But for a Slime

007.2 - A New Friend?



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Maigcal Resistance




























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The boy’s stats had leveled up, but the best news was the fact that it seemed the levels really did act like a multiplier on the first level stats. Sadly, his curse appeared to be exactly what it said on the tin, with his learning cursed to remain at only a single point. While Joe felt for the kid, he was too consumed with the satisfaction of finding a way forward. All he needed to do, then, was find a job that allowed him to gain enough stats per level to get him to the crucial one hundred point level. Something that gave him a base stat of five would be the minimum, and would make it possible for him to reach one hundred points in the stat easily. Joe clapped the kid on the shoulder then turned to head back home, and the boy sat staring in stunned amazement for several moments. Joe had walked a bit of the way back home when he stopped in confusion and realized the kid wasn’t following him.

“Hey! Kid! Come on! We gotta get back home. I really don’t wanna be out here in the dark!”

The boy jerked and came aware, turning sharply towards the sound of his voice. Joe waved him on, and they headed back to the road, killing the string of slimes on the way back before turning up the road towards the village. After enjoying a good meal together in the inn once again, he headed out into the streets to take his bath, the young boy following him. He sat beside the stream awkwardly as he bathed himself, then headed back towards the inn, the boy following obediently behind him.

When they made the inn, the boy followed him inside and Joe turned to glance at him in some confusion. Maybe he thinks I still need him? Is he afraid his parents are going to be mad he was gone the whole day? SHOOT! Maybe I need to talk to his parents. Joe stood awkwardly, trying to piece together how to mime the need to talk to family, and finally decided to go with the most expedient route.

“Hey, kid. Where do you sleep?”

Joe pointed at the boy, miming sleep by placing his hands together and laying his head in repose against them, then pointed at the boy. The boy blinked at him in surprise, confused and uncertain, but Joe insistently kept asking where the boy slept. Nothing seemed to happen, so Joe pushed the boy out the door into the street again and then continued to mime sleeping while making snoring noises. Finally, the boy nodded, although Joe could see his face fell into utter despair.

“Hey, kid! Don’t worry about it! I promise. I’ll talk to your parents. I won’t let them get you in trouble, alright?”

The boy nodded and turned away, even as tears began to slide down his cheeks and Joe sighed but did nothing. Can’t really deal with it until I get there. Not even sure what's going on. There’s no way I can explain. He’ll just have to see what I’ll do when I get there.

Joe followed behind him as he went down the street towards the stream. When he came to the bridge, he slipped down the right side of the bridge towards the stream, not crossing the bridge. Joe stopped with some consternation before turning to follow behind the boy, but by the time he came to the side of the bridge, the boy’s figure had disappeared. He slipped down the side of the bridge quickly and looked under the bridge, trying to find the boy, but he seemed to have disappeared, the gloom of twilight exacerbated by the shadow of the bridge made everything below a landscape of dark shadow.

Suddenly, movement came from the pile of trash across the stream on the other side tucked up under the bridge, and Joe peered more closely. Eyes stared at him from the gloom, then the figure crawled towards him before standing and coming out from the shadows under the bridge. Joe’s eyebrows exploded upwards as he realized it was the boy.

“What…. You sleep here,” Joe asked with shocked amazement?

The boy cocked his head, clean streaks running down his cheeks where his tears had cleaned them. Joe opened his mouth to speak, but realized that he had nothing to say and resorted to mime again, this time using the same mime but trying to portray a question, his hands pillowing his cheeks as he ‘slept’ and snored against them. He then pointed at the pile of trash under the bridge, then at the boy. The boy seemed confused for a bit, but then nodded his head, miming sleep then pointing at himself and the pile of trash. Joe sighed with frustration and shook his head with some annoyance.

“Well, crap. I can’t let you sleep out here. Come on. Let’s get you back to the inn, but you are NOT going to sleep with all that dirt on ya!”

Joe beckoned the boy after him and walked up the stream towards the lake, stopping at his favorite bathing location, then pointing at the boy to wash himself, miming the whole time. The boy seemed confused at first, but then finally understood and stripped naked to wash. Joe stepped back and away, turning his head with some embarrassment as he waited for the boy to finish, then headed back to the inn.

It took some finagling, college level miming, and quite a few coin to explain Joe’s expectations and get the inn matron’s acceptance. The night ended with the two crowding in his small room and a small floor mattress brought in for the boy. He dumped the slime gems into the storage bin he was using in his room, then blew out the candles and had the boy put to bed. The boy took quite a bit to put down, his eager happiness at being able to sleep in the inn almost causing Joe to feel some shame since he was so annoyed at the lack of amenities. It didn’t take long, and the two were soon asleep.

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