Burning Moscow

Chapter 91

90 Lobbying (Part 2)

“General Lin!” Master Lin’s indifference made Vlasov’s face an awkward expression. Seeing this situation, I hurriedly called to Master Lin to come and rescue Vlasov. Then I said straightforwardly; “I know the level-off battle you commanded.”

After listening to Shi Zhe’s translation, Master Lin raised his head and looked at me, with a slight smile on his face, but still did not speak.

“According to relevant reports, the Eighth Route Army you led cleanly wiped out more than a thousand Japanese troops in the battle at Pingxingguan. This was the first major victory of the Chinese army since the Anti-Japanese War. It broke the myth of the invincibility of the Japanese army and greatly inspired the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians. Morale. This victory is of great significance both militarily and politically. Am I right?”

Teacher Lin nodded and said, “Yes.”

“Do you think there are many unsatisfactory aspects in this battle.”

“Well, if the Jin army on the front of the battlefield can attack in time as planned in advance, we can achieve greater results and eliminate more Japanese invaders.”

“What else?” Hearing his answer was not the answer I wanted to hear, so I asked again.

“More?!” He frowned for a while, then shook his head and said, “I can’t think of it, do you have any opinion?”

“Okay, I’ll continue. But I stated in advance that this is just my personal opinion, and it is only for Master Lin’s personal reference.” I politely said, and then proceeded according to my own thinking: “Although the battle will be eliminated. Thousands of Japanese invaders, but the Eighth Route Army’s casualties were not small, almost reaching a ratio of 1:1. As far as I know, you are commanding the 115th Division, most of which have gone through the 25,000-mile Long March, and have rich battles. The backbone of experience is an extremely powerful force. But it is such a force that, under favorable terrain, used superior forces to launch a sudden attack on the Japanese army. Although it achieved brilliant results, it also paid a lot of money. The price. An ambush with such a proportion of casualties proves that there are many areas for improvement in this battle…”

“Comrade Oshanina, stop talking…” Vlasov interrupted suddenly. It seemed that he was afraid that my words would embarrass Master Lin, so he wanted to stop me from continuing.

“It’s okay, Comrade General, let her continue, I want to hear it too.” After listening to Shi Zhe’s translation, Master Lin stood up and helped me out in time.

“In fact, there are many reasons for such heavy casualties. First of all, let’s talk about the Japanese army. The Itagaki Division is the first-class division of the Japanese army. It is undeniable that they are well-equipped and have strong combat effectiveness. Look. Secondly, the equipment of the Eighth Route Army is poor. Many soldiers use old-fashioned weapons, and the ammunition is seriously insufficient. There are only a few bullets in a gun. After the shooting, they have to fight with the Japanese bayonet. The Laoye Temple has changed hands several times. This is a typical example. Third, many fighters take it for granted, use old experience to set up new situations, and still fight according to the same method as the white bandit army. Enemies will lay down their weapons obediently. I don’t know that the Japanese army was deeply poisoned by the Bushido spirit, and would rather die than surrender. It is more difficult to catch a Japanese prisoner than to kill ten enemies. When the soldiers saw that the enemy hadn’t shot them, they swaggered on the ground. The gun was handed in, and the enemy took the opportunity to open fire, and unnecessary casualties occurred….”

Hearing what I said, Master Lin stood up abruptly, walking back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. When I saw him doing this, I also closed my mouth with interest.

He walked for a while, maybe he noticed why the room suddenly became quiet, so he stopped, looked at me with a puzzled look and asked, “Why didn’t you continue talking?”

I think the fire is about to come, and then I started lobbying: “General Lin, the Japanese army’s weapons and equipment are better than the Chinese army, so they can show off and domineering on China’s land, but if compared with the Soviet Union, their weapons are similar to fire sticks. This point can be confirmed from Comrade Zhukov’s beating them all over looking for teeth in the Nomonkan area….”

When I heard the word “tooth everywhere” I used, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became relaxed. Master Lin also sat back at the table again, took my topic and said: “Comrade Oshanina, I understand what you mean. If I stay, the Soviet side will provide us with weapons from two divisions. Equipment. If the Eighth Route Army gets this batch of equipment to deal with the Japanese invaders, at least it will not suffer any more weapons, does that mean?”

“Yes! General Lin, your guess is correct.” I have to admire Master Lin’s flexible mind. I haven’t finished speaking yet, he has already guessed what I want to say. Hearing what Master Lin said, Vlasov surreptitiously gave me a thumbs up and praised me for doing a good job.

Master Lin went on to say: “As we all know, our own arsenal is small and cannot be self-sufficient. Therefore, most of the weapons used by the soldiers are captured from the enemy. I think even if the Soviet Union’s assistance is not available. For weapons, we can also arm ourselves by capturing them from the enemy. The weapons and equipment of the two divisions are not worth keeping me behind.”

As soon as this remark came out, Vlasov’s expression suddenly dimmed, but I saw a glimmer of hope. Master Lin did not want to stay, but the reason we asked him to stay was not sufficient, so I continued: “Lin General, you have been studying at the Frunze Military Academy since you arrived in the Soviet Union. Don’t you want to test your theoretical knowledge in this great Patriotic War? I have read your information before and remember you When I was a regimental commander in the Red Army, in a fierce battle, from the entire regiment’s company platoon cadres, selected a part of the backbone of the stormtrooper, equipped with short firearms, every 24 people as a charge cluster, organized into more than ten clusters, taking turns Fell at the enemy, and finally wiped out the enemy.”

After hearing this, I caught a glimpse of Master Lin’s eyes. I said there was a play in my heart. It seems that I mentioned his glorious past that really aroused his interest. I quickly went on and said: “Of course the national conditions are different. The tactics used on the battlefield will also be different. Although you used to command the Red First Army and the 115th Division, there were tens of thousands of people under your command. But if you have the opportunity to command more troops in the future, it’s not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. When there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, much of your original experience is not applicable. The 20th Army is still being assembled, and will soon go to the front line to compete with the Germans. You are an amazing one. Military genius, with your military talents, if you stay in command of this army, you can not only use your military talents to your heart’s content, but you can also teach some tactics that they don’t know about, so that you can defeat the German fascists even more surely. Big.”

Master Lin nodded and didn’t speak, but I could already see that he was already a little moved. As long as he put the fire on, he might agree to stay. I organized a vocabulary in my head and said: “When the German fascism is defeated, Comrade Stalin will never look at the Chinese comrades. Fighting alone on the anti-fascist battlefield, he will definitely send troops to support. The soldiers crush the border, the little Japan. Isn’t it just the tail of a rabbit — can’t it grow? Think about it, if you have been in a leading position in the Soviet army, will the task of liberating the four northeastern provinces fall on others? Defeating Little Japan is not Drive them away from China’s leadership and it’s over. Don’t you want to lead the Chinese Soviet Army on the mainland of Japan to see what this island country that has invaded China for decades is like?…”

“Pop!” Master Lin slammed the table and yelled, “Good point!” Then he stood up. Seeing him getting up and walking towards us, Vlasov and I both stood up quickly. Master Lin walked in front of General Vlasov, held his hand and said, “Comrade General, please go back and tell Comrade Stalin that I agree to stay and participate in this great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union. But I want to generate electricity first. Please tell me about Yan’an. If the central government agrees, I can immediately join the Soviet combat sequence.”

Then he walked in front of me, held my hand, and said gratefully: “Thank you, Comrade Oshaninna.”

When Master Lin sent us out, he suddenly asked: “Comrade Oshanina, I want to ask, why don’t you want to stay in the rear command authority and prefer to fight the enemy ahead?”

As soon as this question was raised, even General Vlasov felt extremely curious. He stopped and, like Master Lin, was waiting for my answer. In the eyes of ordinary people, my actions are indeed unreasonable. The safe and comfortable rear organs are not waiting, but I have to run to the battlefield with endless fire. In fact, I really have a cryptic concealment. When Zhukov runs around every day, my Russian is not very fluent The handwriting of Russian is not understood either. At this level, staying in the agency will reveal the truth within two days. Comrades inside and outside will soon send me to a punishment camp in the Arctic Circle to do hard work. Even if I can get through, the chances of promotion in the agency are pitiful. At best, I can only be a fart-free staff for my whole life. There are also many factions in the army. Maybe this chief officer treats me highly. After a new military chief officer, I became the object of exclusion. Because of these reasons, I chose to go to the front line. However, these reasons can only be hidden in my heart and cannot be told to others, so I said perfunctorily: “Several commanders I followed like to put their command post only a few hundred meters away from the forward position. And if the Germans attacked, all the logistics personnel would also have to take up weapons to participate in the battle. Since it is the same everywhere, so I chose to go to the front to fight face to face with the enemy.”

“Oh!” After listening to my explanation, Master Lin nodded suspiciously. Because when he was recuperating in the Soviet Union, the doctor used overdose of drugs, which damaged his nerve function and formed some sequelae such as fear of water, wind, cold, diarrhea, sweating, etc., so he sent us to the corridor and went back. Up.

General Vlasov and I came to the door. Just as we stood still, a black car drove over. The car stopped at the door, and a major got out of the car, stood at attention and saluted the general, saying: “Comrade General, I am here to pick you up and Lieutenant Colonel Oshanina on the order of Comrade Krochkov. Please come in. Car.”

When I got in the car, I was still thinking that although Krochkov seemed annoying, he still worked more seriously. After I left, I didn’t forget to arrange a car to pick me up and the general. Otherwise, it is estimated that I can only take a taxi home.

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