Burning the world from pirates.

Chapter 19 Meeting Dr. Kureha

Chapter 19 Meeting Dr. Kureha

The next day, we arrived at Magnetic Drum Island and stopped at the port of Zefa to see Noah off the ship.

Since the conversation about gold in the sky that day, Zefa stopped discussing issues with Noah.

Every time he saw Noah, he would think of the phrase "Let all the people of the world unite".

Like a nightmare, Zefa's heart was full of torment these two days.

It would be fine if Noah was talking nonsense, but Zefa thought about it.

If Noah's words are realized, it can really change the sea and bring ideal justice.

That's scary for a guy who's spent his whole life keeping order at sea, because that's an answer.

He has always wanted to bring fairness and justice to the sea.

A young man who has played the role of a hero since he was a child, has climbed up to the position of admiral step by step.

But no matter how he fights the pirates, he can't stop the tide of the pirate era, he can only do his best to stabilize the order of the sea.

Now one person seems to have the answer.

Breaking the old order has the potential to bring fairness and justice to the sea.

That kind of temptation is not strong yet, but I can't think about it too much.

Because he felt his own fear, which was a kind of magic.

Zefa breathed a sigh of relief when he arrived at Magnetic Drum Island to see off the Noah brothers and sisters.

spend the rest of the navy

"Mr. Adam, you must be more than a writer.

As a writer, you really know too much about world government, people's livelihood, and some ideas. "

"Mr. Nazefa, do you think what I said is correct?"

Noah stared calmly into Zefa's eyes.


noah smiles
Take a book from Robin and pass it to Zefa.

"This is a book I wrote when I was traveling around the world a few years ago. In the book, I present some of my ideas to you. If you have any troubles, you can open it and read it."

Title of the book "Reform the Four Seas from Small Things"

Zefa put the book in his arms and didn't intend to read it, for fear of being tempted by the knowledge in the book.

It is very possible that this book contains the virtual future that this bastard built.

He was a former admiral of the Navy headquarters, so he would not fall into such a trick.


Watching the warship move away, Noah and Robin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It is a bit stressful for two wanted criminals to spend so many days on the warship.

He was not sure if Zefa would catch him when he spread the fire. The current hard power is not the opponent of the general, or the gap is worlds apart.

But it's a pity to miss such a good opportunity to meet General Zefa, so I had to take a risk, but fortunately the result was good.

Pulling the luggage into the ice and snow, this is the climate of the great route, it is really strange.

The day before we came to Cigu Island, the sea was still hot and dry, but the next day when we arrived at Cigu Island, the waters became bitingly cold.

I dug out my winter clothes from the suitcase and trudged through the snow.

At this time, I heard the sound of the bell, and it was getting closer.

A closer look is a sleigh pulled by reindeer.There are a lot of reindeer on Magnetic Drum Island, and Tony Tony Chopper, the favorite of the Straw Hats, was born here.

Because of some experiences, Luffy took him away from Drum Island and began a tragic life.Carrying a bounty of 100 Baileys against enemies at the level of 4 emperors, it's miserable.

The local residents of Magnetic Drum Island mostly rely on reindeer to pull sleds.

It is very distinctive, and reminds Noah of Santa Claus in the previous life.At this time, the sleigh coming from a distance stopped in front of Noah.

"Young man, are you here to see a doctor?"

"Uncle, how do you know that we are here to find a doctor?"

Robin asked strangely.

"Our doctors on Magnetic Drum Island are very famous in the Great Airline, and many people from other places will come to us for medical treatment.

It seems that you are also here to see a doctor, come up, my old Cook will take you for a ride. "

Noah and the two got on the sled to feel the scenery of Magnetic Drum Island.Pulled by reindeer, the sled moves quite fast.

However, under the control of the old Cook, who claims to be an old driver, it is fast and stable.

According to the old Cook himself, he is the king of snow on the entire magnetic drum island, and the No.1 driver of the magnetic drum island.

Needless to say, this old man's driving skills are really high, and he felt like he was driving like lightning, and he arrived in town very quickly.

Saying goodbye to old Cook, the two found a hotel to stay and rest for a night, and then asked passers-by how to get to the witch's castle.

Every passerby who is asked will first lean back in horror, and then tell some castle horror stories vividly.

Killing rabbits, snow monsters and the like want to dispel Noah's idea of ​​going up the mountain.

It is said that the witch sometimes goes down the mountain by herself, just wait at the bottom of the mountain.

But Noah didn't want to waste time, so he asked about the general route and went up the mountain with Robin the next day carrying the suitcase.

It may be that no one went up the mountain, and the snow on the mountain path was extremely thick. Noah and Robin walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

At this time, Noah seemed to have discovered something with his knowledge and domineering, and looked towards the col on the right.

I saw a group of huge red-eyed rabbits two people tall jumping over.

"Is this the Laban you mentioned? It's so cute."

Noah is powerless about Robin's aesthetics. When did she love ugly and cute creatures so much?

"It seems that we have to fight first. Laban will only obey the strong."

Speaking of which, Noah opened his posture, planning to beat the group of rabbits with one punch.

"Let me come, I want to play with them for a while."

Robin begged.

Well, Robin has too few playmates, let her play for a while.Anyway, this group of rabbits is quite weak for Robin.

"Huahuaguo, grab your heels."

A pair of hands grew out of the snow and directly grabbed the feet of the rabbits, causing the rabbits to fall directly to the ground.

The group of rabbits grimaced, thought about it for a while, stopped thinking, and continued to rush.

"Huahuaguo, cover your eyes."

At this moment, the eyes of the rabbits were covered, and the group of rabbits fell down again in a daze.Get up and continue to charge.

The follow-up is "Huahuaguo, pulling ears, slapping hands, poking nose, pulling tail."

After a while the Rabons lay flat.Let's play, it's not that human beings won, but that I, Laban, stopped playing.

Seeing these big rabbits so pitiful, Robin also felt that this was not good, and finally let them go soft-hearted.

But before leaving, ask these Labangs to take them to the top of the mountain.So a few big rabbits were left to carry Noah on their backs and they hopped up the mountain.

Noah and Robin were very emotional when they saw the castle on the top of the mountain. It is thanks to the fact that the world is not so scientific that such a big castle can be built on the top of a snow mountain.

And the witch had her own castle before she robbed the palace of Magnetic Drum Island, so she is really a rich woman.

Before knocking on the door, the door opened automatically.There seems to be a monster hidden behind the dark door.

Fortunately, it is the Witch's Castle, Dr. Kureha is too good at it.

"Hello, is there anyone? I'm here to find Dr. Ms. Kureha for help."

With a bang, the torches in the castle were lit one by one starting from the door.Then a huge shadow fell over the door.

"Ms. Dr. Kureha, stop making trouble.

With that said, Noah took out a bottle of plum wine from the box and threw it forward.

After flying far, a withered hand firmly grasped the bottle.

"This is green plum wine from Hawa, the best of the best. It costs 1000 million Baileys a bottle. It's a pity to lose it."

As he said that, an old beauty with a cool appearance appeared.

"It doesn't look like you are sick, your strength is not bad, and you even put on a disguise on your face, which is a bit shameful? What can you do with me?"

Noah never thought that people with top medical skills would not be able to see the disguise, and even a little bit of unnaturalness would be discovered.

"There are two things I would like to ask for your help."

"I charge a lot."

A box that Noah brought with him was filled with Bailey except for a bottle of plum wine.

"Is it enough? Another bottle of wine, 3000 million Baileys."

"Let's talk about something first, if it's not enough, add more. Come with me."

Sitting in the reception room of the castle, Noah first introduced himself
"My name is Noah, and this is my sister Robin. I'm here for help, please take a look at this first."

As he spoke, he handed the Frost Moon Secret Medicine to Dr. Kuleha.

open it and smell it

"The secret drug for physical exercise, is it because the effect of this drug is not good after the strength is improved, and you want to improve it. The kid from O'Hara."

"Yes, I don't know if you have a way."

"Don't ask me if I have it. The effect of the medicine triples in two weeks, but the price you brought is not enough, add another 5000 million."

"It's a deal, but I don't have that much money for the time being, can I do research first and then make up for it later?"

"How do I know if you still have money?"

In desperation, Noah took out the contract signed with the World Economic News as collateral.

This witch doesn't care about these identities at all.

"Ho ho, rich man.

OK, this matter is settled.

So what's the second thing? "

"Well, I have a document for you to read first. I would like to trouble you to figure out how to produce this medicine on a large scale and at low cost."

As he spoke, he handed over a few pieces of paper.Dr. Kureha, who was originally casual, took a few glances and then became serious.

Even if Noah gave her real name, she didn't care. Over the years, she has seen many guys who are more troublesome than this brat, but she was still shocked when she saw this information.

This is a piece of basic information on penicillin. Noah can only remember so much. In his previous life, he just scanned it. It is not easy to retrieve these memories through the golden finger.

"This medicine should not be useful to you, it is only used by civilians."

"Yes, penicillin is nothing to a man with power in the sea.

Because there is no shortage of this kind of medicine in several major forces, but the cost is relatively expensive.

Naturally, there is no shortage of medicines when joining the navy, even if it is more expensive, the navy can afford it.

The pirates with poor physique all died, and those who survived rely on their own immunity.The powerful don't even care about this.

This is for civilians on the sea. The vast majority of people in this world do not have life-saving medicine, which is wrong. "

(End of this chapter)

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