But for a Slime

093.5 - Ostracization

He continued, shaking his head to clear his melancholy, “But these deaths were taken and given to offer a people true freedom, as true as is possible. And to have freedom, there must be laws, laws that are inviolate. These laws of my people are laws that are taken by the people as a burden so that we may offer them to others in our own sacrifice. We call them the bill of rights, and they are simple. Amongst these rights that all people are gifted is the right to life and fair trial. There are many others, but I will not speak of them today.

“That said, we do not believe it is right to take the life of another in vengeance, hatred, rage, or anger. We do not have the right to judge the guilt of another and punish them as we see fit simply because of our own anger and vengeance. Only judges may do so, chosen carefully with wisdom to wisely and cautiously judge the innocent and the guilty. I am no judge. I have not been tasked to judge. No leader has given me authority to judge. And, even if I were given such authority, my people would consider it evil for me to judge this man as I have a personal vendetta against him. To judge him when I have such personal hatred and rage against him would only taint any attempt at justice.

“So… I struggled… deeply, how I may honor you, the people of Coushar, while still honoring my own people’s beliefs and convictions. So, as I live amongst your people and have been called upon to execute judgment according to your ways, I will attempt to do so but will do so tempered by the wisdom of my people. So hear my judgment.

“Kallanon, charged and convicted with dozens and dozens… even hundreds of counts of breeding… forcibly causing sexual intercourse upon another against their will, you are judged. Your judgment is as follows.

“You have chosen to abuse the community you are a part of. You have chosen to abuse the families and people’s here. You enjoy freedom. You walk the streets freely and without concern. You enjoy the freedom and safety of walking these streets because of the hard work of the soldiers and guards who protect this city and offer this city protection, safety, and freedom. Yet, you stole that freedom and safety from the soldiers’ families; their wives and daughters.

“You enjoy a home, cobbled streets, clothing, and many crafts, offered to you by the hard work and effort of the crafters and builders of this city, yet you took their work and corrupted it, capturing the crafters’ and builder’s wives and daughters using their own tools to breed and kill … for your own selfishness.”

Joe’s calmness began to erode, his rage, hurt, and anger quietly surfacing as he spoke. Kukurnal looked out over the mesmerized crowd then returned his gaze to Joe as he continued, “You enjoy your food, water, and wealth, offered to you by the farmers, bakers, cooks, and butchers of this city. Yet you took their daughters and wives and butchered them under the cruel claws and vile handiwork of goblins and monsters.

“You enjoy the wealth and safety of a city enriched by bankers, shop owners, blacksmiths, and traders who travel far and wide over dangerous territory to bring all the wealth to you, while you lounge in safety within your own home. Yet, you betray them, taking their wives and daughters to be left destitute, naked, under the cruel care of beasts.

“The city gave to you good, to offer it to you for your growth and good, hoping only that you would return what little you are capable of, so that we, as a city, may grow to become more than the sum of the people here; to be greater, more than individuals without concern for one another. To be a city that grows greater for we can trust one another to that greatness!

“You repaid that goodness with a selfishness so evil… so vile, it is repugnant. You reject this community and desire only your own gain. So, hear your punishment.

“You do not wish to return to the people what the people have given to you, then you will not enjoy anything from the people. You do not wish to respect the bankers, blacksmiths, or tailors? Then you shall receive no trade, wealth, or benefit from any bankers or traders. You are rejected from all traders, bankers, and shops! You must seek your own items and wealth; you must create your own weapons, armor, and clothing.

“You do not respect the farmers, bakers, and cooks? You will receive no succor, no food from any. You must find your own food, grow your own food, and create your own food. You will find none from any farmer or chef!

“You do not respect the crafters and builders of the city? You will find none to offer you hearth or home. You wish for a home? You wish for a building, roads, or wells? You must build your own as you do not wish to live peaceably and well with others.

“You do not wish to respect the work the soldiers and guards have done to offer you safety, then you will no longer benefit from such safety. You will receive no safety or protection from any soldier nor any guard. You are rejected. Your safety is your responsibility. Your safety is yours and yours alone. No longer shall you receive the safety of any city, village, or town. No longer shall you receive the safety of any guard or soldier.

“You are outcast. Seek your struggling existence in the wilds, alone, your protection, sustenance, clothing, and home only yours to create, protect, and maintain. You are rejected.

“To make certain this is carried out, I will send criers to every major city on this plane and to every village and town within the near territories with a painting of your face, my gift to each city, town, and village. This painting will grace the center of every city so all may know you on sight. You will be alone. You are alone. You have no protection, no home, no belongings, no family, no friends; you will have nothing.”

Joe paused at that, having ignored the breeder the entire time, simply speaking with calm assurance in a booming voice that reached across the crowd so all could easily hear him. Now, however, he turned to the breeder, but still spoke loudly enough for all to hear.

“Now, Kallanon. Flee! Flee the city immediately as if the very hounds of Hel nip at your heels. Flee before the guards, soldiers, bakers, bankers, blacksmiths, and tailors begin to wonder if their missing daughter… their missing wife may have been missing because of your evil. Flee to the wilderness and never seek out another home amongst people ever again. Flee to the wilds and live amongst your kind! Live amongst the monsters!”

Joe thundered the final statements, his rage twisting his face as he stared down upon the man and Kukurnal could feel the stuttering waves of Joe’s Presence as he struggled to keep it under control. The breeder stared up at Joe foolishly, terror and uncertainty in equal measure freezing him to the spot, and when Joe saw the man still had not moved, he screamed.

“Flee! Now!” then his voice dropped to a raging growl, deep and gruff, “Or I will seek you out myself!”

A soldier stepped up behind the breeder and ripped the bindings from his arms and legs, quite unkindly. The breeder leapt to his feet with a howl and fled the stage, his feet slapping the ground so rapidly it almost sounded like clapping hands as he screamed in fear and leapt from the stage. Joe’s presence twisted, mana coruscating into the very air itself even as his Presence did something Kukurnal could not understand nor comprehend. Mana swirled into a storm and came crashing down, a great swelling of mana felt within the very environment, if unseen and known. Mana washed across Kukurnal’s skin and he shuddered. Something… He blinked and turned back to watch the criminal flee.

The crowd had listened, and Kukurnal turned to see half the crowd riled in righteous fury and half the crowd enraged, staring after the breeder as he fled the city. The crowd that stared up at Joe began roaring, shouting in righteous angry approval. With that, those that had obviously lost wives and children looked back at Joe with that cry, soon joining in it themselves. There were a few, however, who slipped from the crowd with murderous intent, sliding into alleyways and streets to follow after the breeder.

Joe, however, seemed to notice this and raised his arm. The crowd quickly quieted and Joe spoke out with powerful authority once again.

“He no longer has any protection from any, but allow him to flee to the wilderness. He will live in terror and fear as the beasts and monsters of the wild terrorize him, then kill him. If he returns, his life is forfeit.”

The quieted crowds roared even louder at this, the rage of the people terrifying to behold and Kukurnal turned back to Joe, his eyes slightly wide but his breathing very rapid. The power of the people! Kukurnal’s thoughts quickly returned to the many conversations with Joe, remembering how he avidly defended the strength of a clan resting in its people.

The priest of Baldur standing beside him whispered quietly to himself, “… That… mercy and terror… in one!”

Kukurnal said nothing.

* * *

Kallanon, criminal breeder and cursed by an eccentric, fled from the square and into the streets. The eccentric had banished him from all civilization and he quailed in fear before such a punishment. The eccentric was right; he would not live long. As he fled through the streets, he turned towards a friend’s home, seeking him out. He could not stay long, nor would he do so, but some small coin or a pack of food would help him possibly flee further than the eccentric’s reach, although given the man’s power, he feared his reach would be long. If not past his reach… at least past where he cares…

He came upon his friend’s house and pounded on the door, but nothing happened. Empty? Gone… probably… out to see my death. He kept his bitterness low, but still felt a twinge swell within. Since no one was home, he quickly reached up and pulled open the door before quickly stepping inside to ransack the man’s kitchen and gra…

Kallanon blinked, staring into the home but unable to enter. A wall pressed against him, blocking his entrance. His shocked turned to dumbfounded dismay. He pushed on in once again and… found himself still outside the door. Panic welled up and he slammed into the entrance way again and again, but felt nothing. He simply did not enter. He could not enter.

Kallanon stepped back in fear now, panic quickly overwhelmed by terror as he struggled to understand what the eccentric had done to him. His eyes flickered around and found another door, ripping it open but also finding himself unable to enter. Kallanon found himself running around the small cul de sac opening doors and attempting to enter. After his fourth or fifth door, one of them proved occupied and Kallanon quickly stepped back.

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