Burning Moscow

Chapter 68

Section 67 Reconnaissance behind enemy l

Faced with such a huge German fleet, I dare not act rashly. I can only lie on the snow honestly, not even daring to get out of the air. After all, our lurking place is too close to the road. If someone is standing on the side of the road and observing the forest carefully, it is not difficult to find the string of footprints we have left on the snow.

A command car stopped on the side of the road without warning, and the door opened with a bang. My heart suddenly touched my throat, wondering if we were discovered? I couldn’t help but put my finger on the trigger, and if I found something was wrong, I would shoot immediately without hesitation.

A German officer wearing a big brimmed hat and a red collar came out of the car. He looked around casually, then jumped directly into the snow, lit a cigarette, with his hands on his waist, his back to our lurking position, standing on the side of the road watching the endless stream of vehicles from him Pass in front of you.

Although I was still not familiar with the rank of the German army, I immediately recognized this as a general. From where he is standing, this is an excellent target, let alone a sniper, even an ordinary soldier can knock him down with a single shot. I tried my best to suppress my urge to shoot, and at the same time, I secretly prayed that no one of the team members should be itchy and shoot at this general. There is a great disparity between the enemy and ourselves in front of us. Once we fight, it is a typical attack with pebbles. Not to mention the German tanks. Even if the machine gun on the armored vehicle shoots at us, it can easily and happily wipe us out. The annihilation of Stalin’s stand-in guard is the best lesson for the past. Moreover, the reconnaissance mission assigned by the superiors cannot be completed, and even if a German general is lucky enough to kill a German general, it will be of no avail to future warfare.

Suddenly a soldier wearing a boat cap appeared in the door of the car. He said something loudly to the general. The general quickly threw the unfinished cigarettes into the snow. He stepped into the car a few steps and slammed. Close the car door with a sound. In a short while, the command car merged into the advancing traffic. Seeing the command car disappear from my sight, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief secretly, and secretly raised my hand to wipe the cold sweat from my forehead.

This huge German army convoy took a full hour to finish. With the mobilization of mechanized troops of this size, it is estimated that the German army intends to launch a large-scale offensive in certain areas of our defense line. This important information must be notified to the group army headquarters in time when it is camped at night.

I stood up and just wanted to tell the team members to move on. I suddenly felt a cold tip of my nose, and I couldn’t help but reach out. It turned out that I don’t know when it started to snow, but a piece of snow fell on my nose.

“It’s snowing, it’s great!” Aji standing next to him said excitedly. “The snow has fallen well. Although it has made our actions more difficult, it has brought concealment to our actions. We are now marching wildly in the forest, and we don’t have to worry about being discovered by the Germans.” He made a lot of sense, but in my opinion, it is not a good thing to snow at this time. That way, the sky will be colder and the road we have to go next will be more difficult.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, the northwest wind is blowing fiercely, and the goose-feather-like snowflakes flutter on the face, making people unable to open their eyes, making it more difficult for us to walk in the forest. The village that could be reached in half an hour, but after more than an hour of walking, I didn’t even see the shadow.

“Comrade Lieutenant Colonel,” Aji shouted loudly in my ear: “If we go on like this, we will easily get lost. Let’s stop and rest.”

“Okay.” I promised, then raised my voice and shouted at everyone: “Stop going and rest where you are.”

Following my order, the team stopped. Everyone is staring at me, waiting for my further order.

“Saskatchewan, Leon Jeff,” Agie gave me orders next to him: “You hurry up and build a snow wall so that we can temporarily avoid the blizzard.”

“Yes.” The two soldiers agreed, took off the engineer shovel on their backs, and began to dig snow in the same place.

In a short time, a semi-circular, half-person-high snow wall was built. Everyone squatted behind the wall. Although snowflakes still kept falling on their bodies, the northwest wind was blocked by the wall. We can wait here until the heavy snow stops before leaving.

More than half an hour later, the snow gradually became smaller, and the visibility was much better than before. Aji leaned into my ear again and said, “Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, I will first bring a few soldiers to the front for reconnaissance and reconnaissance. You can bring the rest of the people over after the snow has stopped completely. Okay?”

I looked at the squatting group of “snowmen” around, then stood up, dusted off the snow on my body, looked around with a binoculars, and saw that all around was white and the scenery was almost the same. It’s easy to get lost in the forest if you are in a hurry. But staying like this is not a way. We can’t spend the night in the snow, so we nodded and agreed to his proposal, saying: “Okay, you take a few soldiers first, go to the front to explore the way and see if you can find Where to camp tonight.”

“Understood.” Aji promised, and with the help of the compass, Saskatoon, Leon Jeff and Agumente walked forward on the snow.

After Aji left with the Pathfinder team, Xue stopped slowly. I asked Orlov, the telegraph operator squatting next to me, “Can you send a report to the group army headquarters?”

Orlov adjusted the machine, and then replied very embarrassedly: “It doesn’t seem to work. The temperature is too low and the radio cannot work normally.”

“Comrade Commander,” Sergeant Lu Jin, who was silent on the way, said suddenly, “The snow has stopped, we can move on.”

Hearing what he said, I said with some embarrassment: “But Sergeant Aji has not returned after going to reconnaissance. If we leave now, I’m afraid they will not find us when they come back later.”

“It doesn’t matter, Comrade Commander.” Sapochuk said to Lu Jin beside him: “Aji and the others haven’t been away for a long time. The snow shouldn’t bury their footprints yet We Shun Follow their footprints and you should be able to find them.”

After listening to him, I turned my head to look at Lu Jin in front of me and asked, “Do you think so too?”

“Yes, absolutely correct.” Lu Jin answered me very positively.

Continue Everyone wants to keep going, there is no need to stay here, so I threw the submachine gun hanging on my chest behind me. Waved and said: “Go.” Then some of me stepped on the footprints left by Aji’s pathfinder team.

walked for about ten minutes, suddenly there was a rapid gunshot in front of him. My heart is tense. Could it be that Aggie and the Germans encountered it? So I urged everyone to speed up the march and hurried to the place where the gun was shot.

After a short run, we came to the edge of the forest. There is a small village outside the forest. Because the sky is already a bit dark and the distance is farther apart, I only saw a few people shaking by the village, but I couldn’t see who they were. I took the submachine gun off, held it in my hand, bent over and continued to charge forward.

“Comrade Commander, right.” Aguminte’s voice came from the front.

“It’s me.” Although I heard my own voice, I still didn’t dare to relax my vigilance. I still strode forward with my submachine gun.

approached, only to see the figure I saw earlier, in addition to Aguminte, there are also two people Saskar and Leon Jeff. There were five or six German corpses lying on the ground. It seemed that they were fighting with these German soldiers just now. I looked around, but didn’t see Aggie, and I couldn’t help asking worriedly: “Why are you three, where is Sergeant Aggie?”

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