full of printed materials, handwritten materials, dossiers, and various answers. Although I have been to the German command headquarters occupied by our army, I have the impression that the Germans are very strict in doing things to prevent The documents or materials left will reveal the communication passwords of the troops, I think about the frequency and call codes. When they transfer, they will destroy important things. This is the first time I have seen such a messy office.

After I sat down at the desk, I suddenly smelled a bad smell, so I frowned and asked Zinchenko: “Comrade Colonel, what’s the matter, where does the smell come from?”

“That’s it, Comrade General.” Hearing my question, Zinchenko replied with some embarrassment: “There is a toilet next to it. Since the water and electricity in the building have been cut off, our soldiers used the toilet. , It cannot be cleaned up, so the waterway has been blocked. In addition, there is no electricity and the ventilation equipment cannot be used, so you will smell the smell.”

Seeing that Zinchenko and the others can tolerate such a smell, I can’t say anything. I can only bite the bullet and continue sitting behind the desk, looking at Zinchenko and asking: “Comrade Colonel, there are prisoners in the building. Germans? I want to ask them something.”

Regarding this question of mine, Zinchenko did not answer immediately, but turned his attention to his chief of staff for help. Lieutenant Colonel Volvo quickly stepped forward and replied: “Yes, Comrade General. We captured more than a hundred wounded soldiers and several military doctors. At the moment they are in the makeshift hospital in the basement.”

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, go and bring the prisoner with the highest rank!” I told Lieutenant Colonel Volvo: “I have something important to ask him.”

As soon as Lieutenant Colonel Volvo left, Zinchenko asked curiously: “Comrade General, the superior said that you have an important mission here. Let our regiment fully cooperate with you. Can you tell me what is the matter? , What can we do for you?”

I considered that the assault engineers I brought only had about two hundred men. If Hitler’s bunker was found and these Nazi bandits were to be taken out of the ground, the troops might still be a little insufficient. It is inevitable that I would use the 756th Regiment. He nodded and said to Zinchenko: “Comrade Colonel, tell you the truth, I am here this time to find Hitler’s hiding place.”

“What, Hitler’s hiding place?” Zinchenko heard me say this, and his eyes widened in surprise: “Comrade General, you mean Hitler is hiding nearby?”

“Yes, I guess the hiding place of Hitler and the Nazi bandits is near the Chancellery.” I looked at Zinchenko and said, “Our task is to find the entrance to Hitler’s bunker and get them all from inside. Driven out.”

Hearing that Hitler’s hiding place was nearby, Zinchenko suddenly became excited. He walked back and forth in the room, rubbing his hands constantly, and said incoherently: “Hitler is here…great, Hitler, Hitler…I must catch you and hang you on a street lamp to avenge our sacrificed comrades…”

There was a rush of footsteps at the door. After a while, I watched Lieutenant Colonel Volvo come in. Behind him was a middle-aged soldier in a white coat. The coat was full of blood. It should be him. It splashed on the body while treating the wounded.

Although he is our enemy, he is also a doctor who rescues the wounded, and he has become our prisoner. So I quickly stood up, nodded at him, and said, “Hello, Mr. Military Doctor, can you understand Russian?”

“Yes, Your Excellency General, I can understand Russian.” The other party asked me to greet him on the initiative, which seemed a little surprised, and quickly replied in a slightly blunt Russian: “I am a military medical lieutenant colonel Rolf, what can I do? Did it work for you?”

Naturally, I wouldn’t directly ask where the entrance of Hitler’s bunker was when I came up, so that the Rolf military doctor who was still vigilant might tell me that he didn’t know at all. So I want to ask the corpses that appeared in the hall: “Mr. Military Doctor, when I came in, I saw the corpses of many women in the hall. Can you tell me how they died?”

“Of course, they all committed suicide.” Rolf replied: “All of us know that this great city is about to fall. Those women are afraid of being attacked by the Russians so they fled. After leaving their house in Berlin, they took refuge here. They took the initiative to throw themselves into the arms of the soldiers defending the Chancellery, or got into their beds. I even saw a general chasing in the hall after getting drunk. A half-naked female communicator…

When your army began to attack the Prime Minister’s Office, those women felt that the end was coming, and asked the soldiers to shoot themselves to death, or take the highly toxic drugs obtained from other military doctors. If you have ever been to the second or third floor, you will see more corpses who committed suicide by taking poison in each room. ”

After Rolf finished speaking, I was silent for a moment, and then said: “Mr. Military Doctor, we are not attacking Berlin to destroy the German people, but to rescue you from the brutal Nazi rule. Only catch With Hitler and his accomplices, we can successfully end this war and allow everyone to live a peaceful and happy life.”

After hearing what I said, Rolf stared at me for a long time, and finally nodded and said: “Your Excellency General, maybe you are right, we should end this meaningless war.”

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