Burning Moscow

Chapter 86

Chapter 85 Military Parade on Red Square

According to my idea, if the personnel were to be transferred, Lieutenant Festov and Pavlov were the best candidates. They were fully qualified for the positions of company commander and instructor of one of the companies. As a result, this proposal was rejected by the political commissar. Gorov vetoed it. His reason is that the station is the defensive focus of the division’s defensive zone, and the second lieutenant should stick to their posts to prevent German sneak attacks. As for the personnel participating in the inspection, they should be drawn from the troops currently on the second line.

The officials at the senior level crushed people to death. Since he has said so, even if I no longer have any opinions, I can only remain silent, so I let him and Krochkov select the personnel to refer to, and I stayed with Pan Fei at the division headquarters. Love chat.

Because Stalin could be seen at close range during this review, the soldiers behaved very enthusiastically after learning the news, and they were unwilling to miss this rare opportunity. It took them nearly an hour to select two hundred soldiers and temporarily appointed three company commanders and instructors.

But when the base camp headquarters sent us to pick up our car, everyone was taken aback. There were only three ton semi trucks. That is to say, for the personnel who went to the Red Square to participate in the review, apart from a few commanders, including me, only 80 soldiers could go to the review, and the rest had to stay.

Seeing all this, Panfilov stood there without a word, and Yegorov walked to him and said in a low voice: “Comrade Commander, you see, do we give a blow to Comrade Zhukov of the Front Army Headquarters? A phone call, let him ask Base Camp to send us a few more trucks.”

“No, the base camp is right. If our division mobilizes too many people to participate in the review, the defensive force will appear empty, which will give the enemy a chance.” Panfilov finished his words. After a while, he said with some embarrassment: “Now it seems that only half of the people can be visited, what do you think should be arranged?”

Yegorov frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “Comrade Teacher, it’s not easy to do. This ideological work is not easy to do. After all, you can see Stalin at close range. This kind of opportunity for comrades is not always possible.” At this point, he turned to ask Krochkov: “Comrade first-level political instructor, what do you think should be done?”

Krochkov was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about what he should do and how he should solve this problem. Finally, he shrugged and said: “I don’t have the best of both worlds.”

Panfilov turned his head and looked at me and said, “Comrade Oshanina, do you have any good ideas?”

I nodded, did not speak, but walked directly to the front of the four-column line, and said loudly: “Stand at attention! Listen to my order, everyone has it, and start reporting!”

“One, two, three, four, five…” The soldiers began to count.

When the count was over, I announced again: “Warriors who made a count, take one step forward!”

With my password, half of the soldiers in each column took a step forward, and then all eyes looked at me, waiting for my next command.

“Soldiers who report an even number, turn back.” Seeing the soldiers all come back and turn back, I then shouted out the next password: “Target: barracks. Go together!” Although I can only watch. To the back of the soldiers leaving, I know that their faces must be filled with disappointment, but this is no way. Who told the base camp to send only three vehicles, and there is still someone to stay.

“Good job!” The teacher came over and patted me on the shoulder, and said approvingly. However, he looked at the rest of the team and said with some worry: “Only 80 soldiers can sit in the car, but there are still 100 people here. What about the extra 20 people?”

“It’s okay. Although there are a lot of people, they can squeeze in order to meet Comrade Stalin.” I said loudly to the soldiers: “You said that?”

“Yes!” Hundreds of throats conformed to me in unison.

“Okay, let’s go!” Then the commander turned and ordered Krochkov: “You still have a long way to go. You can direct the soldiers to board the car!”

Krochkov gave a military salute, ran to the truck, and shouted in a loud voice: “Everyone has it, get in—the truck!” I raised my hand to the commander and political commissar and finished the military salute. The truck ran away.

I was sitting in the cab of the lead car, with the driver on the left and Krochkov on the right. Soon after the car drove out, Krochkov’s alcoholism seemed to rise again, and he fell asleep leaning on my shoulder. I pushed him a few times and saw that there was no response from him. Disturb him to sleep again.

The driver looked ahead and drove the car intently He didn’t mean to talk to me at all, so I started to close my eyes and calm down. Closing my eyes, I remembered the words Krochkov said when he received the medal: “Serve the motherland of the Soviet Union!” He bit the word “motherland” very seriously, which made me feel very uncomfortable. I can’t help thinking about an important question: Who am I? Where is my home country?

If I were a real Lida, then the Soviet Union would be my motherland; but I have not yet fully adapted to the role of Lida, or even my current female identity, so that I regard the Soviet Union as my motherland. I really It’s kind of impossible. In my heart, my motherland will always be in the far east, an ancient civilized country that is being invaded by Japanese invaders. Who wins or loses in the Soviet Union and Germany, and what does it have to do with me? Although the iron hoof of the German Kou has never been able to enter Moscow half a step, failed to conquer the country. But decades later, in Moscow, there was a group of young people with shaved heads walking on the streets in Nazi uniforms, chanting “Long live Hitler” in Nazi salutes. And those neo-Nazis, not Germans, are the descendants of the soldiers who fought **** battles with the Germans behind me. What a funny thing!

If I didn’t foresee the final outcome of this war, and knew that Germany would be defeated in the end, and the Soviet Union was one of the final victors, I would not fight so hard in many battles, and it would be possible if the situation was not good for me. , Led his troops to surrender to the Germans, just like the German major von Tolman did a few days ago. However, under the current circumstances, I can only stand on the side of the Soviet Union. Whatever fights for the motherland is just shouting slogans. My motherland is China, not the Soviet Union. All the battles that are being carried out today are just for their own survival.

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