Burning Moscow

Chapter 28

Section 27 In the days in Moscow (9)

When    opened his eyes, he looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was already seven o’clock in the morning. Maybe it was because of drunk too much last night, my head still felt groggy. It seems that I don’t know how to drink, so I will try not to drink in the future. The weight of the wines I drank last night can only quench my thirst for good Russians; and for me, it is enough to make me drunk. So I slept for eight hours in this sleep, and instead of feeling relaxed, I felt more tired.

I stretched a long stretch, sat up, and opened the quilt to get out of bed. Suddenly I felt a little cold on my body, and when I looked down, I was shocked. I was actually naked. Looking around, except for the military coat hung on the wall, my military uniforms, shirts, bras, underwear, etc. were all scattered on the ground.

Seeing all this, I couldn’t help being shocked in a cold sweat: Could it be that Korolev is also a kind of stranger, and when I was so drunk last night, when I was awake, I was circumscribed? ! Although I am currently a female body, I have never regarded myself as a woman. When I thought that I was being killed by a man, I couldn’t control my strong nausea. I immediately jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom.

vomited for a while, saw the dirt that he vomited out of the toilet, and then vomited more disgustingly. When you vomit until you can’t vomit, it’s over.

I sat on the icy floor of the bathroom for a while, and then I started to check my lower body. Having been a woman for so long, she still has a better understanding of the physiological structure of her new body. After checking for a long time, she did not find any traces of infringement. I thought to myself: Maybe I blamed Uncle Pavel, the clothes that were thrown on the ground, in all likelihood, I took it off and threw it on the ground after I was drunk. It’s just that I was so drunk that I didn’t remember what I did when I woke up.

I came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, picked up the clothes one by one from the floor, dressed neatly in front of the mirror, then took off the army coat and cotton cap hanging on the wall, took it in my hand, opened the door and walked out. We are going back to Leningrad at night. We don’t know when we will come again next time. While there is still time, I’m going to Gonchamonis Gaya to find Katya’s relatives and finish her death. The former exhortation.

The second floor is a place where high-level military officers gather. From the time I went out, the people I saw in the corridor were almost all generals. I saluted them in accordance with the regulations as I walked. Maybe it’s because I was too popular yesterday on the Kremlin podium, so the generals all knew me, and they all politely smiled at me politely, and some even stopped, grabbed me and said something to me. .

When I reached the first floor, I saw Korolev and Cholokhov talking in the hall. When I saw Korolev, my face immediately blushed, not because I wronged him just now, but because he was worried that he saw my ugly state after being drunk last night, and I was a little embarrassed. While hesitating, Cholokhov saw me and beckoned to me. Seeing that I couldn’t hide, I had to take a few steps and salute them.

“Our beautiful female officer, where are you going to go?” He asked me jokingly when he saw my army coat in my hand.

“Report to Comrade General.” I stood at attention again and answered him honestly: “I plan to go to Ganchamonis Gaya.”

“Gonchamonis Gaya?!” Hearing the name of the place, the general asked in a puzzled manner: “Where are you going to do? You know that the train to Leningrad has long been dead, and we are going by plane at night. ”

“Comrade General, the situation is like this…” So I told the two people exactly what happened when I met Katja in the hospital and accepted her dying order.

“Then go and come back soon.” Korolev took over the topic and asked with concern: “Do you know the way to go there? Do you need me to let the hotel political commissar arrange a car for you, specifically to send you off? Go there.”

“No, no, Uncle Pavel.” Facing Korolev, I was still a little embarrassed. I hurriedly placed my hands and tactfully rejected his kindness: “I know where to go and what car to take. go with.”

“Well, then you go and come back quickly.” This time it was the general’s words, that is, I agreed to my request to go out in disguise.

I hurriedly saluted them again, turned around and trot out of the hotel. Out of the hotel’s gate, put on a military coat and a hat, and asked the guarding soldier to understand the location of the station, and walked towards that location in a stride.

There is a direct tram to Ganchamonigaya, perhaps because of the war. The tram runs very few times. I waited for a long time before getting on the tram to Ganchamonigaya.

When I was in later generations, I often took trams. I was still very excited to be able to get on this familiar means of transportation. So as soon as I got on the bus, I found an empty seat and sat down and watched enthusiastically. The view from the window.

Someone touched my shoulder, I immediately turned around and saw a female conductor in an orange vest standing beside me.

“Have you bought a ticket?”

“Tickets?” I asked a question in a rhetorical question, and then I immediately came back to my senses. “Oh, I’m sorry, please forgive me, I forgot just now, I will buy it right away.” I quickly untied the military coat and went to touch the military uniform pocket inside.

Since I came to this world, it seems that I have never used money. My daily needs are rationed by the army. Therefore, the concept of using money has gradually become indifferent. I have forgotten the use of money. I no longer think that money is useful. Even the trivial matter of buying a ticket to get on the bus is forgotten.

I took a five-ruble banknote from my pocket and handed it to the conductor. After she took it, she asked me back: “Do you have any change? You only need five kopecks. Your bill is too big for me to find.”

My God, the tickets in the 1940s were so cheap, they were only five kopecks. You must know that the cheapest ticket in future generations is 25 rubles. Five rubles is not enough for a toilet. In this era, it is actually a huge amount of money. It is really unexpected.

I looked at several people standing beside me, a sergeant in a brand-new army coat, and a few elderly ladies.

“I’m sorry.” I rummaged my pockets for a long time, unable to find even a kopek, so I took the banknotes from the conductor, flushed, and whispered embarrassingly: “But I don’t have any Change! I’ll get out of the car right away… I’m sorry!”

“No need, Comrade Warrior!” The sergeant next to him said happily while reaching into his trouser pocket, took out a coin and handed it to the conductor. “My dear, please! I’ll buy a ticket for this female soldier.”

“No, no, how can I ask you to pay the fare for me!” I raised my voice unconsciously, and felt even more embarrassed.

“Why,’How can I ask you to pay the fare for me?” The sergeant raised his beautiful pale yellow eyebrows. “We should help each other in the battle!” He took the ticket from the female conductor, handed it to me, and said half-jokingly, “Comrade female soldier, let’s settle the account after the war!”

I feel embarrassed. For the first time in my life, a stranger paid for me on a tram. “I thank you very much.” I expressed my gratitude to him very sincerely.

“You’re welcome, Comrade Female Soldier…” He just smiled and said a word, and suddenly caught a glimpse of my rank in my open coat, feeling straightened, and said to me: “I’m sorry, Comrade Commander. , You are wearing a sergeant’s army coat, I didn’t see your rank just now…”

“Come on, don’t care about this.” I grabbed his hand and took him to sit down next to me. In order to dispel his nervousness, I deliberately asked him a topic: “Where are you going? Comrade sergeant.”

“Go to Ganchamonis Gaya, Comrade Commander.” Then he explained to me: “I just came back from the front line. One day off, I will go back there to see my fiancée.”

“That’s a coincidence. I want to go there too, please help me be a guide later.”

“No problem, Comrade Commander, I’m happy to help you.”

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