Burning Moscow

Chapter 50

49 Counterattack for Honor

General Panfilov’s command post was quite large. It turned out to be the village Soviet office of a collective farm. After his troops arrived here two days ago, he directly changed the largest building here into his own command post.

At the moment, in addition to General Rokosovsky, General Panfilov, the division political commissar of the 316th Infantry Division, and myself, there are seven or eight staff officers from the division, as well as one who is **** and dressed by a five-flowered army. The colonel in the coat and the two soldiers guarding him were crowded in the command post.

General Rokosovsky’s face was very ugly, and he stared at the tied colonel silently. Next to him, Panfilov’s face flushed, and he roared at the colonel: “Why did you lead the troops back without authorization and gave the Germans the position we have held for so long? Do you know that position one? Lost, the flanks of the entire group army are exposed to the Germans. If they take the opportunity to attack, we are in danger of being encircled.”

The colonel looked up at the two generals and then defended with a hoarse voice: “Comrade General! Our 948th Brigade was very tenacious, but the enemy’s offensive was too fierce. They bombarded my 2842 regiment with planes every day. It’s all gone. The 2843 Regiment and the 2844 Regiment took the defense for only two days, and almost no casualties. There are now less than 500 people left in the 5,000 brigade. I can’t bear to see the soldiers not knowing. Baidi died here and took them down….”

“Enough.” Panfilov interrupted him and continued to scold him: “Stop talking nonsense! The situation of the various units is not the same. There are only less than 180 people left in the 2840 regiment of the 947 brigade, but they Still holding on to his position, never let the enemy move forward.”

Rokosovsky waved his hand and motioned to General Panfilov not to speak any more. The commander with a moustache immediately closed his mouth, looked at the commander of the group army in front of him, and listened to how he sent off the colonel who had retreated.

Rokosovsky stared at the colonel for a while, walked slowly in front of him a few steps, and then said unhurriedly: “Big corps fighting, military discipline must be strict! Especially in this situation. For those who are greedy and fearful of death who are retreating in battle, we must not tolerate them.” Turning around, he said to Panfilov: “We must resolutely enforce battlefield discipline.”

The commander of the group army made this statement, which is equivalent to directly sentenced the colonel to death. Not only me, but everyone in the room understood the general’s final attitude when he heard this. The room fell into silence, I saw tears in Panfilov’s eyes, and his facial muscles were trembling violently. After a long time, he raised his hand, slammed it down, and ordered the two soldiers: “Drag out, enforce discipline, and shoot on the spot.”

The two soldiers stepped forward, twisted the colonel’s arm, and pushed out. The colonel turned his face to Panfilov, did not say what he wanted to say, and allowed the two soldiers to push himself out of the command post.

Hearing the crisp gunshot from outside the house, I couldn’t help but shook my whole body: Just like this, is a living person gone? ! His troops were almost exhausted, and they were able to hold their positions without reinforcements. It is wrong for him to lead the remaining troops down without asking for instructions, but it can’t be said that he was shot as soon as he was shot. But we can’t blame Rokosovsky, we can only blame the ruthlessness of the war.

“General Panfilov, when we gave up our position, did our wounded get down?”

“Report to Comrade Commander, all have been removed! The colonel ordered the retreat after sending all the wounded down first. He was the last to leave the position!”

Hearing what Panfilov said, Rokosovsky had just been shot, his face turned blue, and he bit his lips tightly with his teeth. It took him a long time to speak: “Inform the colonel’s family that he sacrificed very bravely. He died heroically in the brutal battle with the Germans.”

“Yes. Comrade General!” Panfilov replied, “I will convey your meaning to his family.”

“What about the lost position?” Rokosovsky asked: “Do you still have a reserve team? Take advantage of the enemy’s unsteady footing, immediately organize troops to take back the position!”

“My guard battalion can be put into battle immediately, but my battalion commander was killed in an air strike not long ago. Ask the commander to send me an experienced commander to take up this position to organize this important counterattack. ”

“Where can I find an experienced commander for you?” Rokosovsky frowned and said, “You know the situation of these troops under me. They are all made up of various pieces, and they lack richness. Commander with combat experience.”

“Then, if you can’t send a commander, I will personally lead the troops to counterattack.”

“No!” Panfilov’s proposal was rejected by the commander without hesitation. “You have to stay here and command your troops. It is not your turn to be the commando captain.”

“But, Comrade Commander, I really can’t find the right person to command this counterattack. It is necessary for me to personally command the troops. We are fighting for the honor of the 316th Infantry Division.”

Panfilov’s words deeply moved Rokosovsky, and he became a little hesitant. Seeing this situation, I couldn’t help but get a little bit mad again. I stepped forward and said loudly to him: “Comrade Commander, if you trust me, please let me take command of this force!”

“You?!” He and Panfilov looked at me with incredulous eyes, and they asked in unison: “Do you want to direct this counterattack?”

“Yes, Comrade General!” I looked at Rokosovsky and answered him very seriously.

Hearing what I said, he said to me in a kind tone: “Lida, this counterattack will be very dangerous. You think carefully, don’t be impulsive.”

“Thank you for your concern, Comrade General! I once commanded a full-scale counterattack of the Fifth Army against the Germans in Porokino and achieved victory. I have rich combat experience, and I believe that this counterattack can also be successful. Please let me command this counterattack force.”

After hearing what I said, Rokosovsky walked back and forth in the room with his hands on his back. Everyone’s eyes were on him, moving with him. Perhaps it was the Polokino’s counterattack that I mentioned, which made him finally make up his mind. He patted the table and said loudly: “Okay, Comrade Lida, I will appoint you as the acting battalion commander of the 316th Division Guard Battalion to command this counterattack.” Then he said to Panfilov, “Guard Battalion. There are no other commanders, let him come in and meet Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina.”

“Yes, now the commanding force is Comrade Kroshkov, the first-level political instructor of the political deputy battalion commander. I will call him over immediately and get to know Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina.”

Kroshkov appeared soon, he was a round face, black hair, and a handsome young man. Hearing that I would lead the guard battalion with him to take back the lost position of the 948th Brigade, I looked up and down curiously, and then reached out and shook my hand.

“Lida, in this attack, are you sure to take back the position?” Rokosovsky asked again with concern.

“I am very confident, Comrade Commander! Please order the artillery of the group army to bombard the enemy-occupied positions for 20 minutes.” I replied confidently. When the Soviets dig trenches, all the dirt they dug out was piled up. In the front, so this position appears high in the front and low in the back. Defensive frontal attack is fine. If it is attacked from behind, it is easy to attack and difficult to defend. I hope that the German army, who has only occupied the position, has not had time to change the structure of the trenches, so that my chances of winning will be relatively high.

“No problem, I will arrange it right away. It is 13:50, and ten minutes later, I will order the artillery to shell the enemy’s position. You should also prepare quickly. Good luck!”

“Yes! Comrade General.” I agreed, and left the headquarters with the first-level instructor Kroshkov.

In the trenches preparing for the offensive, because of the rush of time, I only summoned all the company platoon cadres to speak. The content of the speech was very brief: for our honor, we must take back the lost positions.

At 14 o’clock, the shelling officially began. Dozens of artillery shells roared and landed on the enemy-occupied position. The position was soon enveloped by fire and smoke.

After the shelling went on for a while, I asked Kroshkov next to him: “How long has the shelling been on?”

“Fifteen minutes, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel.” He answered me loudly.

“I order: the whole camp strikes at once!”

“But!” he said embarrassedly: “According to the regulations, you should wait until the shelling is over before you can attack.”

“Go to his ordinance, when the shelling is over, the German devils are already on the battlefield. At that time, attacking is to let the soldiers die in vain. I am the highest commander of the battalion. I have the final say, and attack on all fronts!”

After finishing speaking, I jumped out of the trench and shouted loudly: “Comrades! Brothers! For the motherland! For our honor! Go forward !” After shouting, I took my submachine gun and strode forward.

I have already rushed out, Kroshkov can no longer stay in the trenches, he also rushed out, and then the soldiers of the entire guard battalion jumped out of the trenches with weapons in their hands, and strode towards the enemy’s position.

I looked around the soldiers who walked past me, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com secretly sighed in his heart: After all, it is a guard battalion. The equipment is good. In addition to rifles, it is also equipped with a large number of carbines, submachine guns and machine guns. The firepower is not worse than that of the German army.

I don’t know if the designer who designed the female military uniform has leg fetishism. The military uniforms designed, whether summer or winter, are all skirts, so you can’t go fast first. So the longer the journey, the longer the distance between me and those fighters, and gradually I fell behind.

When the shelling was over, our troops were only a few steps away from the trenches. On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, the Germans had been so dizzy by the bombing that we never thought that we would charge when the bombardment occurred. A few sharp-eyed Germans spotted us. They just picked up the weapon in their hands, and before they could shoot, they were sifted by our intensive firepower.

Although I was behind, I still heard Kroshkov’s faint voice from the intensive gunshots ahead: “Comrades, come on! For the honor of our teacher, drive out the German devils.”

The soldiers continuously rushed into the trenches and started close combat with the German army. At this time, the automatic weapons in their hands played a huge role. The humiliation and blood debt brought to them by the German devils were recovered at this moment.

Although the Germans resisted desperately, they persisted in a short while before they were disintegrated. They jumped out of the trenches and fled to their original positions. We wiped out all the enemies in the trenches and stopped fighting. The position was full of German corpses, and at least half of the Germans who defended the position stayed here.

We regained the lost ground with a very small price.

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