But for a Slime

025.7 - Entering the City

The sun was close to the horizon when they finally left the woods and stretching in front of them was a very mildly rolling plane. Off in the distance, the large city could be seen rising majestically from the waving grass and the group felt invigorated. They reached the city only thirty or forty minutes later and came upon a massive sprawl outside the city walls. Man! I bet it still a good ten or twenty minute walk to the actual city walls! The family came to a halt at the outer city sprawl and offered generous thanks to Joe and Garnedell for their help. Joe waved it off, not wishing to encumber the family or make them concerned, and the two groups parted ways after Joe asked for a good inn. The father had insisted showing the way, but when Garnedell said he’d be able to find it easy enough with the father’s directions, Joe insisted the father head home with his family. The inn the father had suggested was inside the city walls, for which Joe was grateful but worried about the cost. They decided to take the chance and the two slipped through the outer city quickly, hoping to reach the city gates before the closed and the sun set.

The sun was still well above the horizon, allowing good light, and they were lucky to arrive just before the gates were starting to close. The guards proved a bit annoyed and didn’t wish to allow the two in, but Garnedell took the guard aside and whispered something that seemed to significantly change the guard’s attitude. The guard seemed both obsequious and belligerent at the same time. I wonder what Garnedell said to the man? Joe wondered with a bit of frustration as it seemed to be pushing propriety a bit. Garnedell returned to Joe and beckoned him forward. The guards pulled Joe and Garnedell into a side room and began to question them both. Garnedell answered for both of them, although the guard seemed to become a bit angry when Joe didn’t respond, but Garnedell seemed to calm the man well enough. After a series of questions, the head guard seemed to calm down and barked out an order to his men.

Two men came in through another door in the room, both struggling as they carried in a large crystalline device strapped to a heavy block of stone or iron. Can’t really tell which… why can’t I tell the difference between stone and metal? Joe peered very curiously at the table but then saw the head guard glaring at him and sat back up, schooling his face and nodding with a slight bow to the guard. The man grimaced slightly before turning to Garnedell and offering several gruff and obviously blunt commands since there were only one or two words long. Joe almost understood a few of them.

Garnedell stood and stretched out his hand on the crystal at the top, palming it firmly. As he did so, the crystal shone briefly before shutting down. Joe was almost disappointed. It was only a flicker of light! What’s the point? Suddenly, the heavy stone or metal plate under the crystal seemed to swirl in a rainbow of oily colors before settling and Joe recognized Garnedell’s status opening up on the plate on a light blue background. The status was missing significantly portions, with only a few stats shown, such as strength and attack, but his name and a rotating picture of his face. Uh oh… I don’t have anything like that. What do I show them? I never got any ID. Joe began to fidget anxiously but then stopped in some shock when the guard seemed to explode in anger.

The man began to berate Garnedell, shouting at him in an obviously mocking tone. Garnedell shrunk a little under the attack, but then looked at Joe and stood up proudly before shouting back at the guard. The guard seemed shocked at boy’s reply, but then narrowed his eye and then barked at Joe. Joe didn’t reply at all since he didn’t understand what the man was saying, simply sitting in his seat. The guard narrowed his eyes even more angrily, but Joe just cocked his head, a bit confused. Garnedell came forward and whispered in his ear. Joe was a bit surprised when he realized Garnedell had chosen to speak in English.

“Me touch. Zhoe touch me touch.”

Huh… I’m not sure I should touch. I don’t have ID. And he’s whispering, even in English. It seems to be a bit dangerous? I need to keep my mouth shut, I guess. But if I just get up and leave… might get Garnedell in trouble. Joe felt a bit trapped and finally sighed. There wasn’t much he could do. He stepped forward and placed his hand on the crystal.

* * *

When the farmboy had shown up dragging another adventurer, head gate guardsman Gadun was quite ready to simply head home. The boy had been insistent and even insinuated that the adventurer was a great hero. Such lies were told all the time, and he quickly dismissed them, but when the boy insisted and claimed the man was six digits, Gadun felt fear shiver down his spine. Both the boy and the man were draped with mismatching armor, obvious spoils from a fight and Gadun calmed his anger. Six digits were things of legends. No one was six digits. The claim was so outlandish Gadun almost dismissed it, but if it were true, the town itself would be in jeopardy if he were to ever offend such a one.

Cowed over the possibility, he allowed the boy in to prove his status, a requirement for all to enter the city if they were without identity, and brought out the crystal identifier. It was a costly and bulky affair that Gadun hated to use, for any damage to it was taken from his salary. When he’d seen the boy’s single digit status, he’d exploded in anger and almost thrown the two in the brig for the night. The boy was cowed but then glanced at his master and responded in anger, shouting directly back at him. When Gadun had prepared to arrest the two of them, he’d looked towards the master and his bored complacent face took him aback. There was no fear on his face. This more than anything else stifled his anger and he barked for the man to place his hand on the indentifier.

“Identify yourself!”

The man simply stared back at him coolly, unmoving and dismissive. Gadun felt a bit of fear for the first time and considered adding courtesy. Even as he wrestled with how to do so without lowering himself too greatly or losing too great of face, the boy proved himself wise and leaned in to whisper in the master’s ear, offering a gracious way out for both Gadun and his master. The man flickered his eyes to the identifier crystal before measuring Gadun for another few moments. Even as sweat began to form on his back, the man stood easily and reached to the crystal, saying nothing.



Current Job

Available Jobs

Current Skills

Available Skills


Joe McConnell


Physical Resistances

Magical Resistances


34 (138)





34 (100)


11 (48)




34 (181)


3.25 (132)




34 (158)


20.5 (39)




34 (100)

Magic Defense

34 (100)


44 (148)


49 (112)


46 (133)


35 (115)


54 (193)


38 (132)


39.5 (105)





The crystal flickered as usual, a simple white to indicate the man was not a criminal, and then the crystal cleared to a light blue of the commoner class and Gadun felt his anger exploding before he flickered his eyes to the attack and magic capabilities of this man with a bit of disdain. When his eyes fell on the runes, he felt the air rush from his lungs and leave him stifled even as his body hungered for air except that he remained frozen in fear, leaving his lungs starved.

Silenced crashed down on the room, the multitude of small noises of murmuring guards and clanking armor that normally inundate the gate room stilled to an unnatural silence. The adventurer simply stared at him, unmoving and obviously displeased. Gadun’s fear skyrocketed as he counted the digits. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven! Seven digits! Such… impossible … impossible! Each digit swirled and shifted, never remaining the same as it morphed through the divine runes of power, but there were unequivocally seven digits. Such heroes were …

Gadun felt the world around him shudder and he quickly looked up to the man before him, body straightening and instinctually offering a salute. He began babbling apologies and offering remunerations immediately, and the man’s apprentice… no slave! It must be a slave! The man’s slave leaned in and began whispering in his ear. Gadun immediately closed his mouth, not wishing to anger the man for not being able to hear his slave, and waited with fear for the expert’s response. The man did not move, nor even blink his eyes, simply staring at him.

It took several moments after the slave finished for the expert to reply, and he turned to his slave and whispered in reply. He opened his pouch and pulled out three dual core gems and Gadun felt his eyes boggle in shock, mouth literally dropping open. The boy took the dual core gems casually, no shock or surprise. The boy isn’t surprised! This is normal for the boy! How…

The boy looked up at him, then the two guards who stood behind the identifier, all three trembled in place waiting for the experts reply. The boy smirked a little at their fear, and Gadun felt a twinge of anger flicker through him but quickly quashed it as well. Anyone would be angry for having their master slighted! Control yourself! Gadun flared his nostrils and closed his eyes, fearful of the response.

“My master is displeased.”

A muffled groan swept through the three men but all held their place and did not move.

“However, he will forgive the slight. Once!”

All three nodded quickly, relief fighting with fear, flickering across their faces.

“He also wishes for silence! No one is to know. Keep silent of this!”

Gadun gulped and looked at the three men before returning his look to the expert and smiling apologetically, “We must report this to the Lord!”

The expert simply stared at Gadun and said nothing. Gadun felt the pressure increase, and he blinked several times. The servant’s next words tore Gadun’s gaze away and he seriously considered the offer.

“My master is willing to offer you payment, of course!”

The boy held out three dual core gems, and all three guards stiffened in shock. This was a life time of wealth. Impossible for them to ever find on their own. The two guards began shuffling forward, obviously wishing to take the bribe. Even Gadun felt an overwhelming urge to take as well, but while the city’s Lord might be easy to deceive, his chance of deceiving his benefactor was almost nil. What… this is only going to work if those two are dead. No one else can know! I can’t trust them with this secret! It will lead to my death! Gadun’s fear wrestled with his greed, and soon his greed won out. I’ll kill them now and I’ll get their dual cores as well! Gadun finally agreed and nodded to the two men who quickly rushed forward and pocketed their dual cores.

Gadun saluted once again, sincere submission flowing from him as he guided them out the door while the two guards wrestled to take the crystal identifier back to its secure room. After the expert had gone, Gadun slid his dagger from his sheath and followed the two men back into the crystal identifier storage room.

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