But for a Slime

038.4 - Deep Dark Thoughts

Joe flipped open his status but found that cudgel hadn’t changed at all, still at .01. Huh… Well, maybe … Joe dropped his status and slipped to the next spark. His eagerness quickly soured as he killed close to ten sparks before he found any change in his cudgel skill: a measly .01 increase to a total of .02. Huh… this is not going to work. Let’s see… um… Joe quickly crunched some numbers before continue. OK. I’m able to kill about fifty an hour, using the star weapons. That would give me .05 an hour… so about .5 a day? I guess… ok… that’s not bad. Two days to get it leveled… wait! I kill fifty an hour because I kill whole rooms at the same time! I’m killing all twenty in a room in twenty minutes… about, but if I only kill a row at a time, about fifteen minutes to kill a row… five rows… that’s … about an hour fifteen minutes for twenty kills.. so… .02 uh… hmm… More number crunching left him at only growing his cudgel skill at .15 or so for a day’s worth of work. Still worth it, certainly, as he would get another six hundred learning with only seven days effort. Definitely worth it. But… why did my bow level so fast when… wait! The bandits were all three times my level… maybe? But what does level compare to a monsters rank? Maybe...

Garnedell had already ‘starred’ the next four sparks so it was too late now, but Joe had a plan for the last row. Maybe if there were dual core sparks? Or triple core? I really got a lot more experience for that? Although the time was significantly longer, but still… If I get more skill growth for the time?

When Joe and Garnedell had cleared out the next row, Joe called him over and gave him his plan, “So, let’s make dual sparks now. Trap them in stars, still, but make sure you get two in one star and let them combine then see how you do killing it. You think you’re up for it? If not, don’t! I’ll set mine as dual core because I need to, but you…”

Garnedell considered carefully for a few moments, fear filtering over his face as he considered Joe’s suggestion. Joe saw his hesitation and decided to see how Garnedell would handle his suggestion. Garnedell vacillated a few moments before finally nodding, turning to his star and preparing to combine the two stars before attacking. Joe watched a few moments, uncertain what to do. In a normal training situation, Joe would allow it to continue to its ultimate likely end: failure. He would then use it as a teaching moment to explain the importance of accurately judging one’s own capabilities, but with an actual monster capable of killing him in the mix, Joe felt uncomfortable with that option. So Joe finally called Garnedell back before he caught the two sparks attention.

“Garnedell. Come here”

Garnedell stopped, surprised by the request and returned.

“Garnedell. Do you think you can defeat a dual core monster?”

Garnedell flinched, glancing up at Joe through eyebrows as he hung his head with some fear.

“Don’t worry or be afraid. Answer the question truthfully.”

“Ma.. Joe. I do not think I could defeat a single core monster.”

“Good. You can’t. Why did you agree to my request to attack a dual core monster?”

“You told me to.”

“You would do what a fool tells you to?”

“No! But…”

“No, Garnedell. You need to learn this. Knowing yourself and your own capabilities is more important than knowing any enemies! How can you fight, react, interact, or plan if you don’t honestly evaluate your own abilities! Why didn’t you tell me no?”

“You… I… um… an apprentice must obey his master.”

Joe sighed at this, but let it go. It’s their way… I gotta let it be… “Garnedell, I would rather have a wise intelligent living apprentice than an obedient fool.”

Garnedell blinked his eyes a few times before they exploded open in surprised joy. A giant grin plastered his face and Joe took a few moments to realize what had just happened even as Garnedell looked towards him and bowed, “Yes, master! Your apprentice understands!”

Joe clenched his jaw and hid his grimace, although he wasn’t able to keep himself from face-palming. Well… crap… I guess I have an apprentice now… A deep sigh escaped him before he was able to get himself back under control and he looked up at Garnedell, a small smile hooking the corner of his lips. Don’t wanna crush his hopes. Another secret sigh escaped his lips and he continued his lessons. I got an apprentice now, so might as well teach!

“Right. Rules!”

“Yes, master!”

“No master! I still don’t like master”

“Yes, mas… Joe.”

“I’m still serious about that, OK?”

“OK, m… Joe.”

“Next… Like I said before. I want intelligence… not obedience, right? A smart person!”

“OK, Joe.”

“That means! If I do something stupid, or I have a weird idea… you tell me when I’m wrong or doing something stupid, right?”

“You.. I? wait…”

“Yes! You talk to me and help me… ok?”

Garnedell nodded with a bit more uncertain concern this time, but didn’t fight it.

“Three… I told you intelligence is better than obedience, but I still expect respect and listening to me as I teach you! Respect and obedience aren’t the same thing, but they can functionally appear the same. Basically, a subordinate who respects you will look the same to most people as one who just obeys you. But one likes and wants to, the other does it because they have to. OK?”

“You… want me to like you?”

“Uh… well.. not really, although I would like that,” Joe laughed at that and Garnedell joined in albeit with a bit more trepidation, “But… respect means you listen to me because you see and know me and think that I’m worth listening to… that I’m a good person and that you want and like to listen to me. Maybe because I’m kind to you, or because I’m really smart and good and can help you with what you are learning. Maybe because I’ve proven myself. Hopefully it’s because of all those things. But that means I have to be a good master … uh… a good teacher and treat you well, as well… so… It works both ways.”

Garnedell considered this carefully, mind obviously busy before he responded “So you want to be a good master and you want me to be a good student and to like each other as we are master and student?”

Joe blinked at this before laughing, “Yeah… that’s seems pretty simple, huh?”

Garnedell smiled a bit at Joe’s response before nodding.

Joe brought his laughter under control before continuing, “But yeah… respect means to look up to someone but it also means to treat someone else well by listening to them without being rude or impolite. You can still disagree, or say your own ideas, but do it… respectfully.”

Garnedell nodded more firmly this time, seeming to understand a bit better although still slightly confused, “Like a village council?”

“I uh… maybe? I guess. They can have their own ideas… even argue, but they’re still friends and work together.”

“And they still listen to the reeve.”

“Uh… yeah…” The reeve? Let’s leave it at that for now, though, “So, anyway. That means I want you to think carefully. And I will test you to see if you are thinking, like now when I asked you to kill a two core monster. Even with the star weapon trapping the spark, it might be dangerous!”

“Oh… um.. OK.”

“So show me your thinking, too, OK?”

“Yes, Joe.”

“If you want, watch me as I kill my two core and then see if you think you could do it as well?”

Garnedell nodded without response this time and Joe turned to trap his two sparks together on a single star then waited for them to merge. When the two had merged, he stepped forward and started swinging his cudgels, one in each hand. After a few minutes passed, Joe stepped back and turned to Garnedell.

“You can start attacking yours whenever you want if you think you’ve watched enough.”

Joe didn’t give Garnedell any time to respond and headed right back to attacking his spark. Joe heard Garnedell taking on a single spark a few minutes later and Joe glanced over to see the last two sparks both impaled on their stars with Garnedell slashing his staff through one.

Joe turned back to his spark and continued his attack but took quite a bit longer than going through single core sparks. By the time Joe had finished taking it out, Garnedell had long finished both his sparks and moved the stars into the hallway leading to the next room and killed the first guarding the hallway and started on the second. That’s… a lot of time wasted… four kills to my one… but… Joe flipped open his stats page and looked at his cudgel skill, a grin forming on his face. Four times the time for a single kill but half the time for leveling the skill… ok.. definitely worth it!

Joe and Garnedell spent the rest of the day slowly going through the dungeon with Joe ending the day having increased his cudgel skill close to twenty five percent. Joe felt a bit a relief only having to spend maybe another three or four days to get the skill up and actually felt quite optimistic as they climbed up out of the dungeon. They had lost a bit of time dealing with the siblings’ debt, so he might be able to make almost a third of a point gain per day, although he would still need three days even if that were true.

Exiting the dungeon, Garnedell paid a single spark core as a tax, not wishing to be too conspicuous over their lack of core gains, claiming to have found only three. The sun hadn’t quite set, but they found the gathering gloom enough to find walking the streets a bit difficult and the two arrived at the Dancing Ratfox with the sun still barely cresting the horizon. Joe realized he hadn’t gotten the name of the inn and figured it would be important simply for future reference and turned to Garnedell.

“Hey, Garnedell. What’s the name of the inn? I’ve named it the Dancing Ratfox because of the picture, but…. Do inn’s have names here?”

Garnedell blinked before nodding, “Of course. I think the name is the Dancing Bard. Why did you say ratfox?”

“Isn’t that a ratfox on the sign?”

Garnedell blinked and hushed Joe quickly, “No! No! Do not say such things…. That is very rude. That is a Karnazel, not a ratfox! Saying such a thing is very… very rude!”

“Oh! OK! I had no intention,” Joe glanced around quickly but found no one really noticing his faux pas, allowing a relieved sigh to escape, “Sorry! I didn’t mean that… just… yeah… my mistake.”

Garnedell smiled, “I’m not offended. I’m not a Karnazel… but… be cautious when you meet one.”

“Of course!” Joe glanced at the sign before shaking his head slightly and heading into the main dining area. Man… really sucks for them… I really hope that’s badly drawn because… wow…

Joe came in to find the siblings sitting at a table with Kukurnal and waved towards them. He was a bit annoyed as he had hoped to be able to shower… er, towel bathe… before the meal. He was quite icky from the sweat and decided that he would be a bit rude and take a quick bath.

“Hey guys! Glad you’re here. Hey… mind if I take a quick bath? I feel… very unpleasant.”

Kukurnal seemed about ready say something but the siblings both agreed amiably and too quickly for the priest to interject and Joe turned away, glancing at Garnedell as he left.

“You want a bath, too, Garnedell? Or do you want to hang out down here with everyone?”

“Uh… I will…,” Garnedell stopped himself quickly and looked at Joe with a considering look. Huh? Why… oh! Maybe he thinks this is some kind of test! Ha!

“Is it OK if I stay with them?”

“Of course. It doesn’t matter when you take the bath.”

“I will take it… after?” Garnedell’s strong statement faltered and shifted to a question towards the end but Joe took it as his choice and not a request.

“OK! I’ll be right back down. Enjoy the company!”

Joe turned and dashed to the room, rushing to wash up quickly so as to not leave his guests waiting long. After a quick fifteen minute unsatisfactory bath, Joe headed back downstairs with hair still wet to join the group as they sat around the table. Huh! I’m taking another long leisurely towel bath after this!

The meals were long chosen and Joe took little time in choosing his and soon the odd group was enjoying their meal and conversation. Joe jumped in with questions first, not really wanting to give Kukurnal a chance to get things derailed as he had another half a dozen quick questions.

“So, today… What happened at the temple court when you guys all got squished to the ground? What’s ‘Presence?’ And what does ‘Blind’ mean, since that seems to have something to do with ‘Presence.’”

The siblings and Kukurnal actually looked at Joe with open shock with even Garnedell seeming a bit surprised, although he replied quickly, seemingly used to Joe’s lack of knowledge, “It is the Presence of a person. A Blind person cannot see or feel it.”

“They cannot see or feel it? What does that mean?”

“A person who is Blind cannot empower or grow, so they cannot…”

“They can’t level?”

“No, they cannot.”

“Not at all?”


“Huh… so then, Presence?”

“Right… the Blind cannot grow… level… so they cannot build or use Presence. They also cannot feel or be affected by another’s Presence as well, but they are effectively cripples. Presence comes from empow… uh leveling. People who have high levels have a very strong Presence. Your Presence is very, very high, that is why the mercenary’s Presence did not affect you.”

“But a person with a higher Presence would still feel a lower person’s Presence if they are using their Presence, right?”

“Of course,” Garnedell replied quickly!

Joe didn’t reply, but considered carefully in silence. Huh… I felt nothing, so… am I Blind? But I can level just fine, so… Hm… don’t really want to reveal that to Kukurnal… maybe talk about it with Garnedell tonight back at the room.

Kukurnal and the siblings were openly gawking at Joe while Garnedell stared with a bit more reserve. Joe recognized their shock and quickly interjected, “Teaching Garnedell is now one of my responsibilities. One of the best ways of teaching is asking such questions!”

Joe glanced quickly at Garnedell as he said this and Garnedell nodded subtly, taking the hint while the siblings and Kukurnal quickly accepted Joe’s statement, understanding sweeping away confusion. Maybe this is something too out there? Even if I am from another world? They seem… hmm… they seem to accept the idea of multiple worlds. Another question? Maybe for Garnedell if it’s so accepted they’ll be surprised if I don’t know it…

“A couple more questions then you can take over, OK Kukurnal?”

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