Burning Moscow

Chapter 89

88 The first generation star

Krochkov was in the passenger seat, and I could only go to the back and sit with General Vlasov.

It’s strange. Although Vlasov had saved my life just now, sitting with this life-saver, I felt uncomfortable and looked particularly restrained. He didn’t speak. I didn’t speak first. I just hugged the submachine gun in my arms, turned my head to the side, and looked out the window with my eyes.

I’ve been thinking along the way, my soul has traveled to this time and space, borrowing Lida’s body, and occasionally saw some strange things, which is justified. But why can General Vlasov see the spirits of General Kilbonos? What’s more bizarre is that when we were communicating with the dead souls, we disappeared out of thin air from the sight of others. When I think of this, I feel a chill coming out of my back.

Thinking back to the last time I met the real Lida in my dream, after meeting next to the puddle just now, my Russian level reached the level of my mother tongue almost overnight. Could it be that after communicating with Lida, I inherited it directly? Have all her language memories been lost? Immediately, thinking jumped to the end of 2009. One day, Russian TV news reported that a flying saucer appeared near the Red Square, and a video of several minutes was played. Judging from where the flying saucer was hovering, it was not far from this cathedral. Could it be said that there is a mysterious power hidden in the place where this church is located? When General Vlasov and I saw the souls of the generals and their deaths, they happened to be briefly involved in this mysterious space, so other talents would temporarily lose sight of us.

“Comrade Oshanina! Comrade Oshanina!” Just as I was thinking about it, Vlasov’s shout came next to me. I quickly settled down, turned my head to look at him, and asked, “Comrade General, what’s the matter with you?”

“What are you thinking? I called several times, but you didn’t respond.” The general said a little dissatisfied.

“I…I was thinking, what important task will Comrade Boskrebeshev let me perform? You and Comrade Krochkov will drive you to chase me back.”

“Comrade Krochkov, do you think I am here to explain the task to Comrade Oshanina, or are you here?” Vlasov asked Krochkov in the front row.

Hearing the general calling him, Krochkov turned his head to look at me first, then turned his head to the general, and said, “Comrade General, you should pay me back. Comrade Poskrebeshev sent me. , Just responsible for leading the two of you to your destination.”

“Understood, let me do it.” Vlasov pushed his glasses up with his fingers, and then slowly said to me: “We chased you back today because we want you to accompany me to see you. A person.…”

“Who do I know?” Hearing what he said, I couldn’t help but interrupt him.

“Don’t interrupt, listen to me first.” He raised his hand to stop me from continuing, and when he saw me nodding to express his understanding, he continued: “The person we want to meet is a comrade from China. He is A very talented military talent. When Germany invaded France last year, he accurately pointed out that the Germans would bypass the heavily defensive Maginot Line and make a large-scale roundabout attack on France from the flanks. The reason why he predicted this was that Because of this tactic, the Chinese Red Army often used this tactic in the struggle against encirclement and suppression in the Chinese Soviet area….”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but frown and rack my brains to wonder: Who will this famous military strategist in our country be? The domestic anti-Japanese war has entered a stalemate. The future generals and marshals of the Republic are on their respective battlefields, directing the troops and the Japanese in a desperate battle. Who will come to the Soviet Union at this time? Is it a general of the national army, but it seems that I have never heard of any famous general who has been to the Soviet Union. They usually go to the United States. I thought about it for a long time, but I didn’t think of a reason.

Vlasov was still eloquently saying: “After the German occupation of Poland, the high command once held an important military meeting, and this comrade was invited to attend. At the meeting, our military’s marshals and generals thought that If a war with Germany breaks out, it will definitely attack the rich Ukraine first. But this comrade opposed all the crowds and said that if Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, he would not just plunder the Soviet Union’s wealth and resources, but would completely eliminate the Soviet Union, so he He will not fight from Ukraine. He will attack from the Caucasus on the western front, and attack across the board from the Baltic Sea to the Karpathians, and occupy Moscow. Regarding his formulation, the attendees all shook their heads. No one agreed with him. In the end, The main force was deployed in Ukraine. As a result, at the end of the battle, the Germans really launched an offensive along the route he predicted.”

“He is really amazing!” Hearing that my compatriots are so capable, I also have a feeling of being proud, so I couldn’t help but praise.

“After the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, he had been paying attention to the situation of the war, and he suggested to the Supreme Commander that the Western Front and the Reserve Front are in danger of being surrounded by the Germans, so that the High Command will take preventive measures as soon as possible. Unfortunately, he did not remind him. It attracted anyone’s attention, and the result was as he analyzed the situation. The two fronts were trapped in the encirclement of the German army. A large number of loyal and experienced commanders gave their precious lives….”

The car stopped in front of a white building, I opened the door and stepped out, then went around from the back of the car to the other side, and opened the door for Vlasov.

At the door of the building, in addition to the two soldiers standing guard, there was also a lieutenant officer on duty walking around with his hands behind his back. Seeing the three of us walking by, he stepped forward and stopped us. Just as he was about to say something, Krochkov had already pulled out his credentials and handed it over. As soon as the officer looked at the red cover of the certificate, he stood at attention and stepped aside to clear the way for us.

Entering the building, to the right of the door is a duty room. Krochkov asked me to hand over the submachine gun and camouflage suit to the duty officer before leading us along the corridor.

As he walked along the corridor, Vlasov explained to me the mission of the trip: “Comrade Stalin said that this Chinese comrade who came to the Soviet Union to recuperate is a rare military talent, and he must try to persuade him to stay. We work. As long as he is willing to stay, we can even provide their troops with military equipment of two divisions. Your mission here today is to persuade him to stay. As for his position, let him come to mine first. The 20th Army served as deputy commander and chief of staff. After one or two battles and a certain degree of prestige in the army, he was sent to the headquarters of the Western Front as Zhukov’s deputy.”

“But Comrade General,” I said with some embarrassment after hearing what he said, “I’m afraid I can’t complete this task, and he won’t necessarily listen to me.”

“The person who assigned you here is the Supreme Commander himself.” It was Krochkov who was speaking this time. He lowered his voice and said: “This Chinese comrade has seen your speech record on the Kremlin podium. You praised you, saying that you are also a great military genius. You have mentioned to Comrade Stalin more than once that you want to find a chance to get to know you.”

“Huh?!” I didn’t expect that I would attract the attention of my compatriots, which was really unexpected. However, from the two points Vlasov called “recovering injuries” and “substituting weapons and equipment”, I had vaguely guessed who I was going to meet.

While speaking, he had come to the end of the corridor, Krochkov walked to the door of the confinement room and knocked gently twice. The door of the room opened quickly, and a soldier in a gray uniform without a hat appeared at the door. With my sharp eyes, I could see clearly that his armband had the two characters “Eight Road” written in Chinese. The soldier held the door of the room with his hand, did not speak, but swept around the uninvited guests with puzzled eyes.

“Comrade Shizhe, who is coming outside?” Before we could speak, a low voice came from the room. Although he didn’t speak Russian, I understood everything because he spoke Chinese. When I heard this familiar mother tongue again, my heartbeat speeded up suddenly, and tears of disappointment came from my eyes. Fortunately, I stood at the end, Vlasov and Krochkov stood in front of them with their backs to me, just blocking the soldier’s view, so that no one could notice my gaffe.

“Comrade Commander, three Soviet comrades are coming to you!” The comrade named Shi Zhe turned his head and said to the person inside. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

“Invite them in.”

Hearing the instructions of the people inside, Shi Zhe took a step back, opened the door wide, and let us make a gesture of asking.

I followed everyone into the room and saw a young man who was also in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army standing by the table against the wall. Although it was only a short glance, it was enough for my familiarity with him. I have fully confirmed that he is the person I just guessed.

“Hello! Nice to meet you!” Vlasov took the lead and stretched out his hand to him. Shi Zhe translated this sentence into Chinese in time. When the two shook hands, Vlasov introduced himself to each other again: “I am Vlasov, commander of the 20th Army, and I made a special trip to visit you today.”

Kroshkov seems to be a frequent visitor here. After Vlasov finished shaking his hand, he also stepped forward and shook his opponent politely. Then, in accordance with Russian tradition, pointed me to introduce the other party: “This female officer is the Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina you have always wanted to know.”

“Comrade Oxia Ningna,” After introducing me, he pointed his hand to the other party and introduced me: “This comrade is the commander of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army from China…”

Before Krochkov could finish the introduction, I had already stepped forward and held the hand of this great man, and said excitedly: “Hello, Master Lin, I am glad to meet you!” After I finished speaking, I found out I made a big mistake, and this sentence was actually spoken in Chinese.

There was silence in the room, and everyone looked at me with surprise.

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