Burning Moscow

Chapter 40

39 Go to the back of the enemy

After I asked Zhukov to think of the frontline troops, he sat at the table and was silent for a long time. Originally, he was to reward me for successfully completing the task he had assigned, and let me talk about what I wanted, and he could help me achieve it. Maybe he thought in his heart that I would ask him to give me a few days of vacation and let me go to Moscow for a good rest. Unexpectedly, I would take the initiative to propose to the front line, which was so far beyond his expectations that he would sit there without saying a word.

He stood up, walked to my side, and asked, “What do you think about the German paratroopers attacking the front headquarters? Is our position exposed?”

“It’s impossible.” I didn’t expect that he would not answer my request directly, and suddenly raised this question, but still answered him honestly: “If the position of the headquarters is exposed, then the German army will definitely send air force to carry out the operation here. Bombing will never just send so few paratroopers to kill.”

“Are you sure it was just a few of the enemy’s paratroopers, not our army’s line of defense was breached?”

“Yes, Georgi Konstantinovich.” I replied with certainty: “I think so, if our defense line is broken, we will hear the sound of guns and tanks. I also participated in the battle to encircle and destroy the paratroopers. They had nothing but submachine guns and mortars. I think this is nothing more than an enemy paratrooper that accidentally landed near the headquarters.”

“You tell me, what is the point of the enemy dropping paratroopers in the rear of our army?” He then asked again.

“The paratroopers dropped by the German army in the rear of our army can only cause some harassment and damage, such as attacking our army’s headquarters, blowing up roads and bridges, etc. But they are not many, and they will soon be taken by our army. Annihilated, it is not a big threat to us.”

“Yes, although one or two paratroopers are not a concern, but when the front line is tight, it is still very bad that they have to deploy precious troops to encircle them. What are your thoughts? .”

“We should also send a large number of sabotage teams carrying weapons and explosives to the enemy’s rear to attack their command system and destroy their logistics supply lines. At the same time, we should mobilize the masses in the occupied areas to expand the enemy’s rear in familiar areas. Guerrilla warfare advantageously cooperates with the frontal battlefield and drowns the enemy in the vast ocean of People’s War.” I said this almost without thinking. After I finished speaking, I discovered that I had accidentally quoted the great man again.

“Understood.” After hearing what I said, Zhukov nodded and said: “I will personally suggest this to the High Command. It’s getting late, you go to rest first.”

Early the next morning, Zhukov woke me up, and then personally informed me that the base camp had approved my proposal and would send a large number of guerrillas to the enemy’s rear to carry out guerrilla warfare. At the same time, he appointed me as the Special Commander of the Front Army and asked me to immediately go to Panfeiluofu Division to be responsible for arranging this matter.

After accepting the task, I took the car and left the headquarters. After passing by the place where we encountered the attack yesterday, I saw a pile of black and dark burnt car bodies standing on the uneven ground, which had been burnt slantingly. I asked the driver to stop the car, walked alone in front of the wreckage, took off his hat, and bowed my head in silence for the sacrificed Sayyt.

The driver walked to my side and asked with concern: “Do you know the driver who sacrificed yesterday?”

“Yes. He is my friend.” I put on my hat again, looked at the driver in front of me, and said in a positive tone: “He also saved my life and Comrade General. Now, Comrade Driver, drive me. Go to the front line.”

When I arrived at the division of Master Panfilov, I saw the teacher with a mustache. He seemed a little unhappy about my arrival. I understand his feelings very well. Usually the special commissioners who come from the headquarters are ignorant, and only know the kind of people who command unrealistically there. This is very annoying, but it is because of them. The people below are daring not to speak, so they are all respected.

The division commander arranged for a sergeant named Bahadu to be my guard. I heard him tell Bahadu very solemnly: “You must protect the life of the Oshaninna commissioner just like protecting your own eyes. ”

In the evening, the guerrillas from Moscow arrived. General Panfilov received them in an auditorium in the garrison and sent someone to inform me of the past. When I walked into the auditorium, I saw that the room was already densely packed with people, almost all guerrillas in casual clothes. General Panfilov and several political workers stood on the podium and hurriedly pushed forward against the wall.

The political commissar in the division first spoke. He first welcomed the arrival of the guerrillas, and then began to talk about the importance of conducting guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines and so on. I heard that I wanted to doze off, and I didn’t dare to really close my eyes to sleep, so I could only stare at the ceiling in a daze.

Suddenly someone next to me gave me a push. I looked back blankly and saw that it was the political commissar who had just spoken. He whispered to me: “Comrade Commander, please say a few words to the guerrillas.”

Let me talk? ! This Panfilov can really make a fool of me. I have nothing to prepare. What should I say to these people? Thinking of this, I couldn’t help becoming nervous, so much so that I had been standing in front of the podium for a long time and still didn’t know how to speak. Seeing my performance, murmurs came from the audience, and their voices became louder and louder. Faced with this situation, I became more nervous and couldn’t say a word.

“Comrades, please be quiet, please be quiet!” At this time, Major General Panfilov, who was standing on the side, came out to understand the surroundings. He shouted at the following: “Listen to Major Oshanina. Sentence.” Hearing what he said, the audience suddenly became quiet.

I settled down, and then summoned the courage to say: “Hello, comrades!” As soon as the voice fell, there was a thunderous applause from the audience.

The sudden applause shocked me, and without saying anything, I started to applaud? But I was relieved very quickly. This is everyone’s encouragement to me and gave me the courage to continue speaking on stage.

After the applause calmed down, I went on to say: “Comrades, you will soon pass through the front positions from here to the rear of the enemy. I hope that after you pass, you can mobilize all the people in the enemy-occupied areas and carry out extensive work behind the enemy. In the guerrilla warfare, planting landmines, blowing up bridges, destroying the enemy’s communication lines, and cooperating favorably with frontal battlefield operations.” At this point, I looked under the stands, and there was no response at all quietly. Could it be that I said just now These are all things the political commissar has said before, so I just repeat his words again? It seems that I have to say something in-depth to resonate with them, so I continued: “Russia is a vast territory and is where we grew up. Every inch of land here is our own. UUwww.uukanshu.com If the German fascist bandits dare to seize it, we will fight him to the end. Go to the enemy’s rear, don’t be afraid of difficulties, don’t be afraid of sacrifices, copy their back paths and attack where they have the weakest defenses. Today we will attack a village, tomorrow Taking back a city, telling them that Gu Xi can’t take care of the east, and their strength can’t be concentrated. Only by flanking them can they win the fight, go to the enemy’s back, drive the devils out of the country, and replant our red flags everywhere in Russia.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a thunderous applause from the audience. Major General Panfilov held my hand and said loudly: “You are so good! It is very helpful to boost morale.” I smiled, did not speak, just held his hand tightly. .

After the pre-war mobilization was over, the guerrillas were divided into many groups, and with the cooperation of the soldiers of the unit, they passed through the front line to the enemy’s rear in batches.

“Comrade Major,” there was a timid voice around me. When I looked back, it was a pretty girl with a turban. Seeing me turning around, she blushed and said to me: “You just said so great, I really envy you!”

Before I could speak, someone suddenly shouted from a distance: “Zoya, hurry up, we are going to leave.”

“Okay, I’ll pass right away.” The girl in front of me agreed, grabbed my hand and shook it and said, “Comrade Commander, goodbye, see you after victory!” Then she turned her head and ran away.

She is Zoya, and I can’t help but be stunned. Do I need to catch up and tell her not to go to a place called “Petricevo Village”. After a few steps, I stopped. History is history. I have no right to modify it casually. What should happen is still going to happen.

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