But for a Slime

092.5 - Revenge's Trap

“My people learned this a long time ago although there are some clans amongst my plane who still fight to this day, committing horrible acts in revenge against another clan for thousands of years or even longer. Revenge is not good. It is evil and creates a legacy of evil. It creates many angry families as well as destroys many families as the two or three seeking revenge against one another become obsessed with one another and spiral into generation after generation of revenge. Soon, the families are locked together almost as tightly as loved ones, but with bonds of hatred taught to children even from birth; a hatred that destroys their peace and freedom as the hatred is nurtured and ultimately controls them, and they become obsessed in their own hatred, passing it to their children.

“This is why my people do not allow revenge. It is evil. And each action taken by a person is seen individually. Yes, they should not be taken in isolation, and we do account for that, but we believe, even with previous circumstances, actions taken are still only mitigated, not removed. Harming another with evil intent is evil. Period. That evil intent is what makes any action you take evil. And revenge is, by definition, the desire to cause evil against another. That. Is. Evil. Intent. There is no other explanation or defense.”

Gwenvair stared at Joe, eyes wide, “Then… how…”

Joe nodded, “I bow to the laws of the land. Punishment is the right of rulers, not individuals.”

Gwenvair’s face soured at that, “And if rulers fail.”

Joe chuckled, “My clan has a law. A command. If our rulers fail, we are commanded to destroy our rulers, remove them from their power, punish them, and replace them with appropriate rulers.”

Her grimace immediately turned to wide eyed open mouthed shock and Joe chuckled, “We are not fools. We understand evil exists and evil people exists. We will not tolerate such people. But, that being said, we do not believe we should become evil to fight evil. We must use our power righteously or our power is nothing more than support for evil already taken root within us.”

Gwenvair grew thoughtful and looked to Kilniara. Both were silent before Kilniara finally looked at Joe.

“Then… nothing should be done against the breeder?”

Joe frowned and shook his head, “The leadership of this clan better punish the breeder appropriately according to the laws of the city or clan. I should not do so because I am not the leader of the city. It is not my place.”

Kilniara relaxed even as Gwenvair nodded with a thoughtful smile, “Then, he should be punished according to clan law.”

“Hmm… is clan law different for those within the clan versus those without the clan?”

“Of course. Clan members are held to higher standard.”

Joe nodded, “Then the breeder should be punished as normally as he would be punished. Pretend I am not involved and that you simply caught a breeder. What would you do?”

Gwenvair blinked at that, “If he was a known breeder, he would be immediately put to death.”

Joe nodded, “If that is your law, then that is what should be done.”

“Then why don’t you just kill him?”

Joe quirked a head, “As I said before, it is not wise or appropriate. If I kill him, any of his family will see me doing so and grow angry with me. If he is killed by the law and put to death by the command of a clan, especially if he is killed in punishment humanely and without torture or spectacle, any family will see nothing but punishment brought against a criminal by a system, not a person. It will not be personal, but clinical, robotic… uh… a pure consequence of foolish action. Or…well… it should… that’s the intent.”

Gwenvair began to nod at that, “That… may work within a city, but between clans…”

Joe grimaced, “Yeah. Politics. When differing law systems become involved, then the law should be carried out appropriate to the place where it occurred. Of course, if it’s someone important from another clan, it often becomes… very complicated. Often, my people demanded their own clan to punish the offender appropriately, but it is not… perfect. But, as long as the law is applied equally to all people within the system, it seems to work… alright. But… it has to be applied equally to all. And… well… there are always issues with corruption, wealth, special favors… lots of things. So, despite what we try… yeah. There’s always a fight against corruption.”

Gwenvair nodded with a shrug, “That is a problem with any system.”

Joe nodded and smirked, “Yup. The system is perfect. The only problem are the people!”

Gwenvair stared at Joe, then her eyes widened as she gasped, then chuckled with shocked affront, “Joe! That… that is… so… that’s bad!”

“But right?”

Gwenvair looked at him and smirked, shaking her head, “You… it is right… but it is… so … bad!”

Joe chuckled, “Now, I have explained myself and my position. I hope I have shown you the wisdom of my people. Please, explain to me what is expected in this situation. It is difficult for me to appropriately consider an action because I don’t understand… everything that is happening.

“Personally, I would love to see the man dead in the most foul and painful way possible, but that is my anger and hatred speaking. This is why my people do not allow revenge. But, the right thing, for my people, is allow the punishment to be decided and given by the correct people charged with such duties. In fact,” Joe continued with raised eyebrows as the thought struck him, “We do not allow any judge or worker who is personally involved with the … event to be involved or part of the work to seek out proof and ultimately punish the individual if proof is adequately shown.”

Gwenvair looked at Joe with narrowed eyes, “What punishment would you desire?”

Joe grunted and grimaced, “Have his genitals ripped from his body then heal him and do so again a few dozen times. While he’s enjoying that, find a deviant goblin and allow him the joy of experiencing breeding himself. Granted, he only has his butthole to offer, but hopefully the goblin is not too picky.”

Gwenvair paled at Joe’s statements and gulped, “This… is the punishment you desire?”

Joe sighed and waved a hand, “People desire many things. Often that desire is not… a good desire. We learn to temper it. What I want is for the laws of the land to be enacted against the breeder without corruption or favoritism, for or against the breeder. He will stand a fair trial and be punished fairly for his crime.”

Gwenvair knit her eyebrows, “Then, why did you speak… of … “

Joe quirked an eyebrow, “That is my anger… my rage speaking. You do not sometimes seek… inappropriate things?”

Gwenvair flushed red and sat back. She took a few moments to gather herself to speak, “We do not… speak of them.”

Joe nodded, then shrugged, “I can understand that. I believe honest truth both to self and others is… a better … wiser choice. If they cannot handle it, I do not speak of it to others. But if I lie to myself, then I am only setting myself up for disaster in the future. I must know and understand my own rage and hate if I am going to learn to control and crush it.”

“You don’t seem… angry?”

Joe laughed bitterly, “I’m hiding it… very well.”

Gwenvair nodded, she opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again. A few moments passed before she nodded and continued, “Then you seek fair trial.”

Joe nodded, then paused, “Is that the correct action… the normal action the city officials would take?”

Gwenvair nodded, “Yes, although likely it will be quick and efficient.”

Joe nodded with a sigh, “Better than my people. Some of our officials could take years!”

Gwenvair grimaced, “I… yes. I believe every clan has some like that.”

Joe broke out in soft laughter and nodded, “Yeah… I bet they do.”

The two fell silent and then Joe sighed deeply, continuing, “But you still haven’t explained … all this. Why are you speaking to me of this?”

Gwenvair nodded, squaring her shoulders, “As an Eccentric guest who has been wronged, you have first charge against the criminal.”

Joe frowned, “Not… the women or all the families of the women… not Kilniara?”

“You are the most powerful.”

Joe blinked at that, “So?”

Gwenvair frowned but explained, “So you are allowed first choice… first action.”

Joe schooled his face but struggled with the special privilege while also seeking how to respond. His struggle continued for some time before he simply decided to accept it politely.

Joe nodded, “I understand, but what does that mean in this situation.”

“You decide.”

“The normal criminal process?”

“Yes,” Gwenvair nodded quickly.

“OK. But in choosing this… is this… wise? Good?”

Gwenvair sighed, “There are… complications.”

Joe nodded, “Right. Pretend I’m a ‘normal’ eccentric. What is likely to have happened?”

Gwenvair smiled at that, “You would have stormed to my mother, demanded the criminal despite our need of him still, and taken him with you. You may have tortured him for the night, but at the height of day tomorrow… most likely tomorrow, you would have made a spectacle of his torture and death in a city square somewhere here as a warning against others to leave you and yours alone.”

“Huh. About as… brutal as I thought. So if I don’t do it, then the people will think I am weak?”

Gwenvair cocked her head at that, then shook her head, “No… not… no… no. You are an eccentric. Eccentrics are strange.”

Joe chuckled at that, “Well… finally, something useful out of the name. But… then what problems might there be… problems, harms, issues… anything, especially for all of us and your clan, if I go the normal lawful way.”

Gwenvair thought on it for a bit before shaking her head, “None that I can think of. Some may believe you are an easy mark for other actions, but no meaningful consequence.”

Joe frowned, “What does being an easy mark mean? Will people seek to harm me or you?”

Gwenvair immediately shook her head again, “No, not in such a way. But they may think you are too kind or… it may be possible to take your wealth easily. They may see you as gullible.”

Joe laughed at that and shook his head, “I am not… well… I hope I’m not gullible at all. I may be trusting, and… that might get me in trouble. But I am not gullible.”

Gwenvair nodded, “Then you are satisfied?”

Joe shrugged, “Sure. That seems… oh, wait. What about for you guys? How will this affect you guys? Will they seek to harm or kidnap you again?”

Gwenvair paused but answered pretty quickly, “I think not. Your rapid freeing of her and the power you showed … no one will seek to harm any of your apprentices.”

Joe felt relieved and nodded happily, “OK. That’s good then. That’s about the only thing I’m worried about.”

Gwenvair nodded, then paused uncertainly, glancing towards Kilniara once or twice before staring at Joe. The moment stretched enough to grow a bit awkward and Joe quickly noticed Gwenvair’s uncertainty.

“What? Just tell me.”

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