But for a Slime

090.6 - A Resolution of Criminality

Gwenvair breathed a bit heavily, “And my wind magician skills.”

Joe smiled, “Yeah. You can do those now. Put it on your bolt skill and your bolt skill will start leveling up.”

“A growth skill wind bolt!”


“How do I do it?”

Joe replied quickly, “Just say, ‘Apply the sword ‘char:’ skill to my bolt skill.’”

Gwenvair did exactly that, “Apply the sword ‘char:’ skill to my bolt skill.”

Blue panel popped up in front of her and she turned to look at Joe with expectant excitement. Joe smiled and leaned over to read the window and then nodded.

‘Char:’ skill moved from sword skill to bolt skill.

“Yup. Nice job. It worked.”

Gwenvair's excitement turned manic as she began shivering in utter unconstrained exhilaration. Joe said nothing, but her glee was quite over the top and he grew concerned. He watched for a bit, however, and quickly realized she was just over the moon so he calmed down and allowed his own pleasure to sweep over him. Nice. Well… glad I could give a bit back.

He then looked at the other three, calling all of them back over. Garnedell and Kilniara came back with grins, happy enough but Zilnek seemed to showed a tinge of deep jealousy and Joe struggled to keep the smile on his face seeing Zilnek upset. So… not just the criminal job affecting him? Maybe a bit of his own… issues. Let’s talk… maybe talk to Garnedell a bit more. He seems to understand a bit… ask Kilniara as well? Or… maybe it’s just a bit of residual things … is there something like that? Hm… let’s keep an eye out for a bit. Joe stifled his sigh and left it at that, standing and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

“Right. Let’s head out. I’m hungry.”

The others quickly leapt to their feet, following after, but remaining huddled together in a group of four while all whispered excitedly under their breath. When they got to the safe zone, Gwenvair quickly hushed them all, and they pretended to be their normal selves quite poorly and Joe smirked a bit, although he added it to a possible necessary conversation for this evening to figure out what was going on.

Too hungry. Let’s go eat!

* * *

Gwenvair followed after Joe in a daze of manic delight and stunned awe. Some moments had her silent in shock while others had her busily and gleefully speaking in hurried whispered conversations with Kilniara. She remembered none of the conversations, and later would reproach herself quite firmly for failing her sister, but the gift Joe had given her today was beyond anything she could ever hope to believe. I must… I will repay him! He…

Gwenvair’s thoughts skittered like water on a heated pan, and the moments of the day seemed to skip in lurching experiences with the intervening moments lost from memory. One moment they were climbing the stairs of the dungeon, the next suddenly eating at one of the guilds, although she wasn’t certain which one. Suddenly, they were wandering the streets again, the boys lost and Kilniara leading them both in enjoying the afternoon. This continued throughout the day, her mind unable to quite grasp the moments as her thoughts were simply too disjointed.

Sometime through the afternoon, the boys had left to occupy themselves and while Gwenvair could not remember the moment for the life of her although she distinctly remembered the two guys heading out on the evening and being told to meet back at their normal inn. Kilniara and Joe spent most of the time in intimate conversation and while Gwenvair seemed to remember the conversation and joined in as well, she also couldn’t remember any of the details. When evening came on, Joe led them towards the inn and when they arrived, Gwenvair quickly came to focus, realizing where they were going and what they were doing. She snapped to and looked over at Kilniara. She immediately understood and nodded and Gwenvair turned to Joe to speak.

“Joe, could we please go back to the villa in the inner city? I must speak with my mother tonight.”

Joe looked at Gwenvair, confused, “We could drop you off at the inner cit…”

Kilniara placed a hand on his arm and shook her head, “Could we go to the villa?”

Joe frowned, “The guys won’t know we will be there.”

Kilniara paused at that then spoke, “Let them sleep here. Just leave a message for them to sleep here? We can sleep there and meet them here in the morning?”

Joe considered and nodded, “Sure. Let’s meet them here for breakfast.”

Gwenvair noticed Kilniara’s upset and she stifled a smile. Clan food… Gwenvair blinked in surprise when Joe seemed to notice as well and looked at the two of them with a raised eyebrow.

“Wouldn’t really be fair if we got good food and they didn’t.”

Kilniara whined a bit, “Then tell them to meet us at the villa.”

Joe frowned, “How will they get through the inner city and inner clan gate? Would the guards there know them and know to let them through?”

Kilniara sighed and looked away, “Yeah…”

Joe chuckled, “If it’s only food, then I would rather stay at the inn because, like I said, it’s not going to be fair to the bo…”

Kilniara looked back up at Joe and shook her head, “No. It’s not about the food. I … I don’t want Gwenvair to travel the city alone either at night or in the morning.”

Joe frowned at that the nodded softly, “I … can understand. OK. Let me tell the innkeeper.”

Joe left to speak with the innkeeper and while they were thinking, Kilnaira turned to her and hugged her.

“Thank you,” she said with relieved sincerity.

Kilniara smiled, “No. Thank you. I … I don’t know if I can sleep tonight.”

Gwenvair smiled, “We will help you. Do not fear.”

Kilniara looked at Gwenvair, thoughtful, “You must speak of your… new skill?”

Gwenvair felt excitement hit her and she quickly nodded, “Yes. Immediately!”

Kilniara smiled and asked with a mixture of certainty and questioning, “It’s big?”

Gwenvair breathed deeply then leaned forward and whispered very softly, “The Heroes!”

Kilniara looked at Gwenvair and her faced paled. Gwenvair nodded softly with a soft and proud smile. Kilniara’s pale face quickly flushed red and her smile grew as she grabbed her hands and began to bounce in excitement. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly snapped it shut again even as her excitement grew some more.

Kilniara then spoke, finally, “Then… me, too.”

Gwenvair laughed, “If you want! Or… crafting.”

Kilniara grew confused a bit then dropped her jaw as she realized what Gwenvair was saying, “I don’t know. I don’t know… which one… I don’t know!”

Joe had returned at that point and looked at Kilniara, “Which one what?”

“I don’t know… which path to choose?”

“For jobs?”

Kilniara quickly nodded then leaned in to whisper softly, “And for… growth.”

Joe grew confused, “Well… with the way this system, is set up, anything you want.”


Joe smiled, “Sure.”

Gwenvair turned to look at Kilniara who also was staring into her eyes, and they quickly leapt into each others’ arms with a squeal of excited joy. Gwenvair was still rather shocked by Kilniara’s over the top physicality, but she found herself gaining ever more enjoyment as she hugged and reveled in her joy with her. There was a freedom to it that Gwenvair didn’t realize that she enjoyed. True, she reflected Kilniara’s joy and physicality so as not to embarrass her as well as to join in her joy. It was always wise to be happy or sad with another, but the freedom to act and hug was… relieving and exciting. She’d never hugged anyone so much in her entire life.

Joe laughed to see them and Kilniara pulled back in shy embarrassment, but Gwenvair looked up at Joe with grateful and understanding eyes. Joe’s smile grew and the two nodded at each other until Kilniara overcame her embarrassment and rushed to the other side of Joe to wrap his arm in hers. Gwenvair withheld her grateful sigh. Always thinking of me. She stepped forward and slid into Kilniara’s side, wishing to offer her support. She wrapped her arm around Kilniara’s side and Kilniara leaned over to put her head on Gwenvair’s shoulder.

“Thank you,” Kilniara whispered and Gwenvair glanced over, smiling happily.

“Always. Always.”

They all headed down the street towards the inner city gate, falling into an easy conversation between all three.

And while Gwenvair had returned to the moment for a time, interjecting into the conversation for a bit, her mind began racing with the implications once again over her new path to power. Soon, Kilniara was carrying most of the conversation while Gwenvair could barely offer much of a conversation with Joe. Her simple yes and no’s were enough to give her privacy and time to burrow into her thoughts but she could never seem to come to an adequate conclusion and found herself driven to seek out her mother. Really need someone who will truly understand the ramifications… options… what I should do next!

When they made the villa, Kilniara and Joe headed in, but Gwenvair quickly sped towards her mother. As she was leaving, she paused and looked back at Joe before sighing deeply and callingout.

“Joe. May I speak with you quickly?”

Joe paused and looked back at her before turning to Kilniara, “Give me a moment?”

Kilniara smiled happily and nodded then headed into the villa. Joe walked back and stopped before Gwenvair.

“What is above?”

What is… Gwenvair blinked in surprise at the strange saying but quickly dismissed it, turning to her topic with a nervous sigh, “I wanted to speak to you about your request for a six member party.”

“Oh. Right. When is your partier returning? That would be amazing for us.”

Gwenvair frowned, grimacing a bit. Joe noticed and his excitement fell as Gwenvair explained.

“Our partier … he was capable of six member parties, but he was very, very old. His growth was quite extreme due to his age. We… hope his children will soon be as accomplished as he, but… we do not have a partier capable of such.”

“Why didn’t you… oh,” Joe interrupted with some understanding, “It is a strength of your clan.”

Gwenvair sighed with a grimace, “Yes.”

“And image must be maintained.”

Gwenvair’s grimace turned bitter and Joe smiled with his own bitterness, “I’m sorry. I’ll keep it to myself. No one will know.”

Gwenvair’s face cleared with relief and she nodded, “Thank you, Joe.”

She threw her arms around Joe in a quick hug before turning to leave, too excited to stay longer, “Bye! I’ll return for supper shortly!”

Joe seemed surprised but waved her off, “Go have fun!”

Kilniara noticed the conversation ending and called out to Gwenvair, “Bye!”

Gwenvair smiled and yelled back, “You, as well, Kilniara.”

Kilniara’s smile softened with contentment and she nodded with understanding, “It’s OK. I’ll take care of things.”

This gave Gwenvair pause and she turned back, “I’ll be back before tonight, Kilniara. I promise. You won’t be alone.”

Kilniara’s brilliant smile immediately shattered, courage eaten brittle by raw fear shining through her eyes, “I… thank you.”

Gwenvair rushed back and hugged her, “No… thank you. I will not fail you. I promise. I’ll be back soon… quickly.”

Kilniara drew a shuddering breath, wiping away tears as she pushed Gwenvair away, “Go. Go speak to your mother!”

Gwenvair laughed and allowed herself to be pushed and Kilniara released a truly free giggle. With that, she knew that she was fine and turned to leave. But… still coming back soon!

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