Burning Moscow

Chapter 70

Section 69 Reconnaissance behind enemy l

Telegraph operator Orlov sat at the table, set up the Hakata telegraph with ease, then looked up at me and asked, “Can you start? Comrade Commander!”

I nodded and said, “Let’s start.”

The operator’s fingers flexed on the telegraph key, and a long string of “Is there anyone? Anyone? Anyone?” appeared in the long and narrow note.

The other party’s reply soon appeared on a long and narrow note: “Comrade Rokosovsky, commander of the group army, will talk to you, please wait a moment.”

After waiting for a minute or two, the telegraph machine became active again, and the note that came out read: “Hello!”

“Hello!” Orlov immediately replied without asking me. Seeing such a scene made me feel a little bit about chatting on QQ. The telegraphers on both sides conveyed what we wanted to talk to each other through the telegraph machine verbatim, and the telegraph machine spit out the long and narrow notes. What is displayed is all our chat history.

“Comrade Oshanina, where did you and your squad arrive?” Rokosovsky asked straightforwardly.

“We have reached a small village near Jasnaya Polyana, and we can start reconnaissance tomorrow.”

“Was it smooth along the way?”

“Except for two small battles with the Germans, we went well on the road.”

“Are there any casualties?” the commander asked again with concern.

“No, not a single casualty. After these two battles, we wiped out more than 20 German devils and rescued hundreds of captured soldiers. I have arranged for the soldiers of the squad to lead them back to our fortified positions. ”

“Well done! But you can’t be proud. You have to organize the reconnaissance work carefully, and you must provide accurate information for our upcoming battle.”

“Understand!” After I replied to the other party, I suddenly remembered the huge convoy I saw on the road during the day, and then dictated to the operator: “We encountered a German mechanized unit on the road today. From the perspective of the size of the convoy, It should be an armored division. They are advancing to the northeast. It is estimated that they intend to launch a new round of offensive against our army’s positions.”

The telegraph machine fell silent suddenly, and there was no response. After a long time, the note began to crawl again. I grabbed the note and saw it was printed: “In your estimation, where will the Germans launch a new offensive?”

Rokosovsky’s question stopped me. This German army is not under my command. Where can I guess where they are going to attack? However, since the commander has asked this question, I can’t answer if I don’t answer. After considering it for a while, I replied vaguely: “I think the focus of the German offensive is still in the defense area of ​​the Panfilov Division.” I said this is not without purpose. In the history that I know, although the Panfilov division was formed for a short time, it became famous through the Defense of Moscow. As the main force of the 16th Army and the German Army, they fought in almost all the defense areas of the Army, and repeatedly damaged the German Army. Finally, because of this impressive record, Stalin personally awarded the Eighth Guards Division. Honorable title.

“You’re pretty good. The German army used 125 tanks to form a powerful tank assault group during the day. With the support of aviation, it launched a frantic attack on the Volokramsk Highway defended by the Panfilov Division. Although the soldiers fought stubbornly, the strength of the enemy and the enemy was very different. In the evening, the station in Volokramsk was occupied by the Germans. Now General Panfilov is organizing a counterattack, trying to drive out the Germans who occupied the station. ”

“Given the current strength of the 316th Division, even if the Germans are driven out of the station, it is difficult to hold.”

“Do you have any good suggestions?” He consulted me humbly, and he didn’t have the kind of domineering superiors to subordinates.

“After such a long battle, the artillery of the 316th Division has lost severely and is no longer sufficient to deal with the German troops. I think it is necessary to add new artillery units as soon as possible to stop the German armored units from attacking.”

“I have gotten two 37mm anti-aircraft artillery regiments from Zhukov over the phone this morning. The commanders of these two regiments have just reported to me and are waiting for my next order in the headquarters.”

“The 37mm anti-aircraft artillery is sufficient against German tanks.”

“Well, I’ll send an antiaircraft artillery regiment to Panfilov’s division right away. That’s it, good luck, and an early triumphant return.” Then the note on the telegraph stopped moving, which meant this time. The communication officially ended.

“Comrade commander,” I just finished contacting the group army command, and suddenly heard the voice of Zapochuk. Looking back, he was standing at the door with an old lady wearing a turban. Seeing that I noticed him, he went on to say, “I found this aunt from the village, and she can provide you with some useful information.”

I let the old lady into the room, brought a chair over, asked her to sit down, and poured a cup of tea for her, before I asked, “Old lady, how should I call you?”

“My name is Ayuna, I am from this collective farm.”

“How many people are left in the farm?”

“Most of the people have been evacuated to the rear, and there are more than a dozen households left on the farm.”

I gave a “Oh” and then asked: “How long have the Germans occupied this place?” According to my thoughts, the next segment should be when the people in the occupied area saw their troops and immediately gave them a hand in front of them. Snot and tears cried out about the enemy’s persecution and so on. I was thinking about how to comfort this old lady later.

“It’s almost a week.” Unexpectedly, she answered me with an indifferent expression.

“Did you have a hard time during this period of time?” I tried to draw her thoughts to the part of my vision, so that when she asked about the German intelligence, she would know that she could say nothing.

“How could it?” she said with some dissatisfaction. “What’s wrong with the Germans. After they came, they didn’t just steal or rob, and saw my lonely old lady living inconvenience, but they sent people to help me dive into the water and chop wood every day. ”

“Ah?!” Her words threw me out of focus, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was German fascists who occupied this village? How do I feel that those people she said are like soldiers of the people.

I coughed, turned off the subject, and then asked: “How many Germans are there in the village?”

“It seems that there are more than a dozen, and they live in the house next to them.” She seemed to remember something, stood up, looked around, and shouted: “Yiyangna! Yiyangna!! You are here!” Where is it?” After yelling a few times Seeing no one answered her, she started to mutter to herself: “It’s so late, where will Yiyangna go? She usually does this at this time It’s all at home.”

Yiyangna, when I heard this name, I couldn’t help taking a breath, and wondering whether it was the young girl killed by Aji? He stepped forward and grabbed the old lady and asked, “Ayuna, who is Yiyangna?”

“Who else can it be?” She replied dissatisfied: “You live in her house, don’t you know who she is?” Then she said to herself: “She rarely goes out. Why won’t you be at home today? Could it be an accident?”

Hearing what she said, I couldn’t help feeling a little flustered. It turned out that the girl who was killed by Aji just now was really Yiyangna in her mouth. I hurriedly turned off the subject and said, “Maybe something happened to her temporarily, maybe she will be back in a while.”

The old lady stared at me for a while. It made me more flustered. Seeing that I was so nervous, the old lady suddenly realized it. Then she rushed over and grabbed my collar, shook it vigorously, and asked me loudly: ” I understand. You must have discovered that she was dealing with the Germans before you killed her. Did you say that! Didn’t you? You beasts!”

Facing the angry old lady, I was speechless for a while, and could only let her hold on to my collar tightly. When Zapochuk and the radio operator saw this situation, they rushed over and grabbed the old lady, desperately trying to pull the old lady’s hand away.

Two people dragged the old lady out of the room, and I fell silently on the edge of the bed, at a loss, at a loss, Aji got into such a terrible disaster, how should I deal with him?

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